主動語態 (active voice):12 種時式 簡單式: 1. 現在式 2. 過去式

主動語態 (active voice):12 種時式
1. 現在式
2. 過去式
3. 未來式: will, shall+原形動詞
4. 現在進行式:am, is, are+現在分詞
5. 過去進行式:was, were+現在分詞
6. 未來進行式:will+be+現在分詞
7. 現在完成式:have, has+pp
8. 過去完成式:had+pp
9. 未來完成式:will, shall+have+pp
10. 現在完成進行式:have, has+been+pp
11. 過去完成進行式:had+been+pp
12. 未來完成進行式:will+have+been+pp
(2) 被動語態:基本形式 be 動詞+pp
(pp 部分不變,只要把 be 動詞改成各種時式即可。)
1. 現在式:am, is, are+pp
2. 過去式:was, were+pp
3. 未來式: will, shall+be+pp
4. 現在進行式:am, is, are+being+pp
5. 過去進行式:was, were+being+pp
6. 現在完成式:have, has+been+pp
7. 過去完成式:had+been+pp
8. 未來完成式:will, shall+have+been+pp
B. 主動語態的時式:
一、 簡單現在式的用法
(1) 表說話時所發生的動作或存在的樣態
1. Our school is located in the neighborhood of Chi-Mei Hospital.
2. The food tastes delicious.
3. I have a lot of friends here.
4. Do you want to go out with me?
5. I can’t remember many new words in a short time.
(2) 表示不變的真理,亦即過去、現在、未來都一樣的真理。
1. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
2. Water consists of hydrogen (氫) and oxygen (氧)。
3. The heart pumps (壓送) and circulates (循環) blood around the body.
4. It doesn’t matter whether a cat is black or white as long as it can catch mice.
5. One and one equals two.
(3) 用於一般性得陳述。也就是說,它表示一件現在為真,過去為真,將來有段
1. Most freshmen live in the school dormitory.
2. He collects match boxes and stamps.
3. He takes charge of this project.
4. Every country has a name.
5. Mr. Brown owns that fancy car.
(4) 表示一種習慣或預警性的動作,因此常有頻率副詞 (always, usually, often,
seldom, rarely, never…)會出現。
1. A: Do you visit the art gallery often?
B: I seldom visit the art gallery.
2. She always takes a walk in the park in the early morning.
3. I never litter in any place.
4. I usually go to the dentist once a year.
5. I rarely borrow money from other people.
(5) 表示一種行為,這種行為大部分是已經安排好或預定要發生的。句中常有表
1. He flies to Hawaii tomorrow morning.
2. According to the schedule, the train starts in five minutes.
3. The package arrives in four days.
4. Mr. White leaves for Tokyo next Monday.
5. The members of the club get together at the end of this month.
(6) 用於表時間和條件的副詞子句中,表示未來;主要子句還是用未來式。
1. I shall tell him the news when he comes next time.
2. Billy will look after my dog until I come back.
3. Breakfast will get ready before you get up.
4. I shall offer you financial support if you ask me to
5. As soon as he gets over, I’ll ask him to work for me.
1. I, who _____ (be) his friend, should help him.
2. Most of the employees in that office ______ (be) Chinese.
3. There _____ (be) twelve months in a year.
4. A number of students ______ (be) absent today.
5. The number of the students ______ (be) over 100.
6. He _____ (get) up early every morning.
7. If he ______ (come) tomorrow, I’ll bring him to your home.
8. That the earth _____ (go) around the sun is true.
9. If he _______ (not study) hard, he will fail.
10. He told m that honest _____ (be) the best policy.
1. am
2. are
3. are
4. are
5. is
6. gets
7. comes
8. goes
9. doesn’t study 10. is
(1) 表示過去的動作或樣態,通常有表示過去的時間副詞出現。
1. We enjoyed ourselves a lot at the party last night.
2. The population of this city was 20,3000.
3. Madame Curie (居禮夫人) discovered radium (鐳) in 1898.
4. Columbus discovered America in 1492.
(2) 表示過去的習慣或頻繁性的行為,也常有頻率副詞出現;動詞型"used to+
1. We went shopping every Saturday afternoon.
2. We used to go water skiing every Sunday afternoon.
3. They often cut classes (翹課) together during their college days.
4. I usually went to school before seven o’clock when I studied in elementary
(3) 表示”過去如此,但是現不是如此”的情況
1. He has given all of his old magazines to his friend.
He didn’t know you wanted some.
