Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099 Student Government Association General Board Meeting March 10th, 2014 Present: Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M. Hicks (BAM), K. Chrzanowska (Treasurer), Z. Yeager (Secretary) Advisors: C. Ambrosio, M. Delaney Senators: J. Ahern E. Benoit, A. Burns, V. Cosma, A. Fiducia, M. Fournier, J. Garzone, C. Gosselin, M. Kandemir, E. McDonald, M. McFall-Gorman, E. Pelletier, R. Perry, J. Reid, R. Rivera, M. Silver, M. Styrczula Guests: R. Labrie Meeting called to order at 3:01 PM 1. Acceptance of Minutes for 03/03/14 a. Motion # 50 (R. Rivera, C. Gosselin) Motion to accept the minutes from 03/03/14 (20-0-2) Motion Carries. 2. President’s Report: a. Student Advisory Committee Update: i. The SAC met on Friday regarding the propositions that the BOR has made, including the Genius Classrooms and “Going Back to Get Ahead.” They spoke with Erika Steiner, Chief Financial Officer, regarding the costs of the Genius Classrooms and student concerns about the money use. ii. The BOR will vote on the 2% tuition raise this Thursday at 10 AM at Capital Community College in Hartford, CT. The other schools are in favor of the low increase. J. Reid asked about a different outcome in the event that it is voted against, but that is unlikely, almost guaranteed not to happen. Eastern is trying to maintain a balanced budget with faculty pay increases and a small tuition increase. This difference will cause a multi-million dollar deficit. 3. Vice President’s Report: a. Committees i. Student Issues: D. Dykstra gave the update for Student Issues. The Majors Fair will be 2-4 PM this Wednesday in the BTR. The committee is going to set up at 1 PM. Senators are required to attend and check in with E. McDonald. Everyone should be handing out mini sheets to advertise and should receive some to distribute after the meeting. Make sure that these are handed out. E. McDonald mentioned that posters have already been put up in the Freshman Residence Halls. B. Bisese from Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association “Students Serving Students” Advising/Academic Affairs will be sending out an e-mail to undecided students and all Freshman inviting them to the event. ii. Public Relations: 1. M. Fournier gave the update. Wal-Mart delayed the minibucket order, so the event will be pushed back to around Elections. A. Bullard recommended getting the posters to advertise for Student Issues’ event into all of the Academic Buildings too. C. Ambrosio has a list of available places to post as well and should be consulted before putting posters up. 2. The committee went over the T-Shirt designs. The end date of voting is on April 23rd, not April 24th as mentioned on the current T-Shirt drafts. M. Hicks mentioned having a Dry-Fit shirt because a lot of people wear them to the gym. C. Gosselin recommended that we go with the nicer shirt to impress students more as a PR move. M. McFall-Gorman recommended that we split the shirts between dry-fit and cotton. There were deliberations about whether it should be an advertising shirt or an “I Voted” shirt. PR will look into it. M. Delaney asked about the club rules for getting T-Shirts and said that we should try and match them. M. Hicks mentioned that SGA is unable to fundraise though so their rules do not apply. M. Hicks also mentioned that it is PR if we all wear the shirts at once, but not advertising well if we wear them at different times. R. Labrie recommended that some days we do cotton and others we do dry-fit. All of the input will be considered by the PR committee and they will report back to us. 3. V. Cosma showed the “Family Tree” to get some input from the Senate. Z. Yeager recommended having our names on there. P. Bjornstad recommended having our positions on there as well. Overall, the draft was well-liked and wellreceived by the Senate. M. Delaney recommended removing the advisors from the tree though. iii. Internal: 1. April 24th is the Internal Banquet. It is from 5:30-7 PM in the Johnson Room of the Library. If you are unable to attend, let E. Pelletier know because food is being purchased and money is being spent on each Senator in attendance. E. Pelletier asked about allergies. There will be no pineapple and no shrimp at the banquet. 2. M. Hicks asked for E. Pelletier to talk about the Internal Banquet so that new Senators understand what it is. She explained that it is a formal celebration and reflect on our achievements. It is also our last time to be together and is when the new members get inducted. There will be superlatives as well. Invitations will go out next Monday and if Senators are bringing guests, they should let E. Pelletier know by the end of next week. 3. The Club & Organization Banquet is on April 29th from 5-8 PM in the BTR. 4. April 16th is a candidate Meet & Greet. Interested candidates will be attending so that students can meet the students running for office. It is from 3-4 PM in the BTR. iv. BAM: M. Hicks thanked other Senators for sitting in on BAM. K. Chrzanowska encouraged Senators to look over the minutes. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to report. 5. Secretary’s Report: a. Penny Wars: PHP will be sponsoring a “Penny Wars” event where money goes to benefit the March of Dimes. There are jars setup for different clubs and you can add coins to your own club for positive points or cash to other jars so they get negative points. This event will be taking place in the Student Center Lobby on March 31st, April 1st, and April 2nd. Senators are encouraged to donate change. The winning club receives a pizza party donated by Domino’s to the club with the most points. b. ZipCar/Capital Expenditures: ZipCar has not responded to either of Z. Yeager’s calls or e-mail requests. Of roughly 10 SGAs contacted, only one replied with an idea on how to get ZipCar on campus. Z. Yeager explained what ZipCar is: It is a rentable car that students can pay to use if they want to go to Stop & Shop, the movies, the mall, off-campus, and other places in the event that they do not have a car. M. McFall-Gorman asked about the price. Any clubs can use the case. Motion # 51 (Z. Yeager, A. Bullard) Motion not to exceed $4500 from Reserves (Capital Expenditures) to repair a Senior Class gift display case outside of the Student Center that is used to advertise club events (23-0-0) Motion Carries. i. M. McFall-Gorman asked about the price and why it is so high. The repairs are being done because it was very damanged and moisture would get inside. The door could not be closed. It would cost $10,000 to purchase a new one, so we decided to go with the repairs. M. Delaney further explained the use and removal of the case. 6. Advisor’s Report: Nothing to report at this time. 7. Old Business: 8. New Business: a. University Hour: Girl Rising: M. Silver discussed the Girl Rising Event. The event promotes education for third-world countries and even here in the United States for women that do not have access to education or are denied further education and also raises awareness for the issue. There will be a guest speaker that worked with the U.N. on Wednesday at 3 in the SC Theatre with an excerpt of the movie being shown. The entire movie screening is at 6 PM in the Johnson Room of the Library. 9. Open Floor: a. Quinnipiac University’s Off-Campus Party Problem: J. Reid mentioned that she heard about how Quinnipiac recently released an app that allows people to politely ask neighbors to quiet down. It is fully anonymous and could be looked into for SGA to get on board with. b. Town Wide Town Pride: E. Pelletier asked about our involvement in the program. It is through the CCE and involves different cleaning and community improvement projects throughout the neighborhood. Senators were largely in favor of getting a crew together to help out. c. Dates to Remember: i. Wednesday, March 12th; 2-4 PM; SGA Majors Fair; Student Center BTR ii. Saturday, March 29th; 12-4 PM; Admitted Students Day; Student Center iii. Monday, March 31st;–April 2nd; PHP Penny Wars; Student Center Vendor Table iv. Sunday, April 13th; 12-4 PM; Junior Preview Day; Student Center v. Thursday, April 24th; 5:30-7 PM; SGA Internal Banquet; Johnson Room: Library Meeting adjourned at 3:51 PM