Group:___21_____ Group members:________ Target Culture:______ _____

Group members:________ 施妙樺.黃政緯___________
Target Culture:______ _____法國_________________
Interview questions
Background information:
1. What is your name? Ibrahim Dahalan What is the meaning of your name? I
don’t know.
2. Where do you come from? Marseille, France.
3. For how long have you stayed in Taiwan? Almost one year.
4. What is your gender? man
5. What subject do you study here? Department of Translation
I. Objective culture
1. Could you tell us some important features of your culture?
a. Where is your country? Marseille What natural resources do you have? It is
located on the southeast coast of France, Marseille is France's largest city
on the Mediterranean coast and largest commercial port.Who are the
people making up the population? Marseille is consisted of Tunisians and
b. What is the staple food in your country? Pastis,Fougasse,Aïoli,and
Bouillabaisse Do you have any special table manners? Most important of all,
Wine glasses should be filled up to five millimeters from the brim.
Wine is provided with every meal and the glasses are filled three-quarters of
the way. What agricultural produce do you have in your country? vintage
c. How is the weather like in your country? mostly dry summers
d. What kinds of clothes do people wear to work or to school?convenient What do
people wear at home? What do people wear to formal events? Dacing party,
wedding ,and family dine together Do you have any traditional costumes in your
country? Yes When do you wear those traditional costumes? Some festival
e. What are the most famous landmarks, historical sites, tourist attractions, or
architectures tourists must visit? The Old Port ,The Phare de Sainte Marie,and
La Vieille Charité in the Panier
f. What does the typical house look like? Its architectural style was comparable
and classical. Is it expensive to buy a house or an apartment? A little bit here.
When do young people leave home? Mostly at college. Do young adults live with
their parents? Most work outside.
g. How do people get to work? railway, bus, and trolleybus
h. What is the most popular sport in your country? Sailing and foot ball.
you play it? Ya of course.
i. Who are the most famous writers in your country? Antonin Artaud What
stories have you read? none
j. Who is the most famous (your favorite) singer in your country? Jean Baptiste
Maunier What is his/her most famous song about? concerto pour deux voix
2. Regarding the items mentioned in question 1, what differences do you find
between your culture and Taiwanese culture?
There are so many Taiwanese foods. Taiwanese are kindly.
II. Subjective Culture
1. Could you tell us the subjective feature of your culture?
a. Time: Is it important to be punctual? Do people always arrive on time? Is it ok to
arrive late? I think is not important. If your care about the time, you could not
survive in France. We seldom on time. It’s alright to be late 10 minutes.
b. Invitation: Is it normal to invite a friend to have dinner at home? Or people meet
in the public places, like restaurants or cafés? Do you need to bring something if
you are invited? I love flowers. I like my friend to have dinner together. We
only have snack time. I don’t need to bring gifts unless the best friend.
c. Greeting: How do people greet each other when they meet? We kiss each other 3
times. Do you shake hands, bow, hug, or kiss? Yeah, I will do that. What do you
say to each other? Salut is hey, Bonjour is how are you.
d. Agreement and disagreement: How do you express agreement or disagreement?
Acceptance or refusal? Our speech and thinking are different. We have French
way style.
e. Directness: Is it polite to be direct? Or do people tend to be indirect? We don’t
like to talk in a roundabout way. If you want to say, just say it.
f. Do people use body language a lot? Yeah, we hold on the hands and use gesture.
Is it polite to touch someone while speaking? It’s impolite to touch.
g. Are there any taboos foreigners must know before visiting your countries? We
don’t use number13 and Black Fri. Don’t take the picture has the spotlight.
Notice that lady first. What do you think are the underlying reasons of those
taboos? We belief Catholicism
2. Regarding the items mentioned in question 2, what differences do you find
between your culture and Taiwanese culture?
III. 就你自己的經驗,對這個訪談活動有何心得感想:
1. 我覺得這個訪談活動有何優點?
2. 我學到什麼新的文化知識?
3. 我學到什麼新的語言或單字?
Fougasse 一直找不到單字的意思,原來這是法國的一種麵包名
4. 我在和外籍學生中運用什麼溝通技巧來理解和表達?
5. 我覺得訪談活動有什麼缺點?
6. 我在尋找國際學生訪談的過程是否有任何困難?