4a060049 國企二乙 洪琪雯 by 4a060049, 2012-11-12 19:28, 人氣(1)

4a060049 國企二乙 洪琪雯
by 4a060049, 2012-11-12 19:28, 人氣(1)
Hi, Jack. This is Amy Hung It has been a while not seeing you. I want to tell you an
information. The High School Reunion will be hold in November 2nd at 7 p.m. in my
house. My address is number 75 on the first road right next to the coffee shop.
Everybody is invited to the party. Our teacher Miss Wang is invited, too. Call me
when you get this message, Okay? I am available from 5p.m. to 11p.m. . My mobile
number is 0975-123123. Please let me know whether you will come to the High
School Reunion or not. Wish you have a nice day. Good bye!