高管第二章 ma0a0101 翁暐涵 ma0a0104 吳佳津 2.2a- What is a strategy map? Answer: Strategy map is a logical and comprehensive architecture for describing strategy. A strategy map specifies the critical elements and their linkages for an organization's strategy. 2.2b- According to Kaplan and Norton, what are the two basic approaches to increasing economic value? Answer: 1. A revenue growth strategy. 2. A productivity strategy. 2.3 Describe the five principles of a Strategy-Focused Organization. Answer: 1.Principle #1-Translate the Strategy to Operational Terms 1-1.Strategy Maps 1-2.Balanced Scorecards 2. Principle #2- Align the Organization to the Strategy 2-1. Corporate Role 2-2.Business Unit Synergies 2-3.Support Unit Synergies 3. Principle #3- Make Strategy Everyone's Job 3-1.Strategic awareness 3-2. Personal Scorecard 3-3.Balanced Paychecks 4. Principle #4- Make Strategy A Continual Process 4-1.Link Budgets & Strategy 4-2.Strategic Learning 4-3.Analytical & Information Systems 5. Principle #5- Mobilize Change through Executive Leadership 5-1.Mobilization 5-2.Governance Process 5-3.Strategic Management