UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA Tanana Valley Campus F100B-TE1 Elementary Italian II, 3 credits

Tanana Valley Campus
Elementary Italian II, 3 credits
INSTRUCTOR: Neva Renschen
OFFICE HOURS: 15 minutes prior to class in the classroom on all scheduled class days or at
any mutually agreeable time and place by appointment.
HOME PHONE: 457-6640
PREREQUISITES: Italian I or instructor approval
1. Ciao! (5th Ed). Carla Federici and Carla Riga. Heinle & Heinle.
2. Ciao! Workbook. Carla Federici and Carla Riga. Heinle & Heinle.
DESCRIPTION OF THE CLASS: Designed for students already in the process of learning
Italian. Students will be working individually, in pairs and in small groups toward reading,
writing, listening and speaking. Course will focus on language skills to include vocabulary terms,
grammatical structures and conversational abilities. Students will also learn about different
cultures in the Italian-speaking world.
ITAL F100B is an introductory course in the Italian language and culture with an emphasis on
the spoken and written language. This class does not meet Perspectives on the Human Condition
requirements, or Foreign Language major or minor requirements.
COURSE GOALS: The students will, by the end of this course be familiar with or have:
1. Letters and sounds of the Italian language
2. Grammatical and pronunciation markers (linguistic functions)
3. Some fundamentals of the Italian culture and customs
4. Recognizable proficiency in the Italian language
COURSE OBJECTIVES: To enable the students to:
1. identify and understand the basics of the spoken and written aspects of the Italian
language and culture.
2. improve their understanding of the Italian language and culture.
3. improve their writing and pronunciation abilities.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Students are expected to complete the prescribed
assignments and practice prior to class and participate in Italian recitations and readings.
The course will focus on individual improvement on the language skills – reading, writing and
speaking. The course will be a lecture class, with group interaction when appropriate.
PARTICIPATION: Since we will be working in pairs and small groups in every class,
attendance is crucial to success in this course! If the student is more than 10 minutes late, he/she
will be considered absent. Please e-mail the professor 24 hours in advance if you are going to be
late or absent.
WORKBOOKS: These assignments need to be turned in on exam days. When you do the
workbook, do the original work in one color pen or pencil and then correct your work with
another color.
TESTING: There will be a comprehensive exam at the end of each chapter for a total of 4
chapter exams. Late exams are not permitted.
Class participation: 10%
Homework and Special Project: 10%
Exams: 40%
Final: 40%
A= 100%-90%, B= 89%-80%, C=79%-70%, D= 69%-60%, F= below 60%
Homework will consist of short papers and vocabulary assignments. The special project will be
an individual project based on the student’s interests and abilities as related to the Italian
language. Special project will be due three weeks before the end of the semester.
DISABILITIES SERVICES: The office of disability services implements the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA), and insures that UAF students have equal access to the campus and
sources materials. I will work with that office to provide reasonable accommodations to students
with disabilities. The office is located at 203 Whitman building, telephone 474-7043.
CLASS SCHEDULE (with a T/R schedule)
*Each class will consist of readings, vocabulary study, group work and oral presentations,
cultural studies and special group projects due at the end of the semester.
classe #1 - Introduzione
classe #2 - gennaio
classe #3 - gennaio
classe #4 - gennaio
classe #5 - febraio - Capitolo #6
classe #6 - febbraio - Esame #1
classe #7 - Capitolo #7
classe #8 - Capitolo #7
classe #9 - Capitolo #7
classe #10 - Capitolo #7
classe #11 - Esame #2
classe #12 - Capitolo #8
classe #13 - Capitolo #8
classe #14 - Capitolo #8
classe #15 - Capitolo #8
classe #16 - Esame #3
classe #17 - Capitolo #9
classe #18 - Capitolo #9
classe #19 - Capitolo #9
classe #20 - Capitolo #9
classe #21 - Esame #4
classe #22 - Capitolo #10
classe #23 - Capitolo #10
classe #24 - Capitolo #10
classe #25 - Capitolo #10
classe #26 -s Presentations
classe #27 - Italian Dinner
classe #28 - Esame finale