Naturalness vs. Predictability: A Key Debate in Controlled Languages

Naturalness vs.
Predictability: A Key Debate
in Controlled Languages
Peter Clark, William R. Murray, Philip Harrison,
John Thompson
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Preview: Naturalness vs. Predictability
• Part I: Description of CPL
• Our “naturalist” controlled language
• Variability in interpretation in CPL
• Our experience and evaluations
• Part II: The Naturalness vs. Predictability debate
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What are Controlled Natural Languages?
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Controlled Natural Languages (from Wikipedia):
Controlled natural languages (CNLs) are subsets of natural languages, obtained by restricting
the grammar and vocabulary in order to reduce or eliminate ambiguity and complexity.
Traditionally, controlled languages fall into two major types: those that improve readability for
human readers, and those that enable reliable automatic semantic analysis of the language.
[...] The second type of languages has a formal logical basis, i.e. they have a formal syntax
and semantics, and can be mapped to an existing formal language, such as first-order logic.
Thus, those languages can be used as knowledge representation languages, and writing of
those languages is supported by fully automatic consistency and redundancy checks, query
answering, etc.
Various controlled natural languages of the second type have been developed by a number of
organisations, and have been used in many different application domains, most recently
within the semantic web.
This workshop is dedicated to discussing the similarities and differences of existing controlled
natural languages of the second type, possible improvements to these languages, relations to
other knowledge representation languages, tool support, existing and future applications, and
further topics of interest.
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Context of this Talk
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• Alternate views of controlled language:
• Logic-based—Simplify language and ultimately have a precise meaning in logic
of this
– Formalists provide a deterministic model of translation to ensure precise
expression of logic in a subset of English Examples: ACE, CLCE, PENG
– Naturalists allow a more context-sensitive interpretation in the translation process
to allow more natural and flexible expression Examples: CPL, CELT
• Task-based—Simplify language to enhance human task performance
– Simplified English improve human communication and simplify translation.
They still may express vagueness not allowed in logic and lack a formal model:
Out of
– Examples: Boeing Simplified English, Caterpillar English, Basic English
– Practical dialogs adapt natural languages for specific tasks (may have a formal
model other than first-order logic and may be part of a sublanguage)
– Simpler scripting sublanguages with the appearance of English but typically
only an operational and task-specific semantics
– Examples: Air Traffic Control (aviation), OPORDs (military), pseudo-English
scripting languages (programming)
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Two views/approaches to Controlled Languages
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• “Naturalist” approach
Want language as natural as possible
Make English more understandable to computers
…but restricted to make interpretation easier
View controlled language as simplifying the NLP problem
Interpretation: More fluent, but less predictable
More sensitive to content word meaning and domain use
• “Formalist” approach
Want language as predictable as possible
Make logic more usable by people
View controlled language as a formal specification language
Interpretation: Less fluent, but more predictable
Less sensitive to content word meaning and domain use
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Preview: Naturalness vs. Predictability
• Part I: Description of CPL
• Our “naturalist” controlled language
• Variability in interpretation in CPL
• Our experience and evaluations
• Part II: The Naturalness vs. Predictability debate
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Goals of CPL (Computer-Processable Language)
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Part of a larger project (Halo), to allow
scientists to build and use knowledge
CPL’s Goals:
1. Enable non-experts to pose examstyle questions to a science
knowledge-base (KB)
2. Questions may be multiple sentences
(“story” questions)
3. KB already exists – queries must bridge
to & tap into the target ontology
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Example of a CPL encoding of a question
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Original question (for the KB to solve):
An alien measures the height of a cliff by
dropping a boulder from rest and measuring the
time it takes to hit the ground below. The boulder
fell for 23 seconds on a planet with an
acceleration of gravity of 7.9 m/s2. Assuming
constant acceleration and ignoring air
resistance, how high was the cliff?
A boulder is dropped.
The initial speed of the boulder is 0 m/s.
The duration of the drop is 23 seconds.
The acceleration of the drop is 7.9 m/s^2.
What is the distance of the drop?
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The Interface (Posing Questions)
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User enters CPL
System displays
graphically (and
also as a
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Some Design Decisions and Challenges
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• Different words/phrases can mean the same thing
“The velocity of the car is 10 m/s.”
“The car drives at 10 m/s.”
