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Career Education Practices Unit
Enhancing quality career and technical education
for all California’s community college students.
CEP updates are available at:
Career Education Practices Unit
January 2012 Update
2010-2012 Master Calendar for Perkins Funds
The Master Calendar for Perkins provides important dates and deadlines for Perkins related MIS data submissions,
reporting, certification, and the allocation determination process. Dates provided are subject to change by the
Chancellor’s Office (CO).
Note: The Legal Terms and Conditions state that: all reports that fall on a weekend or a holiday
are due by close of business on the last working day prior to the reporting deadline. Extensions of reporting
deadlines may be made with the approval of the Project Monitor.
Title I-B: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VETA1b/tabid/520/Default.aspx
TitIe I-C: http://www.cccco.edu/ChancellorsOffice/Divisions/EconDevWorkPrep/CTE/Grants/VTEA1c/tabid/521/Default.aspx
Key Upcoming Dates
January 6, 2012
Section 132 Preliminary Reports #1 & #2 are run by CO MIS on this date.
Note: The 2012-13 Perkins Title I-C allocation is based on the student counts in these reports.
January 13, 2012
Allocation student counts in Section 132 Preliminary Reports #1 & #2 with the certification
forms are posted to web at www.cccco.edu
January 25, 2012
2nd Qtr Reports for program year 2011-2012 are due.
February 10, 2012
This is the deadline for resubmission of MIS data for use in 2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C
funding allocation.
To meet district planning and state funds distribution requirements, the first certification of the counts of
economically disadvantaged CTE students must occur in February. It is critical that resubmissions and
certifications occur within the scheduled timeline to provide sufficient planning time for the districts.
February 17, 2012
District certification form is due in the CO indicating data certification or resubmission
(requests new certification form creation).
February 20, 2012
This is the final run of Perkins Title I-C Section 132 Reports #1 & #2 by CO MIS.
March 1, 2012
Perkins Title I-C Section 132 Reports #1 & #2 are posted to web (new certification forms
for districts with resubmission will also be posted).
March 9, 2012*
2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C Tentative Allocations are posted.
March 15, 2012*
2012-2013 Perkins Title I-C Online District Local Application opens for data entry.
*These dates are tentative, contingent on the actual announcement of district allocation determinations.
March 30, 2012
Resubmission certification form is due for districts submitting data to correct counts before
February 10, 2012.
April 2, 2012
Core Indicator Performance Target Negotiations for program year 2012-13 begin on this
date. Districts will negotiate targets with their CO program monitor.
Performance Target negotiations must be completed and Certification forms must be in the CO before district
applications for Perkins Title I-C funds can be approved.
April 25, 2012
3rd Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 are due.
May 15, 2012
2012-13 Perkins Title I-C Local Application (online) is due.
July 1, 2012
Perkins 2012-2013 Title I-C grants become effective on this date.
District applications must be substantially approved prior to July 1, 2012 for the expenditure of funds to begin.
July 25, 2012
4th Qtr. Reports for program year 2011-12 are due.
August 31, 2012
Final Reports for program year 2011-12 are due.
MIS and Perkins 2012-13 and 2013-14 Title I-C Reporting and Funding Information
Scheduled for release on January 5, 2012, CEP MEMO 12-01 provides upcoming deadlines and information
critical to your district’s 2012-13 Title I Part C funding allocation under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical
Education Act of 2006 (Perkins – formerly VTEA). The memo and attachments include the following procedures
and timelines to help you maximize your district’s Perkins allocation:
Reports used for funding;
Procedures to correct report inaccuracies and verify corrections;
Data resubmission deadline February 17, 2012;
Required certification for receipt of funding; and
Master Calendar for Perkins Data, Reports, Certification, and Allocation.
The complete revised 2012-2014 Master Calendar for Perkins Title I-C Funds calendar is also available at:
2011-2012 Perkins IV, Title I-C Allocation Reduction
Issued on November 16, 2011, CTE Memo 11-12 detailed the implementation of the reduction of Perkins Title I,
Part C district allocations under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV). The
FY 2012 Continuing Resolution recently passed by congress includes a reduction of about 1.3% in current year
Perkins funds. The reduction to the 2011-12 state grant, after applying unobligated carryover, reduce the
allocation total amount by $643,274 statewide decreasing district allocations by 1.27% from the Final Allocations
released in May 2011.
