B. The Charm of a Brand

B. The Charm of a Brand
A brand is a name, buzzword, symbol, or design. It’s a mixture of many elements.
The purpose of the mixture is to identify products or service about brands. It makes
consumers know their products and services are different from those of their
competitors. Sellers deliver messages to consumers. These messages have specific
connection with products which show the features, benefits, and service of ventures
and products.
A brand must be powerful and impressive. If not, the brand will be short-lived.
Simply put, brand personality means a brand has its special characteristics. If the
brand owner could create for it a successful personality, then the brand will have a life.
The purpose to have brand personality is to show their customers’ self images and
characteristics of the brand. On the other hand, one of the ways to stress on brand
personality is using things beyond products such as designing a suitable logo (for
brand’s characteristic), sponsoring specific activities (like public welfare), and finding
celebrities to be the brand spokesmen, etc.
An important key in brand strategies is they shouldn’t let shoppers recognize that
the similar types of products are from the same brand. The uniqueness of products
distinguishes a successful brand from others. Brands can focus on special design,
particular material, or individual print on the surface of shoes. That’s the fundamental
way for shoppers to recognize a brand design. When women talk about the famous
brand “Nine West,” many of them will say the brand has plentiful excellent high heels
shoes and that it sells the rainbow shoes – “Macanna.” They are one and only
products of each brand. Customers will never get confused since heir uniqueness
makes the brands to be much more famous than others.
Most shoppers do choose suitable shoes for their personal styles. They don’t take
risk because they’re afraid of spending money on shoes which might let them look
awkward. If brands want to gain more benefits from customers, they must do
something innovative to make clients try something new willingly. To assume that
“pink” is one of the fashion colors this season, we can put pink on a bold pattern
shoes. This product has both sweet and creative styles. It makes the shoppers with
sweet style have a strong desire to buy more creative shoes which they have never
tried before. Therefore, many famous brands always want to be daredevils to try new
styles that customers are getting interested in.
Accordingly, characteristics and influence of a brand enliven products. The
famous brands need to impress customers at the beginning, and let them be familiar
with the products little by little. But unknown brands need to let shoppers remember
their features before they bear the brand in mind. Both of famous or unknown brands
must make their characteristics and influence irreplaceable by their competitors. They
are the keys to operate a great brand to be a successful venture.