Moving Tools Point Tools Line Tools Move

GeoGebra Tools
Moving Tools
Drag or select objects (Esc)
Rotate around point
Select rotation centre point,
then drag object
Construction Tools
Perpendicular line
Point and perpendicular
Parallel line
Point and parallel line
Line bisector
Two points or one
Angle bisector
Three points or two lines
Point, then circle, conic or
Locus point first, then
point on line
Transformation Tools
Mirror object at line
Object to mirror, then line
of reflection
Mirror object at point
Object to mirror, then
centre point
Rotate object around
point by angle
Object to rotate, then
centre point and angle
Translate object by vector
Object to translate, then
Dilate (enlarge) object
from point by factor
Object to dilate, then
centre point and factor
Point Tools
New point
Click on drawing pad or line
Intersect two objects
Select two lines separately or
click on intersection
Midpoint or centre
Two points, segment, circle or
Polygon Tools
Select all vertices, then click
first point again
Regular Polygon
Two points and number of
Circle Tools
Circle with centre through point
Centre point, point on circle
There are a number of different
circle functions (semi-circles, arcs,
sectors). NB these are defined
Other Tools
Click on drawing pad to
specify position of slider
Checkbox to show and hide
Click on drawing pad to create
a check box
Insert text
Click drawing pad or point to
create text
Insert image
Click drawing pad or point to
set lower left corner of image
Relation between two objects
Two objects
Line Tools
Line through two points
Two points
Segment between two points
Two points
Segment with given length
from point
Point and segment length
Ray through two points
Two points
Vector between two points
Two points
Vector from point
Starting point and vector
Measurement Tools
Three points or two lines
Angle with given size
Leg point, vertex & angle
Distance or length
Two points, segment,
polygon or circle
Polygon, circle or conic
Presentational Tools
Move drawing pad
Drag drawing pad or one axis
(Shift + Drag)
Zoom in
Click drawing pad to zoom in
(Mouse wheel)
Zoom out
Show / hide object
Select objects to hide, then
change tool to apply changes
Show / hide label
Select object to show/hide
Copy visual style
Select object first, then click
others to copy style
Delete object
Select object to delete