Supporting Video Streaming Services in Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks Architecture and Protocol Author:Yingnan Zhu, Wenjun Zeng, Hang Liu, Yang Guo 指導教授:許子衡 學生:王志嘉 Outline Introduction Framework Design Server Discovery and Selection Preliminary Simulation Results 2016/7/13 2 Introduction (i) There are two types of wireless mesh networks (WMNs): client-mesh networks and infrastructuremesh networks (infrastructure WMNs). Generally a MAP(mesh access points) has two or more radio interfaces. One radio interface is an access interface, which is for network access of clients. A second radio interface is a relay interface. 2016/7/13 3 Introduction (ii) Client devices associate themselves with a nearby MAP to access the wireless mesh network. Packet delivery in the WMNs is handled by the MAP through a backhaul routing protocol. Self-interference in wireless medium, the path capacity decreases rapidly as the hop count increases. 2016/7/13 4 Introduction (iii) The large hop counts elevate the chance of wireless signal interferences thus negatively affect other established connections and reduce the overall system capacity. A multi-hop high rate path may be capable of achieving better throughput and shorter delay than a single hop low rate path. 2016/7/13 5 Introduction (iv) Traditional WMN use P2P to share different content to wired network. It will cause heavy traffic load around the gateway. Furthermore it is difficult to guarantee the QoS. 2016/7/13 6 Framework Design (i) The framework employs both multiple mesh content cache servers and peer-to-peer technique. We simply call MAP content cache server, or the content server co-located with a MAP as mesh content server. The mesh content servers in UPAC assume two roles, VoD streaming server and peer. As a VoD server, a mesh content server can stream video to the clients as requested 2016/7/13 7 Framework Design (ii) Fig.1 illustrates an infrastructure WMNs A MAP supports two types of wireless network interfaces. The access interface provides network access for client devices, while the relay interface is used to construct the wireless multi-hop backhaul and relay client’s traffics to the destinations. 2016/7/13 8 Fig.1 2016/7/13 9 Framework Design (iii) This paper describe how to incorporate the P2P downloading and the mesh content server based streaming into our framework. Clients try to retrieve the video content through P2P downloading as much as they can, while servers devote their resource to stream urgent data and provide better quality of service (QoS). 2016/7/13 10 Server Discovery and Selection This section describes several schemes for server discovery and selection. 1) 2) 3) 4) 2016/7/13 Centralized-Load Scheme Overlay-Delay Scheme Distributed-HopCount Scheme Distributed-Router Metric Scheme 11 Overlay-Delay Scheme The client device selects the mesh content server with the minimum end-to-end delay as the primary mesh content server, and the one with the second least delay as the secondary mesh content server. 2016/7/13 12 Distributed-HopCount Scheme The client device floods the wireless mesh network with a mesh content server request message for a content clip. The client device is associated with a MAP and does not participate in routing. Only the path with the minimum hop count is selected and used by the routing mechanism. The client device selects the mesh content server with the least value of the minimum hop count as the primary mesh content server and the one with the second least hop count as the secondary mesh content server. 2016/7/13 13 Distributed-Routing Metric Scheme The wireless mesh network may run a routing protocol with a routing metric . expected transmission time (ETT) is such a mesh routing metric. The ETT for a link L is defined as the expected MAC layer duration for successfully delivering a packet over the link. ETTL= (1/(1- eL))*s/rL. eL is the packet loss rate, rL is the transmission rate of link L, s is the standard test packet size. 2016/7/13 14 Distributed-Routing Metric Scheme The mesh content server obtains the path ETT cost of the best path from it to the MAP with which the client device is associated. The best path is the path with the minimum ETT path cost 2016/7/13 15 Preliminary Simulation Results We use network simulator 2 (NS2) for the simulation purpose. A 10 x 10 grid topology with 100 mesh nodes is used.The distance between neighboring nodes in the horizontal and vertical direction is 80 meters. For each node, the transmission range is set to be 130 meters so that each node can talk directly to all the direct neighbors 2016/7/13 16 Preliminary Simulation Results Fig. 2 shows the packet loss ratio for the six schemes, (1)single content server (2) five mesh content servers with centralized-load scheme for primary and secondary server selection; (3) five-mesh content servers with overlay-delay scheme for primary and secondary server selection; (4) five mesh content servers with distributed-Hop Count scheme for primary and secondary server selection; (5) five mesh content servers with distributed-ETT routing scheme for primary and secondary server selection (6) five mesh content servers with distributed-ETT routing scheme for primary and secondary server selection and periodical route updates 2016/7/13 17 Fig.2 2016/7/13 18 Preliminary Simulation Results Fig. 3 shows the average end to end delay for the above six schemes. 2016/7/13 19 Conclusion This paper presents a unified P2P and cache server framework. It employs MAPs as mesh content cache servers to increase the capacity of content services and improve the streaming quality 2016/7/13 20