The changes in post-war Taiwanese state and political

The changes in post-war Taiwanese state and political
structures with legislative and administrative policy toward
sport and physical education
Ping-Chao Lee / Associate professor, Department of Physical Education, National
Taichung University
Ling-Mei Ko /Assistant Professor, Department of Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism
Chien-Yu Lin / Associate professor, Graduate Institute of Sports and Health
Management, National Chung Hsing University
Tien-Chin Tan / Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, National
Taiwan Normal University
This paper seeks to provide an historical analysis, identifying the changes of those
external and international political developments in Taiwan reflected in the recent
history of sport policies, in particular the physical education arena. It argues that
Taiwan’s society moves from a pre-modern form at the time of KMT’s arrival in 1949
through rapid economic development and authoritarian political control, to an
advanced economy and an emerging multi-party democracy. Shifts in the role and
nature of the Taiwan state have had a profound effect on the structure, the operation of
the government, and the provision of sport and physical education policy. The
development of physical education policy has thus been transformed in some sociopolitical terms from a militaristic preparedness and defence, seeking of international
diplomatic recognition and national prestige, to new emphases placed on both the
sport’s leisure meaning and national identity.