Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-11, 2007 Dual Cameras for 360-Degree Visual Surveillance Ming-Shyan Wang Yu-Chun Huang Tsung-Ching Yang Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University Tainan, Taiwan, ROC e-mail: Southern Taiwan University Tainan, Taiwan, ROC Department of Electrical Engineering Southern Taiwan University Tainan, Taiwan, ROC Abstract—The work aims at providing a video surveillance system, which includes an omnidirectional sensor to get 360 degrees of view angle of vision by analyzing only single image for a wider working area, a general CCD to track moving objects for clear view, and a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and its drive to rotate the camera. The CCD mounted with the omnidirectional sensor is first calibrated to obtain one-to-one correspondence between the image pixels through a catadioptric mirror and the locations on image plane. Its image pre-processing based on an algorithm of normalized grayscale correlation is employed to process images for motion detection. The position data of the detected object are converted to be input command of the rotating mechanism. The general CCD then executes the image tracking within the range of omnideirectional view. Instead of using normalized grayscale correlation, Sobel edge detection is adopted to determine the geometric model of the captured target and compare it with preset sample model. Finally, the experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed system. Camera Omnidirectional CCD Position moving object Image difference Capture image Adaptive binarization Video recording Median filtering Template matching Morphological processing Update position data YES Keywords—Omnidirectional sensor, normalized grayscale correlation, Sobel edge detection. Moving obj. ? NO I. INTRODUCTION NO Target missing ? Omnidirectional vision, or panoramically viewing and imaging an environment is useful in a number of applications, such as surveillance, elderly care, and robot navigation and tracking. In order to make an imaging system possible to cover a 360-degree field of vision, there are two obvious solutions to obtain a panoramic view of the scene. One is to rotate the entire imaging system about its center of projection then combine the sequence of acquired images [1-4]. This system just needs a general CCD and may capture large and clear view. However, the main disadvantages of it are that it requires the use of moving parts and precise positioning and more total time to obtain an image with enhanced field of view. The other employs a so-called omnidirectional CCD and analyzes only one image [1-8]. But, an omnidirectional CCD is more expensive that a PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) like. Additionally, a poor image resolution of the omnidirectional CCD makes wide-angle imaging inadequate for monitoring objects around the predefined center [1-3]. In this paper, in order to have a clear image view of moving objects in a large working area, we propose a 360-degree visual surveillance system with dual cameras by using a low-resolution omnidirectional CCD and a YES End of recording Fig. 1. Flowchart of image processing. general CCD to provide both merits of the rotating imaging system and an omnidirectional CCD. As part of the surveillance system, the omnidirectional CCD is not only firstly responsible for real-time image acquisition for follow-up visual tracking by the general CCD. It also always monitors all covered working range so that the general CCD can track, miss, and re-track a fast moving target. The image pre-processing, including image unwarping, YUV transformation, median filtering, binarization, and image dilation and erosion, is employed to detect an invasion first captured by the omnidirectional CCD. Afterward the rotating mechanism and the general CCD execute the image tracking. In stead of using grayscale-based thresholding, geometric pattern matching is adopted to track moving objects by comparing the determined geometric model with a preset model. The flowchart of image processing is shown in Fig. 1, which includes video recording for further consideration. 