African Commission on Agricultural Statistics 20th Session, 10 – 13 December 2007, Algiers, Algeria AGRI-GENDER DATABASE Tool kit for collection and use of sex disaggregated data World Census of Agriculture Programme 2010 By Diana Tempelman Senior Officer, Gender and Development FAO, Regional Office for Africa 1 Presentation outline World Census of Agriculture Programme 1930 - 2010 1. Agricultural data in WCA: 1930–’90 2. Gender related data in the 2000 WCA 3. Gender related data in the 2010 WCA 4. Gender module for 2010 WCA AGRI-GENDER DATABASE 5. Conclusion 2 1. Agricultural data in WCA: 1930–’90 Focus on quantities produced Demographic data, if at all head of the household or agricultural holder Women’s involvement perceived as domestic or reproductive not economic or productive 3 2. Gender related data in the 2000 WCA Among others: Addresses gender biases in statistical tools Expands data collection to small-scale and peri-urban agriculture data analysis and presentation at sub-holding level, introducing the sub-holder concept 4 SUB-HOLDING defined as a single agricultural activity managed by a particular person in the holder’s household on behalf of the agricultural holder. one or more sub-holdings in a holding. could comprise a single plot, a whole field, a whole parcel, or even the whole holding. could also be a livestock operation associated with or without any land (FAO, 2005a). 5 Data available from WCA 2000 on selected gender relevant issues Male and Female heads of agricultural HH “Feminisation of agriculture” Access to resources – land Access to resources – animals / finances Labour constraints Access to agricultural extension Crop preferences 6 Demographic data Male and female headed HH feminisation agriculture (1) Heads of agricultural holdings / sex in selected provinces - CAMEROON Province Agric. census 1984 Agric. survey’85– ‘86 Agric. surveys ’89 – ‘90 Male Female Male Female Male Female Extreme North 91,8 8.2 91,8 8.2 92,6 7.4 East 91,6 8.4 90,8 9.2 85,6 14.4 Central 77,8 22.2 78,5 21.5 71,8 28.2 South 84,9 15.1 81,1 18.9 71,2 28.8 Coast 79,1 20.9 79,9 20.1 63,2 36.8 West 75,8 24.2 73,6 26.4 66.0 34.0 National 85.4 14.6 85.2 14.8 79,4 20.6 7 Demographic data feminisation of agriculture (2) Guinea – Labé Region Guinea 85+ 85+ 80 - 84 80 - 84 75 - 79 75 - 79 70 -74 70 -74 65 - 69 65 - 69 60 - 64 60 - 64 55 - 59 55 - 59 50 - 54 50 - 54 45 - 49 45 - 49 40 - 44 40 - 44 35 - 39 35 - 39 30 - 34 30 - 34 25 - 29 25 - 29 20 - 24 20 - 24 15 -19 15 -19 .10 - 14 .10 - 14 .5 - 9 .5 - 9 >5 >5 Scale maximum = 800000 Male Female Male Female Scale maximum = 90000 8 Male & female headed HH – NIGER Data presentation at sub-national level Tableau M1 : Répartition des ménages agricoles selon la région et le sexe du chef de ménage Régions Agadez Diffa Dosso Maradi Tahoua Tillabery Zinder Niamey Total Homme Effectif 37 695 45 234 191 535 289 487 279 460 216 281 383 648 39 521 1 482 862 % 87,6 90,0 96,2 97,1 91,1 97,4 90,3 92,9 Femme Effectif 5 332 5 002 7 553 8 650 27 227 5 827 41 047 3 033 % 12,4 10,0 3,8 2,9 8,9 2,6 9,7 7,1 93,5 103 670 6,5 Effectif total 43 027 50 236 199 088 298 137 306 687 222 108 424 695 42 553 1 586 532 SOURCE : Recensement de l'Agriculture et du Cheptel (RGAC) - 2004/2006 9 Male and female headed HH –Tanzania at regional level Agricultural HH Tanzania: •20% female headed •80% male headed 10 Access to resources Tanzania LAND 11 Land area per HH by sex of HoHH TANZANIA – REGIONAL VARIATION 12 Access to resources – NIGER ANIMALS & effects of financial constraints PROVISIONAL DATA Sedentary animals by sex of owner – NIGER ( % ) Bovine Sheep Goats Arses Donkeys Pigs Poultry M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 77.6 22.4 59.9 40.1 45.2 54.8 90.6 9.4 