Leveraging Data for Student Support: Tools for Student Services Professionals and Students Bryan Miller, Foundation for Community Colleges Omid Pourzanjani, Golden West College Lynell Wiggins, Pasadena College Kathy Booth, WestEd California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 1 Objectives • Frame the question of how data on jobs and salaries relate to advising and educational planning • Introduce you to Here to Career, a mobile career exploration app that can help with educational planning • Show how the LaunchBoard Program Snapshot can support advising California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students Jobs of the Future • • • • Extent of training Transfer curriculum Much more theoretical Extended soft skills training through semesterlong General Education courses. • Extended Math and English skills through collegelevel courses. • Time for extended “SSSP” onboarding • Engagement through Student Clubs California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 3 Jobs of today • • • • • • • • • • Job-specific orientation Faster training Industry-aligned, ever changing training Hands-on education Contextualized basic skills Integrated soft-skills training Internships and/or Service Learning Job readiness, interviewing skills, resume writing... Pathways for transfer and/or skill-building Industry Associations and Certifications California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 4 Advising Expertise • What are the fastest growing jobs - NOW? • What occupation types have the strongest need for employees? • What skills are needed? • How much do they pay? • Who else is offering training programs for these jobs? • Regional view of stackable certificates and job opportunities based on levels of training. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students A Counselor’s Perspective The Utility of Historical Knowledge and SSP as Catalyst The Proper Ingredients • Career Decisions are like • To achieve success, you making chocolate chip must know the correct cookies “elements” to add • Being an informed decision • Begin with the end in mind maker is more art than – a satisfying occupation logic; heart, than mind offering a living wage • As Student Services Professionals we must help • Change your campus culture by adopting the Girl students cultivate career based engagements Scout mentality California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students PCC Uses the LaunchBoard Program Snapshot Tab for Workforce Experience Education On-Boarding Career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace. • • • • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Oral/Written Communications Teamwork/Collaboration Information Technology Application Industry Application WEE Onboarding Intake form Career Onboarding Orientation Labor Market Salaries Major Onboarding • Leadership • Professionalism/Work Ethic • Career Management Program of Study Learning Outcomes Professional Onboarding Employer Feedback Occupational Selection Workforce Onboarding Employment Preparation Career Ready High school/First Year First Year/Change of Major End of Program of Study/Internship Employment/Returning Student/Displaced Worker California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 7 Task Force Roll Out 14 Regional College & Faculty Conversations Over 700 attendees, including 40% faculty 6 Strong Workforce Town Hall Meetings Over 500 participants in regions across the state 6 expert background papers on common themes Workforce Data & Outcomes Curriculum Development & Instructors Structured Pathways and Student Support (2 parts) Regional Coordination Funding 5 meetings of the 26-member Task Force 221 website & 10 letters during public comment period California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 8 Recommendations: Advising and Ed Planning • Broaden and enhance career exploration and planning, workbased learning opportunities and other supports for students • Improve the quality, accessibility, and utility of student outcome and labor market data to support students, educators, colleges, regions, employers, local workforce investment boards, and the state in CTE program development and improvement efforts. • Create a sustained, public outreach campaign to industry, high school students, counselors, parents, faculty, staff, and the community at large to promote career development and attainment and the value of career technical education. