Eastern Connecticut State University 83 Windham Street, Willimantic, CT 06226 Phone: 860-465-0099 Student Government Association General Board Meeting December 9th, 2013 Present: Executive Board: P. Bjornstad (President), A. Bullard (Vice President), M. Hicks (BAM), B. Rice (Treasurer), Z. Yeager (Secretary) Advisors: M. Delaney, C. Ambrosio Senators: J. Ahern, E. Benoit, A. Burns, K. Chrzanowska, V. Cosma, K. Cusano, A. DelValle, E. Drouin, D. Dykstra, A. Fiducia, M. Fournier, J. Garzone, C. Gosselin, R. Labrie, E. McDonald, M. McFall-Gorman, E. Pelletier, R. Perry, S. Ramsay, J. Reid, R. Rivera, M. Styrczula Guests: Mellina Silver Meeting called to order at 3:06 PM 1. Acceptance of Minutes for 12/2/13 a. Motion # 33 (C. Gosselin, E. Pelletier ) Motion to accept the minutes from 12/2/13 (25-0-1) Motion Carries. 2. President’s Report: a. Cleaning Campaign: Thanks to everyone that volunteered. The Willimantic Trash Mob would like to work with us. b. Final Semester Remarks: Thanks to everyone for doing a good job this semester! c. Senator of the Semester: K. Chrzanowska was presented with the award. 3. Vice President’s Report: a. University Senate: i. There are 3 voting spots on University Senate so we will try and fill those next semester. ii. The education bill was not on the agenda. The education department wanted to reintroduce it at a later date with some revisions. They passed certain aspects: GPA Requirement is now a 3.0 (in accordance with accreditation), passing the praxis II before student teaching, and removing two prerequisites that are no longer offered. There will be a special committee formed to look at the rest of it. iii. There was also talk of a mock lockdown next semester so everyone knows what to do in the situation and would be more prepared if anything bad were to happen. Eastern Connecticut State University Student Government Association “Students Serving Students” b. Inductions: Motion # 34 (E. Drouin, K. Chrzanowska) Motion to induct Mucahit Kandemir as a senator for the remainder of the 2013-2014 academic year. (26-0-0) Motion Carries. c. Committees i. Student Issues: E. McDonald’s committee discussed possible dates for the Majors Fair (early-mid April). The campus safety forum would be during a University Hour, sometime before spring break. ii. Public Relations: Fliers were passed out to be hung up in the residence halls. iii. Internal: We did a power clap. iv. BAM: Last week was the appeals meeting. M. Hicks explained the situation with The Outdoors Club’s use of their fundraising accounts. They were asking for money from students but could have used the money BAM allocated so they put the money from students in their fundraising account. This resulted in not spending a lot of money because they passed dues on to their members. They will have to use their excess fundraising account to fund themselves for the spring. 1. Senior Class Committee: Motion # 35 (E. Drouin, J. Garzone) Motion to accept the Senior Class Committee Constitution Revision. (23-0-3) Motion Carries. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to report. General board will go positive after the whatnots that we agreed on. 5. Secretary’s Report: a. Suite Conduct: Please be quiet as we have received complaints and dirty looks from others using the suite. It’s open to non-SGA students as well. b. Absences: Everyone’s point totals are reset to 0 for the spring. Also, don’t worry about office hours this week. Good luck on finals. 6. Advisor’s Report: Nothing to report. 7. Old Business: 8. New Business: 9. Open Floor: a. Academic Affairs Committee: Z. Yeager gave an update on his committee. It was brought to their attention that some professors were having sales representatives coming into class early in the semester trying to sell them things “needed” for class. Many Senators agreed that they would not want to have sales reps in class. M. Kandemir mentioned the similarity of the contract that we have with Chartwells where another vendor cannot be present on campus. b. Liberal Arts Work Committee R. Perry gave an update on his external committee. Meeting adjourned.