Semester: Spring 2013 Course: English 101-01 Instructor: Mrs. Jacqueline Goffe-McNish. Time: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00. Room: Tuesday H 502 and Thursday H504 Office: H408C. Office Hour: Mon.11:00, Wed.11:00 and Fri. 11:00; Tues. 2:00 Extension: 431-8445 Email: Texts: Flachman and Flachman. The Prose Reader Aaron, Jane. The Little Brown Compact Handbook. A dictionary. Steinbeck. Of Mice and Men Course Objectives: Dear 101 Student, Welcome to English 101 for Spring 2013. If this is your first semester at Duchess Community College, welcome to our college. If you are returning, 'nice to have you back'. The aim of English 101 is that; 1. You will be able to produce a well written essay by the end of the semester. This essay will be logical, free of grammatical errors and have accurate information. The structure, rhetorical style, and documented style will be accurate. 2. You will also be able to critically analyze essays, short stories and a novel. 3. You will also complete a ten page paper which will be a synthesis of all he writing completed this semester. This paper will include three mini essays which have been fully revised and edited. 4. The journal will help you to sharpen your skills of summarizing and analyzing the information discussed in each class. You are encouraged to hand in your paper on the date specified on the class outline. Late papers will lose 20% percent off the assigned grade. We will be using MLA style for parenthetical citations and bibliographies. Grades: Journal: Journal 50, Class work and Quizzes 50 , Essays 600, Project 200 Final Exam 100 (Refer to the attached grade sheet). A = 1000 to 930 A-= 900 to 929 B+= 870 to 899 B = 869 to 840 B-= 839 to 800 C+= 799 to 750 C = 749 to 700 D = 699 to 600 F = 599 to 0 The Journal is 5% of your final grade. Every student is expected to keep a journal. There will be one entry per week with a total of 10 for the semester. Each entry will have: a) A summary of the week's work. b) Your personal reaction to the information discussed that week. c) New insights gained about the information discussed that week. d) Each entry should be at least one 9*11 page long. Guidelines:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All assignments are due on the dates quoted on the class outline. Quizzes cannot be made up. No extra credit work is available. Students are responsible for every assignment on the class outline. Students who miss classes will find their work adversely affected. Final grades for take home essays will be based on the completion of a 1st , 2nd, and final draft. Pop quizzes will be given at the discretion of the instructor. 8. All papers must be typed double spaced with a minimum of 2 pages with font size 12 and 1 inch margins. 9. No use of cell phones during class time. This includes text messaging. 10. No student will be allowed to leave class early or arrive late. Class Outline. Jan. 15 17 Introduction. Prewriting. Review of parts of speech. Review handbook. Discussion of class outline. Review of generic essay. Read Chapter 1 in Reader. Week Two. Description. 22 Discussion of style of descriptive essays. 24 Preparation for in class descriptive essay Read Chapter 2 in Reader Week Three. Narration. 29 31 In class essay Discussion of Chapter 2. Essay 2 assigned Read Chapter 10. Week Four. Structure of essays. Feb. 5 7 Discussion. Revision of first draft Discussion. Revision of second draft. Read Chapter 5 in the Reader Students will pick their topics for the semester. Week Five Classification \ Division 12 14 Week Six 21 Discussion of Documentation Read chapter 8 of the Reader. Essay 2 due Essay 3 assigned Library Visit. Cause and Effect Discussion. First draft due. Read chapter 6 in the Reader. Week Seven Comparison and Contrast. 25 27 Discussion of In class essay Essay 3 due (Compare/Contrast) Read chapter 4 in the Reader. Essay 5 assigned. In class Essay (Cause/ Effect) Week Eight Process Analysis. Mar. 5 Discussion of first draft 7. Discussion Read chapter 9 in the Reader Essay 5 due. Essay 6 assigned Week Nine Argument and Persuasion 19. Debate 21. First Draft due Week Ten Final Paper 26 Second Draft due. Discussion of Research Writing. 28 Choosing of topic for final paper. Essay 6 due. Week Eleven Final Paper Apr. 2. Outline of paper due. Journals due. Questions for research discussed. 4. Bibliography and Table of Contents discussed. Week Twelve Final Paper 9. 11. Categorizing notes Library visit. Week Thirteen Final Paper. 16. First draft due 18. Grammar and Language check. Week Fourteen Final Paper 23. Second draft due 25. Introduction of To Kill a Mockingbird Week Fifteen Critical Analysis. 30. May 2. Final Paper due Discussion of Summary, Plot, and Characterization. Discussion of Symbolism, Setting, and Conflict Week Sixteen Final Exam 7 to 9 In Class Final Exams Grade Sheet. Student’s Name. ____________________________________________ Semester. _____________________________________________ Class work. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Total. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _________________ 50. Essays. _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ __________________ Total. _________________ 600. Journal. _________________ 50. Project. ________________ 200. Final Exam. _________________ 100. Total. Grade. _________________ _________________ 1000 (letter)