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students Tools You Can Use: Here to Career powered by salary surfer California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 10 H E R E TO C A R EER Here to Career powered by salary surfer Objectives • Develop an app to help students make informed education and career decisions that lead to greater economic opportunities and professional success • Provide students, counselors, and parents information about community colleges and highdemand career opportunities in the Inland Empire region. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 11 H E R E TO C A R EER Here to Career powered by salary surfer Background • Initiated by a two year investment from The W.K. Kellogg Foundation California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 12 H E R E TO C A R EER Here to Career powered by salary surfer Project Team • Chancellor’s Office: – Workforce, Technology/Research, and Communications Divisions • Foundation for California Community Colleges • The Young Invincibles - the nation's largest youth advocate organization California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 13 H E R E TO C A R EER Here to Career powered by salary surfer Development • Data Sources: Salary Surfer, Doing What Matters, O*NET, CCC Alumni • Focus Groups: Middle school, high school, and community college students in the Inland Empire area California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 14 H E R E TO C A R E E R Here to Career – Key Features powered by salary surfer Interest Explorer • The 60 question quiz based on the O*NET Interest Profiler • The O*NET Interest Profiler was developed by the U.S. Department of Labor through an extensive research and testing process California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 15 H E R E TO C A R E E R Here to Career – Key Features powered by salary surfer Career Profiles • Spotlights regionally in demand careers and salary ranges to help students make informed decisions • Students select profiles of interest, influencing their customized recommendations • Short video vignettes provide engaging insight into careers of interest (currently under development) California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 16 H E R E TO C A R E E R Here to Career – Key Features powered by salary surfer Salary Information • View change in salaries for occupations before and after a student earns a related degree or certificate • Regional occupational information from Doing What Matters helps direct students toward in demand jobs. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 17 H E R E TO C A R E E R Here to Career – Key Features powered by salary surfer Geo Location • Geo location information helps students identify nearby community colleges and explore degree programs offered in the area aligned with their interests California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 18 H E R E TO C A R EER Here to Career powered by salary surfer Project Timeline • Previous Phases – Research and Focus Groups: July — December 2014 – Initial Development: January — December 2015 – Outreach and Further Development: July — December 2015 • Current Phase – Final Development and Release: January — March 2016 – Outreach and Analytics: February — June 2016 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 19 Feedback • How does this tool relate to key concerns for CIOs? • How does this tool relate to key concerns for counselors? • How does this tool relate to your key concerns? California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students Tools You Can Use: LAUNCHBOARD PROGRAM SNAPSHOT California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 21 The LaunchBoard Program Snapshot Tab Access student outcomes, employment and earnings data, and labor market information by program, sector, college, and region View visual reports that answer questions like "are the right number of people being trained for available jobs" and "how much money are students making“ Drill down into detailed data tables on student characteristics, milestones, and success California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 22 www.calpassplus.org/Launchboard/Home.aspx S1aps1· t Cor11Tr r•le::n:::. Ccnt·a::::c Hep Log- n Launch Data-Backed Decisions !"! C: 1 1 .,.Ln:-:hHn rr:,"' t,..t!'!wit'IF t'l"'-i'l 'IO,'!'It!'!m • nnortr!:1 t;y "'hf' C:-'1 j=;,rn ::<<:;,mm1.n tv en P1P-'C:h;:;nr.P.IIor=· (Iff i!'! ;;nt1 h!l!'lt!'