多媒體技術專論-期末報告 企業記憶數位資料庫 Institutional Memory Goes Digital 課堂教師:陳炳彰 報 告 人:盧伯勳 出處 哈佛商業評論 hbr.org | February 2009 | Harvard Business Review Breakthrough Idea for 2009 企業記憶數位資料庫 Institutional Memory Goes Digital 作者: Gurdeep Singh Pall & Rita Gunther McGrath 電子全文:http://hbr.org/web/2009/hbr-list/institutional-memory-goes-digital Institutional Memory Goes Digital by Gurdeep Singh Pall and Rita McGrath Suppose every utterance and facial expression at a meeting were routinely captured and archived in high-definition digital video recordings – searchable and available in perpetuity. Would this be a god send or a nightmare? The answer is probably both, but we’re about to find out for sure. Within a few years, a synthesis of technologies from an array of companies will make possible a “total recall system ,” or TRS, that can produce such recordings. 如果我們每次在會議中所有的發表或臉部表情,都透過高解析度的數位錄影記 錄並存檔,供日後搜尋與使用,會是一項恩賜或夢魘? 答案可能是兩者都是,但我們很快就會知道真正的答案。不出幾年,許多公司 都會推出一種可製作這類錄影的合成技術,讓「完全回溯系統」的夢想成真。 Institutional Memory Goes Digital by Gurdeep Singh Pall and Rita McGrath Let’s say you miss an important meeting . Instead of having to piece it together from the contradictory accounts of those who were there, you will be able to login to your company’s TRS and search are cording of the meeting for the stuff you really care about. Or maybe you’d like to revisit discussions that stretched over a series of meetings and led to an important decision for which you are partly accountable. All the deliberations along the way – advocacy , misgivings, evolving positions – are there for your review. Of course, if the decision turns out to have been a bad one, the record will likewise be there to vindicate or implicate dissenters and promoters alike. 假如說你錯過一場重要會議,你不需要從參與的人口中拼湊當時的情形,甚至這 些敘述還可能互相矛盾。你只要登入公司的TRS就可在會議的錄影中找到你真正 想要的東西。或者你想回顧之前參與過的重要決策、會議討論內容與決策的過程。 整個討論的過程如支持、疑慮與立場的演進,都可供你檢視與檢討。當然,如果 這項決策後來證明是錯誤的,那些TRS紀錄將成為反對者與支持者爭辯的證據。 Institutional Memory Goes Digital by Gurdeep Singh Pall and Rita McGrath Indeed, TRS is a double-edged sword. A silly suggestion made in a brainstorming meeting might end up on YouTube, Yahoo Video, or MSN Video. Every thoughtless or sarcastic comment could potentially come back to haunt its maker in an HR inquiry or a lawsuit. Recorded content would be discoverable, potentially increasing the already staggering costs and complexity of litigation. Clearly, digital-rights protections that prevent the unauthorized from accessing these records will be hugely important. 當然,TRS是一把兩面刃,在一個集思廣益會議上的愚蠢建議, 最終可能被貼在 YouTube、Yahoo! Video或MSN Video上出醜。任何輕率或嘲諷的言論,都可能 在人事調查或法律官司中被提出,並提高潛在的訴訟成本與複雜性。顯然建立數 位版權,與阻止未經授權而使用檔案,是非常重要的。 Institutional Memory Goes Digital by Gurdeep Singh Pall and Rita McGrath On the other hand, companies could use the recordings to defend themselves in court. And software programs will be able to dig through the recordings to identify people’s expertise and network ties, making it possible to find everyone who has mentioned a subject of interest, on what occasion, and to whom. 在另一方面,公司可利用這些檔案,在法庭上為自己辯護。而且,軟體程式能深 入紀錄中挖掘檔案,辨識人們的專長與網路連結,使每個人都能找有興趣的題目。 Institutional Memory Goes Digital by Gurdeep Singh Pall and Rita McGrath The next frontier is technology that can recognize faces and interpret gestures and expressions. (Does John Doe always twitch when he makes commitments he doesn’t keep?) These capabilities should be available in a decade. Yes, Big Brother may ultimately capture everything we say and do at a meeting, with consequences both good and bad. 科技的下一個領域將是面貌辨識,以及詮釋手勢和表情。( John Doe每次許下他 不會遵守的承諾時,臉部是否都會抽搐?)這些功能應該在十年內可行。 沒錯,像「老大哥」(美國實境秀)一樣,最終擷取我們會議上的任何動作與發 表,這結果有好有壞。 Thanks for your attention !!! 參考資料: hbr.org | February 2009 | Harvard Business Review http://hbr.org/web/2009/hbr-list/institutional-memory-goes-digital 哈佛商業評論 http://www.hbrtaiwan.com/Main/index.aspx