Stars from Circles protractor, use a clock stamp or see template)

Stars from Circles
Equally space 12 dots around the circumference of a circle (use a 360
protractor, use a clock stamp or see template)
Join every 2nd dot with a ruler. Join the other dots using the same rule.
Try another by joining every 3rd dot or every 4th dot.
Choose which one you like best and decorate by colouring in
mathematically or by using coloured paper/card/glitter etc
Tiny ones can be used to make gift tags.
Try combining the 2nd dot pattern with the 5th dot pattern. What
Which rule gives you a star that uses every dot without taking your pencil
off the page? Which don’t? Can you find a rule?
Teachers’ Notes
Every 2nd dot gives hexagon rotated
Every 3rd dot gives square rotated
Every 4th dot gives triangle rotated
Every 5th dot is the first continuous line one. Then every 7th
Rule – factors of 12 don’t give continuous pattern