2. Judy’s father was a chain smoker, but he isn’t now.
3. I thought you broke the cup, but now I find I was mistaken.
4. I lived in Taipei in the past, but I don’t now.
(4) 在副詞子句中,表示從過去觀點來看的未來事件。
1. He said that he would come if it was fine the next day.
2. She told me that she would begin when she was ready.
3. They would stay indoors until it stopped raining.
1. Columbus ______ (discover) America in 1492.
2. My father ______ (get) a new job a few weeks ago.
3. He ______ (wake) up just now.
4. They _____ (go) on a picnic to Ang-Ping last Sunday.
5. When I lived in the country, I usually _______ (take) a walk in the early morning.
6. People _______ (live) in caves in the past.
7. He ______ (take) a trip on business the day before yesterday.
8. He often ______ (fall) asleep when he was in high school.
9. We ______ (live) in Taipei from 1955 to 1960.
10. I ______ (see) him the other day.
1. discovered
2. got
3. woke
4. went
5. took
6. lived
7. took
8. fell
9. lived
10. saw
(1) 用以表示未來將發生的動作或狀態。
1. I shall do it tomorrow.
2. You will like her.
3. He will not come tomorrow.
4. I shall be 18 years next month.
(2) 未來式的相等語:
(a) be going to+V = 將要、打算、可能會
1. Listen! He’s going to speak.
2. It’s going to rain.
3. What are you going to buy? I’m going to buy a pen.
(b) be about to+V = 即將、將要(表示最近的將來)
1. The train is about to start.
2. The plane is about to take off.
3. I am about to make a phone call to her.
(c) be to+V = 將、擬、應該
1. We are to have an examination tomorrow.
2. She is to be here by ten o’clock.
3. They are to meet at the station.
注意:go, come, leave, start, arrive 等來去動詞的未來式,可以用現在式或現在進
1. I leave here tomorrow.
= I am leaving here tomorrow.
= I will leave here tomorrow.
2. He comes back home next week.
= He is coming back home next week.
= He will come back home next week.
3. The plane arrives at 3:30 this afternoon.
= The plane is arriving at 3:30 this afternoon.
= The plane will arrive at 3:30 this afternoon.
1. Wait here till I _____ back.
A. will come B. come C. came D. have come
2. I don’t know if it _____ this afternoon, but if it ______, I will stay at home
A. will rain, rains B. rains, will rain C. will rain, will rain
3. If you pass the examination, you _____ a bicycle.
A. have B. have had C. will have D. is having
D. rains, rains
4. If you meet him, please tell him that I ______ glad to go.
A. will be B. am C. have been D. was
5. If you ______, you will miss the train.
A. don’t hurry B. won’t hurry C. isn’t hurrying D. haven’t hurried
6. You ______ up with him if you start right now.
A. catch B. is catching C. have caught D. will catch
7. I am sure I ______ some day.
A. succeed B. succeeded C. have succeeded D. will succeed
8. My father _____ home a week from tomorrow.
A. came B. will come C. has come D. had come
9. Don’t worry! We won’t start dinner until everyone _____ here.
A. gets B. will get C. had get D. is getting
10. I’ll stay here until it ______ raining.
A. stopped B. will stop C. stops D. has stopped
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. C
1. Mary ______ (study) English every day.
2. Mary ______ (study) English last year.
3. Mary ______ (study) English next year.
4. He ______ (forget) to bring it to me last time.
5. ______ you _____ (tell) him about it when you ______ (meet) him next time?
