1 Department of Mining & Geological Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks MIN 401: Mine Site Field Trips, One (1) Credit, Technical Elective, Spring Semester 2008-09 Catalog Description: Field Trips to active surface and underground mines to gain knowledge of modern mining systems, and for technical interaction with mine engineers and operators. Includes a post-trip written analysis of each mine operation to confirm understanding of mining engineering principles (0.5+0+3). Prerequisites: MIN 202, 301, 302 and 370 Textbook: None; references will be provided Personal Protective (Safety) Equipment: Students will be responsible for providing their own protective clothing, safety headgear and footwear, and eye-protection, unless arrangements have been made with the host sites. Instructor: Terril (Ted) Wilson, P.E., Ph.D. Phone: 907-474-5928 Office: 319 Duckering Bldg. Office hours: Wed, Fri. 2 – 3 PM Course Objectives: To familiarize students with a variety of mining methods, planning criteria and procedures, and operating techniques. To increase each participant’s understanding of mining techniques and mine engineering in a way that he or she can apply such knowledge to a new mine design or improvement in an existing design or operation. Contribution to Professional Component: Mining Engineering, 1 Credit – Mine visits provide working examples of mine design criteria, mine operating conditions, and system & equipment requirements, with particular attention to factors associated with safety and productivity. Geological conditions and economic constraints in mine design and operation are emphasized. The trips are normally made in conjunction with student attendance at a technical conference (mining & geological engineering), and may be outside Alaska Topics/Content: The essence of the course is technical visits to mines having a variety of surface and underground mining methods, geological conditions and operating conditions. Normally, three (3) mines are scheduled per course offering. Geological conditions and types of mines will vary, depending on the technical conference venue. Focal topics of each mine visit include geological conditions, rock mechanics and rock excavation, transportation of rock materials (ore & waste), processing & beneficiation of ores, mine plant design, power distribution & utilization, ventilation and control of dust and noxious gases, systems integration & optimization, environmental management, and safety. Each visit is from 3 ½ to 6 hours onsite, plus travel time to and from the site. Instructional Materials: to be provided. Materials will be specific to each operation visited Pre-trip meetings: 306 and/or 316 Duckering Bldg. A minimum of three hours of briefing will be provided ahead of time, and a written checklist for each mine will be issued, listing geological, operational and production features to be noted. 1 2 Deliverables: Each student will compile and submit, for each mine visited, a concise summary report of the operation. Students are encouraged to note and evaluate (based on prior instruction and personal work experience) items not covered on the checklist. Students may work cooperatively on reports, but reports are to be submitted individually. Trip reports are to be submitted not later than 3 weeks after the last visit has been completed. A late penalty of 40 percent for each report will apply. Though not expressly required in the course, students will be encouraged to report their observations verbally in an appropriate university forum (e.g. seminar) or to a local technical organization. Grading: Pass / Fail. A passing grade will require submittal of all deliverables, at a mean quality score of 80 percent or better. Notes: 1. Instructor will work with the Office of Disabilities Services (203 WHIT, 4747042) to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities. 2. Late “deliverables” (exceptions for medical emergencies) will be discounted by 40 percent. Trip attendance is mandatory. Late submittals will be accepted only in the case of medical reasons or official university travel. 3. Student Support Services available: The University has may student support programs. Course participants may contact any of the following: UAOnline, a resource for transcripts, accounts and other personal information: http:// uaonline.alaska.edu The UAF Writing Center, 801 Gruening Bldg., 474 5314 http://www.alaska.edu/english/studentresources/writing/ The UAF Speaking Center, 512 Gruening Bldg., 474-5470 http://www.uaf.edu/speak Outcomes (Ref. ABET accreditation): Outcome Outcome 7. Ability to communicate effectively in written, oral, and graphical Form MIN 401 contribution Students will analyze and compile a written summary report for each of three mining operations observed. An additional oral presentation is encouraged. Outcome 8. Broad education Visits to mines of various types in different locations will illustrate a variety of technical and economic issues. Outcome 10. Knowledge of Contemporary Visits to mines in different locations will issues reveal a variety of economic, social and regulatory issues. Estimated ABET Category Content: Engineering, 1 Credit 2 3 Student Support Services The University has many student support programs. If you need assistance please contact any of the following service programs or departments. UAOnline http://uaonline.alaska.edu/ Your resource for transcripts, accounts, and other personal information. Math Hot Line Contact UAF's toll-free Math Hotline for problem solving and math help. Call 866-823-6284 (1-866-UAF-MATH) during regular fall and spring semesters. Writing Center http://www.alaska.edu/english/studentresources/writing/ The Writing Center is a student-staffed, student-oriented service of the English Department. 801 Gruening Bldg., P.O. Box 755720 Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-5720 Phone: (907) 474-5314 Fax: 1-800-478-5246 The UAF Writing Center and Computer Lab offers free writing tutoring to any student in any subject via telephone and fax or over the Internet. Students can call 907-474-5314 for information on how to fax a paper and have it tutored over the telephone, or engage in an interactive Internet session. Both services are free. Problem: you are having problems with Blackboard You will need to contact the Blackboard administrator, at: http://classes.uaf.edu/ Office of Information Technology Help Desk 474.6564 or 1.800.478.4667 3