Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Peter Thoenes Trade and Markets Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Louis Dreyfus Commodities OILSEEDS MEETING 3 - 5 December 2014, Barcelona Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 2 Outline 1. 2. 3. Model features & assumptions Livestock and aquaculture sectors Oilseed complex 4. 5. 6. oilseed: production, trade, crush oilmeals: production, utilization, trade Fishmeal: production, utilization, trade Price outlook Model limitations & uncertainties Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market OECD-FAO projections – features & assumptions main features: - prepared jointly by OECD and FAO - based on a comprehensive dynamic model & expert judgment - global coverage & consistent scenario for entire agricultural sector - endogenous / exogenous variables - projections – not forecasts ! general conventions: - normal production conditions (weather, diseases) - trended yield development - no change in policies specific assumptions: - technology parameters and elasticities - population growth - macroeconomic environment - crude oil prices PIC 1 3 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market The livestock and aquaculture sectors significant growth in non-ruminant sector and in aquaculture Meat sector Meat sector: - production expansion to slow down - growth leader: poultry 4 5 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market meat consumption growth concentrated in dvlpg world - growth leader: Asia (notably China) - sluggish growth in OECD countries 6 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Dairy sector - production slowdown - growth concentrates in developing countries - India to become the world’s largest milk producer Aquaculture - one of the fastest growing food sectors - but deceleration compared to past decade 7 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market The oilseed complex oilseed industry remains a fast rising sector Global oilseed production: production growing as a result of both larger area and yield improvements Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 8 yield improvements are expected to flatten countries leading the expansion in global production: Argentina, Brazil, US and China … concerning primarily soybeans Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 9 - no major changes in global pattern of production - dominant position of US, Brazil, Arg. And China to continue - share of Latin American producers to somewhat increase 10 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Trade in oilseeds - overall trade expansion to slow down markedly, mainly reflecting reduced growth in China’s imports - still, China’s import market share is expected to climb to 60% - market concentration to prevail Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 11 Export market: - export expansion driven by US, Argentina and China - Brazil: reduced growth as preference is given to oilmeal exports - global export market remains highly concentrated Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Oilseed crush 12 - expansion in global crush to slow down - China: marked slowdown in domestic crush expansion - Argentina, Brazil and Ukraine to climb up in the ranking OILSEED CRUSH countries ranked by volume China United States Argentina Brazil European Union India Ukraine Russian Federation Canada Mexico Turkey Japan slowdown or negative avg. annual growth rate (in %) 2004-2013 2014-2023 7 2 -1 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 14 3 9 3 8 2 3 0 4 1 -3 -2 acceleration 13 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Oilmeal production global oilmeal output to expand further, though at a lower pace level of concentration remains high: six nations account for 3/4 of total production growth driven by dvlpg countries, notably: China, Argentina, India and Brazil 14 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Oilmeal utilization consumption growth dominated by developing countries Contribution to growth in global oilmeal consumption (in %) Developing China Asia excl. China Brazil Developed United States European Union Rest of world 32 23 10 6 4 21 • growth driver: rising demand from non-ruminant and milk sectors ← structural change • but annual growth in global consumption is expected to slow down ← efficiency gains Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 15 Global consumption pattern broadly unchanged OILMEAL CONSUMPTION ranked by volume 2023 over 2011-13 avg. annual growth rate ( in %) (in %) dvlpg countries: expansion expected to slow down dvlpd countries: continued weak growth Developing China Brazil India Mexico Indonesia S. Korea Turkey Paraguay Developed European Union United States Japan Russian Federation Ukraine 2004-2013 2014-2023 + 34 + 49 + 33 + 17 + 51 + 17 + 46 + 52 7 7 3 2 7 2 5 10 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 4 +6 + 13 -7 + 30 + 38 0 -1 0 7 14 0 1 -1 2 1 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Trade in oilmeals Global trade expansion to slow down Imports: - growth dominated by developing world - China to become a major player - EU import requirements about unchanged 16 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 17 Exports: - Argentina, Brazil and India to increase their sales - US and Canada: only modest expansion - dominance of South + North America to continue 18 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Fishmeal Production - global production up 6% compared to base - expansion driven by developing countries - meal composition and quality may change Utilization - demand tends to outpace supply - developing countries dominate consumption - less fishmeal in farmed fish diets (as well as livestock feed) Trade - global trade virtually unchanged - developing countries dominate trade - import/export patterns about unchanged Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Price outlook Oilseed complex: after initial price corrections … slow recovery in oilseed and veg.oil values oilmeal prices stabilizing – on a higher plateau Fishmeal: following further downward corrections, prices expected to appreciate again In real terms, all prices should ease … compared to the recent historical record 19 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market Limitations & uncertainties general limitations land projections yield projections oilmeal use in feed rations general unknowns: weather, macro-economy logistic issues market concentration supply response of emerging players policy interventions: biofuel animal-based meals environmental regulations ad hoc / temporary measures 20 21 Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market FAO Trade and Markets Division: Oilcrops desk: short-term market assessments monthly price and policy updates medium-term projections price statistics field R&D projects Medium-term prospects in the global oilmeal market 22 Thank you Acknowledgements: - FAO/OECD Outlook team - Mr. M. Milo (Research Ass.) and Ms. G. Karumathy (Economist) OECD/FAO Outlook website: @: : +39 06 57053498 : Viale Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Roma, Italy