Case Study: Conservation Tillage to Save Patzcuaro Lake Watershed Mario Tiscareño-López Alma Delia Báez-González Miguel Velázquez-Valle Ramón Claverán-Alonso Centro Nacional de Investigación para Producción Sostenible Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, SAGAR Apartado Postal 7-116, Morelia, Mich. 58261, MEXICO Kenneth N. Potter The Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA 808 E. Blackland Road, Temple, TX 76502 Jeffrey J. Stone Southwestern Watershed Research Center Agricultural Research Service, USDA 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ., USA RESUMEN La cuenca del Lago de Pátzcuaro ha sido expuesta al cultivo del maíz desde hace más de 3,500 años. Sin embargo es en los últimos 100 cuando las actividades humanas sobre los recursos suelo y agua han causado gran daño al ecosistema. El cambio en el uso del suelo de una condición forestal a agricultura anual en las áreas de ladera ha causado que anualmente se pierdan 320 mil toneladas de suelo y azolven el lago a nieveles que provocan eutroficación y la disminución de la fauna acuática. Ante este problema el CENAPROS-INIFAP realizó investigaciones para incursionar en la agricultura sostenible para protección del ecosistema mediante la aplicación de sistemas de laboreo de suelo los cuales disminuyeran en forma significativa la erosión y consecuentemente el azolve del lago. Para tal propósito se han evaluado la labranza cero y mínima con diferentes niveles de cobertura del suelo a base de residuos de cosecha. Esto ha permitido reducir la erosión al 20% en comparación con el laboreo tradicional que aplican los agricultores. Así mismo la labranza cero es una alternativa para elevar el nivel friático y recargar el lago en forma subsuperficial tal como ocurría en su estado sin disturbio. Este estudio ha dado lugar al Programa Regional de Conservación de Suelos donde participan más de 1,500 agricultores que habitan en la cuenca. INTRODUCCION Agricultural research in Mexico has been largely driven by the concept of crop productivity, as a means to achieve business profitability and a better standard of living for farmers. This was greatly inspired by the results of the Green Revolution at the end of the 1960s, which stated that food production would be significantly increased in most parts of the world by using hybrid maize and wheat, fertilizer and pesticide applications and irrigating the prime lands (Harrington 1996). By many measures, the Green Revolution was a tremendous success around the world. In Mexico, maize production grew steadily at an annual rate of 7.6 per cent until 1967 and the country became self-sufficient in food crops (Appendini and Liverman 1994). Unfortunately, the impact on crop yield was less for rainfed crops allocated on marginal lands than for yield obtained in irrigated areas. With the possibility of increasing the national food production, during the 1970s and 1980s, state agencies encouraged the expansion of arable land wherever necessary and possible. Unfortunately available cropland in Mexico is limited by topography. Only 16 per cent of the land is classified as prime farm land, mostly allocated in the northern region, suitable for high-input agriculture. The rest of land is mostly used by 3.1 million small farms (INEGI 1993), either located on steep-slope terrain or marginal semiarid conditions. However, this marginal land provides much of the domestic food supply: 14 million metric tons (SAGAR 1998). The basic staple crops -maize and beans- are grown in the 75 per cent of the rainfed cropland (11.4 million hectares). The cost of expanding the cropland's frontier has been detrimental for the nation's natural resources. Mexico's temperate and tropical forests have been reduced by 30 and 75 per cent since 1960, respectively. According to the World Resources Institute (1994), Mexico ranks third among countries having the highest annual rates of diminishing native forests. The impact on the hydrologic regime by deforestation is perhaps the most distressing point, in light of the fact that only 12 per cent of the nation's water is on the central plateau, where 60 per cent of the population and 51 per cent of the cropland are located. Three hundred major watersheds, whose total annual water yield approximates 400 billion cubic meters (Albert 1996), undergo a degradation process as a result of vegetation cover reduction, soil erosion, nutrient losses, agrochemical pollution and lake eutrophication, among other factors. Concurrent hillslope and gully erosion from deforestation and inappropriate cultivation of drylands have been identified on 65 to 85 per cent of the land (Bocco and Garcia-Oliva 1992). In view of these and other problems, it is urgent to overcome the inability of current agricultural technology to satisfy the domestic food demands for almost 90 million Mexicans. This can be accomplished by switching to a new technological scheme, able to improve agricultural productivity based on the amelioration of the natural resources for optimal plant growth and animal production. This will also gain a significant improvement in the farmers' environmental and economical living conditions. This document attempts to provide an insight on the current research conducted by the National Center for Sustainable Agriculture (CENAPROS-INIFAP) in Central Mexico directed toward integration of alternative agroecosystems for sustainable food and fiber production and the preservation of natural resources. The research takes place in the Patzcuaro Watershed in Central Mexico, a basin where maize has been grown for more than 3,500 years by the Purhepecha ancient culture (Watts and Bradbury 1982). Unfortunately, in this century, human pressure on soil