“A man drives a car at 10 m/s.”
value(v, [10,m/s]).
The cell has a nucleus.
The nucleus is part of a cell.
The nucleus part of a cell...
vs. formalist approach: different phrasing (use of content
words) typically produces different output (no attempt to
normalize to a target ontology)
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Some Design Decisions and Challenges
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• The same word can mean different things
“A man drives for 10 minutes.”
duration(drive01, t)
“A man drives for 10 miles.”
distance(drive01, d)
“A man drives for Mary.”
vs. formalist approach: a unique meaning per word.
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Some Design Decisions and Challenges
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• Different words may produce different parses
“John painted the house with a brush.”
paint with brush
“John painted the house with a roof.”
house with roof
vs. formalist approach: “deterministic”
parsing, i.e., not context-sensitive to word
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How is the language “controlled”?
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• Grammar constraints:
• assertions: “NP verb [NP] [PP]* ”
• questions: “What is NP?”, “Is it true that S?”, “How many NP?”
– Note: nouns in NPs can be modified by other nouns, PPs, or adjs.
• Ban complex/more ambiguous grammar:
relative clauses
fronted PPs
• Ban certain hard-to-interpret words/phrases
• e.g., “approximately”, “appreciable”, “together”, “exist”, …
• figurative expressions, “she boiled over…”, “…cat out of the bag…”
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How is the language “controlled” ?
—some domain-specific additions
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• Can parse some chemical formulas:
4Na + O_2 --> 2Na_2O
• Word sense disambiguation biased for
• chemistry domain (e.g., iron)
• physics domain (e.g., block)
• biology domain (e.g., cell)
• Handles MKS units for these domains (e.g., m/s^2)
• Semantic roles were added for these domains
• donor, recipient, etc. for chemistry
• rules for interpreting prepositions in speed / distance / motion sentences
• The target ontology was refined for these domains
• Ontology mapping rules were refined largely in these domains
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Preview: Naturalness vs. Predictability
• Part I: Description of CPL
• Our “naturalist” controlled language
• Variability in interpretation in CPL
• Our experience and evaluations
• Part II: The Naturalness vs. Predictability
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Knowledge & heuristics in CPL
address different kinds of variability
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Word Sense
Semantic Role
“A boulder is dropped from a cliff”
Parser & LF Generator
Word sense disambiguation
Semantic Role Labeling
Ontology mapping
Coreference identifier
Structural reorganizer
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• Attachment preferences
• Preferred domain meanings
• Rules for semantic roles
• Co-reference heuristics
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One Source of Variability in CPL interpretation:
Syntactic Variability
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“The man ate the sandwich on the plate”
“The man ate the sandwich. The
man ate on the plate. ”
• prepositional attachment
• compound noun bracketing
(3 or more allowed)
• part of speech ambiguity
CPL must choose
between these
“The man ate the sandwich. The
sandwich was on the plate.”
vs. formalist approach: same parse
structure for each
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A Second Source of Variability in CPL Interpretation:
Word Sense Disambiguation
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• CPL occasionally makes context-specific word sense choices:
“What is the difference between a ribosome and a enzyme?”
“difference”  conceptual dissimilarity
“What is the difference between the initial speed and the final speed?”
“difference”  arithmetic subtraction
vs. formalist approach: one sense per word
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A Third Source of Variability:
Semantic Role Variability
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He drove for 1 hour → duration
He drove for 1 mile → distance
He drove for the interview → destination
vs. formalist approach: one sense per word
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A Fourth Source of Variability:
Coreference Disambiguation
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There is a red block.
There is a blue block.
There is another red block.
The first block is heavy.
The second block is heavy.
The second red block is heavy.
The blue block is heavy.
same as a formalist approach using DRT
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A Fifth Source of Variability:
Ontology Mapping Variability. (i) Metonymy
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• Underlying ontology: speeds are associated with events,
not objects. Thus:
The car is at 50 mph.
The car is moving at a speed of 50 mph.
vs. formalist approach: metonymy not allowed.
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A Fifth Source of Variability:
Ontology Mapping Variability. (ii) Structural reorganization
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“A ball has mass 1 kg”
“the color of the block is red”
Mass value 1 kg
Mass value 1 kg
initial parse
final representation
initial parse
final representation
vs formalist approach: no reorganization—
user has to enter the right structure in the first place.
