Senate Minutes

Senate Minutes
The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the
public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to
address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
a. Approved
4. Approval of Minutes
a. March 26, 2015
i. Approved
5. Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic)
a. Nathan: Met with Mission Beach residents and SDPD, we want to create a better relationship, residents
complained about the noise. Main problem is communicating the consequences of certain actions. We all have
our sphere of influence to prevent issues like this. Encourage those to attend the community events/council, and
to pass a resolution
b. Kit: What do you all want to do?
i. Daniel: We should take action by next meeting
c. Ad Hoc: Nate, Katie, Danny, Danielle
At this time, any member of the public may address the body on non-Agenda items.
6. Report from Speaker of the Senate
a. We have a lot of money…use it! Destressers?
b. Sign in to a Padres game! Free! Sign up by the end of today
c. Bike to school day on April 14th
d. Senator Appreciation Day sometime next week
e. Next week is sexual assault awareness week
7. Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each. Unless otherwise noted)
a. Kelsea Tower, Academics Committee
i. Harry met with the Engineering Senator for next year, Briseida have a study time scheduled in Copely
Sunday from 2-5pm, Ashley working on a wishlist from the library, Katie is working with business school
and IT if we offer certain programs, starting a resume workshop
b. Janiq Meneze, Inclusion and Diversity Committee
i. Targeting residence halls, offering safe space ally training, having someone come into the residence halls
ii. iPhone update! Good stuff
c. T.J. Hodges, Student Life Committee
i. Informal resolution updates
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
April 9, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
ii. Get the hammocks approved
iii. You are all free to submit any questions for the health survey
d. Sarah Nolan, Student Organizations Committee
i. Student org mixer went well, following up from feedback
Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (3 minutes each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items)
At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items.
e. Dom Pera, President
i. Go to Take Back the Night
i. Leadership Lunch Series, free lunch
ii. The Hunting Grounds film, about
on April 14th in dead hours
sexual assault on college campuses
ii. Start transitioning
iii. April calendar will be out soon
iii. Next Lunch on the Lawn on April
iv. Spend your money! USE TPB and
don’t over program, just add on
iv. Relay for Life tomorrow
v. Creative Collaborations next week
Center Rep
vi. Thank you to those who went to the
i. Language Matters Poster Campaign,
Mission Beach Meeting
if you’re interested you can
Rommel Pinlac, Vice President
i. Take Back the Night, 7PM
ii. Diversity Banquet May 6th
ii. Drag Show Thursday
k. Kaylee Gil, RHA Rep
iii. Whole week is Research Week next
Lexxi Sullivan, Panhellenic Rep
i. Theta Mr. University 7pm in Shiley
iv. Core Curriculum progress,
ii. Going to conference
revisions…Coffee with the Core
iii. Joint meeting with PanHellenic and
Curriculum Planning in the Minutes
Monday April
IFC to make amendments to Greek
at 9am
Guidelines, and have members
g. Bryan Chiang, Finance Chair
attend sexual assault workshop
i. AS Banquet Bananza!
h. John Michael, Communications Chair
m. Weston Preising, IFC Rep
n. Meghan O’Rourke, Athletics Rep
i. 500 beach towels and give aways
ii. Need help to let students know of
the Get on the Grass
i. Torero nominated for Golden Spice
Award, big deal!
ii. New basketball Coach
iii. Fill open positions on Comm Board
iv. Suzie leading Relay for Life
Val Estrada, United Front Multicultural
iii. Football is playing SDSU in the Fall
of next year, info is soon to come
Alexandra Steinhaus, Torero Program Board
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
April 9, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
a. By-Law on Resolutions: Presentation
i. Matt: Clarify that the majority have voted with what is on the floor
ii. Let Kit know any new ideas/suggestions
b. ASBC By-Law Proposal 2.0
i. Wanted to reexamine GBMs, ASBC decided to allocate more money toward events
ii. LIST Serve isn’t updated, and there needs to be communication
iii. Get rid of GBMs and call them Recruiting Events, a month after Alcala Bazaar and only $100
1. Don’t want to tie up a lot of money in GBMs
iv. Funding %100 of registration
v. Request two weeks advanced of a conference
vi. Fund community outreach events that are on campus
vii. Bring requests over $10,000 to Senate
viii. Clubs/orgs have 2 weeks to send in receipt, and 5 to submit petty cash
ix. Paige: were the members a part of the draft?
1. Bryan: yes
c. Amendment to Core Curriculum Resolution
i. Class of 2020 will be under this core curriculum
ii. Amendment is to omit the dates of April 2014 in 3rd and 5th clauses
iii. Moved to amend the resolution
1. Approved
d. Media Fee Update/Resolution Discussion
i. The resolution was approved…does senate support this?
ii. Matt: the students have support it
iii. Dom: It’s just a fee increase, and a lot is up in the air, and it might not even get to the board, might just be
USD Finance Committee to decide
iv. Dan: Do we know how much tuition is going to increase from year to year? It’s important.
v. Harry: Is this permament?
1. Kit: It’s just focusing on this one thing
vi. Will vote on one resolution next week
vii. Mandy: what would happen if the senators wanted a resolution but the Student Life Committee didn’t?
1. T.J: That won’t be an issue
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
April 9, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
viii. Josh: The committee will be making one resolution, and the authors will need to come from the
10. Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public
a. Hiring a new Vice President of Health and Wellness, let Katie know any feedback
b. We have 1 more senate meeting, wear polos and nametags
c. Polos at John’s desk for polos
11. Adjournment
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
April 9, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
April 9, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C