!tl :>y·::aI-PASS :1 .JS.. :>rev• :l-as :lah :c Ca •·: rr a cc-nluruty =:ollagu a1 d t"le•r teader K-12 sc "'OOI :lntr =.t:o1·t-.a ette=:h•en e-.: ot ere IJ'C.: r<JII:.. T·•i:; iu";.u·..Jli..:·· i:; iiLC..ut.lc..J b -:J<.:ilil..Jl!.: loc....: :•::yio• :JI.JI tJ :;Wlcwicl..: <.:C.:IIVCI :JLV'I:.i ..:uou.h:J\Y .c.' ..l:,IIV \'C 3tu::ler:transito'ls =· err K 11. t:> c:>II QE anc or t:> '71E wor<for::e. t_'ick or th:- link :o \.iw v ::lec tuto•ials O'l SJ: Cific t:>:>ls within thLC.Jncl"Joar::l. LaunchBoard Features Program Snapshot Tll4:! =>rv;. lo''l S'l.:lp>l :..l S'-1<..101 n<.:IU"-i:IS f.'"'Orr:lm nfr.r'l'l:ltbn :'lnr -:ru:1 rr: •tr.!lmP.!'I th::<t -"'ti.'"'OL'"I t'l '"ltn cate; ore;sue-. a: errolhle, :s. II ilc:;.o1 t,;;, ;,;·(.J:.:uli:JI:;, :.:IIIJ)IO'f..l:.:lll,. .:'"1:1 t1 q'"lmP.r • ,.,. rrP1i;,n;ol "'''lOt m;orkP.t ca-.,a, d, CCPTTab Conunon Metrics Tll4:! :..:·..1:.111 "'ab<.: :> ::i:!<.:l:.u a·,.,.t; '=:: i!"' !'"!) !: tr. ur:lr.:'lt'l .nt'l viw nfot'l'l:'lt !"In r.".1inri;"''t!"' !'l l!'l t'l rn r•;or..; nr;,nr !'l!'l c-. the t.a i.:: rr a ': mmLr :y t..c le; e Ch<.11 ;,;dl:.1:; O' li(.t.:':. Cv ·•1:1 Wl ...l ·,:r -P.r'I fr-"'mPw!"Irk The a 1torr a Ca•·ee·:lat-.wa·{: T-ust CTE Outcomes Survey Tool (C.C"PTt:'lh t: :'1'.'!llln-."'r>' -or.l '"lt nt1;:1 :o fos:er cc'"lv'ernto'"ls wi71in :.;(.VI -a· , ::onsc\:a l:y br-.gint: ; eTier 11 :.11r L1..:·1 ..:u I..JII.vJl;.;om+=: ..JJI.I Tll4:! :TEOS R4:!!--:.ll J·1y - ..:v •s 111.4:11 :Jad -o ""'::< kP. rnP.P.r ;on:1 TP.r '"li:-:-"11 r:1u;t rir.'"l nu-c:r.""' !'l :iur.'v (r.-r:-::;) r !'l'lor::P.'I Cahforn1a Community Colleges-Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M1lhon Students Determine what you want to see Program Snapshot Select Your View What level of information do you want? Please select one IC> Reports summarizing program outcomes iE> Detailed data tables with historical, regional,and state comparison data +What do I need to know about the Program Snaoshot data? Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students _4 In the Reports, find answers to your questions RFGTON - Or<m!JC' \.o11nty [ Efl Efl IIRlotC'c.hnolooy <!nrl RlomC'rllr.<!l TC'r.hnolooy {04::1000) II ::>014-::>01S (\.h;mgC' FlltC'r?) Where are students taking courses? Arc we training the right number of students for available jobs" EEl What kinds of students are taking courses? Efl Are studen.ls progres.o;ing in the paLJ1way? EFJ Are there equity gaps in student success? Ef,l What types of awards are programs issuing? Efl Are students getting jobs? EEJ How much money <Jre students m<Jking? Ef,) Are students making reasonable wages? Efl Which colleges have Lhe mosl eneclive programs? Cahforn•a Community Colleges-Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21 M•lhon Students _c Get a deeper level of information - What kinr1of turlf'nk.are taki ng r-our f': ? Gender Age Full Time Status Previous Awards - ASian 1OIJi. Unknown andOtherS% Two or More Roao:s 3% llispcnic Alll..,lil .-tfl hul.n/AI..t,k,;N,..Iivf-> 1.....u.1... .A.ci«A tAifl ..l(Af •I WO or UOrQ KOICE-S unk'lOwn and Other • 'i..-111 • Flipinlu'A • Hivloiu ic • PAc i r• Wh•te t ind out more: Dig DE-eper into additional student populations.such as foste•r yout h and disabled st ude-n ts Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students _- Compare figures with other colleges Among stJJdents who took on€' or mere courses ln iPt " 0 A.fncanAmer ca n I 10.. f}lfP'Nic'fP' I CO lcgC·$ 1 A.ru ti'-':lln hldi,.!u/A.I <.ct i'J c1U\ 0 I 0'1? StJtC'Nkf C: I Co l'='x ::. AsiOn 0 I 10.. 0 I J I 0 I SG I State·Nide I CO lcgC·$ PouJfl;,. kmd1:11 0 I 0'1? 0 I 3'1? I 0 I 5'1? I I 16.. Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students 3% ':to'lrP'NlC'f I 4% State·Nide Co le s ,..., , 0 0% State·Nide ( n I Pt " U uku:.:wu oud Othr 43% StJtC'Nkf C: Co le s T•.voor Mr.rP <P"> 9% StJtC'Nkf C: Co le s 111spamc 1% Sld l1t NicJ!:' CO lcgC·$ Fliphc.:io C.% I 33 _ Common Questions: Labor Market Data What kinds of jobs are available? See which jobs have projected openings in the region and the number of people currently employed What are those jobs like? View information on starting and median wages California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 28 Related Jobs: Nursing jobs Requiring an Associ ates Degree Projected Annual Cpenings in the Region •Registered Nurses job;Requiring Less than an Associates Degree Proje-cted Annual Openings in the Region roiected AnnualOpeninn in the Re:e:ion Nursing Assistants:1987 •Home Health Aides •Nursing Assistants Licensed Practical and Licensed VocationalNurses Cahforn•a Community Colleges-Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21 M•lhon Students _-< Labor Market Information: Nursing Yn:gram !