TTCI 旅遊競爭力指數 旅遊競爭力指數 has been developed to measure the many different regulatory and business-related issues that have been identified as levers for improving T&T competitiveness in countries around the world 藉由詳細分析各指標的向度,企業和政府 可找出產業成長所面臨的挑戰 TTCI 旅遊競爭力指數十四項 Policy rules and regulations Tourism infrastructure Environmental sustainability Price competitiveness in the T&T industry Safety and security Human resources Health and hygiene Affinity for Travel & Tourism Prioritization of T & T Air / Ground transport infrastructure ICT infrastructure Natural resources Cultural resources 旅遊競爭力是否能反映觀光 客數目多寡? 旅遊競爭力與觀光客人數的關係? 旅遊競爭力指數 為什麼瑞士的競爭力指數最高,但遊客比 英美等國較少? 可能原因? 旅遊競爭力 – 台灣 若針對長途旅行 產品設計 全民意識 配套 台灣觀光旅遊優勢 Telephone lines, Internet use Quality of roads, railroad infrastructure, ground transport network交通系統 Education enrollment, staff training教育訓 練 Visa acceptance金融VISA 台灣觀光旅遊劣勢 Visa requirements簽證 Time to start a business 成本 Sustainability 永續性 of T & T development Particulate matter concentration都會密集 Threatened species受威脅物種 Government expenditures 政府支出 台灣觀光旅遊劣勢 Presence of major car rental companies Hotel price index旅館房價 Ease of hiring foreign labor 雇用外國勞工 Tourism openness Business trips 商務旅遊 自然環境品質、保護區、世界遺產數、巨 蛋