6. The man put on his hat and _____ (leave) the room.
7. The plane ______ (take) off in a few minutes.
8. He said that the earth ______ (move) around the sun.
9. I am sure I ______ (succeed) some day.
10. We usually _______ (have) a lot of rain in summer.
11. John hurt his legs when he _______ (fall) off his bicycle.
12. We ______ (be) very happy if he _____ (come) tomorrow.
13. I’m afraid there ______ (be not) enough time tomorrow.
14. He ______ (leave) for Taipei three days ago.
15. We ______ (live) in Taipei from 1955 to 1960.
16. How old ______ (be) you when you came to this city?
17. If he ______ (not work) hard in the future, he ______ (fail).
18. When I lived in the country, I usually _______ (get) up very early.
19. He said he _______ (will go) home after he had finished his work.
20. I thought you _______ (go) on a date with John, but now I find I was mistaken.
1. studies
2. studied
3. will study
4. forgot
5. Will tell, meet
6. left
7. will take
8. moves
9. will succeed
10. have
11. fell
12. will be, comes
13. will not be
14. left
15. lived
16. were
17. doesn’t work,
will fail
18. got
19. would go
20. went
(1) 表示說話時,實際進行的動作。如 now, at this moment, at present 等時間副詞
常用以修飾這種動詞型。句首如有 Look!或 Listen!出現時,也要用現在進行
1. They are making a plastic model airplane now.
2. My sister is peeling onions (洋蔥) at this moment.
3. You mustn’t go out without an umbrella. It is raining now.
4. Look! Father is shaking hands with my teacher.
5. Listen! Someone is crying in the next room.
(2) 暫時性的動作,亦即限於一段期間的動作,包括說話當時。
1. I am teaching English grammar this semester, though I usually don’t.
2. The hotel is serving free coffee in the afternoon until Christmas.
(3) 表示未來的行為。這些行為通常是已經安排好或預定中節目的一部份。
1. Jack has already made his plans. He is leaving for Hongkong early tomorrow
2. We are having guests this weekend.
3. A: What are they showing next week?
B: They are showing an action movie.
(4) 來去動詞 go, come, leave, start, arrive 等的未來式可以用現在進行是來代替。
1. He will come to my birthday party tomorrow.
= He is coming to my birthday party tomorrow.
2. When will he leave for Japan?
= When is he leaving for Japan?
3. The plane will arrive soon.
= The plane is arriving soon.
(5) 下列非終結性動詞,不能用於進行狀態
(a) 感官動詞:hear, see, taste (嚐起來), smell (聞起來), sound (聽起來), feel (感覺
起來,摸起來)。「但是 look at, listen to, watch 可以有進行式。」
(i) taste, smell, sound 等如作及物動詞,並作「嗅,聞」,「嚐」,「觸,摸」解
1. Do you hear a strange sound coming from below the classroom?
2. The milk tastes sour.
3. You sound sad now.
4. She is tasting the soup.
5. Mary is smelling the flower.
6. The doctor is feeling the man’s leg to see whether the bone is broken.
(ii) feel (感覺) 如用以表示「健康狀態」時,用簡單式或進行均可。
1. She feels much better today. = She is feeling much better today.
(b) 心理樣態動詞:agree, believe, differ, forget, know, notice, recognize, remember,
understand, think
(c) 感情樣態動詞:desire, forgive, hate, hope, like, love, prefer, want
(d) 狀態、存在或擁有的動詞:belong, cost, have, own, stand (在), lie(位於), matter,
seem, be 動詞
(have 有很多意思,其中當吃飯或玩樂時,可以有進行式)
1. I don’t agree what you are talking about.
2. I know the real reason now.
3. I didn’t like him before, but I like him now.
4. The house doesn’t belong to me now.
5. Anyway, it doesn’t matter at all now.
6. I have a lot of money now, but I am not happy.
7. We are having a good time at this party now.
1. They ______ (begin) the new lesson right now.
2. She ______ (lie) on the grass, isn’t she?
3. Listen! Someone _______ (knock) at the door.
4. The bicycle _______ (belong) to my brother now.
5. She _______ (play) the piano now.
6. I _______ (believe) he is honest now.
7. We _______ (leave) for Montreal tonight.
8. They _______ (have) dinner now.
9. You _______ (have) to leave now.
10. The food _______ (taste) delicious.
1. are beginning 2. is lying
3. is knocking
4. belongs
5. is playing
6. believe
8. are having
9. have
10. tastes
7. are leaving
(1) 過去某一動作發生時,另一動作正在進行。
1. When the bomb blew up, Bill and I were walking into the air terminal (航站大
2. The little baby was sleeping alone upstairs when the thief broke into our house.
3. While I was putting away the pile of old magazines, I discovered this interesting
4. We were eating dinner when he dropped in.
(2) 表示過去某時間正在進行的動作,通常有 at that time, all morning, all afternoon,
all evening 等副詞片語出現。
1. A: What were you doing all Sunday afternoon?
B: I was doing my math assignments.