>IZe- !::itudet'lt t:haraoe:nst•cs ToG/Pee li>Em lo mtheRe Milestones !::uccess t mp oyment R.eg•onal Labor Market !nformanon 'IOf'l CurrE nt "ea r (2011) 5 VearsA&o (.2009) 5 Year Ch.;nge 5" E.;r (2•X•?-201·1) Tn:tnti 1.Rp.qUI"""'" A1'1 A oriAtP OPt'J'f'# RPf.l'ttP: P<I JIIr>,...,. ( er·141j n.Mn n1.r-. n i'\,ii' I O ]' ,q'?.:l 1f,i<;l\ 4.qnc, JJ..t :l l,:i& /,JUO . :J.Ueqt.ures a Postsecondarv NotHJe,r;ree Award e llrMMPnrifr<'ll <nc": l lrPn Pri ..n<"lltk"!r,;;ll\ur(]qJ .-:'1'1) NUri!O.loSlst'\tS p11U l 4) e:,., UW'I-Ihe--Job lrarnu-.g. No C.olege Kequrred 11om I tealth ArCH{110l1J t!,U 4 1 .• Pn..:t.•. l :t:.J 5 Y1:1or OINII II (2014 201')) u. •• • Pu U4:d .4WfO't Al'll tl<ll ;:uin (2014 201'J) R 2. Requires an Associate Regi st.:"ed 1-Jurses (:29'1•1t j 1,107 3,02' . :J.Ueqt.ures a Post:secondarv NotH.le_r;ree Award e !), ") H J 5-.Or1 ntc Jult Tr.ain rllj. Nu Culqc Rl."'!uin.'.<.l Hum : 1-k:ollh Ai.U:::(3-110'1) 12.586 2.517 Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students 11 Regional Salaries: Nursing Median Regional Annual SiJiary Entry Level Salary Median Salary $64.709 $94,390 Licensed Practi cal and Licensed Vocational Nurses (292061) $33.883 $50.045 Nursing Assistants (311014) $20.738 $27,747 $18.366 $23.275 82.Requires an Associate Degree Registered Nurses (291141) 83.Requires a Postsecondary Non-Degree Award 85.On-The-job Training. No College Required Home Health Aides (311011) Cahforn•a Community Colleges-Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21 M•lhon Students 1 Common Questions: Labor Market Data How do former students do? See whether students got jobs and how much money they earned Will students who succeed in this program earn a living wage? View information on how former students’ earnings compare to regional living wages California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 32 Employment Trends: Licensed Vocational Nurse - Are students getting jobs? After a year.70% of completersand 68of skillS-builder students were employed. 1O()l( 42 studcnt(s) were employed oer 4 Q ..10 -cc:r.s 7516 2511> Quarters After Progn1m Exit LocalCe'1:i..:icates Skills·Ouliders .- Chancellors Office Certificate Assoc iates Degrees Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students Employment Trends: Certified Nursing Assistant - Are students gemng JObs? After a year.G2% of completers and G9% of skills-builder students were employed. 10 c• u 25l( 2 Qu 1nc.rs 4 Qu rtcr:; QuartEr!< After Program Exi1 ..... Local CertificctE-s -+- Skills-Builders- .... Ch :mcellors Office Certifica te Associates Degree; Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students 4 Earnings: Licensed Vocational Nurse - I low murh mnny Arf> turlf"ntc;. m11kmg? 12,00C) C lctcrs m •.±. " 10,000 • •. " 1 stuclcnt(s);yc m.: t.ing; $9.tt::I'J QJarter II r !Jrcp;rcvn l::<it Yea r m 0 e 0 &.OOC• ;;- • < i: G.OOC) •. • "' ;;: 4,0U•l .f' r1 2 ,000 (o Qtu.r::er 1 Qoaner 2 Quarter :$ 15,-Ui t: Bdur PrOQr.:m E>:it 6f:!Jft: Proar.un E:<it Qu ner 4 6dlYc froqram Exit Year ·rear 'fear rroQI&Jll Ex!t "" Qumer 1 Quaner 2 Anc·PIUUI<lfl l Artl:f PfUUfdiTI Exit '(c<Jt ExitYc.v Quarur! Aflt::l PrU.,IIc:lll Exit Year Quarter 4 Af.c1 PtOU i cl:ll ExitYr Quarters Odo'"e or Ahc:r rTooram (xit Yur Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students c Earnings: Certified Nursing Assistant - How muchmoney are students making/ 6 000 - X • s.ooo Skilb-&iildt:r:!> 0 'l; ' 000 H c c Quarter .2 AZ:r Pro.:;ram &:It 'v'ear 13 SJJJdcl'llls) r::m;,l(ng:S4-,9!lo9 0 ii : , 0 £ ,§ it :\ 000 ; 00:) 0 1 000 0 Quc.ner 1 Qnrttr l Befort Odore Pr uglcU II E..<t 'l 'tt¥ PIO..IIj,l cllto bi l Yur + Sklls-8UIIders +com::. etQrs Ql.larur a Gtk·re Pu.>y r ''"' Uil Yur ':.tJUEEr 4 Cdore PU.I<=!I <llll fil Ytc.r Quane1 QuartEr l Q.ovter After Program Afur Proo111m Af:r Proor m i t""t:<ll b il Ya1 c [lo:;il Yc<.l ·.wtet -1 4.ftcr Fl'ooram fAil Vo::<ll p Cahforn•a Community Colleges- Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21M•lhon Students r- Earnings: Licensed Vocational Nurse - Are students mak.nreasonable wa es! Student Eamlngs C:)m ared to startlfl8 wages for Related occupations Student Eamlngs C:)mpared to The RegWlCIUvlngwage 112% of students were making a livingwage. - 2) ·, 5 !!!. s: · •4 c .•., .:; 0 5 • E 2 r-- ..... - ..... 0 SO !2 !5 H 59 -s·z !1• - '-- - $16 !18 !20 52 2 52 126 ..... !29 532 $3-1 1!9 !•11!