752 Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-11, 2007 Y1 The paper is organized as follows for further discussion: Section I, introduction; Section II, moving object detection; section III, video tracking; section IV, experimental results, and; conclusions. X1 II. MOVING OBJECT DETECTION Camera calibration of the omnidirectional vision system includes two parts: one is to derive the equivalent focal length and image center; the other is to find the one-to-one correspondence between the ground positions and the image pixels. The captured concentric omnidirectional image can be unwarped to create a panoramic image provided that the equivalent focal length is available. The video is transferred to PC then converted by the following equation [9], Y2 G (Y1 )cos( X 1 ) X 2 G (Y1 )sin( X 1 ) (1) where X 1 and Y1 are the pixel values of input image, X 2 and Y2 are the pixel values of output image, and G is a function of the radius of the catadioptric sensor. Fig. 2 (a) shows the input image where green lines stand for axes of omnidirectional image plane ( X 1 and Y1 ) and red segment is its radius. The unwarped image (or panoramic image) is displayed in Fig. 2(b) where green lines stand for axes of image plane ( X 2 and Y2 ) and red segment is the distance of image. The range of X 2 is from -180° to 180°. The generating procedure of unwarped image begins the transformation from the left upper position and ends at the right lower one. However, due to the errors of omnidirectional sensor and transformation, we employ equation (2) and choose a modified value to calibrate the output image, w X 2 X 1 ( Y1 D) 2 h Y2 ( X 1 D) Y1 2 (2) -180 X2 0 Y2 180 (b) Fig. 2. Omnidrectional Image. fˆ ( x, y ) mediang ( s, t ) ( s ,t )S x y (4) where fˆ ( x, y ) is the output and g(s,t) is output of bubble sorting for captured image. Thresholding is the transformation of an input image to its output binary image defined as follows: 0 T( f ) 255 f T0 f T0 (5) where T0 is the global-threshold value dependent on the lightness of environment. There generally exists incompleteness in an image after binarization. The functions of dilation and erosion may compensate it. Assuming that A and B are two sets of Z 2 , A dilated by B denoted by A B is defined as [10] A B z ( Bˆ ) z A A , (6) Similarly, set of A eroded by B denoted by AB is defined as [10] (7) AB z ( B) z A Opening an image is defined as where D is the modified value and w and h are the respective sum of pixel on X 1 and Y1 axes. The rotating direction decides the increment or decrement of D. For the image pre-processing in the flowchart shown in Fig. 1, we first convert the colors of the captured image into grey levels in order to save about 2/3 data processing time and speed up the image tracking. The grey scale Y of YUV form will be obtained from RGB (red, green, and blue) form of captured color image by the following equation, Y 0.299 R 0.587 G 0.114 B (a) (3) The background is deleted and the moving block is detected by subtracting two consecutive images pixel by pixel. We get rid of the noise in the image via median filtering by the following equation, A B ( AB) B (8) Closing an image is defined as (9) A B ( A B)B , After we have finished closing or opening an image, we know if there exists a moving object. III. ADAPTIVE FUZZY LOGIC CONTROL As soon as the position data of the captured object have been identified, they will be transformed into the input command of the rotating mechanism that includes a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and its drive. The command is transmitted between the PC and motor drive only via RC-232 cable without using any interface circuit. The servo motor steers the general CCD for more precisely visual tracking. 753 Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-11, 2007 There are some algorithms on boundary mask, such as Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts, and Laplacian gradients. However, Sobel mask is the most popular because it has the merits of easy computation, better noise suppression, and good performance. The gradient G of an image f ( x, y) at position ( x, y) by Sobel operator is defined as [10] G f ( x, y ) f ( x, y ) i j Gx i G y j (10) x y where G x and G y denote the x and y components of G. The magnitude of G is calculated and approximated as G Gx G y Gx G y 2 2 (11) and the direction of G is G tan 1 Gy Gx . (12) For a 3 3 mask shown in Table I, the gradient G of an image by Sobel operator will be simplified as Gx ( x7 2 x8 x9 ) ( x1 2 x2 x3 ) G y ( x3 2 x6 x9 ) ( x1 2 x4 x7 ) (13) IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The experimental setup shown in Fig. 4 includes one low-resolution omnidirectional sensor from Vstone [11]. It is composed of a NTSC color camera and a hyperbolic mirror with a field of view extended from 10 o to 55o below the horizon. The 