Different Ways of Saying It: Greeting People

Greetings/ farewell
Different Ways of Saying It: Greeting People
Here are a few more examples of how people greet each other and engage in
small talk. As you can see from the examples below, you can be especially easy-going
{when you are talking to a close friend}. In such situations the greetings do not have
to be very serious; the most important thing is to show that {you are happy to see that
person} and that{ you care about him or her} .{ The way in which you do} that,
however, can be very different from situation to situation
Hi Guys / Hello there /
Hey there / Hey dude / Hey buddy / Hello everyone
Nice to meet you.  First meeting of a new acquaintance
How are you?/ How are you doing? (You haven’t seen the person for a while.)
How's it going?
How you doing?
How are you?
What have you been up to?
How do you do?
What's going on?
What’s new?
What's up?
I’m fine, thanks.
Really good/ No too bad./ Great
I’ve just came back fro, a great trip!
Same as usual. And, you?
It's been a long time.(好久不見。)
Long time no see.
Time flies.
Good bye. / Good day.
See you later. / Catch you later.
I have to go.
Mark: Well, I got to go now.
Mary: Oh, so early?
Greetings/ farewell
Have a nice day.
Mark: I have to get up early tomorrow.
Drop in any time.(有空來坐。)
Mary: Well, I’ll see you later.
Let's keep in touch.
Nice/good seeing you.
Take care.
Talk to you later.
So long.
I've got to go
I hate to run, but..
I'm off now.
I'm leaving.
I'll be seeing you. / I will be back.
A: How are you doing?
Three types of response
B1: I'm doing fine / OK / Pretty well.
be better.
B2: Not bad. / Just so-so. /
/ Great.
/ Fabulous! / Terrific! / Never
The same as always. /
I can't complain.
B3: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.
A: What’s up?
B: No much.
A: What’s new?
B: Nothing much. I am still the same. Same shit, different day.