Trading Strategies in Radio Spectrum Management Advisor :Wei-Yeh Chen Student :楊 于 世 Reference Choong Ming Chin, S. Olafsson, B. Virginas and G. Owusu “Trading Strategies in Radio Spectrum Management,” in ISWPC Santorini island , pp. 680 - 684 , May 2008 . 1 Outline Introduction Spectrum Trading Simulation Results Conclusion 2 Introduction(1/2) Radio spectrum is a limited natural resource and with the ever increasing size of the wireless mobile community coupled(結 合). With the demand for high-speed multimedia communications, efficient resource management of systems to make best use of this resource is an essential step. 3 Introduction(2/2) Radio resource management (RRM) is one of the most challenging and one of the most important aspects in the provisioning of quality of service (QoS) for wireless communication systems. In this paper we propose a novel radio spectrum trading via derivatives(衍生) contracts as a means to address short-term demands for spectrum whilst ensuring end-to-end QoS is met. 4 Spectrum Trading(1/2) Spectrum trading is a market based mechanism where, ideally, buyer/lessees and seller/lessor, determine the assignments of spectrum and its uses. The network bandwidth price is adjusted based on the bandwidth demand of all the network providers via a spectrum broker mediating(調節) between buyers and sellers of spectrum. 5 Spectrum Trading(2/2) In this paper, using the concept of derivatives contracts we present a spectrum trading strategy to address short-term spectrum demands between network providers. In the financial market, the most common underlying variables in derivatives contracts are stock prices, foreign currency(貨幣) exchange rates and commodity(商品) prices. 6 Spectrum Spectrum A B Contract Broker 優點:可以透過契約直接使用其他頻譜,不需要另外競爭。 缺點:價格隨時的變化,而且必須遵守市場機制,不得討價還價。 7 評估頻 寬需求 dCi (t ) = mi Ci (t ) dt + si Ci (t ) dWi (t ) Ci(t):表示頻寬需求在隨機時間t的時候 根據需求 調整價格 μi:需求的成長率 σi:頻寬需求的變化 判斷頻 寬需求 dWi(t): dWi(t) ~ N(0, dt) 大於需求 買進契約 log( 小於需求 d= Ci (t ) 1 2 ) + ( m s i )(T t ) ^ i 2 Ci si T t 賣出契約 8 評估頻 寬需求 P0 1 S (t ) = exp( N M 根據需求 調整價格 M logC (t )) i =1 i S(t) :一單位頻寬在某時間當時的價格 判斷頻 寬需求 大於需求 小於需求 賣出契約 買進契約 P0 :一開始頻寬的價格 N :比率係數 M :市場的參予者 9 Simulation Results To provide realistic models for the trading simulation of future wireless networks we let each network provider i =1, 2, . . .,M have a maximum bandwidth capacity of 10 Gbps. We present the bandwidth demand and market price generated by M = 4 network providers (NP) with initial bandwidth demand between 1 Gbps and 4 Gbps. 10 Bandwidth demand (a) and bandwidth market price (b). 11 Bandwidth capacity with and without trading. 12 Call options bought and sold by network providers. 13 Conclusion 這篇論文主要是說明頻譜之間的交易策略,這裡所採用的 方法就是訂定一個短期的契約,使頻譜之間的交易可透過 契約來履行彼此之間的交易,根據所訂的契約來滿足使用 者對於其他頻譜使用的要求。 14