Curriculum Vitae Phil Kenkel Office Address Department of Agricultural Economics 516 Ag Hall Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74078 Phone: 405-744-9818 Fax: 405-744-7835 E-Mail: Education: Doctorate of Philosophy Agricultural Economics - 1990 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Master of Business Administration Agricultural Economics - 1981 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Bachelor of Science Agricultural Economics - 1978 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Professional Experience: 7-2001 - Present Professor and Bill Fitzwater Chair Department of Agricultural Economics Oklahoma State University 9/1999 - 7 2001 Professor Department of Agricultural Economics University of Tennessee 7/1995 - 9/1999 Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Oklahoma State University 8/1990 - 7/1995 Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Oklahoma State University 1/1987 - 8/1990 Research Assistant University of Kentucky 11/1983 - 12/1986 Agribusiness Specialist Morehead State University 7/1986 - 12/1986 General Management Consultant Kentucky Small Business Development Center 1/1981 - 11/1983 Manager Narrow Lane Farm (horse farm) ATTACHMENTS INDEX Page Attachment 1 Current Duties and Appointment Percentage .......................................................................... 2 Attachment 2 List of Journal Articles and Refereed Publications .............................................................. 3-5 Book Chapters .................................................................................................................................. 5 Published Proceedings or Abstracts ............................................................................................ 6-12 Attachment 3 Experiment Station Reports- ................................................................................................. 13 Attachment 4 Extension Publications Extension Fact Sheets, Current Reports and Leaflets ................................................................ 14-17 Extension Circulars ................................................................................................................... 17-18 Attachment 5 Other Publications Proceedings Papers (non-refereed) ............................................................................................ 19-21 Web published material ............................................................................................................. 21-22 Departmental Staff Papers ......................................................................................................... 22-27 Reports to Government Agencies .............................................................................................. 27-29 Attachment 6 Papers Presented at Professional Conference/Meetings ................................................... 30-35 Attachment 7 Honors Received ................................................................................................................... 36 Attachment 8 Other Creative Works Television Shows ........................................................................................................................... 37 Computer software developed ................................................................................................... 37-38 Other-Industry Newsletter Articles ............................................................................................ 39-42 Poster Sessions .......................................................................................................................... 42-43 Attachment 9 Grants and Contracts ............................................................................................................. 50 Attachment 10 Major Outside Activities ................................................................................................ 51-52 Attachment 11 University and Professional Service.................................................................................... 53 Attachment 12 International Programs ................................................................................................... 54-55 Attachment 13 Extension Program Activities ........................................................................................ 54-55 Attachment 14 Teaching Program Activities Courses Taught .............................................................................................................................. 56 Graduate Student Advised .............................................................................................................. 56 Graduate Student Committees ................................................................................................... 56-57 ATTACHMENT 1 CURRENT DUTIES AND APPOINTMENT PERCENTAGE Mission Statement The mission of the Bill Fitzwater Cooperative Chair is to enhance the performance of existing cooperative businesses, facilitate the development of emerging cooperative enterprises and provide education on the cooperative form of business for the leaders of today and to tomorrow. Position Description The Bill Fitzwater Chair is endowed through contributions from cooperatives. The holder of the Bill Fitzwater Chair will develop programs to promote and assist Oklahoma in making informed business decisions and will provide information to assist government leaders in understanding the impact of policy alternatives on cooperatives and their members. The holder of the Bill Fitzwater Chair will be expected to develop a nationally recognized research, extension and teaching program in the general area of cooperative management or topics related to Oklahoma cooperatives. Specific responsibilities include: Develop and maintain a research program related to cooperatives in areas such as finance, strategic planning, value-added business activities or other topics of importance to Oklahoma cooperatives; Develop and maintain educational programs for cooperative managers, directors, and employees; Teach a course in cooperatives at the undergraduate level and one other course at the graduate or undergraduate level; Serve as an advisor and research supervisor for masters and doctoral students pursuing cooperative related studies; Advise undergraduate students interested in cooperatives and related fields; Seek extramural support to supplement cooperative research, extension and teaching programs; Assist with placement of students in internships and permanent positions with cooperatives; Develop educational programs for primary and high school students which promote cooperative awareness; and Communicate research and extension results with a nine-member industry advisory committee. Appointment: 14% Teaching, 43% Extension, 43% Research 2 ATTACHMENT 2 LIST OF JOURNAL ARTICLES AND REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Journal and Refereed Articles: Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Conditions Necessary for Private Investment in the Ethanol Industry” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, (forthcoming, 2009). Kenkel, P., Roger Ginder, and Taeyoon Kim. “Reflections on the Journal of Cooperatives 19862003” Journal of Cooperatives, Vol. 21, pp. 35-50, 2008. Kenkel, P. “Grain Handling and Storage Costs in Country Elevators” The Cooperative Accountant, Winter 2008. Briggeman, Brian C. and Philip Kenkel, "Customer Segmentation Perceptions of Farm Credit Associations," Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 68, No. 2 (Fall 2008) pp. 227-236 Kilima, Freddie Mlyavidoga , F. K., C. Chung and P. Kenkel, “Impacts of Market Reform on Spatial Volatility of Maize Prices in Tanzania,” Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 59, No, 2 June 2008. Kenkel, P. and R. Park. “Business Models and Producer-Owned Ventures: Choices, Challenges and Changes,” Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 39, No. 2 July 2007. Kenkel, P., and R. B. Holcomb, “Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Facilities,” Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2 July 2006. Kenkel, P., and S. Henneberry, “An Economic Analysis of Unit Train Facility Investment,” Mexican Journal of Agribusiness (Revusta Mexicana de Agronegocios), July 2006. Kenkel, P. and R.B. Holcomb, “Feasibility Templates for Value-Added Manufacturing Businesses,” Journal of Food Distribution Research 36, 1(March 2005):232-235. Rodney B. Holcomb and P. Kenkel, “Before the Bricks and Mortar: A Case Study of a New Generation Cooperative's Planning Process,” Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring 2004) pp. 77-91. Kenkel, P., “Post Merger Financial Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives” Cooperative Accountant, July 2003. Diaz, Edgar F. Pebe, B.W. Brorsen, K.B. Anderson, and Phil Kenkel, “Effects of Overweight Samples and Rounding of Grade Percentages on Peanut Grades and Prices,” Peanut Science, 28:9-12, 2001. 3 Diaz, Edgar F. Pebe, B. Wade Brorsen, Kim B. Anderson, Francisca G.-C. Richter, and Phil Kenkel, “The Effect of Rounding on the Probability Distribution of Regarding in the U.S. Peanut Industry,” Journal of Agribusiness, 20:1 (Spring 2002), pp. 103-116. Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb and E. AcBol, “How Do Cooperative Managers and Board Members View Value-added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures?” Visions Vol. 72, No. 2, December 2000, pp. 28-35. Hagstrum, David W., Carl Reed and Phil Kenkel, “Management of Stored Wheat Insect Pests in the USA” Integrated Pest Management Reviews, Vol. 4, December 1999, pp. 127-142. Tembo, G., R.B. Holcomb, P. Kenkel and D. Tilley, “Using Mixed-Integer Programming to Determine the Potential for Flour-Milling Expansion,” Journal of Food Distribution Research, November 1999, pp.13-21. Kenkel, P., K. Anderson and C. Lyford, “Segregation Strategies for Oklahoma Elevators,” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 71, No. 3, 1998, pp. 52-55. Tembo, G., R.B. Holcomb, P. Kenkel and D.S. Tilley, “Potential for Expansion of the Oklahoma Flour Milling Industry,” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 71, No. 2, 1998, pp. 21-34. Kenkel, P. and C. Lyford, The Potential for “New Wave Cooperatives in Oklahoma,” Current Farm Economics, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1997, pp. 39-45. Kenkel, P., “Common Problems with Grain Inventories and Records,” The Cooperative Accountant, Vol. XLX, No. 4, Winter 1997, pp. 54-57. Kenkel, P. and P. Norris, “Agricultural Producers Willingness to Pay for Real-Time Weather Information: A Response,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, July 1997. Kenkel, P., J.R. Wingender, and D. S. Tilley, “Designing an International Joint Venture Negotiation Game,” Simulation and Gaming: An International Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3 September 1996. Kenkel, P. and P. Norris, “Agricultural Producers Willingness to Pay for Real-Time Weather Information,” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, July 1996. Kenkel, P., and Kim Anderson, “Who Wins, Who Loses? Report on Oklahoma State University Study on Grain Grading Accuracy,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 69, No. 2, 1996. Kenkel, P. and R.T. Noyes, “Oklahoma State University Study Helps to Resolve Grain Dust Emission Controversy,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 68, No. 3, 1995. Countiss, A.K., D.S. Tilley and P. Kenkel, “Acceptance of Meat Products by Meat Buyers,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 68, No. 1, March 1995. 4 Adam, B.D., P. Kenkel, and K. Anderson, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat for Export: An Evaluation of Proposed Federal ‘Clean Grain’ Standards,” Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, December 1994. Kenkel, P., J.T. Criswell, G.W. Cuperus, R.T. Noyes, K. Anderson, and W.S. Fargo, “Stored Product Integrated Pest Management,” Food Reviews International, 10(2):177-193, 1994. Buzby, J.C., P.L. Kenkel, J.R. Skees, J.W. Pease, and F.J. Benson, “A Comparison of Subjective and Historical Yield Distributions With Implications for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance,” Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 54, 1994. Kenkel, P., “Weather Information: Everyone Talks About it But Will Anyone Pay for It?” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 67, No. 1, March 1994. Tilley, D.S. and P. Kenkel, “Fostering Economic Growth in Oklahoma's Agribusiness Sector: Implications for Research, Teaching, and Extension,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 66, No. 4, December 1993. Kenkel P. and D. Tilley, “An Economic Analysis of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 66, No. 2, June 1993. Cuperus, G., R.T. Noyes, W.S. Fargo, P. Kenkel, J.T. Criswell, and K. Anderson, “Reducing Pesticide Use in Wheat Postharvest Systems,” Cereal Foods World, 38(4):199-203, 1993. Adam, B., K. Anderson, and P. Kenkel, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat: An Economic Engineering Analysis,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 65, No. 2, June 1992. Kenkel P. and L.D. Sanders, “Oklahoma Agricultural Cooperatives: Financial Performance and Industry Comparisons,” Current Farm Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Vol. 65, No. 1, March 1992. Kenkel, P., D.S. Tilley, and J.R. Wingender, “Evaluating a Business Simulation Program for joint Venture Negotiation and Management,” Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Exercises, 19:101-106, 1992. Book Chapters: Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” in Co-operative Conversions, Failures and Restructurings: Case Studies and Lessons from the U.S. and Canadian Agriculture, Murray Fulton and Brent Hueth, editors. (In press). 