Tearfund Sahel Partner Overview - land, conflict, environment 10th January 2014 For more information please contact Stephanie.Gill@tearfund.org Niger: Pastoralists, land tenure and conflict mediation Tearfund partner JEMED is a key example of integrated work that focuses on the rights of pastoralists. JEMED have been working with pastoralists in the Abalack region of Niger for around 20 years. At the request of the pastoralists they work with they have helped to establish fixation sites for pastoralists during dry season, as they have been forced to adapt to the changing climate. These fixation sites help them to increase resilience to drought and help them develop economically in the long term and include for example, access schools, health care, grain banks, and water. JEMED have spent many years advocating for the reform of the Pastoral Code. This is because pastoralists have no land tenure in Niger, no matter how many centuries they have been using it. Pressures of population growth are pushing farmers north into pastoral lands – this is leading to conflict. In response to this JEMED have also worked to build peace between competing groups - to discuss the pastoral code and solutions towards equitable management of natural resources. The lack of resource management and control is hindering pastoralists in getting any further in building up resilience – for the pastoralists that JEMED work with, this is their biggest obstacle to successful adaptation to build resilience. Burkina Faso: Agriculturalists, land tenure and the environment In Burkina Faso Tearfund have partners who are working on supporting farmers with access to land, including for women who are continuously at a disadvantage. Until fairly recently all land in Burkina Faso was considered state property and customary rights – the system used by the majority of people – were not recognised. There was therefore no land tenure security for communities. Although there have been some reforms and improvements to land laws in Burkina Faso recently there are still many challenges. Tearfund partners have highlighted that implementation and enforcement of these reforms still remains a huge challenge. Tearfund’s partners are working to raise awareness among communities of their rights, and working to strengthen local government and citizens to help implement this. Another partner that works as a local radio station is raising awareness about the impact of the gold rush, of companies using chemicals that are destroying the environment, of farmers having land taken away from them with little or no compensation and of children being exploited in the process. Chad: The environment and conflict mediation between agriculturalists and pastoralists Partners in Chad are also concerned by the impact that oil companies are having on the environment. In addition to work similar to that in Burkina Faso of trying to implement land laws and working with the local authorities to do so, two Tearfund partners in Chad who are working with peace and reconciliation between agriculturalists and pastoralists. 1 These partners for the past few years have done work where they bring both sides together, along with local leaders for a few days at a time to discuss the different perspectives and grievances. At a local level, local mediation groups have been established as a result. One partner is now named as a partner in a local development plan. They are also advocating at a national level on these issues. Nigeria: Conflict Mediation between Muslims and Christians In Nigeria Tearfund has partners are undertaking peace-building efforts in response to the series of conflicts between Muslims and Christians. Partners have done work training of religious leaders from both Christians and Muslims in Jos North in ‘crisis flash points’. This also involved work with youths to serve as Peace Ambassadors in their local communities and signing of inter-faith agreements. The peace-building training workshop organised by one of the partners was completed two days prior to the bombing of a Church headquarters in 2012. However reprisal attacks were averted by youth trained on peace-building. Mali: Implementing peace processes In Mali, Tearfund are now developing peace-building work in Mali that is currently being developed with partners being trained in peace and reconciliation. They plan to develop a peace-committee to influence and implement peace and reconciliation programmes. 2