PATHWAYS TO NON-CREDIT STUDENT SUCCESS PRESENTERS: Nilo Lipiz, Dean of Instruction & Student Services Patty Siguenza, Counselor, Co-Chair Counseling Julia Vercelli, Counselor, Co-Chair Counseling Alejandro Moreno, Counselor Violeta Viera, Counselor A SNEAK PEAK… Centennial Education Center Video DEMOGRAPHICS Bridge, 4.14% Success Centers, Substantial Disabilities, 2.59% Parent Ed, 0.34% 10.76% Counseling/Assessme nt, 1.16% Career Technical Ed, 10.12% ABE, 5.60% High School Diploma, 13.57% 2014-2015 ESL, 51.71% STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT & SERVICES Total Numbers for 2014-2015 Certificates of Program Completions 1269 GED Course Completions 42 Assessments 10014 Counseling Sessions 14691 CASAS Learning Gains 13777 Course Completions 12101 High School Graduates 135 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 MAKING A CONNECTION! Three Phase Approach Connection Arrival Academic Planning CONNECTION The student must feel welcomed into our site Great customer service Timely service Counselor’s empathy Knowledgeable staff ARRIVAL Establish a Counselor/Student Rapport and relationship Engage with the Student prior to academic conversations Get to know their background and lifestyle Investigate Educational Options COLLEGE SANTA ANA COLLEGE School of Continuing Education ACADEMIC PLANNING Review Assessment Results Develop a Student Education Plan (SEP) by program utilizing Multiple Measures Make proper course recommendations Establish a timeline for completion Determine the Academic, Career and Lifetime Goals Santa Ana College School of Continuing Education EDUCATIONAl OPTIONS Tl'ansfer to a University Transfer to a Communi ty College GED CERTIACATE ADULT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA PROGRAM esl PreparatiOn CIA" lAO< 'S800f'o< My fa..ut.Onl ABE PROGRAM Adult Basic Education tJloa\'ir"'"i l.bli"oJ !Students"''"""''""-.,£SL2 & 3 "'1.&1\.0 AO£ at• .,.,o bi'T'Jit ) ESL C ITIZENSHIP COo• sludent• "' •rw>'"9 l •"<-... ESL COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER CEC D•109 INTERMEDIATE 2 ESU INTERMEDIATE 1 ,.., stuaent•ol .,.,..,.,) FAMILY LITERACY VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS .,,.,.,....,,.,.1, BEGINNING 3 ESL SPECIALTY CLASSES Conversat.on BEGINNING 2 • Bus1noss SkillS • Computer Trcunmg • Computer Rep r BEGINNING 1 How 10 Run a Sma Busoness llof sludonts ' I:Sl Oogo!Y>'"9 I Pronunc.atlon (lc<WnLng ., E8@9nn"'!3...., tlM9t'o3 - .. • ChddCare ProVJdoc Tra!l"ling t>Oo-91 ESL LITERACY VOCATIONAL ESL (VESL) PARENTING EDUCATION llot ... •lud-ts) ,·SANTA ANA COLLEGE School of Continuing Education STUDENT EDUCATIONAL PLANS ESL ASE CTE SANTA ANA COLLEGE Non Credi t Studen t Successducational Pla n School of Continuing Education Date: _ Student Name. Student Goal: ESL Student Number Technica l Certificate _ Improve Bas ic Skills _AHS Diploma _GED Preparation ABE. _ Placement Test Scores Adu lt High School Diploma/ GED _ Cou rse of Study _ _ AAdegrce _Transition from noncredit to credit courses _ Update job ski lls _D iscover/fonnulate career goal _Com plete crediiS for high school _Undecided goal Vocationa l Certificate _ Pursue educational /cultural development ACADEMIC PROGRAM.S English as a Second Language Adult Basic Education Adult Seconda ry Education Ca reer Technica l Education Student Success Plans Beginni ngESL l GED Preparation ( 4 courses) Com puter Re pair Maintenance & Repair Workers Certifi cate Fall Semester Courses Beginni ng ESL 2 _ ABE Math -ABE Reading_ Begi nni ng ESL3 _ ABE W riting_ HSS Diploma Program (160 credits & 3 proficiencies_ Construction Technology Certificate Counseling N45/0rientation to College Cu stomer Service Representative Certificate Leadership Series Study Skills Executive A d m inistrative Assistant Certificate--- W riling Gen era l Office Clerk Certificate Intermediate ESLl- Span ish Litera cy_ Intermediate ESL2Leadership Intermediate ESL3 Seri es Citizenship Suggested Community Learning Cou rses Center_ - Conversation Pro n u n ciati on - Workforce Preparation Suggested Cou rses Spring Semester Courses Employability Skills Suggested Courses Summer Semester Cou rses: Vocational ESL ESLWriling_ Comm en ts/Notes: Student Signatu re _ _ Cou n selor Signature. _ JV 9/2014 ESL STUDENT SUCCESS LESSONS o Orientation to Program Services at CEC & SAC / Organizational Skills o Transition: Credit vs. Non-Credit/Pathways for Transition/AB540 o Academic World: Higher Ed Pyramid/College Options/ Educational Planning o Financial Aid: College Fees/BOGG/Scholarships/AB540 o Learning Styles/Study Skills for Success/Tips for College Success/Support Services o Career Interests: SAC Degree & Certificate Options Non-Credit Student Success Education Plan Adult Secondary Education SANTA ANA COLLEGE SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EOUCATION Vocational Business Certifica te EducationalProgram STUDENT: ID: CUSTO IER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE _ Phone Numb•r:--------------- EARNED NEEOED TERMIYR I!ARN D N OD T RMin EARNED NEEOEO TERMIVR ll $ VBUS2"13,l1tro To Customer Service St:il VBUS260,l"ltro To\"/o·j flrCICC':ii"'g U1lng MSV'/o"ti VBUS -1 •J, ETf,'4;.>yi:tltiil y SkiIs GNAL OPPICCLK vuu:.:r :.:': Na'vl&tlr::tre Internet VBUS 260.l1tro to Wore Froces:;lrUS>inMS '.Nord VBUS2Ei2,11lro to Sp-eadsheets Jsir.g/S Ex ·:el VBUS3:1, 3Jsili'*->S SJo.ils ( L CllVI!) EXECUnvE SECRETARY IAD.IINS I TRATIVE ASSISTANT VBUS 21·1, 11tro to Oat:aba:ses Usirg rAS Acces VBUS 3C•4.11tro coElectronic p, e$.:=nt1tior Using Powe• Foinl VBUS 4:0,::.Tpl:.yabiiltySkiI MAINTE::NIINCE:: .,_REI'AIR \IVORKE:RS I::AMNE::D VBlJS574: COT.r.tJUr: BAIcs: H£Jrc't.i-:MC nnd SeftWa"':' VBUS 57G: Co-npuler Basicr.:System and Netwcr1ol lfl9 Essentials Counselor Si gna ture & Initial s: Date: Commenls: EducationalGoals Associate of Arts PersonaI I Enrk:hment I Transfer to Colleaa Vocational/ Collega I Job I Other Certificate Enhancement Dearee Career GoalC s): Short Term Goal(s): Long Term Goal(s): STUDENT TRANSITION PROGRAM College Application Assistance Placement Testing Registration Assistance Student Transition College Counseling Priority Registration Financial Aid Information Santa Ana College Tours & College Fairs Student Transition Program Educational Plan DISCUSSION How might you implement our Student Educational Plans or Services on your campus? ADDITIONAL RESOURCES SUPPORTING STUDENT SUCCESS CAREER WORKSHOPS COMMUNITY REFERRALS CRISIS INTERVENTION DSPS SERVICES STUDENT SUCCESS STUDENT SUCCESS WORKSHOPS STUDENT TRANSITION TUTORING ORIENTATIONS FUTURE PLANNING 1. Research on Effectiveness: Student Educational Plans Student Success Programming Transition from Non-Credit to Credit and/or to the Workplace 2. MIS Data Tracking 3. Establishing Career & Academic Pathways from the Non-Credit to Credit FOR MORE INFORMATION… Santa Ana College-School of Continuing Education Centennial Education Center Counseling Office: 714-241-5720 2900 W Edinger Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92704 o Website: o Facebook: THANK YOU!