2. My brother was playing a video game at eight o’clock last night.
3. He was arguing with Mary at that time.
1. John _____ (drive) when the accident occurred.
2.He was murdered while he ______ (speak) on the platform.
1. I _____ (sleep) when you telephoned yesterday.
4. When the teacher came in, the boys ______ (play).
5. I saw Mary when I ______ (walk) along Lincoln Street.
6. We ______ (watch) TV at that time.
7. She ______ (read) that book all afternoon.
8. While he ______ (sleep), someone stole his car.
9. It ______ (rain) when we started.
10. He said that he ______ (always forget) something.
1. was driving
2. was speaking 3. was sleeping 4. was playing
5. was walking
6. were
7. was reading
10.was always
8. was sleeping 9. was raining
(1) 表示未來某點或某段時間將要進行的動作。
1. I shall be watching TV when you come.
2. Everyone of us will be leaving for home at this time tomorrow.
3. I will be traveling in Mainland China next month.
1. I ______ (work) in my office when you wake up tomorrow.
2. In a few minute, the meeting _______ (go) on.
3. He _______ (probably sleep) when you come to visit tomorrow evening
1. will be working
2. will be going
3. will probably be sleeping
1. I _______ (understand) what kind of person you are now.
2. I _______ (hear) him telling his son what to do at that time.
3. He _______ (like) to eat garlic very much now.
4. The house ________ (belong) to Mr. Blacksmith now.
5. We ________ (have) a lot of fun at the party now.
6. I ________ (not have) any money with me now.
7. He ________ (see) me studying very hard all Sunday morning.
8. ______ you ______ (recognize) me now?
9. I did care it before, but it _______ (not matter) at all now.
10. He _______ (want) to drink something hot now.
1. understand
2. heard
4. belongs
6. don’t have
7. saw
8. Do recognize 9. doesn’t matter 10. wants
5. are having
1. The Browns ______ (have) dinner now.
2. We _______ (have) three meals a day.
3. The sun _______ (set) now.
4. The sun ______ (rise) in the east and ______ (set) in the west.
5. The house _______ (stand) on a hill.
6. ______ you ______ (mind) if I ______ (ask) you a question now?
That _______ (depend) on the question.
