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我的論文是跟Computer-assisted 有關,所以我所找到的論文文章和期刊都
跟 CALL 相關,包含英文和中文的文章,其中有一些是期刊的部分。
Collaboration in language learning
M1(Bruce, Peyton, & Baston, 1993; Storch, 1999)suggested SLA research included
many arguments for varied benefits of collaboration among language learners(as
cited Greg & Dawn, 2010). Arnold and Ducate(2006) found that collaborative learning
benefits from the contextn tools and participants of a learning environment.
Swain(1995) suggests that learners engage in meaning construction naturally reflect
upon their language production. Collaboration can occur in varied ways.
We first explore what collaborative learning and cooperative learning mean.
Roschelle and Teasle explain that there is a distinction between collaborative versus
cooperative problem solving. Cooperative work is accomplished by the division of
labor among participants, as an activity while collaboration may be seen as the
mutual engagement of participants in a coordinated effort to solve th problem
together. Oxford(1997) explores, when learners are encouraged to achieve common
learning goals by working together rather than with the teacher and when they
demonstrate that they value and respect each other’s language input. ( Macaro, 1997:
134)Then, the teacher’s role becomes one of facilitating these goals.
(Panitz, 2001) lists the benefits of collaborative learning:
Academic benefits
a. Promoting impirtant thinking skills;
b. Including students actively in the learning process;
c .Reformed classroom results;
d. Computer modelling appropriate student problem-solving techniques;
e. Encouranging students in specific course.
Social benefits
a. Developing a social system for students;
b. Developing better learning communiction
c. Establishing different understanding among student and staff;
Psychological benefits
a. Reducing nervous and anxiety;
b. Leaning positive attitudes towards teachers;(as cited Marie-Noelle & Regin, 2007)
(Banados, 2006; Chenoweth, Ushida, & Murday 2006; Kraemer, 2008; Sanders,
2005; Strambi & Bouvet, 2003). M2Over the last decade, there has been a trend in
foreign language department of offering hybrid or fully online distance learning
course to address problem of overenrollment, lack of classroom, lack of qualified
equipment, and budget reduces.(as cited Paula, Senta and Grace, 2010).
A. Classroom
M1Much evidence show many benefits associated with multimate-assisted
equipments. Increasing more e-teaching equipments are available to learn English.
(Swan, 2004)thinks traditionally, interface design was though in terms of layout, and
use of colors on the screen(as cited Sue & Janet, 2009). M2But now, the equipments
could change rapidly in the class. Because innovation is necessary in our life and
every industry and company.M3 Now, there are many schools have add new
multimate-assisted technology in the classroom or audio classroom.
B. Interactive whiteboard
M1Over the past several decades, technology has come to play an important role in
many areas of education , including second an foreign language instructure. (Hall &
Higgins, 2005; Levy, 2002)indicateed the rapidly increasing use of computer
technology and computer-assisted language learning(CALL) has been argued to make
language teaching and learning more enjoyable, effective, and versatile(as cited Julie
& Fatih, 2010). Website, e-mail, blogs, video, podcasts, and interavtive
whiteboard(IWBs) are expamples of the CALL applications that are now commomly
employed by teachers and students.
C. Music and animation
M1Sound and pictures seem to attract childrent focus on it. This article decribes the
effects of music and animation upon learners in a computer mediated environment.
Robertson, de Quincey, Stapleford, and Wiggins (1998) suggested those studied have
investigated the possible benefits of using music within computer-based learning
environments have reported positive results. Include an investigation into use of
music to creat fear and suspense in learning environment(as cited Sue & Janet, 2009).
Sedighian(1997) suggested they found that students’ learning ws improved due to
increased motivation.
CALL in reading
M1(Jones & Fortescue, 1987) mentioned that there are many possible ways
to approach the pratice of skills and area. We have three main resons for adopting
this approach. First, there is strong history of CALL application being approach in this
manner(as cited Mike & Glenn, 2006). Further examples from books and journal
include chat and syntactical development(Yuan, 2003), multimedia and
vocabulary(Yeh & Wang, 2003), and use and writing (Chikamatsu, 2003).
(Healey, 1999; Ng & Olivier, 1987) Second, we need to bear in mind that
technology s not equally strong in all language skills and areas, and there are some
aspects that are more amenable to umplementation via technology han others. For
example, the computer has always been considered strong in the teching of grammar,
vocabulary, reading, and writing, but less so in listening and speaking.
Third, language teaching noramal advocates an integrated approach to the
language skills, this is not important to best approach all the time; sometimes, if the
students has a particular problem wiches to focus on improving a particular
skill(e.g., academic essay writing). Some of the time, this separated approach for
CALL complements the second point that certain technology and CALL materical lend
themselves better than others to certain language skills.
Reading in English learning sometime is very important, because it’ s a basic
lerning. Now there are more and more teaching through multimate-assisted
system.( Mike Levy, 2006) mentinoed reading through computer has been thought to
have benefits associated with it; namely, wide access to authentic material instantly
through the Internet. There are, however, a number of concerns that have been
raised about the use of the Internet, including the difficulty in locating appropriate
material due not only to the amount od information available, but also to the varying
levels of appropriateness, linguistically and socially. Through hypertext, learners click
on links while reading to find information about certain words without the need to
stop the resding completely to look up unknown items in a dictionary.