5 Anderson, K.B., and Kenkel, Phil. 2008. “Commodity Inspection.” Encyclopedia of Rural America, The Land and People; Gary Goreham, Ed.; Volume 1:A-M, pg. 145-148. Grey House Publishing. Millerton, NY Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Feasibility of On-Farm or Small Scale Oilseed Processing and Biodiesel Production” in Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems, B.C. English, R.J. Menard and K. Jenson, editors, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois. Proceeding of conference Atlanta Georgia, Feb 12-13, 2008. Kenkel, P. and H.R. Bunt. “The Impact of Biofuel Production on Crop Production in the Southern Plains” Biofuels, Food and Feed Tradeoffs Outlaw. J.L., J. a, Duffield and D.P. Ernstes, editors, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, ISBN 978-0-615-20005-7, 2008. Kenkel, P. “Economics of Host plant Resistance in IPM Systems” in Ecologically-Based Integrated Pest Management, O. Koul, and G. W. Cuperus, (editors) Oklahoma State University, USA, CAB International, 2007. Uhrig, J. H., and P. Kenkel, “Economics of Drying and Storage” in Handbook of Agricultural Crop Drying and Storage, F. W. Bakker-Arkema and D.E. Maier, Editors. Webster, J.A. and P. Kenkel, “Benefits of Managing Small-Grain Pests with Plant Resistance” in Economic, Environmental, and Social Benefits of Resistance in Field Crops., B. R. Wiseman and J. A. Webster, Editors, Thomas Say Publications and Entomological Society of America, Lanham, Maryland, 1999. Gerrit Cuperus, Richard Berberet, and Phillip Kenkel. “The Future of Integrated Pest Management “ in Radcliffe’s World IPM Textbook, Edward B. Radcliffe and William B. Hutchison, Editors, University of Minnesota, 1997 Criswell, J.T., G.W. Cuperus, W.S. Fargo, R.T. Noyes, B. Adam, P. Kenkel, E. Williams, and K. Anderson, “Fumigation Decision-making Process: Economic Costs and Risks.” Proceedings International Conference on Controlled Atmosphere and Fumigation in Grain Storages, Navarro, S. and Donahaye, E. [Eds.], Caspit Press Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel, 1993. Published Proceedings or Abstracts: Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” invited paper NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2008 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 19-20, 2008. Kenkel, P. and G. Long. “Structural Considerations for Machinery Cooperatives” Selected Paper NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2007 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 6-7, 2007. 6 Kenkel, P. R. Ginder and T. Kim. “Reflections on the Journal of Cooperatives 1986-2003” Selected Paper, NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN on November 6-7 2007. Phil Kenkel, Brian Adam, Patricia Rayas-Duarte, Ron Noyes and Dave Edger. “The Cost Effectiveness of Biosecurity Measures in the U.S. Wheat Marketing System” Selected Paper WERA-72 2007 Annual Meeting, June 17 - 19, 2007 Las Vegas, Nevada. Kenkel P., R. Holcomb and T. Bowser. “Feasibility of a Producer Owned Winter Canola Processing Venture” Selected Paper, National Value Added Conference, Lexington KY June 4, 2007. Kenkel P. and H. Ragan. “The Impact of Biofuel Production on Feedstocks in the Southern Plains” published in the Proceedings of the “Biofuels, Food and Feed Tradeoffs, St. Louis MO, April 12-13, 2007. uthernPlains.pdf Long G. and P. Kenkel “Feasibility Of Machinery Cooperatives In The Southern Plains Region”, Selected Paper, SAEA 2006 Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, Feb 4-7, 2007. Briggeman, B. and P. Kenkel. “Farm Credit Employees Perceptions of Loan Business Relative to Different Types of Borrowers” Selected Paper, SAEA 2006 Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, Feb 4-7, 2007 . McGee, G.J., P. Kenkel and B. E. Henehan. “Challenges in Measuring the Economic Impact of Cooperatives,” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2006 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 2, 2006. Kenkel, P., and R. Holcomb, “Feasibility of a Cooperative Winery,” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2006 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 2, 2006. Kenkel, P. R. Holcomb, M. Dicks and N. Dunford, “Feasibility of a Producer Owned Canola Processing Venture” Proceedings of the Western Agricultural Economics Association 2006 Annual Meeting, Anchorage Alaska, June 30, 2006. P. Kenkel and F. Pakiding. “Improved Inventory Control Strategies for Farm Supply Cooperatives” Proceeding of the Western Coordinating Committee on Agribusiness (NCERA-72) 2006 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas Nevada. June 19-21, 2006. 7 Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Feasibility Templates for Producer-Owned Value-Added Businesses” Selected Paper presented at the 2006 National Value-Added Agriculture conference in Nashville, TN, on June 12, 2006. Conference proceedings paper available at Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel. “The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat: A Comparison of Two Cooperative Equity Drives” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 9 2005. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Energizing a Cooperative Class with Cooperative Feasibility Software” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 9 2005. Kenkel, P. and B. Adam. “An Estimate of the Degree of Commingling In the Hard Red Winter Wheat Marketing System,” Proceedings of the Western Coordinating Committee on Agribusiness, WCC-72 2005 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 20, 2005. Henneberry, S. and P. Kenkel. “A Case Study of Facility Investment for Direct Shipment to Mexico” NICPRE Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 1, December 2005. Kenkel, P. “Evolving Credit Needs of Cooperatives and Producer-Owned Businesses” invited paper for Farm Credit System Publication: Serving the Changing Financial Needs of American Farmers and Ranchers, 2005 – 2016 Feb. 2005. Kenkel P. and A. Hagerman. “Impact of the Farmland Bankruptcy on Oklahoma Cooperatives” NCR-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Kansas City Mo, Nov 23, 2004. Kenkel, P. and F. Kilima. “Optimal Fertilizer Warehousing and Distribution Systems for Farm Supply Cooperatives” Proceedings of the NCR-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Nov 2-3, 2004. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Feasibility Assessment Templates for Producers and Cooperatives,” Proceedings of the 2004 Triennial Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, June 14 -16, 2004. Kenkel, P. and A. Hagerman. “An Analysis of a Cooperative Grain Marketing Alliance” Selected Paper, WCC-72 Western Coordinating Committee on Agribusiness 2004 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 6, 2004. Kenkel, P., S. Henneberry and H.N. Agustini. “An Economic Analysis of Unit-Train Facility Investment” Selected Paper at SAEA annual meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004. 8 Kenkel, P., A. Hagerman and B. Spence, “Post Merger Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives” Proceedings of NCR-194 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 29, 2003. Kenkel, P. B. Spence and A. Gilbert, “Post Merger Financial Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives,” Selected Paper at 2003 SAEA Annual Meeting, Mobile, Alabama, February 1-5, 2003. Kenkel, P., Evaluating the Risks of Investing in New Generation Cooperatives and Value Added Projects,” Proceedings of the National Extension Risk Management Education Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 26, 2003. Published by the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Auburn University, Reference AEC-RSY Publication 82003. Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb, “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board Members Toward Value-Added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperatives,” abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Science, Vol. 32, No 2, 2000, p 396. Elliot, W., B. D. Adam, P. Kenkel, and K. Anderson. 1998. “Can the Grain Marketing System Provide Sufficient Quality Incentives to Producers?” Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management. Chicago, IL. []. Lucius, W., P. Kenkel, and J.D. Carlson, “Adoption of Real Time Weather Information by Agricultural Decision Makers,” abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 30, No 2, 1998 p. Tembo, G., and P. Kenkel, “Feasibility of Increasing Wheat Processing Capacity in Oklahoma,” abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1998 p. Lucius, W., P. Kenkel, and J.D. Carlson, “Adoption of Real Time Weather Information by Agricultural Producers,” abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 30, No 2, 1998 p. Attaway, Roy, P. Kenkel, C. Lyford and K. Anderson, “Re-Examining Wheat Cleaning and Sorting Strategies for Country Elevators,” abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 30, No 2, 1998, p. 219. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Grain Grading Accuracy by Country Wheat Elevators,” Proceedings of the National Wheat Industry Research Forum, San Diego, California, January 15, 1998. Elliot, W. B.D. Adam, P. Kenkel and K. Anderson. “Effects of Competition and Space on Country Elevator Grading Practices and Prices.” Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1997. 9 Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, T. Phillips, R. Noyes and J. Criswell, “Biological Preservation of Grain Quality: Losses in Storage and Handling,” Proceedings: International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, May 18 to May 22, 1997. Noyes, R., T. Phillips, P. Kenkel, G. Cuperus and J. Criswell, “Stored Product Research and Education Center, Oklahoma State University,” Proceedings: International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, May 18 to May 22, 1997. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Do Quality Discounts Match Value,” Proceedings of the 1997 Grain Quality Conference, Champaign, Illinois, March 26-27, 1997. (University of Illinois Publication AE-4722). Cuperus, G., Bh. Subramanyam, P. Kenkel, R. Noyes, J. Criswell, and K. Shelton, “Development and Evaluation of a Stored Product Management Educational Program,” F.A.O. Conference on Integrated Pest Management, Mexico City, Mexico, November 25, 1996. Kenkel, P., and K. Anderson, “Grain Grading Accuracy by Country Wheat Elevators,” Proceedings of Marketing Quality Grain and Oilseeds Conference (NC-213), Manhattan, Kansas, August 16, 1996. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Stored Grain IPM,” Proceedings: Grain Elevator and Processors Society 1996 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 9, 1996. Noyes, R.T., P. Kenkel, J. Criswell and G. Cuperus, “Phosphine Recirculation Fumigation System Plumbing Construction Guidelines for Steel Tanks and Concrete Silos,” Proceedings: Grain Elevator and Processors Society 1996 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, pp. 56-60, March 9, 1996. Kenkel, P., R.T. Noyes, J. T. Criswell and G.W. Cuperus, “Economic Feasibility of Phosphine Recirculation Systems in Sealed Silos at U.S. Grain Elevators” Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 1996. Noyes, R.T., P. Kenkel, G.W. Cuperus and J. T. Criswell. Installation and Sealing of Phosphine Recirculation Systems in Silos at U.S. Grain Elevators,” Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 1996. Smolen, M.D., P. Kenkel and D.E. Storm. “Nitrogen and Phosphorus Distribution in Oklahoma: A Mass Balance of Animal Feeds, Animal Manure, Crops and Fertilizer Nutrients,” Proceedings: Innovations and New Horizons in Livestock and Poultry Manure Management, Austin, Texas, September 6-7, 1995. Noyes, R.T. and P. Kenkel, “Closed Loop Fumigation Systems in Oklahoma,” Paper No. 965140 of the 1995 International Meeting of the American Society for Agricultural Engineering, Chicago, Illinois, June 18, 1995. 10 Smolen, M.D., P. Kenkel, D. Peel, and D. Storm, “Mass Balance Analysis of Nutrient Flow Through Feed and Waste in the Livestock Industry,” Proceedings: Great Plains Animal Waste Conference on Confined Animal Production and Water Quality, Denver, Colorado, October 19-21, 1994. Kenkel, P., and P.E. Norris, “Agricultural Producer's Willingness to Pay for Real-time MesoScale Weather Information,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 9, 1994, Nashville, Tennessee, Abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, p.337, July 1994. Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, J. Criswell, R. Noyes, S. Fargo, and K. Anderson, “U.S. Stored Product Pest Management Practices: Producers, Elevator Operators, and Mills,” Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Canberra, Australia, April 1994. Noyes, Ronald T., and Phil Kenkel, “Closed Loop Fumigation Systems in the Southwestern United States,” Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Canberra, Australia, April 1994. Noyes, Ronald T., Gerrit W. Cuperus, and Phil Kenkel, “Using Controlled Aeration for Insect and Mold Management in the Southwestern United States,” Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Canberra, Australia, April 1994. Adam, B.D., K. Anderson, P. Kenkel, and Carl Garrison. Poster, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, January 31 February 3, 1993, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 25(1):296, July 1993. Kenkel, P. and D.S. Peel, “An Extension Product for Agribusiness Supply Firms: Estimating Livestock Feed Demand,” SAEA Annual Meeting, February 2, 1993, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Abstract published in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 25(1):291, July 1993. Kenkel, P., “Incorporating a Computer Simulation Program into a Undergraduate Agribusiness Class: Experimental Learning or Recreation?” published in the Proceedings of New Technologies and Innovations in Agricultural Economics Instruction Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, pp. 121-129, August 1992. Adam, B.D., P. Kenkel, and K. Anderson, “The Profitability of Cleaning U.S. Wheat: Is a Market Premium Necessary?” Papers of the 1992 Annual Meeting, Western Agricultural Economics Association, Oklahoma State University, No. 3721, pp. 172-179, July 1992. Kenkel, P., “Utilizing a Computerized Business Simulation Program in an Educational Workshop for Indonesian Agribusiness Managers,” published in the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs, Orlando, FL, pp. 235-240, January 1992. 