Bickering In-Depth: Rethinking the Composition of Competing Security Systems

Bickering In-Depth:
Rethinking the Composition of
Competing Security Systems
Patrick McDaniel,
Sean W. Smith,
Speaker :Chia-Yi, Cho
Date :2010/05/26
About defense in-depth
Protection or Protectionism?
Turn Off Your Firewall
Security Conflict Scenarios
An Initial Exploration
Approach:Secure Negotiation
Other Work
• Avast array of security software exists, and
because most of it addresses only relatively
small facets of information security, it remains
unclear how users should compose such
software to achieve a reasonable degree of
protection coverage.
About defense in-depth
• “defense in-depth”
can exacerbate
existing performance
and usability
problems and lead to
an unintentional loss
of security.
Protection or Protectionism? (1/2)
• Computer security software aims to detect, stop, kill,
eliminate, or counterattack malicious code and
unwanted data.
• Because malware has a chance to hit back or evade
detection, so much security software strives to
intercept and control its host as much as possible.
• Users have little choice to install security software
programs:“personal” firewalls, OS firewalls, email
virus scanners, desktop antivirus programs,
antispyware toolbars, various browser plug-ins to
counter phishing and spoofing attacks…
Protection or Protectionism? (2/2)
• We believe that this self-focused view of software
defense can lead to a variety of problems,
including :
A loss in both security efficacy and system
A potentially disastrous fusion of security policies.
Poor management strategies.
• We claim that enabling systems from different
vendors to negotiate resource and measurement
needs can ease or eliminate the problem.
Turn Off Your Firewall (1/2)
• Pasting two or more security mechanisms in
the name of defense-in-depth and having
them interact in unanticipated,
counterproductive, or ultimately insecure
ways doesn’t seem very desirable.
• Hackers seem to worry about the problem of
well-engineered security composition.
Turn Off Your Firewall (2/2)
• Although the security community accepts
defense-in-depth as an entrenched paradigm,
it remains unclear whether we have practical
tools, frameworks, and techniques for
enabling the smooth cooperation of real
security software systems.
• Perhaps manual examination, configuration
tuning, and certification reviews can offer
some assistance, but such an approach
doesn’t seem sustainable or scalable.
Security Conflict Scenarios(1/2)
• A few areas of potential conflict exist:
 Network connectivity can be interrupted due to firewalls
interacting with network address translation, VPNs, other
packet filters, and network management mechanisms.
 Computers are often packed with a variety of software
security agents, the net effect of which is to drastically
impair the machine’s performance.
 the research community has recently advocated using
collaborative security, whereby large, distributed networks
of intrusion sensors and countermeasures share intrusion
alerts, automatically generated infection or malware
signatures, and auto-generated patches.
Security Conflict Scenarios(2/2)
• Software engineering best practices teach
students to distrust input parameters and
function arguments and to check these
parameters for sanity before use.
• In dynamically composed applications, where
we might construct processing pipelines from
many similar components and libraries, much
of this checking is redundant and can
interfere with performance.
An Initial Exploration(1/5)
• We conducted various experiments to help us
understand to what extent software
protection mechanisms clash.
• Security software tends to interfere with other
security software and decrease system
• Windows XP machine: no protection
mechanisms, a moderate number of common
protection measures, and heavy protection.
An Initial Exploration(2/5)
• Our experiments included several benchmarks:
Measuring the time it took to copy a directory from an
external hard drive to the system.
Creating a zipped directory using 7-zip.
Encrypting a file using Gpg4Win.
Copying a directory over the network.
Compiling the Apache HTTP server through Cygwin.
Encoding MP3 files through iTunes.
Booting the system.
Loading the Wachovia homepage.
An Initial Exploration(3/5)
• Runtimes increased on the more protected
• Compiling Apache was particularly : on the
unprotected system it took two minutes-versus
45 minutes for the heavily protected system.
• Although some programs terminate installation
when they find an incompatible program, many
others allow installation to continue, thereby
exposing the user to the claimed conflicts.
An Initial Exploration(4/5)
CA Internet Security: but
Dr. Web : the system
• Ranging from the “blue screen
to AV
crashed with a blue
and restarting,
the a
screen of death related
to dwprot.sys.
• Installing CA Internet Security but after
installing Clam AV and restarting, the machine
lost network connectivity.
PC Tools AntiVirus: led to a
message saying that Webroot
installation was corrupt. PC Tools
then issued another error message
and shut down. Subsequent error
messages regarding termination of
lsass.exe appeared.
Anonymizer software:
caused extremely
unstable startups
An Initial Exploration(5/5)
• These initial experiments indicate that many
conflicts occur when multiple protection
mechanisms are installed.
• Although some software packages seem to be
aware of the potential for conflicts, many still
let users install the software anyway.
Approach:Secure Negotiation (1/3)
• We suggest that one way to ease the
management and performance burdens of
running multiple security systems from multiple
vendors is to adopt a mechanism for secure
negotiation of hooking and other policy events
and behaviors.
• Not only must this framework address the need
to negotiate over specific security or
measurement functionality, but it must also deal
with navigating the policy trade-offs and conflicts
inherent in the composition of these competing
functionality requirements.
Approach:Secure Negotiation(1/3)
Negotiation Phase:focus on deriving
a set of trusted information flow paths.
Components of a software system:
publish a set of hooks.
Component could negotiate with other
libraries and objects.
Computing-driven attestation and
cryptographic proof of identity.
Approach:Secure Negotiation(3/3)
• A major goal of the negotiation framework
isn’t just to get the functionality of two
systems cooperating-it could also help
compose security policy.
• Where goals agree, negotiation about load
sharing can occur; where they conflict, the
components can decide to follow a course of
mutual distrust and alert their administrators
about the conflict.
Other Work(1/2)
• The systems or components being composed
are themselves security systems, and thus
their failure modes are potentially more
dangerous because they typically fail open.
• whereas secure composition focuses on the
composition of functionality as measured by a
certain set of properties, security cooperation
implicitly demands the composition of policy.
Other Work(2/2)
• It seeks to let multiple security systems operate
on the same data streams and system control
structures without a needless loss in performance
or security, and with the ability to resolve conflicts
between the goals of the policies controlling
these ostensibly competing systems.
• Unfortunately, as we’ve begun to see through
our case studies, competition for control over a
system’s security posture can leave systems
mired in a performance.
Thank you for listening.