Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099 Student Government Association General Board Meeting April 21st, 2014 Present: Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M. Hicks (BAM), K. Chrzanowska (Treasurer), Z. Yeager (Secretary) Advisors: C. Ambrosio, M. Delaney Senators: J. Ahern, E. Benoit, V. Cosma, E. Drouin, D. Dykstra, A. Fiducia, M. Fournier, J. Garzone, C. Gosselin, E. McDonald, E. Pelletier, R. Perry, J. Reid, R. Rivera, M. Silver, M. Styrczula Meeting called to order at 3:03 PM 1. Acceptance of Minutes for 04/14/14 a. Motion # 73 (D. Dykstra , J. Garzone) Motion to accept the minutes from 04/14/14 (20-0-0) Motion Carries. 2. President’s Report: 3. Vice President’s Report: a. Dr. Escoto: Dr. Escoto informed the Senate of the Undergraduate Research Office on campus so that students may prepare themselves better for graduate school or work experience. If students have a project that they have worked on and wish to present at a conference, they can work with the Research office. The office provides funding for travel to conferences as well. This past year, they have funded 12 different students for travel to their presentations. There is also the possibility of an undergraduate research club. A big focus of the office is trying to get funds for the students. The office does not yet have a permanent home though. Another big focus is to get students early with internships and a presentation to freshman classes about the issue. Dr. Escoto’s office is located in Webb 132. b. Committee Updates: i. Student Issues: E. McDonald e-mailed IT and has not heard back yet. ii. Public Relations: The voting party is tomorrow. Everything is all set and ready to go for it. iii. Internal: Make sure you have sent in your quarter sheets for the voting Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association “Students Serving Students” party. Senators and E-Board were presented with superlatives. iv. BAM: 1. Badminton Club: This club is intended to be recreational, yet competitive. They would use weekly gym time to play recreationally with a possible monthly tournament. They have at least 30 member and there will be more advertising once they become recognized. The club members are working with the professor of the Badminton class too to advertise. Because it is indoor during the winter, the sport is not weather dependent, however the club will look into investing in outdoor nets too so that people can play outside. E. Pelletier asked about meetings during the offseason. They want to play year-round so they would still have meetings throughout both semesters. Motion # 74 (J. Garzone, J. Reid) Motion to approve the Constitution of the Badminton Club (19-0-0) Motion Carries. 2. Trainers: BAM committed $10,500 to trainers’ equipment/supplies to last one year (bandages, tape, hydrogen peroxide). These trainers (1 full-time, 1 part-time) are paid for by the University and only work on club athletes, but will not work on the D3 athletes. Typically though, the club sport athletes have to see the athletics trainer, which is difficult even for the D3 athletes. 3. Club/Organizations Banquet: About 39 total clubs have responded. E. Pelletier will have the list forwarded tonight and M. Delaney will receive the seating chart by tomorrow. We usually only reach 15 clubs, so we have at least doubled our numbers. 4. Treasurer’s Report: a. Accounts Update: Nothing to report 5. Secretary’s Report: a. Zach’s Last Meeting: 6. Advisor’s Report: 7. Old Business: 8. New Business: 9. Open Floor: Meeting adjourned at 3:46 PM