•3 $15 L-----!17 SS2 !61 568 Annual Waoe (in choJsands of dollars) Cahforn•a Community Colleges-Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21 M•lhon Students $77 !98 Earnings: Certified Nursing Assistant ;rudent tamms£ lomp>red to th e Hegoona l _ ving wage 1G'l& of students were making a livingwage. 10 •• " • • ,. 0 •>i 6 • 2 0 AnuuclWc:tUt (iu thOU)IUIC.b or c.!ullo.r ) Cd-..A!.S Cahforn•a Community Colleges-Chancellor's Off1ce 1113 Colleges 1 72 01stncts 1 21 M•lhon Students nu Find Out More • Various two-minute videos describing how to use the LaunchBoard for specific tasks like starting a new program, program review, equity planning, and accessing employment and earnings data • Four-minute video on why we need to count skills-builders in CTE success measures • Eight minute video on earnings outcomes for various CTE pathways • Two guides on understanding and using labor market information http://doingwhatmatters.cccco.edu/LaunchBoard.aspx Feedback • How does this tool relate to key concerns for CIOs? • How does this tool relate to key concerns for counselors? • How does this tool relate to your key concerns? California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students Getting Support: CTE DATA UNLOCKED California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 113 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.1 Million Students 41 CTE Data Unlocked • Provides tools, training, technical assistance, and funding to support better use of CTE outcomes data and labor market information • Strengthens ongoing capacity for CTE data usage in program review, accreditation, integrated planning, and regional and sector-based program design • Supports the development of regional workforce plans and prepares for $200 million in new CTE funding that will be available in 2017 Building Awareness (Spring 2016) Provide an overview on CTE data at regional trainings: • learn about the expanded CTE metrics on the Student Success Scorecard • get hands-on experience using statewide tools like the LaunchBoard to answer common questions • send a team including a senior administrator (CEO, CIO, or CSSO), plus one or more CTE deans, faculty, and institutional researchers Deepening Expertise (Summer 2016) • Resources on how to use data tools in various usage cases such as program review, accreditation, and planning, offered in various formats including: – – – – Two minute videos Seven page guides Detailed how-to guides Animated PowerPoints • Short documents on how to analyze and work with metrics such as employment and earnings data and labor market information Expanding Regional Data Use (Fall 2016) Support the development of regional workforce plans: • release regional reports that integrate labor market information and student outcomes data from Data Mart, the LaunchBoard, the CTE Employment Outcomes Survey, and other sources • host meetings with colleges, employers, and other educational partners to create regional workforce plans Supporting College Data Usage (2016-2017) Support colleges in integrating regional plans and CTE data into core activities: • offer $50,000 in funding and 10 hours of technical assistance to support CTE data usage (for colleges that attended spring training) • host in-depth “super-user” trainings to help practitioners develop a deeper understanding of CTE data tools and labor market information. • provide one free year of participation in the CTE Outcomes Survey (tracks employment and other post-college outcomes) • roll out three years of participation in the CATEMA system (tracks participation in articulated courses and eligibility for credit) Technical Assistance Examples • Onsite training with student services professionals, faculty, and deans on using employment data for educational planning and to strengthen support services • Hands-on support to pull and format data from statewide data tools to support local and regional processes like program review, accreditation, and planning Funding Examples • Hire a communications consultant to develop outreach and educational planning materials based on data found in the LaunchBoard, Salary Surfer, and other tools • Hire a consultant or pay faculty release time to gather stories on skills-builder students and analyze skillsbuilder pathways, to provide a deeper understanding of these students, course clusters, and outcomes Find Out More • training content, locations, and dates • requirements to receive funding and technical assistance • full details on CTE Data Unlocked http://doingwhatmatters.cccco.edu/LaunchBoard/CTEDataUnlocked.aspx