1/3 in color CCD has the image resolution of 768*508 pixels. In this work, it is mounted on the ceiling of the laboratory to provide global surveillance of the environment. The specifications of PMSM are listed in Table II. In addition, the characteristics of the interlaced CCD are shown in Table III. An output image of the omnidirectional CCD is shown in Fig. 5. We unwrap it and display it in Fig. 6. Fig. 7 presents one moving object. The grey values of each pixel in Figs. 6 and 7 are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 as two consecutive images. Fig. 10 displays their difference pixel by pixel. Median filtering is performed to get rid of the noise in Fig. 10, shown in Fig. 11. Thresholding is operated to transform the image in Fig. 11 to its output binary image by using equation (5) for T0 =10, shown in Fig. 12. Figs. 13 and 14 present the dilation and erosion operations on the binary image, respectively. Fig. 15 is the output of closing the binary image in Fig. 12. The moving object has been marked by a red rectangle in Fig. 16. (14) Based on a preset threshold, the score of G will determine if the image pixel is an edge point. Fig. 3 shows a picture and its output by Sobel operator. If the preset geometric edges locate on the central half of the image, the camera will stand still. Additionally, if the edges locate the one-fourth left (right) of the image, the camera will be shifted left (right) with a constant speed by the PMSM. (a) Fig. 4. Experimental setup. (b) Fig. 3 A picture (a) and its output (b) by Sobel operator. 754 Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-11, 2007 Fig. 13. Dilation. Fig. 5. Captured image. Fig. 14. Erosion. Fig. 6. Unwarped image. Fig. 15. Image closing . Fig.7. An image with invasion. Fig. 16. Moving object located. Fig. 8. Image histogram. Fig. 9. Moving object histogram. PC estimates the center position of marked object in Fig. 16, determines the rotating angle of the rotating mechanism, and transmits the command data via RS-232 to the PMSM drive. The captured object enters the laboratory and walks from left to right then returns back. The general CCD initially positions at the center, shown in Fig. 17(a), and then shifts left after the omnidirectional CCD captures the moving object and PC sends the rotating command to it, shown in Fig. 17(b). Figs. 17 (b)-(i) present a sequence of tracking images when the captured object moves back and forth. The rectangle in Fig. 17 stands for the preset geometric edges, and the cross symbol is its center. The threshold for the score by Sobel operator is 25%. However, the influence of the object size on this system must be considered. Fig. 10. Image difference. V. CONCLUSIONS We have proposed a video surveillance system that can cope with different applications with 360-degree and clear visual field by using an omnidirectional CCD and a general CCD. Our main focus has been the omnidirectional image detection and tracking for invading objects. Our system takes a grayscale-based approach where an adaptive thresholding is employed during image pre-processing, which includes YUV transformation, median filtering, binarization, and image dilation and erosion. The post-processing for the general CCD is made within a pattern-matching approach to track the captured moving objects by the omnidirectional CCD. The communication between PC and the PMSM drive of the rotating mechanism only needs a RS-232 cable. Finally, based on the experimental results, we have validated the effectiveness of the proposed system. Fig. 11. Median filtering. Fig. 12. Binarization. 755 Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 9-11, 2007 (g) (a) (h) (b) (i) Fig 17. A sequence of tracking images when the captured object moves back and forth. (c) x1 3 3 mask. x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 Table I. Output power Torque (d) Torque constant Rated velocity Table II. Parameters of PMSM 7CB30. PR 300W Back EMF KE 54.9V/Krpm constant TR 0.95Nm Inertia JM 0.224Kgcm2 KT 0.524Nm/A NR 3000RPM Stator resistance Stator inductance Rs 2.79 Ω Ls 5.80 mH Table III Specifications of interlaced CCD Scanning system 525 lines 30 frames/sec. 2:1 interlaced CCD sensor Color 1/2” IT EXview HAD CCDTM Sensing area 6.6(h)x4.8(v) mm Effective pixels 768(h)x494(v) Shutter flickerless 1/100 sec. (e) ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to express their appreciation to Ministry of Education for financial supporting. 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