and water resources has threatened the regional ecosystems (Toledo et al. 1992). THE PATZCUARO WATERSHED One of the most representative sites of the Central-West region of Mexico, in terms of mankind’s history and natural resource diversity in the North American Continent, is the Patzcuaro Watershed located in what is known as La Meseta Tarasca in the State of Michoacan, Mexico. With rich soils and an excellent sub-humid temperate climate that characterizes the Mexican NeoVolcanic Central Belt, the Patzcuaro Watershed has not escaped episodes of deforestation at the hands of local farmers and timber companies under the support of official programs to increase regional maize productivity and timber production. The Patzcuaro Watershed, an area covering 956.2 km 2, is a closed basin of volcanic formation where runoff from rainfall excess in uplands drains into a single lake of 89.3 km2. The average annual temperature is 14.5°C and rainfall averages 1,002 mm per year, mostly distributed from June to October. In most parts of La Meseta Tarasca, the native vegetation is a mixed conifer and deciduous forest of Pinus and Quercus genera. Today, the forest is restricted to 46 per cent of the Patzcuaro basin due to anthropogenic causes (i.e., clear cutting for logging and firewood). The dominant soil type is Andisol, a sandy loam textured soil derived from volcanic ash with very low bulk density (0.7-0.8 g cm-3), easily erodible under dry or wet conditions due to its poor structure (Cabrera 1988). Annual cropping agriculture is practiced in 25 per cent of the land, in a topographic array ranging from almost negligible slope near the shore of the lake to a 45° (100%) slope in some upland sites. Taking into account the soils and topography of La Meseta Tarasca, the Patzcuaro watershed is representative of millions of square kilometers of volcanic lands in the majority of Latin American countries (Zebrowsky 1992), where the scarcity of prime land obliges small landholders to grow annual crops under steep-terrain conditions. Andisols, along with other volcanic-derived soils (Kastanozem, Regosols and Litosols) comprise nearly 60 per cent (1.2 million km2 ) of the national territory (Aguilera 1969). After decades of applying conventional agriculture based on mechanical soil movement by local farmers, these steep-slope lands are becoming less productive because soil erosion and nutrient losses have been greatly accelerated. As a result, local farmers practice a cropping system termed "Año y Vez", consisting of planting the fields every other year as a means to maintain the soil fertility. In the year when the fields remain uncultivated, cattle are allowed to graze the crop residues and weeds for direct manure application. Although farmers have adopted several technological components of the Green Revolution (application of fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides), the regional average yield of maize remains very low: 1.5 ton/ha. This is a real productivity problem considering that maize is cultivated in 44 per cent of the watershed’s cropland area (21,672 ha) by approximately 10,000 farmers (INEGI 1993). Indeed, such low maize productivity is more a problem of soil fertility decay than a limitation of the genetic potential of the local maize varieties, which have proved superior to new varieties and hybrids of maize recently introduced by commercial breeders. It is also important to mention that the watershed’s high elevation (2,100 masl) significantly reduces the rate of heat unit accumulation, which limits the grain yield of synthetic maize germplasm developed for the lowlands of the Mexican Plateau. Sedimentation and lake eutrophication constitute the most detrimental off site effects of the traditional steep-slope agriculture practiced at the Patzcuaro Watershed, with very adverse consequences on the local fishery and regional economy. Aquatic weed proliferation and algae blooms have been largely linked to high nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in storm water runoff from the upland fertilized fields. This has directly affected the household economy of 1,200 fishing families since fish population has precipitously dropped as a result of water quality deterioration along with the excessive fish harvest during the last years. Annual fish harvest has declined from 900 to 150 kg/ha/yr between 1960 to 1995, indicating the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption practiced by the watershed inhabitants (Rojas 1992). ORIENTED AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH In line with its major institutional objective to achieve sustainable agriculture in Mexico, CENAPROS guided a multidisciplinary research effort to identify technological components able to conserve the soil and improve crop productivity in the Patzcuaro watershed. At the same time, this research site served as a pilot study for tailoring appropriate soil and water conservation technology for the nation's watersheds requiring natural resources conservation plans. Thus, it was identified that conservation tillage seemed to be an appropriate technology to solve the above-mentioned problems. However, several questions emerged about what system of conservation tillage to apply minimum tillage or no-tillage- and the amount of crop residue (stover) to be left on the field to minimize soil erosion. It was necessary to keep in mind that crop residues are the primary animal feed for many farmers. Therefore, any recommendation in using the crop residues for soil cover could affect the adoption of conservation tillage among farmers. IMPACTS OF CONVENTIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURE After four years of investigating different tillage systems to prevent soil erosion, it was apparent that Andisols are highly susceptible to tillage intensity (Figure 1). Cropping systems, which use plow- and disk-based tillage implements, result in highly erodible conditions for the poorly structured soils of this watershed. Soil losses averaged 3.2 Mg/ha/yr for conventional tillage and 2.6 Mg/ha/yr for minimum-tillage on an 8% slope. It is evident that a protective cropping system able to prevent soil degradation must avoid soil disturbance. In this study, no-tillage was able to lower soil losses to less than 0.3 Mg/ha/yr. This finding confirmed that conventional agriculture had contributed to lake siltation during later decades and largely explains why the maximum depth of the lake has been reduced from 40 to 12 meters between 1940 to 1997 (Chacón, 1993). 