81.6 18.4 45.2 54.8 70.3 29.7 13 Demographic data labour constraints Tab.2 – Number of inactive /active household members and number of male active members per sex of Head of Household (HoHH) –TANZANIA Selected regions Dodoma Mtwara Iringa Mbeya Mara Tanzania Inactive / active by sex HoHH Male HoHH Female HoHH 1.4 2 1.1 2.2 1.3 1.9 1.3 1.9 1.5 1.9 1.4 1.7 Male active / sex of HoHH Male HoHH Female HoHH 1.1 0.3 1.0 0.5 1.1 0.2 1.1 0.3 1.0 0.5 1.1 0.4 14 Impact labour constraints - Tanzania female headed HH’s use of credit 15 Division of Labour whilst also being responsible for the normal female duties of the household beer making, collecting water, etc. They also use more of hired labour Female heads of households take on the additional roles normally undertaken by the male head of household; Off farm income, bee keeping and fishing Chart 5.17 Percent of Households by Type of Labour - MALE Headed Households Off - farm Income Generation Fish Farming Fishing Beekeeping Making Beer Building / Maintaining Houses T imber Wood Cutting Pole Cutting Collecting Firewood Collecting Water Poultry Keeping Pig Rearing Milking Goat & Sheep Marketing Goat & Sheep Herding Goat & Sheep Rearing Cattle Marketing Cattle Herding Cattle Rearing Crop Marketing Crop Processing Harvesting Crop Protection Weeding Planting Soil Preparation by Oxen / T ractor Soil Preparation by Hand Land Clearing Off - farm Income Generation Fish Farming Fishing Beekeeping Making Beer Building / Maintaining Houses T imber Wood Cutting Pole Cutting Collecting Firewood Collecting Water Poultry Keeping Pig Rearing Milking Goat & Sheep Marketing Goat & Sheep Herding Goat & Sheep Rearing Cattle Marketing Cattle Herding Cattle Rearing Crop Marketing Crop Processing Harvesting Crop Protection Weeding Planting Soil Preparation by Oxen / T ractor Soil Preparation by Hand Land Clearing Type of Labour Type of Labour 0% Head of Household Alone Adults Percent Boys & Girls Chart 5.18 Percent of Households by Type of Labour - Female Headed Households 20% 40% Adults Males Boys All Household Members 60% 80% Adult Female Girls Hired Labour 100% 0% Head of Household Alone Adults Percent Boys & Girls 20% 40% Adults Males Boys All Household Members 60% 80% Adult Female Girls Hired Labour 16 100% Data analysis & presentation sub-holding level access to agricultural extension services Tab 4 : Access to agricultural extension by sex of sub-holder - SENEGAL Region Diourbel Thiès Koalack Kolda National Male sub-holders N % 16,197 7,826 39,889 18,364 155,072 4.62 1.37 6.55 4.05 4.08 Female sub-holders N % 4,722 5,895 9,075 4,612 53,253 1.35 1.03 1.47 1.02 1.40 Total % 20,919 13,721 48,964 22,976 208,325 3.9 1.2 5.6 3.4 3.4 17 Crop preferences analysis and presentation sub-holding level Tab 3 Area cultivated / crop by sex of agricultural holder and sub-holder Burkina Faso, mid 1990s Holder (Collective fields) Sub-Holder (Individual fields) Crops Millet Maize Rice Groundnuts Vouandzou White sorghum Red sorghum (sub) Total M 97 99 98 97 96 98 97 98 F 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 2 M 45 90 65 32 20 58 55 48 F 55 10 35 68 80 42 45 52 Both (All fields) M F 87 13 89 11 85 15 54 46 50 50 90 10 91 9 86 14 18 Crop preferences Data presentation at sub-national level area under maize 19 Crop preferences Data presentation at sub-national level area under vouandzou 20 Crop preferences Data presentation at sub-national level area under gombo 21 Gender publications 2000 WCA United Republic of Tanzania NATIONAL SAMPLE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE 2002/2003 GENDER PROFILE OF SMALLHOLDER RURAL AGRICULTURE POPULATION IN TANZANIA MAINLAND Volume IX National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Water and Livestock Development, Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing, Presidents Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs – Zanzibar Forthcoming Gender profiles: Livestock sub-sector, NIGER Agricultural sub-sector, NIGER Overall agricultural sector, CAPE VERDE 22 3. Gender related data 2010 WCA CORE CENSUS module limited number of variables exhaustive data collection TWELVE SUPPLEMENTARY MODULES 01: 02: 03: 04: 05: 06: Land Irrigation and water management Crops Livestock Agricultural practices Agricultural services 07: Demogr.