7. The land _______ (belong) to Mr. Green now.
8. I ______ (look) for my pen now, but I _______ (not see) it.
9. They ______ (go) to Hongkong next month.
10. Look! The two boys ________ (dance).
11. He ______ (have) a bath when the bell ______ (ring) yesterday.
12. What ______ you ______ (do) at 7:30 p.m. yesterday?
13. She _____ (fall) down and _____ (hurt) herself while she ______ (run)?
14. I ______ (watch) TV when you come tomorrow.
15. He ________ (prepare) for dinner when I came back last night.
16. I ______ (cook) dinner in the kitchen when you visit at this time tomorrow.
17. He _______ (sleep) when his mother called.
18. They _______ (play) basketball in the yard when you cook dinner tomorrow.
19. Listen! The birds _______(sing) happily in the trees.
20. I _______ (live) with my uncle at present.
1. are having
2. have
3. is setting
4. rises, sets
5. stands
6. Do mind, ask,
7. belongs
8. is looking,
don’t see
9. will go, are going 10. are dancing
11. was having, rang 12. were doing
13. fell, hurt,
was running
14. will be watching 15. was preparing
16. will be cooking
17. was sleeping
18. will be playing
20. am living
19. are singing
(1) 表示到現在已經 (already),剛剛(just),或尚未(not yet)完成的動作或狀態。
1. I have just returned from Taipei.
2. You have already missed too many classes.
3. Mrs. Brown has paid this month’s water bill already.
4. He has not eaten lunch yet.
5. I have just read that interesting novel.
註 1: just:剛剛
just now: 剛才,不久之前,因含有過去的意味,故不可與現在完成式連
1. He has just gone back.
2. He went back just now.
(2) 從以前持續到現在的動作或狀態,常有 How long…?或 for+一段時間,
或 since+一段時間+ago 或 since+過去的時間(時間的起點),
或 since+一個過去式的子句。(since 可以當介係詞也可以當連接詞:當介係
1. How long have you studied English?
2. How long has he stayed here?
3. I have studied English for four years.
= I have studied English since four years ago.
4. I have eaten nothing since yesterday.
5. I have known him since I was a child.
6. I haven’t seen him for a long time.
7. He hasn’t written me any letter since he left here.
8. He has been very honest since I knew him.
9. The Whites have lived here for ten years.
= The Whites have lived here since ten years ago.
10. She has kept single since her husband died.
註 2:如果主要子句的主詞是以 it 代替時間時,則動詞可以用現在式代替現在完
成式,如果 it 不是代替時間,而是代替其它的東西時,則還是用現在完成
1. It has been ten years since he left home. (It 代替時間。)
= It is ten years since he left home.
2. It has been cold since yesterday. (It 代替天氣。)
3. Ten years have passed since the accident happened.
4. It has been a long distance between two persons who don’t have anything in
註 3:since 除了當自從之外,還有既然和因為的意思。
1. Since life short, we shouldn’t waste it.
2. Since you are wrong, you had better make an apology.
3. Since it is raining, I take an umbrella with me.
4. Since they are going to get married, I’ll send them a present.
(3) 到目前為止的經驗,通常有 ever, never, once, twice, three times, many times 或
before 出現。
1. Have you ever eaten buttered popcorn (奶油報米花)?
Yes, I have eaten it several times.
2. Has Mrs. Lee ever watched a Chinese opera (平劇) before?
3. I have never fallen asleep during class.
4. He has been to South America two times.
5. This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.
註 4:have, has gone to:已經去了…(動作已經完成),只能用於第三人稱。
have , has been to:曾經去過…(表示一種經驗),可以用於任一人稱。
1. He has already gone to Taipei. He is not here.
2. They have just gone to the meeting. You can’t find them here.
3. I have been to Japan several times.
4. My father has been to Africa once
1. I think you ______ (already know) him.
2. He ______ (work) here since he ______ (be) young.
3. ______ you _______ (ever be) to Europe?
No, I haven’t.
4. Mr. Brown ______ (just buy) a new watch.
5. He _______ (have) lunch yet.
6. The Johnsons ______ (just sell) their old house.
7. I _____ (see) him just now.
8. He _______ (play) video games for several hours.
9. We ______ (already catch) ten fish.
10. Bob ______ (already go) to school.
11. You _______ (make) the same mistake many times.
12. How long _______ he ______ (live) here?
1. have already known
2. has worked, was
3. Have ever been
4. has just bought
5. has not had
6. have just sold
7. saw
8. has played
9. have already caught
10. has already gone
11. have made
12. has lived
(1)到過去某時為止,剛剛 (just)、已經 (already)或尚未 (not yet) 完成的動作或
1. All the students had taken their seats when the teacher began to call the roll.
2. After I had tried every possible way in vain, I turned my friend for help.
3. No sooner had one typhoon passed than another hit the island.
4. The rain had stopped by six o’clock yesterday morning.
5. She almost missed her flight. All of the passengers had already boarded (登機)
by the time she got to the airport.
