ENGLISH 2/HONORS ENGLISH 2 NAME: SOPHOMORE NAVIANCE UNIT PLAN Student-Friendly Learning Target Statements Knowledge Targets “What I need to know!” I have completed the 2017 Career Day Survey about my preferences for Career Day speakers. I have completed the Career Interest Profiler and know my Holland Codes. The letters that represent my 3 highest totals are _____ ______ ______ List 3 careers you have considered and the Holland codes: _____________________________ Holland Code ____ ____ ____ _____________________________ Holland Code ____ ____ ____ _____________________________ Holland Code ____ ____ ____ I have recorded information about 1-2 careers in each educational prep category on the Career Interest Profiler worksheet. I can identify other career areas linked to my Holland Type based on the Career Key Map. I can compare my budget choices and expected salary based on my career choice using the Making Money Choices worksheet, my career choices and the www.cacareerzone.org website. I have completed additional research on 2 careers using the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Reasoning Targets “What I can do with what I know.” Skill Targets I can evaluate whether my current career choices match my interests and budget considerations. I can research and apply the resources on Naviance to choose 2 careers to consider for the future. “What I can demonstrate.” Product Targets “What I can make to show my learning.”