& social characteristics 08: Farm labour 09: Household food security 10: Aquaculture 11: Forestry 12: Management of the holding (sub-holdings / sex of sub-holder) 23 4. Gender module for 2010 WCA 24 4. Gender module for 2010 WCA AGRI-GENDER DATABASE i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Agricultural population and households Access to productive resources Production and productivity Destination of agricultural produce Labour and time-use Income and expenditures Membership of agricultural/farmer organisations Food security Poverty indicators 25 ii - Access to productive resources NIGER Example: Question regarding landowne rship by sub-holder - NIGER Identification champs, parcelles INVENTAIRE DES PARCELLES DU MËNAGE AGRICOLE Sexe du responsable de la Nom et prénoms du Type de gestion de responsable de la parcelle parcelle la parcelle 1 2 3 Inscrire le numéro d'ordre du champ Inscrire le numéro d'ordre de la parcelle Inscrire d'abord le nom, puis les prénoms du responsable de la parcelle en commençant par le Chef de Ménage |__|__| |__|__| |__| |__| |__|__| |__|__| |__| |__| |__|__| |__|__| |__| |__| 4 1 = Masculin 2 = Féminin 5 1 = Individuel 2 = Collectif Etc. 26 ii - Access to productive resources Continue INVENTAIRE DES PARCELLES DU MËNAGE AGRICOLE Passé cultural Système de Mode de la parcelle culture d'acquisition 6 1 = Cultivé 2 = Jachère 7 1 = Culture pure 2 = Cult. associé Type de relief 8 1 = Héritage 2 = Achat 3 = Fermage ou métayage 4 = Prêt 5 = Don 6 = Autre 9 1 = Plaine ou plateau 2 = Bas-fonds 3 = Versant colline montagne |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| Etc. Source: Recensement général de l’agriculture et du cheptel, Niger, 2005/06 27 ii - Access to productive resources The GAMBIA Numb er of Cattle A. CATTLE AND CALVES (a) Males Females (b ) (c) Total Cattle (d) Numb er of Cattle managed or owned b y sex of members Male Female (e) (f) Total numb er of cattle of all ages (If “None” enter X and move to B) Total numb er under 2 years of age Total numb er 2 years of age and over ANIMALS Numb er of Goats B. GOATS (a) Males Females (b ) (c) Numb er of Sheep C. SHEEP AND LAMBS (a) Males Females (b ) (c) Numb er of Pigs D. PIGS (a) E. POULTRY AND RABBITS (a) Total Goats (d) Total Sheep (d) Total Pigs Numb er of Goats managed or owned b y sex of members Male Female (e) (f) Numb er of Sheep managed or owned b y sex of members Male Female (e) (f) Numb er of Pigs managed or owned b y sex of members Males Females Male Female (b ) (c) (d) (e) (f) Hens, Cocks, Ducks and Ducklings Others: Turkeys, Guinea Fowls, etc. Other Farm Animals (Specify) Rabbits (b ) (c) (d) (e) (f) 28 iii - Production and productivity MALI RECAPITULATIF DES BLOCS ET PARCELLES DE L’EXPLOITATION TRADITIONELLE N° Bloc N° parcelle Saison : 1= Hivern. 