Mrs. Longchamps 7 grade CORE English and History

Mrs. Longchamps
7th grade CORE
English and History
Room 20
Supplies Provided by Starr King:
*English folder (Vocabulary & Writing)
*History folder (Assignments & Study Guides/Projects)
*English Notebook (Writer’s Notebook & Conventions)
* History Notebook (Notes)
Supplies you will need to provide:
Writing Utensils (blue or black pen, pencil)
Students need to maintain 2 folders and 2 notebooks. Each folder will
contain an Assignment Log (provided by me) so that students can track
scores on every assignment during the trimester.
Each folder will also need to contain that particular week’s bellwork (a sheet
probed by me, that we will use every day and turn in at the end of the week).
Classroom Management:
STARR BUCKS: I follow a positive behavior management system in
which students are rewarded for displaying good behavior (i.e. on task, quiet,
helping a classmate, answering questions, etc.). Students are rewarded with
Starr Bucks and there will be a student store or raffle on Thursdays.
GROUP POINTS: I also give out group points to those groups that
are on task, have 100% homework, and get to work quietly. At the end of
each month the group with the most points receives a treat at lunchtime and
a Homework Pass from me.
CLASS COMPETITION: There will be a competition going on
between my CORE classes. Each trimester, the class with the most days of
100% homework completion will receive a choice activity and treat provided
by me.
POOR BEHAVIOR: 1) Students who choose not to behave properly
will be given a warning, 2) then will have a Refocus Conference with the
teacher, which may but into break or lunch time. 3) A Think Sheet will be
handed out and the student will be directed to a different classroom to
complete. 4) A phone call home and documentation on a BIF and/or BID. 5)
Any further behavior issues will be referred to the office. Serious offenses
such as displaying unsafe behavior will be referred to the office
School and Classroom Expectations
Hands and feet to self
Follow directions first time given
Using equipment/materials the correct way
Eyes and ears on speaker
Use kind words
Raise hand to talk
On time
On task
Watch out for others while walking
Middle School Policies and Procedures:
1. On Time to Class
a. In seat.
b. Materials/homework are on desk.
c. Working on any in-class assignment (bell work, quiz, or activity).
2. Backpacks and hats
a. All backpacks must be stored/hung on chairs during class.
b. Hats cannot be worn in class, must be worn correctly.
3. Teacher property and school property
a. Teacher’s personal property and desk area are off limits.
b. The teacher manages cabinets, shelves, drawers, and other
school property unless there is permission given.
4. Classroom Behavior Basics
a. Eyes and brain on teacher.
b. Talking stops, when teacher raises hand.
c. Students raise quiet hand to speak unless otherwise directed.
d. Talking to classmates allowed for on-task, lesson-related
discussions unless allowed by teacher.
e. Personal space is respected.
Cell phones, mp3 players, and all electronic devices
a. The only time these are permitted is during lunch and 10-minute
break time.
b. If playing music, headphones are required.
c. There may be special opportunities to use, but ONLY when
allowed by your teacher.
Bathroom Pass
a. This is on the last page of your planner.
b. Must have a time, date, and teacher signature for a student to
be in the hallway.
Getting up from seat for any reason.
a. For example: get materials (pencils, papers, etc.).
b. Can be done any time, respectfully, that does not interfere with
Class Dismissal
a. Room is clean.
b. Not dismissed until teacher announces.
Right to Change or Add
a. The staff has the right to change any or all procedures that
they feel do not work.
b. The students can bring any procedure they do not like to the
attention of the staff and changes will be discussed.
c. We can also add anything that we all agree makes Starr King a
better place.
Homework is posted at the beginning of the week (on the board and
online), though it may change based on our needs. It will be assigned
primarily in English. It will be assigned between 2-3 times a week. Students
are required to bring in their finished homework for credit. If a student is
unable to do the work at home and needs help they can come to my room for
assistance before school starts. They will receive credit if they make this
If a student chooses not to do their work they will be asked to come
in during brunch or after school to finish the assignment.
Make Up Work:
If a student is absent they are expected to complete any missing work
within one week of the dates missed. If they miss a test or quiz they need
to schedule a time with me before or after school or during lunch.
Late Work:
Late work will be accepted for one letter grade off the original score
for each day late. For example: if a student earns an A, he or she will
receive a B if one day late, a C if 2 days late, etc..
Test Make Ups:
I do not allow test make-ups for a poor score. However, I do allow
students to correct missed questions for ½ credit. This is allowed on all
tests and quizzes, with the exception of the daily Social Studies quiz (it is
usually open book or open note). Corrections must be done in a different
color than was previously on the test, and must be circled or starred to
denote new answers. Corrections are due one week from test/quiz return.
Grading Percentages:
50% Tests/Quizzes
30% Projects (Home or Class)
15% Classwork
5% Work completed at home
1) Bellwork/Copy Homework
2) Check and correct homework
3) Lesson
4) Social Studies only- reading quiz
5) Wrap Up/Homework Reminder
HISTORY: Our focus this year in on Ancient History. We discuss cultural
and religious aspects of the past civilizations. We study the spread of
Islam, and go in depth into the Roman Empire and also into the kingdoms of
Africa. After our Africa unit, we will study medieval China and Japan, as
well as the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan civilizations in the Americas. We will end
the year with a look at Europe, covering the Renaissance, Reformation,
Scientific Revolution, and Age and Exploration.
LANGUAGE ARTS: Our reading will allow us to study theme, prose, types of
writing, characterization, inference skills, and compare/contrast skills.
Writing will focus on paragraph, summary, response to literature, persuasive,
and expository. Writer’s Workshop is in full affect at Starr King, so expect
to see a lot of free writing in the Writer’s Notebook.
Class Website/Contact Information:
Please be sure to check out my classroom website.
Go to, click the Schools tab, scroll down to K-8, Schools,
scroll down and find Starr King, click Teachers and Staff, and find Mrs.
Longchamps. You will find updated homework, calendars, photo galleries, and
The quickest way to contact me is via email at You can also call the school at (916) 9717318
------------------------------------------------------------------------Name____________________________ Date___________
I have read and understand what is expected of me in class, and I will do my
very best to abide by class and school rules at all times.
I have read and understand what is expected of my child in class.
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________