11 Kenkel, P., B.D. Adam, G. Cuperus, and S. Fargo, “A Risk Analysis of Insect Control Strategies in Stored Grain,” AE# 91-51, Papers of the 1992 Annual Meeting, Western Agricultural Economics Association, pp. 220-226, July 1991. Kenkel, P., J.C. Buzby, and J. Skees, “A Comparison of Candidate Probability Distributions for Historical Yield Distributions,” SAEA Annual Meeting, February 2, 1993, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Abstract published in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, 23(1):266267, July 1991. Kenkel, P., J. Buzby, J. Skees, and B. Tew, “Distributional Characteristics of Farm Level Rate of Returns with Implications for Decision Making,” published in the Proceedings of the 1991 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, pp. 124-127, February 27, 1991. Kenkel, P. and J.L. Smith, “The Value of Farm Level Data in Agricultural Portfolio Analysis,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 1990, Little Rock, Arkansas. Abstract Published in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, p. 201, July 1990. Smith, J.L. and P. Kenkel, “Am Empirical Examination of Farm Financial Ratios as Predictors of Future Farm Performance,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 1990, Little Rock, Arkansas. Abstract Published in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, p. 215-216, July 1990. 12 ATTACHMENT 3 EXPERIMENT STATION REPORTS Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb and Edwin W, AcBol, “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board Members Toward Value-Added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures,” Oklahoma State University Experiment Station Report: P-997, June 2003. Kenkel, P., R. Holcomb, T. Bowser. Tembo and D. Tilley, “Wheat Processing Feasibility in Oklahoma,” OAES Food Research Initiative Program Research Report, 1997 OAES Paper P-961, January 1998. 13 ATTACHMENT 4 EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS Extension Fact Sheets, Current Reports and Leaflets: Kenkel, P., “Annual Audits: Board Responsibilities” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts January 2007. Kenkel, P., “Audit Committee” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-993 January 2007. Kenkel, P., “Equity Management” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-994 January 2007. Kenkel, P., “Understanding Cooperative Terminology” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-995 January 2007. Kenkel, P., “The Importance of Board Minutes” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F996 January 2007. Kenkel, P., “Financial Performance Analysis for Directors” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-997 January 2007. Kenkel, P., “Equity Redemption” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-991 December 2006 Kenkel, P., “Impact of a Stock Write-down on Cooperative Members,” Oklahoma State University Current Report, CR-989, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Parliamentary Procedure Quick Guide to Motions,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-987, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Parliamentary Procedure in the Board Room,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-986, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Evaluating Investment Opportunities,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-981, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Effective Board Meetings,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-980, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Effective Decision Making in the Board Room,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-979, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Directors Legal Handbook,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-978, January 2004. 14 Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Directors Roles and Responsibilities,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-977, January 2004. Kenkel, P. “Cooperative Management Series: Customer Segmentation in Agricultural Cooperatives,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-976, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-975, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Evaluating Cooperative Managers,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-974, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Evaluating the Board,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-973, January 2004. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Management Series: Building the Board Packet,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-971, January 2004. Holcomb, R., G. Muske and P. Kenkel, “Developing a Business Plan for Value-Added Agricultural Products,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 909, July 2003. Kenkel, P. and E.M. Westbrook, “Guide to Bankruptcy and Re-Organization Options,” PB1605, University of Tennessee Extension Service, 2000. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Grain Handlers Guide to Aflatoxin,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. WF-233, January 1999. Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel, “Food and Kindred Product Manufacturing: Status and Trends for Oklahoma, Surrounding States, and the U.S.,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-910, July 1998. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb, “Designing and Administering Compensation Plans,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. WF-911, May 1998. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb, “Designing and Conducting Performance Appraisals,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. WF-912, May 1998. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Corn Kernel Damage,” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Leaflet No. 216, Oklahoma State University, December 1997. Anderson, K., P. Kenkel, and G. Calkins, “Wheat Kernel Damage,” Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Leaflet L-213, December 1995. Anderson, K., P. Kenkel, and G. Calkins, “Soybean Kernel Damage,” Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Leaflet L-215, December 1995. 15 Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, R.T. Noyes, W.S. Fargo, J.T. Criswell, K. Anderson, “Stored Grain Management in Oklahoma,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-7180, April 1995. Kenkel, P., “Conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys: A Guide for Food Processors,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-903, March 1995. Kenkel, P., and K. Anderson, “Practical Wheat Sampling and Hand Sieving Procedures,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-223, February 1995. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Practical Soybean Sampling and Hand Sieving Procedures,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-224, February 1995. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Practical Corn Sampling and Hand Sieving Procedures,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-225, February 1995. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Grading Cheaty Wheat,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-226, February 1995. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Adjusting and Setting up Mechanical Dockage Testers,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-227, February 1995. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Practical Sorghum Sampling and Hand Sieving Procedures,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-228, February 1995. Kenkel, P., “Should Your Agribusiness be Organized as a Cooperative or as an Investor Owned Firm,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts F-229, August 1994. Anderson, K., R. Sahs, and P. Kenkel, “Cotton Marketing Strategies and Price Risk,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. F-541, June 1994. Kenkel, P. and R. Noyes, “Results: Oklahoma State University Grain Elevator Emission Study,” Oklahoma State University Current Report No. CR-1108, November 1994. Kenkel, P. F. Ray, and J. Lamkey, “Total Quality Management for Oklahoma Food Processing Firms,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 898, January 1994. Kenkel, P., F. Ray, and J. Lamkey, “HACCP-Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point: An Introduction for Oklahoma Food Processors, “Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 899, December 1993. Kenkel, P., “Basic Steps to a Merger: A Planning Tool for Cooperatives,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 893, June 1993. Kenkel, P., R. Noyes, G. Cuperus, and J. Criswell, “Costs and Benefits of Installing Closed Loop Fumigation Systems in Commercial Elevators,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 219, June 1993. 16 Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Wheat Kernel Damage,” Oklahoma State University Extension Service Leaflet No. 213, May 1993. Kenkel, P., “The Board of Director's Role in Planning and Control,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 218, April 1993. Kenkel, P. and D. Peel, “Feed Demand in Oklahoma,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 536, January 1993. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Cost of Handling Grain in Oklahoma Elevators,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts 537, November 1992. Kenkel, P., R. Jobes, and M. Schnelle, “Record-keeping Systems for Greenhouse Managers,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 187, November 1992. Kenkel, P. and F. Ray, “Trends in Food Consumption and the Food Products Industry,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 880, November 1992. Kenkel, P., “Understanding, Allocating, and Controlling Overhead Costs,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 217, October 1992. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Corn Kernel Damage,” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Leaflet No. 216, Oklahoma State University, July 1992. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Soybean Kernel Damage,” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Leaflet No. 215, Oklahoma State University, July 1992. Kenkel, P., “Evaluating Promotional Expenditures for Agribusiness and Food Processing Firms,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 534, May 1992. Kenkel, P. and D.S. Tilley, “Strategic Marketing Management for Agribusiness Firms,” Oklahoma State University Extension Facts No. 533, May 1991. Extension Circulars: Holland, R., M. Burch, P. Kenkel and M, Hanson, “Commentary and Overview on the Tennessee Processing Cooperative Law,” University of Tennessee Extension Publication PB1748, November, 2004. Kenkel, P., T. Phillips, R.T. Noyes and J.T. Criswell, “1999 Grain Elevator Workshop Manual,” Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-942, March 1999. Cuperus, G., P. Kenkel, R. Noyes and T. Phillips, “Proceedings of the 1998 Fumigation Workshops,” Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-953, April, 1998. 17 Criswell, J.T., R.T. Noyes, P. Kenkel, G. Cuperus, “Proceedings of 1996 Fumigation Workshop,” Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-888, August 1996. P. Kenkel, G. Cuperus, R.T. Noyes and J.T. Criswell, “1996 Grain Elevator Workshop Manual,” Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-942, March 1996. Arthur, R.P., O. Flim, J.T. Criswell, R.T. Noyes, P. Kenkel, G. Cuperus and T. Bigler, “Proceedings of 1995 Fumigation Workshop,” Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-888, August 1995. Kenkel, P., K. Anderson, R.T. Noyes, D. Easter, G. Cuperus, and D. Cooper, “1995 Grain Elevator Workshop Manual,” Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-942, March 1995. Noyes, R.T., P. Kenkel and G. Tate, “Closed Loop Fumigation Systems,” Stored Product Management, V. Krischik, G. Cuperus, D. Galliart and M.S. Cooper [Eds.] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-912. Co-sponsored by USDA, Federal Grain Inspection Service, Extension Service, and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, January 1995. Kenkel, P., J.T. Criswell, G. Cuperus, R.T. Noyes, K. Anderson, W.S. Fargo, K. Shelton, and B. Adam, “Current Management Practices and Impact of Pesticide Loss in the Hard Red Winter Wheat Post-Harvest System,” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-930, October 1994. Kenkel, P.L., R.T. Noyes, G. Cuperus, J.T. Criswell and J. Allen, “1994 Elevator Workshop Manual,” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Circular E-937, July 1994. Gruntmeir, C., K. Anderson, P. Kenkel, “Wheat Merchandiser Manual,” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Circular No. E-934, July 1994. 18 ATTACHMENT 5 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Proceedings Papers (non-refereed) Kenkel, P., “Make Your Fertilizer Warehouse Store Dollars and Your Applicator Spread Costs,” Proceedings: Oklahoma Cooperative CEO & Board Retreat, Shangrila, Oklahoma, July 2004. P. Kenkel and R. Holcomb, “Using Spreadsheet based Feasibility Templates for Evaluating Value Added Projects,” Selected Paper at the2006 National Value Added Conference Nashville, Tennessee, June 12, 2006. html Kenkel, P., “Tobacco Risk Management Tool,” Proceedings of the 2000 Southern Region Agricultural Outlook Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September 25-27, 2000. Kenkel, P. D. Gerloff and M. Buschermohle, “Economics of Storing and Segregating Soybeans,” Proceedings of 2000 Milan Field Day, July 2000. Kenkel, P. D. Mundy and B. Gross, “Tobacco Systems 2000: Analyzing Tobacco Production Cost and Price Risks Through the Development and Distribution of a Budgeting Software,” Proceedings of the 2000 Risk Management Education Workshop, St. Louis, Missouri June 6, 2000. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Stored Grain IPM,” Proceedings: Missouri Stored Grain and Fumigation Workshop, Columbia, Missouri, January 19, 1999 and January 20, 1999. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Stored Grain IPM,” Proceedings: Nebraska Stored Grain Management Workshop, Grand Island, Nebraska, July 7, 1998. Kenkel, P., “Cost and Benefit Analysis of IPM Technologies,” Proceedings: 5th National Stored Products Workshop, West Lafayette, Indiana, August 17-22, 1997. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Stored Grain IPM,” Proceedings: Nebraska Stored Grain Management Workshop, Grand Island, Nebraska, June 10, 1997. Tilley, D.S. and P. Kenkel, “Evaluating Value-Added Opportunities in Oklahoma,” Proceedings: Conference on Value-Added Opportunities, Oklahoma City, April 10, 1997. Kenkel, P. R.T. Noyes, “Grain Elevator Dust Emissions: Results of a Field Test at a Country Elevator,” Proceedings: International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations February. 7-9, 1996 Kansas City, Missouri. 19 Noyes, R.T. and P. Kenkel, “Closed Loop Fumigation System Plumbing Construction Guidelines for Steel Tanks and Concrete Silos,” Proceedings: 1996 Texas High Plains Grain Elevator Workshop, Amarillo, Texas, February 6, 1996. Anderson, K., R. Sahs, and P. Kenkel, “Government Cotton Program: Is it Worth Fighting For?” Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Conference, National Cotton Council, Memphis, Tennessee pp. 426-427, January 1995. Kenkel, R., and Kim Anderson, “The Economic Impact of Dust Emission Regulations on Oklahoma Cotton Gins,” Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Conference, National Cotton Council, Memphis, Tennessee, pp. 407-411, January 1995. Cuperus, G, J. Criswell, R. Noyes, J. McGaughey, P. Kendall, B. Brown and P. Kenkel, Proceedings of the IV National Stored Grain Pest Management Training Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, September 18-21, 1994 (in-press). Kenkel, P., “Understanding IPM Adoption in the Context of Economic Risks and Marketing System Constraints,” Proceedings of the Stored Product Integrated Pest Management Workshop, Wichita, Kansas, June 6, 1994. Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, J. Criswell, and R. Noyes, Proceedings: Stored Product Integrated Pest Management Workshops; Wichita, Kansas, May 6, 1994. Kenkel, P., Ron T. Noyes, Gerrit Cuperus and Jim Criswell, “Updated Estimates of the Costs and Benefits of Closed Loop Fumigation Systems: Field Results from an Oklahoma Elevator,” Proceedings: 1994 Texas High Plains Grain Elevator Workshop, Texas A&M University Extension Center-Amarillo, Texas, January 27, 1994. Kenkel, P., T. Eshelman, and D. Tilley, “The Impact of Module Hauling Systems on Optimal Gin Location,” Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Diego, California, Vol. 3, pp. 1714-1717, January 5-8, 1994. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Willingness of Cotton Producers to Subscribe to a Computerized Meso-Scale Weather Network,” Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Diego, California, Vol. 1, pp. 512-515, January 5-8, 1994. Criswell, J.T., R.T. Noyes, P. Kenkel, K.B. Anderson, and G. Cuperus, 1993 Fumigation Workshop Proceedings, Oklahoma State University, August 3-5, 1993. Adam, B.D. and P. Kenkel, “A Market Analysis of Value Added Wheat Products,” report to Oklahoma Wheat Commission, May 1993. Kenkel, P. and D. Tilley, “An Economic Analysis of the Cotton Ginning Industry in Oklahoma,” published in the Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana: National Cotton Council and the Cotton Foundation, pp. 1588-89, January 10-14, 1993. 20 Fargo, W.S., J.T. Criswell, G.W. Criswell, G.W. Cuperus, R.T. Noyes, K. Anderson, P. Kenkel, D. Epperly, B.L. Clary, & Ervin Williams, “Stored Wheat Integrated Pest Management Systems” Centennial Wheat Day Report, Oklahoma State University, May 21, 1992. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Principles,” published in the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual National Indian Agricultural Symposium, Cooperating for Modern-day Agriculture, pp. 242-245, November 22, 1991. Kenkel, P., J. Smith, F. Benson, and J. Skees, “Combining Forward Pricing Strategies with Farm Level Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Tool,” published in the Proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1989. Web Published Materials Kenkel P. “Grain Storage and Handling Costs in Country Elevators” osts%20in%20Country%20Elevators.pdf R. Holcomb and P. Kenkel. “Sensitivity Analysis Using the Lignocellulosic Ethanol Feasibility Template. Agricultural Resource Marketing Center cfm R. Holcomb and P. Kenkel. “Enzymatic Hydrolysis Ethanol Plant Feasibility Template” Agricultural Resource Marketing Center cfm Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb “OSU Biodiesel Feasibility Template, Sept. 2008, 2008 P. Kenkel and R. Holcomb, Using Spreadsheet based Feasibility Templates for Evaluating Value Added Projects, Selected Paper at the2006 National Value Added Conference Nashville, 6-12-2006 html Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel, “Success Factors for New Generation Cooperatives,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center web publication,, September 2003. Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel, “A Sample Business Plan for Small Food Businesses,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center web publication,, August 2003. Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel, “Steps in Commercializing a Value Added Business Idea,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center web publication,, August 2003. 21 Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb and Edwin W, AcBol, “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board Members Toward Value-Added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center web publication,, June 2003. Kenkel, P., “Directors Pledge,” web publication, September 2003. Kenkel, P., “Economic Contribution of Oklahoma Cooperatives,” web publication, September 2003. Departmental Staff Papers: Kenkel, P. “Cooperative Policy Development,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE08023, June 2008. Kenkel, P. “Cooperative Management Series: Starting a Cooperative,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE08022, June 2008. Kenkel, P and G. Long. “Options for Joint Machinery Ownership” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE07041, July 2007. Kenkel, P and G. Long. “Organizing a Machinery Cooperative” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE07042, July 2007. Kenkel, P and G. Long. “Feasibility of a Shared Machinery Cooperative” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE07042, July 2007. Kenkel, P. ”Overview of Costs and Returns of a 60 Bale/Hour Cotton Ginning Operation,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE05#100 April, 2005. Kenkel, P. “Clear Policies Improve Board Performance,” OCCD Board of Directors Manual, Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE05#101 June 2005. Kenkel, P. “Equity Management” OOCD Board of Directors Manual, Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE05#102 June2005. Kenkel, P. “Financial Performance Analysis for Directors” OOCD Board of Directors Manual, Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE05#103 June 2005. Kenkel, P. S. D. Barta and M.D. Woods, “Economic Impact Of Oklahoma Cooperatives On The State Economy,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE03#099, October 2003. 22 Kenkel, P., and K. Anderson, “Trends in Oklahoma Grain Production and Grain Transportation on the McClellon-Kerr Waterway System,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE02#038, June 14, 2002. Kenkel, P., “Farm Business Structure,” (Presentation: Dyersburg TN 12-7-2000), Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#46, December 2000. Kenkel, P., “Human Resource Management for Farms and Agribusiness,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE01#73, May 2001. Kenkel, P., “Reducing Employee Turnover,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#40, November 2000. Kenkel, P., “Training Exercise: Using the UT Grain Storage and Drying Cost Calculator,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE01#38, November 2000. Kenkel, P., “Labor Regulation Software Training Exercise,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#37, November 2000. Kenkel, P., “Niche Marketing Value-Added Products Case-Study, The Winery,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#35, October 2000. Kenkel, P. “Developing Retail and Wholesale Markets for Agricultural Products Case Study, The Fried Pie,” Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#34, October 2000. Kenkel, P., “Guide to Labor Regulations,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#33, October 2000. Kenkel, P., “Trends in Tennessee Tobacco Production,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#22, October 2000. Kenkel, P., “Independent Contractor or Employee,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#20, September 2000. Kenkel, P., “Where to Obtain Employment Posters,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#19, September 2000. Kenkel, P., “Migrant Labor Regulations Guidelines,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#18, September 2000. Kenkel, P., “Independent Contractor or Employee?” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#17, September 2000. Kenkel, P., “Guide to Using the UT Grain Storage and Drying Cost Calculator,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#10, August 2000. 23 Kenkel, P., “Guide to Bankruptcy and Re-Organization Options,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#9, August 2000. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Segregating and Storing Soybeans,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#8, August 2000. Kenkel, P., “Practical Labor Management Ideas,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#3, July 2000. Kenkel, P., “Developing Employee Orientation Programs,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 01#2, July 2000. Kenkel, P., “Feasibility Study for a Quick Freeze Operation for the Tennessee Department of Corrections: Final Report,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 00#83, June 2000. Kenkel, P., “Analyzing Tobacco Price and Cost Risk Through Development of Budgeting Software,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 00#80, June 2000. Kenkel, P., and Delton Gerloff, “UT Grain Storage Cost and Return Calculator,” (Presentation to Farm Service Agency), Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 00#79, May 25, 2000. Kenkel, P., “Tennessee Farm Labor Regulations and Legal Issues,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 00#75, May 2000. Kenkel, P., “Budgeting in Dark-Fired Tobacco,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE 00#74, April 2000. Kenkel, P., “Revitalizing Small and Mid-Sized Farms,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#72, April 2000. Kenkel, P., “Selecting a Legal Form for an Agribusiness,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#67, March 2000. Kenkel, P., “2000 Budgets for Burley Tobacco,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#65, March 2000. Kenkel, P., “Keeping Good People in Hard Jobs,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#60, March 2000. Kenkel, P., “Should Your Agribusiness Be Organized as a Cooperative or an Investor Owned Firm?” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#59, March 2000. Kenkel, P., “Choosing a Form of Organization for an Agribusiness,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#58, March 2000. 24 Kenkel, P., “Farm and Agribusiness Employers Handbook,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#57, February 2000. Kenkel, P., “Feasibility If an Instant Quick Freeze Operation for Tennessee Rehabilitation Initiative in Corrections,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#51, February 2000. Kenkel, P., “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board of Director Members Toward ValueAdded Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#44, January 2000. Kenkel, P., “Designing and Conducting Performance Appraisals,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#41, January 2000. Kenkel, P., “Human Resource Management,” Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#40, January 2000. Kenkel, P., “Tennessee Farm Labor Regulations,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#39, January 2000. Kenkel, P., “Guide to Using the Tobacco Systems 2000 Software,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE00#37, January 2000. Kenkel, P., and R. Holcomb, “Financial Assessment of an Alfalfa Dehydration Plant to be Located in Major County,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE#9847, May 1998. Kenkel, P., R. Attaway, and K. Anderson, “Grain Quality Measurement and Grading Accuracy at Country Wheat Elevators,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 9750, December 1997. Kenkel, P., “Understanding OSHA Requirements for Entry into Grain Bins, Silos and Tanks,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 9653, April 96. Kenkel, P., “Brief Summary of Feasibility of an Alfalfa Dehydration Plant,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 9652, March 1996. Kenkel, P., and K. Anderson, “Who Wins, Who Loses? Report on Oklahoma State University, Study of Grain Grading Accuracy,” Oklahoma State University Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 9631, April 1996. Kenkel, P. and R. Noyes, “Summary of Oklahoma State University Grain Elevator Dust Emission Study,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 95-13, February 95. Kenkel, P. and R. Noyes, “Results of the Grain Elevator Dust Emission Study,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 94-54, October 1994. 25 Kenkel, P., “A Basic Guide to Understanding the Agricultural Cooperative System in the U.S. and Oklahoma,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics AE# 94-50, October 1994. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Grading “Cheaty” Wheat,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 94-28, June 1994. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Practical Wheat Sampling and Hand Sieving Procedures,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 94-27, June 1994. Kenkel, P., “Marketing, Environmental and Policy Background Information for Proposed Peanut Shelling Operation,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 9420, March 1994. Kenkel, P., Ron T. Noyes, Gerrit Cuperus and Jim Criswell, “Updated Estimates of the Costs and Benefits of Closed Loop Fumigation Systems: Field Results from an Oklahoma Elevator,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 9406, January 1994. Kenkel, P. and D.S. Tilley, “An Economic Analysis of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 93-102B, September 1993. Kenkel, P., F. Ray, and J. Lamkey, “HACCP-Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point: An Introduction for Oklahoma Food Processors,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 93-104, September 1993. Kenkel, P. F. Ray, and J. Lamkey, “Total Quality Management for Oklahoma Food Processing Firms,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 93-105, September 1993. Kenkel, P., “Basic Steps to a Merger: A Planning Tool for Cooperatives,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 93-51, April 1993. Kenkel, P., R. Noyes, G. Cuperus, and J. Criswell, “Cost and Benefits of Installing Closed Loop Fumigation Systems in Commercial Elevators,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 93-50, April 1993. Kenkel, P., “Cooperative Related Activities at Oklahoma State University,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 93-30, March 1993. Kenkel, P., “Elevator Business Trends,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-152, December 1992. 26 Kenkel, P., “Food Product Demand Estimates for Oklahoma Counties,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-156, December 1992. Kenkel, P., “Is Alternative Agriculture a Viable Rural Development Strategy?” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-151, December 1992. Kenkel, P. and F. Ray, “Record-Keeping Systems for Food Processing Firms,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-154, December 1992. Kenkel, P., “The Board of Director's Role in Planning and Control,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-153, December 1992. Kenkel, P., “The Need for Cooperative Education in Oklahoma,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-150, December 1992. Sanders, L., P. Kenkel, and E. Smith, “Summary of Survey of Critical Issues for Cooperative Survival,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92131, November 1992. Kenkel, P. and D. Peel, “Feed Demand in Oklahoma,” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics, AE# 92-97, August 1991. Reports to Government Agencies: Kenkel P. and J. Biermacher. “Final Report of the Policy and Analysis Group, Sungrant Feedstock Conference, Tulsa Oklahoma, Oct 2-3, 2007. Kenkel, P., C. Godsey, F. Epplin, M. Gregory, R. Holcomb, and R. Huhnke. “Potential for Production of Biofuel Feedstocks in Oklahoma” Final report to Office of the Secretary of Energy, State of Oklahoma for Research Project: Analyzing the Potential Biofuel Feedstocks in Oklahoma, 12-15-2006. Kenkel, P. “Evolving Credit Needs of Cooperatives and Producer-Owned Businesses” invited paper for Farm Credit System Report: Serving the Changing Financial Needs of American Farmers and Ranchers, 2005 – 2016 Feb. 2005. Kenkel, P., Barta, S. D. and M.D. Woods, “Economic Impact of Oklahoma Cooperatives on the State Economy,” report presented to Governor Brad Henry as part of “October Cooperative Month Proclamation,” October 14, 2003. Helm, R., Howeney, R.C., C. Hurburgh, B. Jacobsen, P. Kenkel, D. Lineback, D. MacIntosh, D. Maier, D. Metcalfe, H.P. Noteborn, N.R. Reed, N. Rothenberg and H. Sampson, Scientific Advisory Panel, “Assessment of Additional Scientific Information Concerning Starlink™ Corn, SAP,” Report No. 2001-09, Arlington, Virginia, July 18, 2001. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Trends in Oklahoma Grain Production and Grain Transportation on the McClellon-Kerr Waterway System,” AE02#038, June 14, 2002. 27 Kenkel, P. A. Rutledge, M. Buschermohle, G. Hulbert, and B. Morris, “Feasibility of an Quick Freeze Operation for Tennessee Rehabilitative Initiative in Corrections” report and testimony to Tennessee Select Oversight Committee on Corrections, July 11, 2000. Kenkel, P. T. Phillips, R. Noyes and J. Criswell, “Pest Control in Grain Storage and Processing Areas,” report to Biological and Economic Analysis Division, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, December 7, 1998. Criswell, J., P. Kenkel, and T. Royler, “Estimates of the Impact of the Loss of Organophosphates and Carbamate Pesticides on Oklahoma Agriculture,” report to Oklahoma Farm Bureau, November 2, 1998. Kenkel, P., L. Satterlee, M. Tilley and A. Barkema, “Value-Added Agricultural Business and New-Generation Cooperatives in Oklahoma,” report to Oklahoma House and Senate Ag Committees, October 24, 1998. Kenkel, P., “Estimated Economic Impact of Cheat Control Using MN37500,” report to Oklahoma Wheat Commission in Conjunction with Section 18 Clearance request. Kenkel, P., R. Holcomb, G. Tembo and D. Tilley, “Wheat Processing Feasibility in Oklahoma,” report to Representative Jack Bonney, Oklahoma Legislature, February 5, 1998. Kenkel, P., “Agriculturally Based Value Added Opportunities,” interim study for Oklahoma Legislature, October 1997. Kenkel, P., “Expanded Opportunities for Oklahoma Wheat Producers,” interim study for Oklahoma Legislature, October 1997. Kenkel, P., “Feasibility of Wheat Straw Production,” interim study for Oklahoma Legislature, October 1997. Kenkel, P., “Identity Preserved and Specialty Grains,” interim study for Oklahoma Legislature, October 1997. Kenkel, P., “Feasibility of Processing Poultry Manure,” interim study for Oklahoma Legislature, October 1997. Kenkel, P. and R.T. Noyes, “Summary of Oklahoma State University Grain Elevator Dust Emission Study and Proposed Grain Elevator Emission Factors,” report to Oklahoma Air Quality Council-February 2, 1995. Kenkel, P. and R.T. Noyes, “Results: Oklahoma State University Grain Elevator Dust Emission Study,” report to Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality and Oklahoma Air Quality Council, October 21, 1994. Kenkel, P. and R.T. Noyes, “Grain Elevators and Grain Dust Management Options,” Background Report Prepared for the Oklahoma Air Quality Council, March 1994. 28 Kenkel, P. T. Phillips, R. Noyes and J. Criswell, “Pest Control in Grain Storage and Processing Areas,” Seminar for Biological and Economic Analysis Division, EPA Office of Pesticide Programs, Arlington, Virginia, December 7, 1998. 29 ATTACHMENT 6 PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES/MEETINGS Kenkel P. “Feasibility of Biodiesel Production Operations” Oklahoma State University Inservice, January 6, 2009, Clinton Oklahoma, January 6, 2009 and Muskogee Oklahoma Jan 8, 2009. Kenkel P. “Investigation of the Cost of an Increased Shipping Standard on Cooperative Cotton Warehouses”, Annual Meeting Cotton Growers Warehouse Association, Kansas City Missouri, Nov. 15, 2008. Kenkel. P. “The Biofuel Economy and Evolving Cooperative Structures,” seminar, University of Manitoba, April 4, 2008. Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” invited paper NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2008 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 19-20, 2008. Kenkel, P. “ Risks and Credit Issues for Cooperative Cotton Gins, Elevators and Farm Supply Cooperatives” Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council-Annual South Texas Cooperative Manager / Director Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, November 5-6, 2008 Kenkel, P. “Governing Through A Looming Capital Credit Crisis” Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council-10th Annual Cooperative Board Chairmen’s Conference, Ruidoso, New Mexico, July 30-August 1, 2008. Kenkel, P. “Issues and Outlook for Oklahoma Grain Elevators and Farm Supply Firms” Oklahoma Grain and Feed Association, Regional Industry Meetings Hobart Oklahoma 430-2008, Enid Oklahoma, 5-15-2008. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Feasibility of On-Farm or Small Scale Oilseed Processing and Biodiesel Production” Farm Foundation Conference: Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems, Atlanta Georgia, Feb 12-13, 2008. Kenkel, P. and T. Kim. “Investigation of the Costs of an Increased Shipping Standard for Cotton Warehouses” Selected Paper, Southern Agricultural Association Annual Meeting Dallas Texas, Feb 2-5 2008. Kenkel, P. R. Ginder and T. Kim “Reflections on the Journal of Cooperatives 1986-2003” Selected Paper, NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN on November 6-7 2007 Kenkel, P. and G. Long “Structural Considerations for Machinery Cooperatives” Selected Paper NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2007 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 6-7, 2007 30 Kenkel, P. “Rapidly Evolving Biofuels Industry” Oklahoma Bankers Association Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK 10-4-2007. Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb, “Feasibility of Producer Owned Canola Crush and Biodiesel Production Facility” 2007 National Value-Added Agriculture Conference Lexington, Kentucky June 3, 2007 Kenkel, P. Reducing Machinery Ownership Risk Through the Development of Agricultural Machinery Cooperatives, National Risk Education Conference, Phoenix AR April 17-18, 2007 Kenkel P. and H. Ragen. “The Impact of Biofuel Production on Crop Production in the Southern Plains” Presented at “Biofuels, Food and Feed Tradeoffs”, St. Louis MO, April 12-13, 2007 Kenkel, P. Feasibility of Biodiesel Production Operations, OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY Biodiesel Workshop, June 11, 2007 Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Feasibility of a Cooperative Winery” Presented at the NCERA194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN on November 3, 2006. Kenkel, P., C. Godsey, F. Epplin, M. Gregory, R. Holcomb, and Ray Huhnke “Assessing Biofuel Feedstock in Oklahoma” Oklahoma Governor’s Conference on Biofuels, Norman Oklahoma, October 2-3, 2006. Kenkel, P. “Advances in Feedstock Production” Oklahoma Governor’s Conference on Biofuels, Norman, Oklahoma, October 2-3, 2006. Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb, M. Dicks and N. Dunford. “Feasibility of a Producer-Owned Winter Canola Processing Venture” Presented at the 2006 Western Agricultural Economics Association Conference in Anchorage, AK on June 30, 2006. Kenkel, P. and Fitri Pakiding, “Improved Inventory Control Strategies for Farm Supply Cooperatives” presented at 2005 Annual Meeting WERA-172,Western Coordinating Committee on Agribusiness, Las Vegas Nevada, June 19-21, 2006. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb, “Using Spreadsheet Based Feasibility Templates for Evaluating Producer Owned Value-Added Businesses” Selected Paper at the 2006 National Value Added Conference Nashville, TN 6-12-2006. Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Bio-diesel Production Facilities.” Invited paper presented at the 2006 Southern Agricultural Economics Association conference in Orlando, Florida on February 7, 2006. 31 Kenkel, P. and B. Adam. “An Estimate of the Degree of Commingling In the Hard Red Winter Wheat Marketing System,” Western Coordinating Committee on Agribusiness, WCC-72 2005 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 20, 2005. Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel. “The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat: A Comparison of Two Cooperative Equity Drives,” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “Energizing a Cooperative Class with Cooperative Feasibility Software,” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel. “Risk Management Strategies and Concerns” co-presented with Kim Anderson at “Peanut Sector Adjustment to a New Policy Regime” organized symposia, SAEA 2005 Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 8, 2005. Kenkel P. and A. Hagerman. “Impact of the Farmland Bankruptcy on Oklahoma Cooperatives” NCR-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, November 2-3, 2004. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb, “Feasibility Assessment Templates for Producers and Cooperatives,” 2004 Triennial Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, June 14-16, 2004. Kenkel, P., “An Analysis of a Cooperative Grain Marketing Alliance,” Selected Paper WCC-72 (Western Coordinating Committee on Agribusiness), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 6-8, 2004 Kenkel, P., S. Henneberry and H.N. Agustini, “An Economic Analysis of Unit-Train Facility Investment,” Selected Paper at SAEA annual meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004. Kenkel, P., A. Hagerman and B. Spence, “Post Merger Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives” poster presented at NCR-194 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 29, 2003. Kenkel, P., “Risk of NGC and Value Added Projects: National Risk Education Conference,” Dallas, Texas, March 25, 2003. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Ethanol,” Oklahoma Ethanol Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 28, 2003. Kenkel, P., “Post Merger Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives,” Texas Agricultural Cooperative Council Regional Meeting, Amarillo, Texas, February 10, 2003. Kenkel, P., “Post Merger Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives,” National Institute of Cooperative Education, Chicago, Illinois, August 5-7, 2002. 