6. By the time he arrived at the station, the train had already started.
7. She told me her boss had left for South America two days before.
註 1:two days ago: 從現在算起的兩天前,動詞用過去式。
two days before: 表示從過去算起的兩天前,動詞用過去完成式。
1. I saw him two days ago.
2. She told me that she had seen him two days before.
(2) 表示持續,用以表示從較早的過去,繼續到過去某一基準點的動作。
有 for+一段時間,或 since+一段時間+before 出現
1. She was thirty-six years old and had been married for ten years.
2. When I studied in STUT, I had learned English for five years.
3. He had been ill for two weeks when he was sent to hospital.
4. When I came back, the children had watched TV for three hours.
5. He had been sick since two weeks before.
註 2: since two days ago: 從現在算起的兩天前持續到現在,動詞用現在完成式
since two days before: 表示從過去算起的兩天前持續到過去,動詞用過去
1. It has been cold since two days ago.
2. The weather report said that it had been cold since two days before.
(3) 表示經驗,用以表示到過去某一定時之前,所經驗到的事情。
1. I recognized her at once, for I had often met her before.
2. I wondered if I had ever met him.
3. That was the first time we had ever eaten Japanese food
4. He had never seen a lion till then?
1. We didn’t believe he ______ (pass) the exam.
2. When he got to school, the lesson ______ (already start).
3. Tom lost the pen that he _______ (buy) the day before.
4. By the time we went to the party, they ______ (eat and drink) everything.
5. I ______ (study) it long before I came to this country.
6. We thought he _______ (be) here for a long time.
7. The captain told us that he _______ (cross) the Pacific many times.
8. He _______ (be) ill for a week when the doctor was sent for.
9. They were very hungry because they _______ (not eat) anything.
10. He told me that he _______ (already sell) his house.
11. I told me that he ________ (read) that novel five times.
12. He _____ no sooner______ (eat) lunch than he went out to play.
1. had passed
2. had already started
3. had bought
4. had eaten and drunk
5. had studied
6. had been
7. had crossed
8. had been
9. had not eaten
10. had already sold
11. had read
12. had eaten
(1) 表示動作的完成,用以表示某一動作,在將來的某一定時,將會完成;意即
1. By the time she comes back, he will have finished writing the letter.
2. If you don’t hurry up, the train will have already started when you reach the
3. He will have reached America by this time tomorrow.
4. I will have already married by this time next year.
(2) 表示繼續,表示某一動作或狀態,將會繼續到未來的某一定時;意即表示從
1. I shall have live here for ten years by April next.
2. He will have been ill for a month by tomorrow.
3. He will have been dead for three years by next week.
4. I’ll have taught for 30 years by next year.
(3) 表示經驗,用以表示到將來的某一定時,才能經驗到某事情,意即表示從過
1. By the time he is thirty, he will have seen much of the world.
2. If he goes to England again, he will have been there twice.
3. He will have read this novel three times if he reads it again.
4. When I go to Japan next month, I will have had the chance to see thousands of
cherry blossoms.
(4) 在表示時間或條件的副詞子句中,必須用現在完成式代替未來完成式。
1. Let’s wait here till she has finished writing her letter.
2. Please let me have a look at your story if you have done with it.
3. When I have finished my work, I will call you up.
1. By next Monday, he ________ (stay) in hospital for one month.
2. By the end of this year he ______ (fly) more than a million miles.
3. Jack ______ (take) the entrance examination three times if he takes it once.
4. I ______ (finish) my homework by six this afternoon.
5. On the fourth of next month, he _______ (be) dead for five years.
6. By the time we get to the party, they _______ (eat and drink) everything.
7. By the end of this term, I ______ (read) all of these books.
8. They will not return until they ______ (finish) their work.
9. If I go there once more, I ______ (be) there ten times.
1. will have stayed
2. will have flown
3. will have taken
4. will have finished
5. will have been
6. will have eaten and drunk
7. will have read
8. have finished
9. will have been
(I) Multiple choice
1. They _____ home before we get there.
A. had gone B. went C. will have gone D. are going
2. He ______ at ten o’clock the night before last.
A. had arrived B. is arriving C. has arrived D. arrived
3. Mr. Green ______ there for two years by next month.
A. was B. has been C. had been D. will have been
4. He told us he ______ English for more than ten years.
A. had taught B. has taught C. will have taught D. taught
5. We _____ any rain for three months.
A. don’t have B. didn’t have C. haven’t had D. won’t have
6. He ______ in this place for most of his life.
A. lives B. has lived C. is living D. will live
7. I ______ him since yesterday morning.
A. haven’t seen B. hadn’t seen C. didn’t see
D. won’t have seen
8. Mary said that she ______ that book yet.
A. has read B. will have read C. had read D. hadn’t read
9. He _____ to Europe many years before.
A. was B. had been C. has been D. will have been
10. We thanked for what he ______ for us.
A. had done
B. has done C. did
D. will have done.
11.She _______ to the USA already. He is not here.