CTE Transitions
CTE Memo 11-13 was issued on November 17 to provide an update on the 2011-2012 Perkins IV – CTE
Transitions project, including an announcement that a new online Year to-Date (YTD) quarterly reporting system
has been developed for CTE Transitions. CTE Transitions Project Directors and Chief Business Officers (CBOs)
will receive an informational memo and passcodes for this site around the end of January 2012 in plenty of time
before third quarter reporting is due.
SB 70/SB 1133
The CCC Board of Governors (BOG) will meet January 9-10, 2012 to review and consent to the granting of the
2011-12 SB 70/SB 1133 funds. Before funds can be offered or expended, the Chancellor is mandated to present
to the BOG, all SB 70/SB 1133 grant funds awarded to each district. The Chancellor is also required to receive
Board approval before entering into contracts or grants in excess of $100,000.
Workforce and Economic Development Division (WEDD) Changes
Effective immediately, the title of the division has been changed from the Economic Development and Workforce
Preparation Division. Under the Division Vice Chancellor, Van Ton-Quinlivan, three administrators assume the
following roles:
Debra Jones -- Dean of Career Education Practices (CEP) (formerly the Career Technical Education (CTE) Unit
led by Ron Selge). -- This position shall focus on effective career education practices and taking them to scale in
collaboration with local colleges, regions, and sectors. This role shall identify opportunities to integrate and
leverage programming across funding streams (SB70, Perkins, and Prop 98 Apprenticeship and CTE funds) to
align to labor market needs, foster student completion, and provide technical assistance thereof. Staff who
previously reported to Dean Selge now report to Dean Jones.
Under Dean Jones, Cynthia McFarland will assume the role of Project Monitor to oversee the SB70 portfolio with
the support of the division-wide Transaction Support Team. The Transaction Support Team will also assist Jackie
Escajeda who will take on a new role as the division’s Project Manager, targeting process improvement in the
areas of contracts and grants administration, allocations, payments and invoicing.
Ron Selge – Dean of Policy & Systems Alignment -- This position reflects greater division investment in the
identification of structural barriers to implementation and, as appropriate, articulating a pro-active policy framework
to reduce some of those barriers. This role shall also facilitate the adoption of new policies, such as any resulting
from the SB 1143 Student Success Task Force.
To assist Dean Selge, John Prentiss will coordinate how the division responds to legislative and external data
requests and oversee that all of the division’s mandated program reports are consistent in process and theme.
Transition of John’s current IPP workload will be announced by Dean York at a later date.
Ray York – Dean of Industry Partnership Practices (IPP) (formerly the Economic and Workforce Development
[EWD] Unit). -- This role shall refine the system’s focus on priority sectors and industry clusters according to labor
market information (leveraging Prop 98 EWD and Nursing funds), support the dissemination of effective industry
partnership practices, and provide division-wide contract administrative support. Other than the reassignment of
John Prentiss and the retirement of Teresa Parkison, no other unit staff changes have been announced.
California Community Colleges Student Success Draft Report Revised
From Van Ton-Quinlivan: The Student Success Task Force (SSTF) met December 7th to further refine and finalize
the report’s recommendations. If you’ve not had the opportunity to review the latest version of the report, please be
aware that significant advances have been made to make it congruent with the priorities and needs of the
CTE/EWD community.
Notable amendments made at the December 7th meeting include:
Categorical consolidation was eliminated.
Regional perspectives have been acknowledged (p. 8) --“We will develop consistent policies, programs,
and coherent educational pathways across our colleges in order to better serve the many students who
attend more than one college. The colleges, while retaining their local character, will function as a system
with common practices to best serve students…”
Assessment demands have been adjusted for some CTE/EWD students (p. 29) -- “The Board of Governor
will define categories of students who should be exempt from mandatory placement and orientation, such
as students with a prior degree returning to pursue training in a different career field. Colleges would also
be able to exempt students from each of these requirements on a case-by-case basis…”
Enrollment management will hinge on a number of factors (p. 45) -- “Community Colleges will use
aggregated data from students’ programs of study, along with state and local data, including enrollment
trends, and labor market demand to develop course schedules and determine course offerings…”
Definition of student success was clarified to include students completing short sequences of employmentrelated courses.
The requirement for declaring a program of study now includes an ability for groups of students to be
exempted from the requirement.
Any Board of Governors (BOG Waiver) grant restrictions will have student appeal rights.
The proposal that Proposition 98 funds be used to support the Chancellor's Office was eliminated.
These observations are just a sample of the foundations in the new report from which we can build.