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Preview: Naturalness vs. Predictability
• Part I: Description of CPL
• Our “naturalist” controlled language
• Variability in interpretation in CPL
• Our experience and evaluations
• Part II: The Naturalness vs. Predictability
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Task: Pose 50 exam-style questions to a KB
• 16 users, 7 KBs in 3 sciences (physics, chemistry, biology)
• Users needed to reformulate questions into CPL
• Users given 4 hrs of training in CPL
• Evaluation run by independent group (BBN)
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The Good…
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• From the Final Evaluation report…
"In general, participants felt that CPL was easy to
learn and that the AURA QF interface was very
"AURA's support for question formulation reaches
the goal of enabling target users to effectively query
the system."
Note: Here AURA = HALO and QF = Question Formulation
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The Bad…
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Still a “cognitive load” on users to rewrite qns into CPL
A ball is thrown upward
from the top of a 35m tower
with an initial velocity of 80
m/s at an angle of 25
degrees. Find the time the
ball is in the air.
A ball is thrown.
The initial vertical position of the throw is 35 m.
The initial velocity of the throw is 80 m/s.
The direction of the initial velocity of the throw is 25 degrees.
The final vertical position of the throw is 0 m.
What is the duration of the throw?
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The Interesting…
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• CPL’s “naturalist” design:
• Users often used naturalist parts of CPL
• ALTHOUGH: only part of the time…
– as they frequently relied on short, simple
– 60% of sentences were in CPL-Lite
(the formalist core of CPL)
• STILL: 40% of the time users preferred to express
their knowledge in a naturalist way
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Preview: Naturalness vs. Predictability
• Part I: Description of CPL
• Our “naturalist” controlled language
• Variability in interpretation in CPL
• Our experience and evaluations
• Part II: The Naturalness vs. Predictability
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
“A man drives for 10 minutes.”
duration(drive01, t)
“A man drives for 10 miles.”
distance(drive01, d)
“John painted the house with a brush.”
paint with brush
“John painted the house with a roof.”
house with roof
Should we allow this kind of
“context-sensitive” interpretation?
• Language can be more natural, fluent, and compact 
• BUT:
• less predictable/harder to control 
• more complex to build the interpreter 
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Our experience with CPL
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• The good: Can be more natural, fluent, and compact…
“A man drives a car along a road at 20 m/s”
rather than
“A man drives a car.
The path of the driving is a road.
The velocity of the car is 20 m/s”
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Our experience with CPL
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• The bad: Can be less predictable / harder to control
• System may make wrong interpretation
• It may not be obvious to the user how to correct it
e.g., (hypothetically)
“A man drives for 1 hour”
beneficiary(drive01, hour01)
→ User needs to:
• see and understand the interpretation, to check it’s correct
• know how to rephrase if there is a problem
– harder with a “naturalist” CL!
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A Middle Ground….
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• Embed a “formalist” core (called “CPL-Lite”) in CPL
• 140 sentence patterns (1 per predicate) with clear interpretation
• User can fall back to this if he/she has problems
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The acceleration of a entity is a acceleration.
The age of a entity is a duration.
The agent of a event is a entity.
A entity is next to a entity.
A event causes a event.
A thing equals a thing.
A entity is above a entity.
A entity is along a entity.
A entity is at a entity.
A entity is behind a entity.
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CPL-Lite provides formal precision for paraphrases and
as an escape when heuristics may go awry…
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More expressive
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Formal precision
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Discussion Questions
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1. Should we add a formalist core to any naturalist approach?
Yes, we can provide an escape mechanism to ensure
mappings are one-to-one. Since we ultimately map to
an ontology with unique terms we just need to provide
unique wordings for each such mapping.
Formal precision
2. Should we add naturalist extensions to a formalist CL?
Hypothesis: Yes.
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More expressive
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Engineering, Operations & Technology | Boeing Research & Technology Information Management & Transformation
• Two quite different schools of thought:
• Naturalist: Make English more understandable to computers
– More complex interpretation rules, fluent, less predictable
• Formalist: Make logic more usable by people
– Simple, clear, and predictable interpretation rules, can be less fluent
• CPL (Computer-Processable Language)
• A “naturalist” CL, used for posing questions to a KB
• A “formalist” core, CPL-Lite, added
• Applies domain-specific lexical and world knowledge in interpretation
• Performed well in recent trials
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