A. has gone B. has been
12. Have you ______ to abroad?
A. ever been B. ever gone
13. Mary _____ her hair long ever since I knew her.
A. wore B. has worn C. had worn D. is wearing
14. When I ______ with the newspaper, you shall get it.
A. have done B. shall have done C. had done D. did
15. He _____ in New York by this time tomorrow.
A. arrives B. has arrived C. had arrived D. will have arrived
16. This is the hottest winter we _____ for the past 20 years.
A. had had B. will have C. have had C. will have had
17. He ______ absent from school for a week by tomorrow.
A. has been B. will have been C. had been D. will be
18. The man _____ before the ambulance came.
A. had died B. has died C. dies D. will die
19. He ______ us in the past.
A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught
20. If I visit the museum again tomorrow, I ______there three times.
A. will be B. have been C. shall have been D. had been
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C
(II) fill in the blank:
1. She enjoyed reading the book that I _____ (send) him.
2. The book I read last night was the most interesting that I _____ (ever read).
3. He _____ (be) seriously ill for one week before we went to see him.
4. We_______(live) here for the last 15 years.
5. The river rose to the flood level as it ______(rain) heavily last night.
6. He got up very late this morning because he ______ (stay) up last night.
7. Let’s wait here until he _____ (finish) eating his lunch.
8. I ______ (know) him for over ten years by the end of this year.
9. Since he left, she _____ (be) in low spirits.
10. Until last month I _____ (be) to Egypt only once.
11. He asked me whether I ______ (see) that movie.
12. He ______ (finish) his presentation by this time tomorrow.
1. had sent
2. had ever read
3. had been
4. have lived
5. had rained
6. had stayed
7. has finished
8. will have known
9. has been
10. had been
11. had seen
12. will have
作的持續性質。因此完成進行式常與 wait, sit, sleep, lie, stand, live, stay 等動
1. You have been reading for four hours. Why don’t you take a rest?
2. This little baby has been crying for over an hour. Maybe it is sick.
3. A: “ Why are you so tired?”
B: “Because I have been working for 10 hours.”
4. It has been raining for a week. If the rain doesn’t stop, we’ll have a flood.
1. I suddenly found the man whom I got married to had been cheating me.
2. The wounded patient had been lying in the emergency room for almost an hour
before a doctor finally showed up.
3. When we saw them, they had been playing in the sun for two hours.
4. She told us she had been waiting for her husband to come back for 20 years.
1. We’ll have been paying a high rent here for five months by the time our new house
is completed.
2. We’ll have been living here for more than 20 years by the end of this year.
3. It will have been raining for one week if it doesn’t stop tomorrow.
4. He will have been sleeping for 12 hours if he doesn’t get up by noon.
1. By the time he comes tonight, I ______ (study) for 4 hours.
2. She ______ (practice) the piano since this morning.
3. Up to that time, he _____ (sit) besides me.
4. It ______ (snow) for four days by tomorrow.
5. He _____ (wait) for her for 3 hours.
6. She ______ (work) in that company for five years before she got a raise.
7. She ______ (dance) for two hours.
8. They _______ (do) the experiment for five years.
9. The meeting _______ (take) place for two hours.
10. The kids _______ (watch) TV for the whole morning when I came back.
11. I _______ (teach) English for 30 years by next year.
12. The teacher doesn’t want to let him sit down, so he ________ (stand) for more
than three hours.
