Grant-Writing 101

Grant-Writing 101
Problem/Needs Statement – Lists needs and problems to be resolved with data to support claims.
Example: According to an ongoing survey (2007 – 2009), 50 percent of incoming students do not have
access to a personal computer or laptop.
Project Goals/Objectives – Goals are dreams; objectives are precise, measurable outcomes with specific
dates. Example: This project will increase by 50 percent, the number of incoming LCSC students who
have access to a personal computer or laptop by December 31, 2011.
Methods – Describes the activities to be employed to achieve results, including persons responsible and
dates when methods will be completed.
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Evaluation – Presents a plan for assessing the degree to which objectives were met and methods
Sustainability – Describes how the organization will sustain the project after the grant period ends
Budget – Gives a detailed, line-item, expense and income summary of the project.
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