32 Kenkel, P., “Analyzing Tobacco Production Cost and Price Risks Through the Development and Distribution of a Budgeting Software,” National Risk Management Education Workshop, St. Louis, Missouri, June 5-7, 2000. Kenkel, P. R. B. Holcomb and E.W. AcBol, “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board Members Toward Value-added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association 1998 Annual Meetings, Lexington Kentucky, January 30-February 2, 2000. Kenkel, P., “Sorting Wheat to Increase Uniformity and Milling Yield,” Southwestern Wheat Research and Education Consortium Annual Meeting, Amarillo, Texas, March 25, 1999. Kenkel, P. C. Lyford and J. Isbell, “Sorting Wheat to Increase Uniformity and Milling Yield,” National Wheat Industry Research Forum, National Organization of Wheat Growers Annual Convention, Nashville, Tennessee, February 3-4, 1999. Attaway, R., P. Kenkel, C. Lyford, and K. Anderson. “Re-Examining Wheat Cleaning Decisions at Country Wheat Elevators” Southern Agricultural Economics Association 1998 Annual Meetings, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 1-4, 1998. Lucius, W., P. Kenkel, and J.D. Carlson, “Adoption” of Real-Time Weather Information by Agricultural Producers,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association 1998 Annual Meetings, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 1-4, 1998. Kenkel, P., “Oklahoma State University Elevator Grading Accuracy Study,” National Wheat Industry Research Forum, San Diego, California, January 14-15, 1998. Kenkel, P., “Cost and Benefit Analysis of IPM Technologies,” 5th National Stored Products Workshop, West Lafayette, Indiana, August 17-22, 1997. Kenkel, P. “Why Scientist Should Talk to Economist,” Department of Entomology Seminar Series, Oklahoma State University, February 6, 1997. Kenkel, P. K Anderson, “Grain Grading Accuracy By Country Wheat Elevators,” Proceedings of the 1996 Grain Quality Conference (NC-213), Manhattan, Kansas, August 16, 1996. Kenkel, P., “Economics of Stored Grain IPM,” Proceedings: Grain Elevator and Processors Society 1996 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 9, 1996. Kenkel, P. R.T. Noyes, “Grain Elevator Dust Emissions: Results of a Field Test at a Country Elevator.” Proceedings: International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations February 7-9, 1996 Kansas City, Missouri. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Impact of Dust Regulations on Oklahoma Cotton Gins,” Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Antonio, Texas, January 5-9, 1995. 33 Kenkel, P., “The Economic Risks of Stored Grain Management,” IV National Stored Grain Management Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, September 17-21, 1994. Kenkel, P. and P.E. Norris, “Agricultural Producer's Willingness to Pay for Real-time Mesoscale Weather Information,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February 9, 1994. Kenkel, P., T. Eshelman, and D. Tilley, “The Impact of Module Hauling Systems on Optimal Gin Location,” Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Diego, California, January 5-8, 1994. Kenkel, P. and D.S. Peel, “An Extension Product for Agribusiness Supply Firms: Estimating Livestock Feed Demand,” SAEA Annual Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 2, 1993. Kenkel, P. and D. Tilley, “An Economic Analysis of the Cotton Ginning Industry in Oklahoma,” Beltwide Cotton Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 10-14, 1993. Adam, B.D., P.L. Kenkel, and K.B. Anderson, “The Profitability of Cleaning U.S. Wheat: Is a Market Premium Necessary?” WAEA Meeting, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 12-15, 1992. Kenkel, P., “Incorporating a Computer Simulation Game in an Undergraduate Agribusiness Class: Experiential Learning or Recreation?” New Technologies and Innovations in Agricultural Economics Instruction Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, February 1992. Kenkel, P., “Utilizing a Computerized Business Simulation Program in an Educational Workshop for Indonesian Agribusiness Managers,” 4th International Conference on Computers in Agricultural Extension Programs, Orlando, Florida, pp. 235-240, January 1992. Kenkel, P., “Preparing Students for Extension Positions: How and Why?” Invited panel discussant for free session at American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 1991. Kenkel, P., B. Adam, G. Cuperus, and S. Fargo, “A Risk Analysis of Insect Control Strategies in Stored Grain,” Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 7, 1991. Kenkel, P., J. Buzby, J. Skees, and B. Tew, “Distributional Characteristics of Farm Level Rate of Returns with Implications for Decision Making,” 1991 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, February 27, 1991. Kenkel, P., J. Buzby, and J. Skees, “A Comparison of Candidate Probability Distributions for Historical Yield Distributions,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 1991. 34 Buzby, J., P. Kenkel, J. Skees, J. Pease, and F. Benson, “A Comparison of Subjective and Historical Yield Distributions With Implications for Multiple Peril Crop Insurance,” American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 1990. Smith, J. and P. Kenkel, “An Empirical Examination of Farm Financial Ratios as Predictors of Future Farm Performance,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 1990. Kenkel, P. and J. Smith, “The Value of Farm Level Data in Agricultural Portfolio Analysis,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 1990. Kenkel, P., J. Smith, and F. Benson, “An Empirical Comparison of Alternative Computer Based Farm Planning Tools,” International Conference in Agricultural Extension Programs, January 1990. Smith, J., F. Benson, J. McGrann, and P. Kenkel, “The Value of Utilizing Regional Values in An Expert System,” International Conference in Agricultural Extension Programs, January 1990. Kenkel, P., J. Smith, F. Benson, and J. Skees, “Combining Forward Pricing Strategies with Farm Level Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Tool,” NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1989. Kenkel, P., B. Tew, Reid, and G. Rafsnider, “Testing the Mean Variance Criterion in a Subsistence Agricultural Situation,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, February 1988. Boston, A. and P. Kenkel, “Analysis of An Alternate Beef Bull Post Weaning Performance Testing Program,” American Society of Animal Science Southern Meeting, February 1987. 35 ATTACHMENT 7 HONORS RECEIVED Southern Agricultural Economics Extension Program Award, Feb 5, 2008 Outstanding Extension Program Award for Project, Honorable Mention, Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland Oregon July 29 2007 Excellence in Publications (greater than 16 pages), American Society of Agronomy, Gerrit Cuperus, G. Hiner, R. Huhnke, G. Johnson, R. Jones, P. Kenkel, E. Krenzer, R. Noyes, T. Peeper, T. Royer, and H. Zhang, October 2001. Outstanding Service Award, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, February 1999. Letter of Commendation from the Oklahoma Wheat Commission for activities benefiting Oklahoma Wheat Producers-February, 1999. Recognized by the Grain Elevator and Processor Society for Education Program Contribution to the 67th Annual Technical Conference and Exposition in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 10-12, 1996. Outstanding Faculty Member, Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, 1995. Selected from a national pool of extension faculty to attend to attend the Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership, June 1-11, 1992, Columbia, Missouri. Outstanding Staff Member, Morehead State University - Appalachian Development Center, 1985. 36 ATTACHMENT 8 OTHER CREATIVE WORK Sun-Up Programs: “Bill Fitzwater Chair Programs” 9-12-2001 “New Generation Cooperatives” 10-4-2001 “New Value Added Cooperative in Formation Stage” 12-3-2001 “Farmland Chapter 11 Bankruptcy” 6-5-2002 “Value-Added and Cooperative Programs in the New Farm Bill” 6-19-2002 “Oklahoma State University Grain Quality Study (on-site Kingfisher Elevator)” 6-2-98 “Feed Demand in Oklahoma,” 7-18-97 “Potential for Quality Orientated Marketing Strategies for Wheat,” 4-4-97 “Value-Added Conference for Oklahoma Agricultural Producers” 4-7-97 “Agribusiness Outlook” 1-28-97 “Oklahoma Flour Production” 1-6-97 “Who Does Cheat Cheat” 3-7-1996 “Results of Oklahoma State University Truck Sampling Project” 10-20-1995 “Oklahoma State University Grain Grading Schools” 5-24-95 “Economic Impact of New Meat Processing Regulations” 4-3-95 “Oklahoma State University's Role in Developing the Grain Dust Emission Estimates passed by the Oklahoma Air Quality Council” 2-23-95. “Effect of Environmental Regulations on Agribusiness,” 1-12-95 “Oklahoma State University Grain Elevator Dust Emission Test” 9-27-1994 “Oklahoma State University Stored Grain Committee” 3-21-94 “Agribusiness in Oklahoma” 1-26-1994 “Importance of Cooperatives” 9-27-1993 “Critical Issues for Cooperative Survival” 5-24-1993 Computer Software Developed Kenkel, P. “Grain Storage Costs and Income Template” Oklahoma State University, May 2008 Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. Feasibility Assessment Template for an Enzymatic Hydrolysis Lignocellulosic Ethanol Plant” Ag Marketing Resource Center, cfm, October 2008 Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb “Oklahoma State University Biodiesel Feasibility Template”, Sept. 2008, R. Holcomb and P. Kenkel “Oklahoma State University Cellulosic Ethanol Feasibility Template, Oct 1, 2008. 37 Kenkel P. and G. Long, “Machinery Cooperative Feasibility Template” 7-15-2007.xls Hill, A., R.B. Holcomb, and P. Kenkel, “Feasibility Template for a Small Winery,” Oklahoma State University online software available at November, 2006. Kenkel, P. “Financial Ratio Analyzer for Cooperatives” February 2005. Kenkel, P. “Cotton Ginning Feasibility Template” August 2004. Kenkel, P. “Cooperative Equity Analyzer” November 2004. Kenkel, P., and R. Holcomb, “Feasibility Template,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center,, September 2003. Kenkel, P., and R. Holcomb, “Slaughter Cow and Bull Processing Template,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center,, September 2003. Kenkel, P. “Market Share Calculator,”, September 2003. Kenkel, P. “Feasibility Study Template,”, August 2003. Kenkel, P. “Age of Patron to Age of Stock Comparison Template,”, September 2003. Kenkel, P. “Age of Stock Unification Template,”, September 2003. Alfalfa dehydration template, Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, April 2004 Flour milling feasibility template, Agricultural Marketing Resource Center,, April 2004. Kenkel, P., “Understanding Regional Losses,” (automated PowerPoint CD with audio), November 2002. Gross, Brad, Darrell Mundy, Vickie Witcher and Phil L. Kenkel, Tobacco Systems 2000 Software, December 1999. Kenkel, P. and Delton Gerloff, University of Tennessee Grain Storage and Drying Cost Calculator, August 2000. Kenkel, P. University of Tennessee Guide to Labor Regulations Software, November 2000. 38 Newsletters and Press Releases P. Kenkel and S.L. Klose. “Volatile Input Prices Call for New Strategies” The Farmer Stockman, Vol. 99, No. 1, January 2009. P. Kenkel. “What Does it Cost to Handle Grain” OACC newsletter, 6-1-2008. Klose, Steven L. and Phil Kenkel “Fuel and Fertilizer Prices Offset High Grain Prices” The Farmer Stockman, Vol. 98, No. 1, January 2008. Phil Kenkel and Steven L. Klose. “Fuel and Fertilizer Prices Moderate,” The Farmer Stockman, Vol. 97, No. 1, January 2007. Phil Kenkel and Steven L. Klose. “Energy Prices Squeeze Profits,” The Farmer Stockman, Vol. 96, No. 1. January 2006. “The Invisible Benefit of Cooperatives,” Mid Oklahoma Cooperative News, August 2002. “Oklahoma Cooperatives Play Vital Role in Rural Economies,” Cimarron Electric Cooperative, Newsletter, October 2001. “Summers Not Over” (Preventing Heat Stress for Agricultural Workers), news release, August 29, 2000. “New Software Helps Producers Analyze New On-Farm Storage Opportunities,” News You Can Use, August 10, 2000. “Where to Obtain Posters Required to be displayed by Employers,” News You Can Use, July 2000. “Federal Loan Program Helps but Producers Should Analyze Pros and Cons before Building Grain Storage,” news release June 6, 2000. “The What, Where and How of Keeping Personnel Records,” News You Can Use, May 23, 2000. “Tobacco Systems 2000 Software,” News You Can Use, April 3, 2000. “Artificially “Casing” Tobacco” news release, December 6, 1999. “Are Tennessee Farmers Ready to Manage Labor Risks,” Green Tennessee, November 29, 1999. “Make a Resolution for Planning” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), December 1998. “Foodborne Pathogens Toll” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), December 1998. 39 “Tips for and OSHA Inspection,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), October 1998. “Trends in Oklahoma a Food Processing,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), July 1998. “Avoiding Wrongful Termination Lawsuits” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), April 1998. “Designing Incentive Systems” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), February 1998. “Oklahoma Processors feel the Asian Flu” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), February 1998. “Selecting a Compensation Structure” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), December 1997. “Designing Compensation Systems” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), October 1997. “Highlights of the Tax Relief Act” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), August 1997. “Computer Security” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), May 1997. “Legal Requirements for Commercial Scales” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), May 1997. “How Much Debt is Too Much” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), April 1997. “Study Highlights Importance of Accurate Grain Grading” Feedstuffs, February 7, 1997. “Analyzing Profitability and Efficiency” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), January 1997. “Protecting Against Embezzlement” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), January 1997. “Grain Segregation Can Improve Profits” Feed & Grain, June/July, 1996. “Food Consumption Trends” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), October 1996. 