1. will have been studying
2. has been practicing
3. had been sitting
4. will have been snowing
5. has been waiting
6. had been working
7. has been dancing
8. have been doing
9. has been taking
10. had been watching
11. will have been teaching 12. has been standing
Test yourself (60 分以下得重做題目,60 分以上才列出答案且可繼續下一課)
Multiple choice: 40%
1. I’ll help you if it ____ necessary.
A. will be B. is C. has been C. was
2. We _____ him to the hospital last Wednesday.
A. take B. took C. will take D. was taking
3. Will you come to my home if it ____ fine tomorrow.
A. is B. will be C. was D. has been
4. It will get dark when he _____ there tomorrow.
A. will get B. is getting C. has got D. gets
5. I don’t know if he ______ us next Sunday.
A. will visit B. visits C. has visited D. is visiting
6. We _______ to hospital to see him three times since he was sent there.
A. went B. go C. will go D. have gone
7. They _______ in the library when the earthquake happened.
A. are studying B. studies C. were studying D. will be studying
8. Some students _____ the fact before long.
A. will know B. knows C. knew D. have known
9. He usually listens to his MP3, but at present he ______ TV.
A. watches B. will watch C. is watching D. was watching
10. By next September he ________ English for five years.
A. will learn B. has been learning C. has learned D. will have learned
11. We will visit the art gallery before we ______ here.
A. will leave B. leave C. is leaving D. have left
12. I ______ to eat fried chicken before, but now I ______ French fries.
A. had preferred; am liking
B. preferred; am liking
C. had preferred; like
D. preferred; like
13. Jack _____ tennis for two hours when I saw him.
A. has played B. will have played C. had played D. will be playing
14. By this time tomorrow, I ______ this work.
A. have completed B. will have completed
C. is completing
D. have completed
15. When you _______ your work tomorrow, I will take you out for dinner.
A. have completed
B. will have completed
C. is completing
D. had completed
16. The street was wet, as it ______ the day before
A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining.
17. When I went out, it ______.
A. will be raining B. was raining C. has rained D. will be raining
18. By this time next year, I _______ English for more than 20 years.
A. will be teaching
B. have been teaching
C. will have been teaching D. will have teaching
19. I _____ for you at the station at nine tomorrow morning.
A. have been waiting
B. is waiting
C. have waited
D. will be waiting
20. I am tired of rain, It _____ since last Sunday.
A. has been raining
B. had rained C. will be raining D. was raining
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. C
19. D
20. A
Fill in the correct verb tense: 60%
1. The old man _____ (hide) behind the tree and saw the young man remove the
2. The meeting _____ (start) when we arrived
3. The sun ______ (shine) in the day and the moon by night.
4. He ______ (fall) off his bike and hurt himself.
5. Look! The sun ______ (set) in the west.
6. You ______ (catch) up with him if you start soon.
7. She ______ (lay) the child in the bed and ______ (lie) down beside it just now.
8. What _____ you ______ (do) at nine last night?
9. My son wants to be an engineer when he _____ (grow) up.
10. I think he _____ (wait) for me at the station now.
11. I bought a camera, and ______ (give) it to her.
12. I (stay) here since I came to this town.
13. Our teacher told us necessity ______ (be) the mother of invention.
14. The time when my words ______(come) true will surely come.
12. When that day actually ______(come) in the future, I ______ (be) long dead.
13. All the cherry blossoms ______ (begin) to bloom next month.
17. He ______ (be) sick for two months when Christmas comes.
18. I lost the purse that I _______ (buy) two days before.
19. He _______ (stand) in the sun for more than two hours when we saw him.
20. We ________ (wait) for you for a long time before you show up later on.
21. While I _______ (read) a newspaper, my father called me up.
22. We all _______ (become) old some day.
23. He _______ (come) back the day after tomorrow.
24. I _______ (know) what he does now.
25. The food _______ (taste) sour now.
26. He _______ (taste) the soup now.
27. I ______ (know) him for a long time before you introduced him to me.
28. He ______ no sooner _____ (see) me than he burst into tears.
29. We learned at school that 2 and 2 _____ (be) 4.
30. This is the most exciting game that I _______ (ever watch).
had started
is setting
will catch
laid, lay
were doing
10. is waiting
11. gave
12. have stayed(have been
13. is
14. will come
15. comes, will be
16. will begin
17. will have been
18. had bought
19. had stood (had been
20. will have waited
21. was reading
(will have been waiting)
22. will become
23. will come (is coming) 24. know
25. tastes
26. is tasting
27. had known
28. had seen
29. is
30. have ever watched