B. Print Advertisements

B. Print Advertisements
Advertising is a creative art of promotion. It should be an eye-catcher. Majority
of female shoe counters rely heavily on print advertisements. Because of the variable
pattern, brands choose to advertise in magazines, product catalogs, and direct mail
(DM). Besides, these three kinds of print ads are convenient for passing round for
perusal and of high quality for displaying products exquisitely. In an age of
information explosion, what if the ads don’t have enough power to arrest consumers’
attention. We’ve seen a lot of advertisementS, but few are remembered. A successful
advertisement could give products lives and value, and set a business, create tendency,
and develop economy.
There are two ways to represent products in shoes advertisements. The first
common performance is Celebrities Endorsements in which brands invite celebrities
to endorse their products. Brands use celebrities’ recognition to get more attention
from the public, and to publicize products arouses in customers more desire to
purchase. This means that Celebrities Endorsements is a common way for brands to
communicate with buyers. When celebrities look with favors on endorsed products,
consumers will be of the opinion that the products must be excellent. Therefore,
celebrities are one of the influences on selling. Purchasers want to look as beautiful as
the celebrities. Therefore, brands will combine the characteristics of celebrities and
The second way for representation is empathy, which means to imagine and
share people’s feelings and experiences. If the deeply impressed experience shows in
advertisementS, customers will soon get the thought that “we all have the same
experience.” If an advertisement wants the buyers to have empathy, it must blend with
buyers’ experience to help them identify with the brands. In this case, it would shorten
the distance between the advertised products and what consumers want.
By writing text and visualization, brands could transmit crucial messages and
make the products appealing to customers. The occurring word in print
advertisements is writing text and it can be divided into big catch and body. David
Ogilvy, the father of advertising said “Catch is a telegraphic message to lead one to
read continuously.”1 It has to make people have desire to read on. The context of
body could be long or could be short. It depends on how much information brands
want to give. At first, its language must be explicit without wrong wording or
unconnected meaning. Secondly, use the sentences as brief as possible in case people
feel disfavor of long-winded passage. The lively context would attract more attention
from the crowd and aspire more interest. Wording for advertising has to be graceful,
fluent, and appealing so that people can identify and communicate with readers.
David Ogilvy says that “Catch is a telegraphic message to lead one read
continuously,” was paraphrased in 黃治蘋 (廣告企劃 Step-by-step, January, 2008)
Advertising visualization contains pictures using, typeset, typeface style, letters space,
type square, etc. It also bears clients’ attraction and even strengthens their memory for
this advertisement. Being easy and clear to understand is the essential to hit
everyone’s sense of vision for recognition, comprehension, and memory of the
advertisements. Its purpose is to produce product characteristics to make visual ads
more focused for accomplishing information communication.
The goal of advertisements is to remind customers of products and brands. If the
advertised products are impressive to them, they will connect products and brands, or
even distinguish products from others brands. In an ordinary way, female shoe
counters prefer print advertisements in magazine, product catalog, and direct mail
(DM). These colourful print ads display the features of merchandises and the
atmosphere of brands through excellent advertising performances, writing text, and
visualization. Therefore, when outstanding ads could touch people, they can bring
about a successful promotion to develop market.