40 “Analyzing Your Firm's Liquidity” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), August 1996. “Managers Guide to Financial Ratios” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), May 1996. “Collecting Accounts Receivable” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma and Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), January 1996. “Changing Pattern of Food Spending” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), December 1995. “How to Exhibit at Food Shows” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), December 1995. “Managing Conflict” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), July 1995. “Economic Impact of the Mega Reg” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), May 1995. “Conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), January 1995. “Industrialization of the Hog Industry” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), January 1995. “Effective Time Management” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), August 1994. “Grading Cheaty Wheat” Oklahoma Cooperative Council Newsletter, June 1994. “The Grain Dust Situation: What is it Going to Cost your Cooperative?” Oklahoma Cooperative Council Newsletter, January 1994. “Understanding and Controlling Overhead Costs,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), December 1993. “Total Quality Management,” Oklahoma Cooperative Council Newsletter,” August 1993. “Motivating Food Processing Employees,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), June 1993. “Motivating Employees,” Oklahoma Cooperative Council Newsletter” March 1993. “The Urge to Merge,” Oklahoma Cooperative Council Newsletter” January 1993. 41 “Strategic Planning for Food Processors,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter). December 1992. “Are Cooperatives More Difficult to Manage?” Oklahoma Cooperative Newsletter, August 1992. “Cooperative Success,” Oklahoma Cooperative Newsletter, August 1992. “Evaluating Advertising and Promotional Expenditures,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), July 1992. “Understanding Demographic Patterns Can Improve Marketing Success,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma-Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), March 1992. “Information Systems for Food Processing Firms,” Meaty News Bulletin (Oklahoma & Texas Meat Processor Association Newsletter), August 1991. Poster Sessions at Professional Meetings: Kenkel, P. Reducing Machinery Ownership Risk Through the Development of Agricultural Machinery Cooperatives, National Risk Education Conference, Phoenix AR April 17-18, 2007 Kenkel, P. and F. Kilima. “Optimal Fertilizer Warehousing and Distribution Systems for Farm Supply Cooperatives” NCR-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, November 2-3, 2004. Kenkel, P., A. Holderman and B. Spence, “Post Merger Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives” poster presented at NCR-194 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, October 29, 2003. G. Tembo, and P. Kenkel, “Feasibility of Increasing Wheat Processing Capacity in Oklahoma” Southern Agricultural Economics Association 1998 Annual Meetings, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 1-4, 1998. W. Lucius, P. Kenkel, and J.D. Carlson, “Adoption of Real-Time Weather Information by Agricultural Producers.” Southern Agricultural Economics Association 1998 Annual Meetings, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 1-4, 1998. Kenkel, P., and Rodney Holcomb, “Quality Management” Wes Watkins Leadership Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, November 14, 1997. Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, T. Phillips, R. Noyes and J. Criswell, “Biological Preservation of Grain Quality: Losses in Storage and Handling” Proceedings: International Wheat Quality Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, May 18-22, 1997. 42 Kenkel, P., R. Attaway and K. Anderson, “The Economic Implications of Wheat Elevator Grading Practices” selected poster session, 1997 SAEA Annual Meeting, Birmingham, Alabama, February 5, 1997. Attaway, R., P. Kenkel, K. Anderson and R. Sahs. “Oklahoma State University Grain Grading Accuracy Project” 39th Annual Grain Elevator Business Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, December 12, 1996. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, “Willingness of Cotton Producers to Subscribe to a Computerized Meso-Scale Weather Network” Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Diego, California, January 5-8, 1994. Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, J. Criswell, R. Noyes, S. Fargo, and K. Anderson, “U.S. Stored Product Pest Management Practices: Producers, Elevator Operators and Mills,” Proceedings: 4th National Stored Grain Conference, Manhattan, Kansas, September 18 to September 21, 1994. Kenkel, P., G. Cuperus, J. Criswell, R. Noyes, S. Fargo, and K. Anderson, “U.S. Stored Product Pest Management Practices: Producers, Elevator Operators and Mills,” Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Canberra, Australia, April 1994. Noyes, Ronald T., and Phil Kenkel, “Closed Loop Fumigation Systems in the Southwestern United States” Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Stored Product Protection, Canberra, Australia, April 1994. Kenkel, P. and K. Anderson, 1993. “Cooperative Related Activities at Oklahoma State University,” Poster at Farmland Annual Meeting, March 4, 1993. Adam, Brian D., Kim Anderson, Phil Kenkel, and Carl Garrison, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat,” Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 31-February 3, 1993. Adam, Brian D., Kim Anderson, Phil Kenkel, and Carl Garrison, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat,” Ag Week, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, March 22-26, 1993. Adam, Brian D., Kim Anderson, Phil Kenkel, and Carl Garrison, “The Economics of Cleaning Wheat,” Magruder Plot Centennial, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, May 21-22, 1992. 43 ATTACHMENT 9 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Grants Received 1. Holcomb, R.B., and P. Kenkel. “A Feasibility Template for On-Farm Production of Ethanol from Sweet Sorghum.” USDA Agricultural Marketing Resource Center grant sub-contract from Iowa State University for $15,000, awarded July 2008, ending September 2009. 2. Jones, C. F. Epplin, P. Kenkel, T. Collins, T. Liu, R. Ingalls, R. Huhnke, J. Biermacher “From the Field to the Refinery – A Systems Approach to Modeling the Logistics Value Chain for Switchgrass and Economics of Alternative Strategies for the Oklahoma Cellulosic Biomass Industry” Oklahoma Bioenergy Center, 2008 $160,000. 3. Kenkel. P., K. Anderson, D. Doye, S. Ferrell, B. Briggeman, C. Godsey, J.C. Hobbs, Daniel Skipper, “Managing Fuel and Fertilizer Price Risks” OSU Team Initiative Program Jan 2008, $22,937 4. Kenkel P. S. Ferrell, R. Holcomb, T. Bowser, N. Dunford, D. Doye, C. Godsey, J.C. Hobbs, D. Skipper .”On-Farm Oilseed Processing and Biodiesel Production” OSU Team Initiative Program Jan 2008, $18,601. 5. Damian Adams, Kim Anderson, Shannon Ferrell, Rodney Holcomb, Ray Huhnke, and Phil Kenkel, Biofuel Information Guide and Statewide Educator In-Service Training OSU Team Initiative Program , Jan 2008 $12,750. 6. Henneberry, S. K. Anderson, B. Carver, J. Edwards, R. Holcomb, P. Kenkel, P. ReyesDuarte. “Production and Marketing Opportunities for Hard White Wheat in OK” OSU Team Initiative Program , Jan 2008 36,580. 7. Dicks, M. P. Kenkel, J.C. Hobbs, Rodney Holcomb, Francis Epplin, Ray Huhnke, Dani Bellmer, Mark Wilkins, Brian Whitacre, Jeff Vitale, David Lalman, Bio-Energy in Oklahoma: Analysis of potential Impacts, OSU Team Initiative Program, Jan 2007 $39,006 8. Dunford, N. R. Holcomb, and P. Kenkel. “Effect of Oil Extraction and Refining Techniques on Biodiesel Production Efficiency, Quality and Feasibility” Jan 2007 OSU Team Initiative Program $38,000 9. Dani Bellmer, Chad Godsey Rodney Holcomb Ray Huhnke, Phil Kenkel, Rick Kochenower, Tommy Pickard, Gary Strickland, Eric Wehrenberger, Bobby Weidenmaier, “Feasibility of Sorganol Processing in Oklahoma” Jan 2007 OSU Team Initiative Program $76,000 44 10. Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb, and N. Dunford. “Economic Feasibility of a Producer-Owned Oilseed Processing Facility in Oklahoma.” Received $39,918 on a sub-contract from a USDA-VAPG project received by Oklahoma Farmers and Ranchers Energy Enterprise (OKFREE), ending July 2006. 11. Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Development of a Cellulosic Ethanol Feasibility Template.” Received $15,000 from USDA via sub-contract through Iowa State University as part of continuing Ag Marketing Resource Center funding, project ending September 2008. 12. Kenkel, P. and R. Huhnke, “Feasibility Assessment of Bio-based Products” OSU Team Initiative Program, $21,500, January 2006. 13. Tom Phillips, Brian Adam, Phil Kenkel, Jim Criswell, Rodney Holcomb, Tom Peeper, John Solie, and Nurhan Dunford “Postharvest Storage, Handling and Protection of Canola in Oklahoma” OSU Team Initiative Program, $64,682, January 2006. 14. Kenkel, P. R. Taylor and J.C. Hobbs, “Machinery Cooperatives” OSU Team Initiative Program, $22,500 January 2006. 15. Kenkel, P. “Reducing Machinery Ownership Risk Through the Development of Agricultural Machinery Cooperatives” Risk Management Agency, $20,158. 16. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Risk Management Training for Oklahoma Farm Youth and Families, (RME-BBB01620) RMA/USDA $33,375, Accepted April 2005. 17. Kenkel, P., R. Holcomb, N. Dunford and M. Dicks, “Economic Feasibility of ProducerOwned Oilseed Processing Facility in Oklahoma,” Oklahoma Farmers and Ranchers Energy Enterprises, $39,918, March 2005. 18. B. Adam, R. Holcomb, and P. Kenkel, “Converting Poultry Litter in the Eucha-Spavinaw Watershed to Electricity,” an OCAST project with Skinner, Stamper & Associates collaborating with Oklahoma State University, 2003-2004. Total Project $100,000, Oklahoma State University’s portion $10,000. Project Principal Investigators: Skinner, Stamper, & Associates. 19. Rayas, P., T. Phillips, B. Adam and P. Kenkel. NRI Critical and Emerging Issues Programs Surveying and Evaluating Biosecurity of U.S., Grain Storage, Processing and Transportation Facilities. Phase II, $50,000, June 1, 2004. 20. Rayas, P., T. Phillips, B. Adam and P. Kenkel, “Developing Security of U.S. Commercial Grain Storage and Transportation Systems.” USDA $50,000 May 1, 2004. 21. Holcomb, R.B., T. Bowser, P. Kenkel, H. Sigfusson, and C. DeWitt. Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, Forest Products and Fisheries: Feasibility Study for Centralized Processing Facilities of Byproducts from Oklahoma’s Small To MediumSized Animal Slaughter Operations. $24,400, March 2003. 45 22. Holcomb, R.B., and P. Kenkel, Oklahoma Wheat Commission, “Examining the Feasibility of a Producer Cooperative-Owned Bakery in Lawton, Oklahoma,” $10,000, May 2003. 23. Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb, USDA: “Agricultural Marketing Resource Center,” $120,000 2001-2004. 24. Kenkel, P., R. Holcomb, C. Ward, and D. Barton, “Risk Information and Education for Producers Investing in Value-Added Businesses and New Generation Cooperatives,” USDA $60,000, September 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002. 25. Eastwood, D. J. Brooker, and P. Kenkel, “A Marketing System Approach to Removing Distribution Barriers Confronting Small-Volume Fruit and Vegetable Growers,” USDAInitiative for Future Agricultural Food Systems, October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2002, $500,000. 26. Kenkel, P., C. Lyford, B. Carver, R. Holcomb K. Anderson and J. Sole, Improving the Competitiveness of Oklahoma Wheat Through a Wheat Conditioning Facility at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa, Targeted Research Initiative Program, Oklahoma State University, $23,180 April 30, 1999, June 1, 2000. 27. Bowser, T.J. and P. Kenkel, “Development and Commercialization of Ready-to-Eat Foods for Pets,” OCAST, $17,013, February 1, 1999 to February 31, 2000. 28. Rayas, P., R. Holcomb, P. Kenkel and C. Lyford, “Evaluating Oklahoma Hard Red Winter Wheat Segregated by Protein Level for Use in Frozen and Par-Baked Products,” FAPTC Research Initiative Program, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 1999-2000, $31,300. 29. Kenkel, P., R. Noyes and G. Cuperus, “Cost Benefit for Integrated Pest Management Implementation in Commercial Elevators Market Wheat for Cereals,” National Foundation for Integrated Pest Management Education, $80,000, May 1, 1998 through April 30, 2000. 30. Phillips, T.W., G. Cuperus, P. Kenkel and M. Payton. Monitoring Insect Pests in Flour Mills, Food Warehouses and Grocery Stores, Targeted Research Initiative Program, Oklahoma State University, $25,811, June 1, 1998 to May 30 2000. 31. Lyford, Kenkel, Holcomb and Kranzer Assessing. Wheat Quality Strategies for Elevators to Better Meet End User Needs, Targeted Research Initiative Program, Oklahoma State University, $36,750 June 1, 1998 to May 30 2000. 32. Lyford, Kenkel, Holcomb and Kranzer. Assessing Wheat Quality Strategies for Elevators to Better Meet End User Needs, Oklahoma Wheat Commission, $15,000 September 1998 to August 2,000. 46 33. Holcomb, R., P. Kenkel, P. Rayas-Duarte, and C. Lyford, “Assessing Opportunities for Value-Added Processing Activities by Oklahoma Wheat Producer Cooperatives” Warehouses, Food and Agricultural Product Research and Technology Center, Research Initiative Program, Oklahoma State University, $25,500 June 1, 1998 to May 30 1999. 34. Bowser, T., C Peterson and P. Kenkel, “Development and Evaluation of a Shelf-Stable Ready-to-Eat Food for Box Turtles,” Oklahoma State University 1997 Food Research Initiative Program, $11,590 March 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998. 35. Cuperus, G. T. Phillips, P. Kenkel and R. Noyes, “Area-Wide IPM Program for Suppression of Insect Pests in Stored Wheat” USDA, ARS Grain Marketing and Production Research Center. $1,362,560, January 1998 to December 31, 2002. (1998 portion = $271,592). 36. Storm, D., M. Smolen and P. Kenkel. Watershed Protection through Manure Marketing 319NPS Project - Environmental Protection Agency, $65,000, June 1998 to May 30, 2000. 37. Storm, D., M. Smolen, T. Haam and P. Kenkel, “Modeling Phosphorous Loading for the Lake Eucha Basin,” Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority, $112,687, April 1, 1998 to March 31, 2001. 38. Rayas-Duarte, P. R. Holcomb, P. Kenkel, K. Anderson, B. Carver, G. Kranzer and L. Edwards, “Profit from Quality for Oklahoma Wheat,” OAES, $4,000 February 1998 to December 1998. 39. Cuperus, G., J. Criswell, T. Phillips, P. Kenkel and R. Holcomb, “National Food Quality Protection Act Workshop,” USDA-Extension Service, $30,000 January 1, 1998 to March 1998. 