Complaint Letter: Faulty Mosquito Lamp & Bad Service

四應英二乙 49770109 洪淑玲
A Complaint Letter
Dear Service Manager,
On 23 March, I bought a mosquito lamp in your hardware store. I am so
disappointed because your service was not as good as it should have been.
I tried to use it last night, but it did not work well. I also heard a loud noise
coming from a tube. I thought a tube was broken. I replaced a new one, but it
still did not work. I stopped and phoned the breakdown service. He asked me
not to use it again with a bad attitude.
To resolve the problem I require you to either replace the faulty product or
refund my money. In addition, I need an apology for your bad service.
According to the consumer protection law, my rights and interests are protected.
You should repair my broken product within a period of one week of being
contacted by customers.
I look forward to hearing from you. I will wait until one week before seeking
advice from my solicitor. I should be very grateful is you could contact me at
the above address or by phone.
Yours sincerely,