2= Hors hivern. Culture principale Nom Code Superficie en ares N° d’ordre du responsab le de mise en val. de la parcelle Nom du responsab l e de la parcelle Sexe du responsa ble de la parcelle 1=M 2=F 148 I__I__I 149 I__I__I 150 I___I 151 _____ 152 I__|__|__I 153 I__I__I__I__I,I__I__I 154 I___I___I 155 _________ 156 |__| I__I__I I__I__I I___I _____ I__|__|__I I__I__I__I__I,I__I__I I___I___I _________ |__| I__I__I I__I__I I___I _____ I__|__|__I I__I__I__I__I,I__I__I I___I___I _________ |__| Etc. Total (1) I___I___I___I___I___I, I___I___I Source : République du Mali – Recensement Général de l’Agriculture 1999 / 2000 29 iii - Production and productivity NIGER Code Champ Parcelle 1 2 |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| |__|__| Système de culture (code) 3 |__| |__| |__| |__| Sexe du responsable de parcelle Nom de la culture Poids brut en k ilogramme (k g) Poids net en k ilogramme (k g) 6 7 3’ 4 Code de la culture 5 |__| |__| |__| |__| …………. |__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| …………. |__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| …………. |__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| …………. |__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| |__|__|,|__|__|__| (1 = M ; 2 = F) Etc. Source République du Niger – Recensement Général de l’Agriculture et du Cheptel 2004-2006 30 v. Labour and time-use ETHIOPIA 5. How many persons were engaged on the holding other than the holder? (Last 12 months ) S/N Labour status 5.1 Permanent paid work ers (full-time) 5.2 Temporary (seasonal paid work ers) 5.3 Unpaid family work ers 5.4 Partners (share holders paid/unpaid) 5.5 Total persons engaged at any time of the year Male Number Female Total Source: Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration Miscellaneous Questions – 2001/02 31 v. Labour and time-use UGANDA 5.3.2 Household members work on the holding by specific operations 27 How many household members work ed permanently or temporarily on the holding this agricultural season on the specified operations ? (Give the number work ed for all categories). Operation Code Males (1) Number who participated Children Females Boys Girls (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Ploughing 1 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Planting 2 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Weeding 3 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Pruning 4 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Harvesting 5 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Bush clearing 6 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Herding 7 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Feeding 8 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Milk ing 9 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Fish farming 10 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Construction/maintenance 11 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| Other, specify 12 |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| |__|__|__| 32 v. Labour and time-use ETHIOPIA Mak e (code) Female (code) Children(code) Boys Girls S/N Activity 21.1 Tilling |__| |__| |__| |__| 21.2 Sowing |__| |__| |__| |__| 21.3 Weeding |__| |__| |__| |__| 21.4 Harvesting |__| |__| |__| |__| 21.5 Feeding/Treating |__| |__| |__| |__| 21.6 Milk ing |__| |__| |__| |__| 21.7 Mark eting of agricult ural products |__| |__| |__| |__| 33 v. Labour and time-use TUNISIA Nom ….. GRILLE BUDGET-TEMPS Temps Heure réveil!_!_! _!_! HIER....... (heures) Semaine dernière (heures) Activités P. Matin Midi A. midi Soir Total 2è mat j. 3è j. 4è j. 5è j. 6è j. Mois dernier (jours) 7è j. Année dernière (jours) Total 2ème 3ème 4ème Total Eté Print. Autom Hiver Total A. AGRICOLE 1. Préparation du sol (labour, binage, sarclage, désherbage, fertilisation, semis, taille, piquage, irrigation) 2. Récolte, cueillette, moisson 3. Act. paraagricoles (transport, récolte, marché, entretien, stock, etc.) 34 5. CONCLUSION – DISCUSSION ITEMS Steps to enhance production of sexdisaggregated data Steps to enhance utilisation of sexdisaggregated data 35 Thank you for your attention 36