40. Epplin, F., B. Adam, B.W. Brorsen, P. Kenkel, J.B. Solie and T. Peeper, “Identification of Impediments to Efficiency in the Nonvertically Integrated Wheat Production, Marketing and Processing System.” Oklahoma State University, Targeted Research Initiative, $22,900 March 1, 1997 to December 1, 1997. 41. Phillips, T.W., G. Cuperus, P. Kenkel and M. Payton, “New Pest Monitoring Approaches in Food Processing Warehouses and Grocery Stores” Oklahoma State University 1997 Food Research Initiative Program, $18,500 March 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997. 42. Tilley, D., P. Kenkel and T. Bowser, “Wheat Processing Feasibility in Oklahoma State University 1997 Food Research Initiative Program, $30,000 March 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997. 43. Bowser, T., C Peterson and P. Kenkel, “Development and Evaluation of a Shelf-Stable Ready-to-Eat Food for Box Turtles,” Oklahoma State University 1997 Food Research Initiative Program, $33,037 March 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997. 47 44. Kenkel, P. T. Phillips, R. Noyes and K. Anderson, “Assessing Pesticide Use and IPM Practices in Wheat Storages in the Southern Plains,” USDA, SRPIAP, $29,407, January 15, 1997 to July 31, 1998. 45. Carlson, J.D., G.W. Cuperus and P. Kenkel, “Delivery of Weather Based Management Aids Using the Oklahoma Mesonet and OneNet,” USDA, Extension Service, $81,700, September 15, 1996 to September 14, 1997. 46. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Peanut Contract Grader Workshops,” Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, $16,000, September 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995. 47. Noyes, R., G. Cuperus and P. Kenkel, “Stored Grain IPM Program to Minimize Pesticide Residues on Wheat Used for Breakfast Cereal,” National Foundation for Integrated Pest Management Education, $25,000, June 1, 1995 through December 31, 1997. 48. Noyes, R., J. Steele, P. Kenkel and G. Cuperus, “Improved Baffle Design and Dust Control Procedures for Dump Pit Grain Handling,” USDA-ARS at Grain Marketing Research Lab, Manhattan, Kansas $22,000, September 22, 1995 through August 14, 1997. 49. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Peanut Contract Grader Workshops,” Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, $33,000, September 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995. 50. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Corn Kernel Damage” (#216), “Soybean Kernel Damage” (#215), and “Wheat Kernel Damage” (L-213 reprinted July 1995), Oklahoma Grain and Feed Association, $5,000. 51. Noyes, R., P. Kenkel, J. Criswell and G. Cuperus, “Illustrating Closed Loop Fumigation Techniques in Oklahoma Elevators,” EPA (Oklahoma Department of Agriculture pass through), $23,000, March 20, 1995 through September 30, 1996. 52. Kenkel, P., K. Anderson and, B. Adam, “Evaluating the Quality Related Marketing Activities of Wheat and Milo Elevators in the Southern Plains,” Rural Development and Management-USDA, $34,494, September 26, 1994 through December 31, 1995. 53. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Peanut Contract Grader Workshops,” Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, $33,000, September 1, 1994 through October 31, 1994. 54. Cuperus, G, J. Criswell, R. Noyes, J. McGaughey, P. Kendall, B. Brown and P. Kenkel, “Post Harvest Management: Food Safety, IPM and Pesticide Issues” USDA Extension Service, $30,100, March 1, 1994 through February 28, 1995. 55. Cuperus, G., J. Criswell, R. Noyes and, P. Kenkel, “Constraints Workshop: Integrated Pest Management and the Environment, Stored Grain Integrated Pest Management,” EPA, $38,610 (funds passed through Integrated Pest Management Education Foundation), March 1, 1994 through July 31, 1994. 48 56. Criswell J., R. Noyes, L. Littlefield, K. Anderson, B. Brown, G. Cuperus, and P. Kenkel, “Pesticide Use: Peanut Storage Facilities - Oklahoma and Texas,” ERS/USDA, $10,700, July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1994. 57. B. Adam and P. Kenkel, “Marketing Plan for Wilson Wheel Corral,” Wilson Manufacturing Inc., $800 (used to support NAMA student chapter's competition in St. Lewis), January 1994 through June 1994. 58. Fargo, W.S., R. Noyes, M.L. Stone, K. Anderson, and P. Kenkel, “Addition of Biological Controls to the Stored Grain Insect IPM Program,” Targeted Research Imitative Oklahoma State University, $10,850, July 1993 to June 1994. 59. Kenkel, P., “Investigating an Appropriate Subscription Fee Structure for the MESONET System,” Oklahoma Experiment Station, $4,500, April 1, 1993 through August 1, 1993. 60. Anderson, K. and P. Kenkel, “Corn Kernel Damage” (#216), “Soybean Kernel Damage” (#215), and “Wheat Kernel Damage” (L-213 reprinted July 1992 and July 1993), Oklahoma Grain and Feed Association, $7,500 in 1992 and $2,500 in July 1992, July 1993. 61. Kenkel, P. and B. Adam, “A Market Analysis of Value Added Wheat Products,” Oklahoma Wheat Commission, $1,150 (used to support NAMA student chapter's competition in Kansas City), January 1993 through June 1993. 62. Cuperus, J., J. Criswell, K. Anderson, and P. Kenkel, “Assessment of Pesticide Use, Status and Economics in Commercial Wheat Elevators, Mills, and Warehouses,” ERS/USDA, $39,000, June 1992 through January 1993. 63. Kenkel, P., “Graduate Institute of Cooperative Leadership Scholarship” USDA Extension Service June 1-11, 1992, Columbia, Missouri, $1,750, June 1, 1992 through June 11, 1992. 64. Kenkel, P. and B. Adam, “Marketing Study for Alfalfa - Wheat Straw Mulch,” Oklahoma Small Business Development Center, East Central University and Mr. Stanley Patton, $500 (used to support NAMA student chapter's competition in Kansas City), January 1992 through March 1992. 65. Tilley, D.S., J. Trapp, P. Kenkel, and J. Wingender, “Agribusiness Strategy Development in Indonesia,” I.E.U. Institute of Management, $48,000, May 1991 through June 1991. 49 ATTACHMENT 10 MAJOR OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Invited paper for the Federal Farm Credit System Horizons project, a strategic planning process for the entire Farm Credit System. Member of review panel for USDA Small Business Innovative Research Initiatives Grant Program-Washington D.C., January 2006 Chaired team responding to request from the Tennessee Department of Corrections for a feasibility study of a proposed vegetable production and quick-freeze operation and presented results to Tennessee Legislature Select Oversight Committee on Corrections in June 2000. Served on Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Scientific Advisory Panel on “The Assessment of Scientific Information Concerning StarLink™ Corn,” Washington D.C. November 28-29, 2000, reconvened in Arlington Virginia, July 18, 2001. 50 ATTACHMENT 11 UNIVERSITY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Professional: Judged Food Distribution Research Society Outstanding PhD Dissertations, 2005, 2006 and 2007 Panel Member Evaluating USDA Small Business Innovative Research Proposals, January 20062008 Chair, NCR-194 Regional Research Committee on Cooperatives, 2006 Editorial Advisory Board Feed and Grain, 1998 Secretary-Treasurer, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, July 1996 - June 1999 Member National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives (NSAC), Midwest Chapter Member National Council of Farmer Cooperative Education Committee Chair: Southern Extension Marketing Committee -1995 Vice-President: Southern Extension Marketing Committee - 1994 Secretary: Southern Extension Marketing Committee – 1993 Chair: Southern Extension Marketing Committee, Agribusiness Sub-Committee - 1993 to 1995 Department: Team leader for the DASNR Farm and Agribusiness Management Team. The team submitted over 30 and was successful in obtaining funding for 13 projects. I was also a contributing investigator on 3 TIP projects coordinated by PIs in Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Plant and Soil Sciences and Entomology. Internship Committee Undergraduate Awards and Scholarship Committee 51 Past Committee Service Tennessee Extension Service Strategic Planning Committee Tennessee Institute of Agriculture representative on Tennessee Council of Cooperatives Phillip Morris Leadership Conference Planning Committee Enhanced Income Opportunities for Farm Families (Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Extension Program Development Committee) CSREES-Agricultural Economics Steering Committee - 1997 Department Retreat Extension Committee - 1996 Extension Delivery Systems Committee - 1994 Department representative on Southern Extension Marketing Committee, 1993 to Present Agribusiness Courses Committee - 1992 Agricultural Economics Contest Committee - 1991 to Present International Agricultural Program Activities Committee - 1991, 1992 Ag Econ Student Internship Committee - 1991, 1992 Ag Econ Social Committee - 1991, 1992 Joint Ag Econ and College of Business, Agribusiness Committees - 1991 Oklahoma State University Stored Product Research and Extension Center Planning Committee 1994-Present Stored Grain Committee - 1990 to Present Food Processing Committee - 1991 to Present Integrated Risk Management for Farms and Agribusiness Committee - 1991 Contract Hog Taskforce - 1991 52 ATTACHMENT 12 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS 1991: In conjunction with Dan Tilley, Jim Trapp and John Wingender, conducted 8 weeks of “Agribusiness Strategy Development” workshops in Indonesia, in conjunction with I.E.U. Institute of Management, $48,000, May 1991 through June 1991. 1992: Assisted Dr. Jim Lamkey (Oklahoma State University Animal Science) with a quality control training project with Cortes Y Procesos De Carne De Sonora, in Hermosillo, Mexico. 1997: Conducted 12 workshops on the development of agricultural cooperatives in 9 cities in the Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy and Chernihiv. The workshops were attended by 485 farmers and 255 students. 2003: In conjunction with Dr. Brian Adam, conducted workshop on agribusiness marketing in Ankora Turkey, November 20-23. 2007: Participating in a project with Hossein Azadi: '“A Systemic Comparison of Cooperative Systems in Different Countries: A Multi-Case Study in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. ”funded by the Ministry of Cooperatives in Iran 53 ATTACHMENT 13 EXTENSION PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Overall Summary of Extension Activity 1990-1994 1990-91 1992 1993 1994 Total Workshops (attendance) 7 (382) 7 (407) 15 (794) 24 (876) 53 (2,459) Presentations 8 19 15 32 74 (attendance) (693) (670) (745) (1,209) (3,317) Plant Visits 19 9 21 21 70 16 12 10 Individual Firm Assistance 9-food proc. 4-food proc. 2-food proc. 5-grain ele. 4-grain ele. 4-grain ele 2-coop. 4-other 16 54 2 food proc. 17 food proc. 5 grain ele. 18 grain ele. 3 coops. 9 coops. 6 other 10 other 4-coop. Meetings Attended 15 16 22 35 88 Extension Publications 1 7 6 13 20 Industry Newsletter Articles and Misc. Publications 1 5 9 7 18 Sun-up Programs -- -- 3 2 5 Presentations at InService Workshops 1 1 1 1 4 Overall Summary of Extension Activity 1995-1998 1995 1996 1997 1998 Sub-Total Total (Jan-May) 1995-98 1990-1998 Workshops 24 20 27 20 91 144 (attendance) (727) (769) (2,090) (772) 4,358 (6,817) Presentations 44 29 23 16 112 186 (attendance) (2,267) (1,641) (1,531) (970) 6,040 (9,726) Plant Visits 29 21 28 10 98 158 26 5 food proc. Individual Firm Assistance 8 grain 8 coops. 5 other 23 15 7 7 food proc. 1 food 3 grain 10 grain 6 grain 3 coop 4 coop 3 coop 1 other 71 103 13 food 30 food proc. 27 grain 39 grain ele. 18 coop 27 coops. 6 other 16 other Meetings Attended 32 30 25 23 110 198 Extension Publications 10 2 1 5 19 39 Industry Newsletter Articles and Misc. Publications 5 7 9 3 24 34 Sun-up Programs 3 1 5 0 9 13 Presentations at InService Workshops 1 1 2 1 5 9 54 Extension Activity 2000-2005 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Workshops 1 12 17 5 6 6 (attendance) 15 300 556 460 550 490 Presentations 24 25 8 9 8 8 (attendance) (1300) (790) 520 600 700 680 5 16 16 15 18 21 15 15 13 7 11 8 30 41 52 46 42 44 1 1 0 24 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 Plant Visits Individual Firm Assistance Meetings Attended Extension Publications Industry Newsletter Articles and Misc. Publications Presentations at InService Workshops 10 55 ATTACHMENT 14 TEACHING ACTIVITIES Courses Taught: AGEC 3313 - Agribusiness Management and Finance, Renamed-Agribusiness I Fall 1990, Fall 1991,Fall 1992,Fall 1993, AGEC 3463-Agricultural Cooperatives Spring 2002-enrollment 39 Spring 2003-enrollment 48 Spring 2004-enrollment 65 Spring 2005-enrollment 59 Spring 2006-enrollment 59 Spring 2007-enrollment 51 Spring 2008-enrollment 58 Spring 2009-enrolment 63 Graduate Student Advised: Mr. Roy Attaway Mr. Gelson Tembo Mr. Weylin Lucius Mr. Vladimir Lukin Mr. Edwin Acbol Andrea Scholtz Freddie Kilima Mlyavidoga Fitryanti Pakiding Gerald Nsabimana Fitryanti Pakiding Mr. Garret Long Ms. Holly Regan Eric Wehrenberg Josh Parks Arjun Basnet Tayhoon Kim Byoung Lee Degree M.S. M.S. M.S. PhD. M.S. MS PhD MS MS Ph.D. M.S M.S. MA MS MS PhD PhD Completion Date 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 2003 2004 2004 2005 2007 2007 . 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 Graduate Student Committees: Ms. Angela Countiss Ms. Karen Halliburton Ms. Heather Hoff Ms. Gita Indahsari Mr. John Coombs Mr. Tommy Eshleman Mr. Lu. Junxiang Mr. Byung-Ok Im Mr. Greg Owen Mr. Robert Rushing Department AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC AGEC Degree M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.S. Ph.D. M.S. M.S. 56 Year Graduated 1992 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1996 1996 December 1995 November 1996 Graduate Student Committees: Mr. Stewart Kennedy Mr. Carl Doud Mr. Ibnu Hidayat Hubertus Puaha Jerad Carlburg Curt Stock Todd Martin Shelly Regnier Wan Seok Park Amanda Hill, M.S. Robert Karaya, Kittiphong Limpasurat, Jason Frantz Amanda Dickson Jason Frantz Chris Fryer Ms. Tasha Turko Department Degree AGEC M.S. Entomology M.S. AGEC Ph.D. AGEC Ph.D. AGEC PhD AGEC MS AGEC MS AGEC MS AGEC M.S. AGEC M.S. AGEC M.S. AGEC M.S. AGEC MS AGEC MS AGEC MS AGEC MS M.S. - University of Manitoba 57 Year Graduated 1997 -1999 June 2002 May 2002 2004 2003 2004 May 2004 May 2005 Dec 2006 May 2005 Dec 2007 2009 2007 2008 2008