S T U Development of Portable PAOD Assessment System using Synchronous Optical Detection S T Chairman: Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter: Bee-Yen Lim Adviser: Dr. Yi-Chun Du 1 Outline ٥ Introduction ٥ Literature review ٥ Purposes ٥ Material and Methods ٥ Results ٥ Future Works ٥ References 2 Introduction Peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD) Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) Atherosclerosis, inflammatory processes leading to artery stenosis, or thrombus formation. Among older people and the risk increases sharply with age. A strong risk factor of other cardiovascular events and mortality. 3 Literature review ٥ Review of the bilateral differences in timing parameters for PAOD assessment When the resistance of peripheral vessels increases or the vessels are occlusive, transit time will delay, and the pulse wave will change in amplitude (AMP) and shape. Figure 2 ECG and PPG pulses and pulse landmarks for a patient with PAOD For bilateral PPG signals, the right-toleft side differences, such as ΔPTTf, ΔPTTp, ΔRT, and ΔAMP, are significant different by diseases. 4 Literature review ٥ These features can be used to detect vascular disease, because PPG pulse gradually becomes damped, diminished, and delayed with disease severity. ٥ Compare the PPG analysis methods with Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI). Table 1 Severity classification of PAOD 5 Literature review Table 2 Normal subject data of ABPI and pulse measurement time parameters Table 3 The bilateral side different of PTTp and PTTf parameters [12] 6 Future Works ٥ Clinical Test of PAOD ٥ Software Design ٥ Analysis of bilateral differences in timing parameters ٥ System Verification 7 References ٥ Speckman RA, Frankenfield DL, Roman SH, Eggers PW, Bedinger MR, Rocco MV, McClellan WM (2004) Diabetes Is the Strongest Risk Factor for LowerExtremity Amputation in New Hemodialysis Patients, Diabetes Care, 27(9): 21982203. ٥ Diabetic neuropathy, http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia /D/diabetic_neuropathy.html ٥ Willian J Jeffcoate,Keith G Harding (2003) Diabetic foot ulcers, The lancet, 361:1545-1551. ٥ Allen, J (2007) Photoplethysmography and its application in clinical physiological measurement, Physiological measurement, 28(3):1-39. ٥ Du, Y.C. and Lin, C.H (2012) Adaptive network-based Fuzzy inference system for assessment of lower limb peripheral vascular occlusive disease, J. Med. Syst, 36(1):301-310. ٥ J.-X. Wu, C.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Du, T. Chen (2012) Sprott chaos synchronisation classifier for diabetic foot peripheral vascular occlusive disease estimation, IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 6(6):533-540. 8 References ٥ M. H. Criqu, R. D. Langer., A. Fronek, H. S. Feigelson, M. R. Klauber, T. J. McCann and D. Browner, “Mortality over a period of 10 years in patients with peripheral artery disease,” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 326, pp. 381-6, 1992. ٥ M. H. Criqu, R. D. Langer., A. Fronek, H. S. Feigelson, M. R. Klauber, T. J. McCann and D. Browner, “The correlation between symptoms and non invasive test results in patients referred for peripheral arterial disease testing,” Vascular medicine, vol. 1, pp.65-71, 1996. ٥ Y. Yoon, J. H. Cho and G. Yoon “Non-constrained Blood Pressure Monitoring Using ECG and PPG for Personal Healthcare,” Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 33, pp. 261-266 , 2009 . ٥ E. D. Übeyli, D. Cvetkovic and I. Cosic, “AR Spectral Analysis Technique for Human PPG, ECG and EEG Signals,” Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 32, pp. 201-206, 2008. 9 Thanks for your attention! 10