休二乙 4a0b0079 楊季芸 F:空服員 P:乘客

休二乙 4a0b0079 楊季芸
F:空服員 P:乘客
F:We provide fish steak and chicken steak today,which da you want to
P:Ah…I want the chicken and some drinks.
F:We have cold drinks:coke,juice,pepsi,7 up,lemonade and wine.There
are also hot drinks:coffee and tea,which da you want?
P:Please give me a glass of lemonade, in addition,I also want some
snacks and poker cards.
F:OK!Please wait a moment.
F:Your meal is ready .There are snacks and poker cards you want.Is there
anything else can do for you?
P:I feel so cold,please give me a blanket and a pair of slippers.
F:OK!No problem,please wait.
F:Here you are.Other needs?
P:Thank you.