3 . 5 1 2 0 3 . 0 1 0 0 2 . 5 8 0 2 . 0 6 0 1 . 5 SoilMsture(m)&Runof(m) SoilLse(ton/ha) 4 0 1 . 0 2 0 0 . 5 0 . 0 C o n v e n t i o n a l M i n i m u m N o t i l l T i l l a g e T r e a t m e n t s 0 S o i l L o s s e s R u n o f fS o i l M o i s t u r e Figure 1. Soil losses, runoff and 150-mm layer soil moisture for three tillage treatments. Soil moisture after harvest (March ). Minimization of storm water runoff with mulched no-till systems becomes a key factor to prevent sediment yield and promote infiltration and deep-water percolation for lake recharge in this closed watershed. Compared with conventional tillage, no-tillage reduced runoff by 76% (21.2 mm vs. 88 mm of runoff) and increased soil water retention to 53% in the first 150-mm soil layer during the dry season (February to April). This suggests that the watershed hydrological regime can be significantly modified to improve lake recharge via groundwater by raising the water table. Chacón (1993) has estimated that since 1940, deep-water percolation has diminished from 12 to 8 per cent due to landuse change. In this study, using the EPIC model developed by Williams (1995), we estimated that deep-water percolation would be increased from 10 to 20 per cent by switching from conventional to no-tillage agriculture. The impact of residue cover on soil losses when using no-tillage was tested with a range of residue surface cover of 0, 33, 66 and 100 per cent, consisting of shopped corn stalks from a previous harvest. Figure 2 illustrates that soil losses are reduced by 80 per cent (0.72 Mg/ha) by leaving 33 per cent of crop residue with no-till in comparison with zero surface cover in no-till (3.62 Mg/ha). This is important considering that farmers need the crop residues to feed their animals. Because of the difficulty in making good residue cover measurements by the peasants, a practical recommendation is given in terms of straw rows. For example, “as minimum, leave over the field one of three rows of straw to get a protective soil cover.” It is estimated, however, that full soil coverage with crop residues is reached after six consecutive years of leaving all crop residues. Water infiltration and soil water content during the dry season (February - April) have been found to be proportional to residue cover with direct effects on crop yield (Table 1). Table 1. Runoff, soil water and crop yield responses by tillage treatment. No-Tillage / Residue Cover Tillage 0% 33% 66% 100% Minimum Conventional Runoff (mm) 92.0 24.0 21.2 19.6 92.3 86.9 N in Runoff (kg/ha)* 3.62 2.67 1.94 0.87 9.32 7.05 Soil Moisture (mm)** 48.3 50.4 52.0 57.9 42.0 37.8 7.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 4.0 6.0 Grain Yield (ton/ha) 2.63 3.06 3.18 3.52 3.00 2.84 Straw Yield (ton/ha) 6.14 7.75 6.99 6.84 9.02 8.46 Corn Canopy Cover (%)† * N-NO3 and N-NH4 ** In March (dry season) at the first 150-mm soil layer. † 30 days after planting (second week of June). Soil losses (Mg/ha) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1996 0 33 1997 66 1998 100 Residue cover (%) Figure 2. Reduction of sediment yield in no-tillage treatments by the effect of residue cover. Rainfall simulator experiments were conducted on 3 m 2 plots to quantify the effects of residue on infiltration rates. It was found that the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity increased from 24 mm/hr for conventional tillage with zero mulching to 93 mm/hr for no-tillage and 100 per cent residue cover. Residue cover also reduced soil water evaporation by avoiding direct solar radiation and wind effects over the soil surface. For no-tillage, almost 10 mm of additional water are stored in the first 150-mm soil layer when applying 100 per cent residue cover in comparison to zero mulching. This extra water allows a better establishment of rainfed corn, as corn canopy cover expressed 30-days after sowing (Table 1). In addition, crop yield responses have improved when applying no-tillage and crop residues as mulch. No-tillage with 100 per cent residue cover improved grain yield by 0.7 Mg/ha with respect to maize under conventional tillage. This is largely attributed to reductions in runoff and nitrogen losses and improvement of soil water retention. Recalling that the regional average maize yield is 1.5 Mg/ha, this increment of crop yield is perhaps the most attractive technological response in adopting conservation tillage. Another branch of this research has been a modeling effort to extrapolate point-based experimental data to other watershed sites requiring information on soil erosion rates. Plant growth and soil erosion modeling have been applied to estimate the long-term impacts of no-tillage technology in order to preserve soil and water resources and to design soil conservation plans by prioritizing the most degraded cropland areas of the watershed. Soil erosion and crop growth models have been applied; such as the Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC), the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), the Groundwater Loading and Evaluation of Agricultural Management Systems (GLEAMS), the Infiltration-Runoff Simulator (IRS), the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) and the Decision Support System (DSS) models. Model parameterization in this study involved rainfall simulation studies to determine hydraulic and erosion parameters required by processbased models to simulate crop-soil management scenarios that comprise technological components of alternative agriculture. Process-based modeling was interfaced with satellite imagery to assess actual land-use and Geographic Information Systems to graphically represent the spatial variability of crop productivity and soil losses in cropland areas subjected to conventional tillage as well to assess the potential of no-tillage agriculture for watershed restoration. Figure 3 presents estimates of soil loss spatial variability in the Patzcuaro Watershed under current conventional agriculture and no-tillage agriculture. Soil losses range from less than 0.1 ton/ha/yr on fields with negligible slope to 250 ton/ha/yr on 45 slope conventional-tilled fields. At the watershed scale, soil losses under conventional tillage averaged 16.3 ton/ha/yr. It was predicted, however, that no-tillage agriculture would reduce soil losses to 0.74 ton/ha/yr in this watershed; within a range of 0.12 to 14 ton/ha/yr. This means that even with the use of no-tillage cropping systems, some high-slope areas would be exposed to high erosion rates, and for them, reforestation is the most appropriate alternative to protect the ecosystem. Therefore, an important aspect of this research is to identify cropland areas requiring soil conservation practices other than implementing no-tillage agriculture. Conventional Tillage No-Tillage Lake e Forest Ton / ha / year < 0.2 1 10 20 30 50 70 130 180 250 300 Fig. 3. Soil losses in cropland areas with maize cultivated under conventional and no-tillage. 330 FINAL COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS In Mexico, as in some areas of the world (Sain and Barreto 1996), the adoption of conservation technology can fail because of technical factors: insufficient crop residue because of low system productivity or economic reasons due to high value of residue used as forage (Erenstein 1996). In most parts of the country, there is a great limitation of conservation tillage machinery (e.g., residue shredders and no-tillage planters) and farmers very frequently desist of applying this type of agriculture. Even more, the burning sorghum and wheat residue is a common practice for soil preparation because of the difficulties in planting the following crop using conventional seeder. Thus any recommendation to leave crop residues on the field requires appropriate shredders or residue cutters. However, any technical aspect that limits the adoption conservation tillage does not seem too difficult to subdue as compared with the farmers' deeper agricultural tradition in applying conventional tillage. Agricultural research at the Patzcuaro watershed had allowed the identification of soil conservation practices able to reduce soil erosion to minimum levels and extend the life span of the Patzcuaro watershed. Also, this research has provided a protocol for basic information acquisition to identify watershed areas requiring soil conservation plans in Mexico. Modeling hydrologic and soil erosion processes is a crucial planning tool in developing countries such as Mexico, but high-quality long-term databases are required, that very often do not exist, indicating there is still much to do. Although no-tillage systems that improve corn yield seems to be the solution for adopting conservation tillage among farmers; research is needed to identify technological components required to integrate agroecosystems. Several technological components need to be tested, like nitrogen fixation using legumes to reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers, development of appropriate agricultural machinery for small landholding farmers that use animal traction and hand-driven instruments, and integrate pest management practices to reduce the usage of environment-degrading pesticides, among others. Not only in Mexico, but also for most countries of Latin America, agriculture needs a major change to increase and sustain food production at adequate levels according to demands of current and future human population. Land degradation had been occurring because of frequent application of inappropriate technology in areas where soil quality or topography imposes severe difficulties. New conservation tillage machinery is now available in developing countries as imported prototypes from developed countries. However; the cost, size and conditions for which they were developed often limit their acquisition and proper technology application by farmers. However, it is important to mention that farmers are not willing to reforest their croplands given the low and sporadic income obtained from logging the forest. With conservation tillage, farmers can grow annual crops, which include a dietary staple -maize-, which guarantees part of their family food needs. Finally, it is possible to conclude that restoration of the Patzcuaro Watershed is feasible, it can be done by implementing no-tillage technology to avoid soil mechanical movement along with application of crop residue as mulch. This technology allows an 80 per cent reduction in soil erosion and increases crop productivity 24 per cent at the same time, as compared with conventional tillage. 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