Finalization of the report isn’t the end of the road for this work, however.
Subsequent Board actions, implementation planning, regulation making and legislative actions to advance
outcomes that align with the particular needs of the workforce development community will be forthcoming. Please
feel free to submit comments on the latest version of the report to the above website or direct questions to Ron
Selge, our Division’s Dean of Policy & Systems Alignment, at rselge@cccco.edu
New California Workforce Investment Board Executive Director Appointed
On Tuesday November 22, 2011 Governor Brown announced the appointment of Tim Rainey as the new
Executive Director of the California Workforce Investment Board. His official start date is January 3, 2012.
Tim Rainey, 42, of Elk Grove, has been the executive director at the Workforce and Economic Development
Program at the California Labor Federation since 2005. He was policy director at the California Workforce
Association from 1998 to 2005 and a consultant at the California State Senate Majority Caucus from 1998 to 1999.
This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $128,196. Rainey is a Democrat.
2012 CCC Registry Job Fair in Los Angeles January 28, 2012 (10 AM to 3 PM)
The CCC Registry is hosting its annual job fair in Los Angeles for community college districts on January 28, 2012
at the Westin LAX Hotel. Faculty and Administrative recruitment is the focus of this job fair. The job fair is FREE
and NO REGISTRATION is required. Dress for success. We encourage use of public transportation since parking
is limited and parking fees will apply. Call the hotel directly for parking questions at (310)216-5858. As of 12/09/11
the following districts plan to attend: Bellvue (in Washington State), Coast CCD, College of Sequoias, Cuesta
College, Feather River CCD, Los Angeles CCD, North Orange County CCD, Santa Monica CCD, South Orange
County CCD, State Center CCD (representing Fresno area), Yosemite CCD.
Location: Westin LAX Hotel. 5400 West Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045
For more information call: (800)245-4157 or email: registry@yosemite.edu
Reports and Studies
47 states and their counties now have access to the Family Economic Security (FES) or Self-Sufficiency Standard.
In addition, Washington, D.C-based Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) has developed the Basic Economic
Security Tables (BEST) in 7 states (DC metro area, Delaware, Michigan, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi and New
Mexico). You can access the BEST in those states by clicking on them on the FES map via the above link. In
January we will launch our national BEST database in 12 states, expanding eventually to all 50. The BEST
incorporates savings modules for retirement, emergencies, college and homeownership into the basic monthly
income needs of a family. The national report and methodology is here http://www.wowonline.org/usbest/
Many Workforce Investment Boards have adopted these measures of income adequacy and use them to identify
“hot jobs” that will enable graduates to earn enough to support their families’ basic needs. Just today the BEST
was the subject of the NY Times Economix blog http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/22/economicinsecurity/?ref=economy
According to a new Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) report, The Great Recession and Distribution of
Income in California, the percentage of Californians living in middle–income families fell to a new low of less than
50 percent due to the recent downturn and its aftermath. The report tracks this trend—and more—in a
comprehensive look at the Great Recession's effect on family income in the state. The report was co–authored by
Sarah Bohn, a PPIC policy fellow, and Eric Schiff, a former policy researcher at PPIC.
CWA 2012 Youth Conference: Multiple Choices
January 17-19, 2012
Location: Renaissance Long Beach Hotel
For more information: http://calworkforce.org/conferences/cwa-annual-youth-conference-2012
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Future Leaders Institute
January 24-25, 2012
Location: Hyatt Regency Miami FL
For More information: http://www.aacc.nche.edu/newsevents/Events/fli/Pages/default.aspx
AACC 19th annual Workforce Development Institute (WDI)
January 25-28, 2012
Location: Hyatt Regency Miami FL
For more information: http://www.aacc.nche.edu/newsevents/Events/wdi/Pages/default.aspx
Community College League of California Annual Legislative Conference
January 29-30, 2012
Location: Sheraton Grand Sacramento
For more information: http://www.ccleague.org/i4a/pages/Index.cfm?pageID=3424
2011 Educating for Careers Conference: Pathways to Success
February 13-15, 2012
Location: Sacramento Convention Center
For more information: https://2012.ccpc-conference.net/
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Vocational Education Institute
March 21 - 23, 2012
Location: The Westin San Francisco Airport
For more information: http://asccc.org/events/2012/03/voc-ed-leadership-institute
This year’s Vocational Education Leadership Institute will be held in San Francisco and is offered concurrently with CCCAOE's
spring conference. Faculty members attending the Vocational Education Leadership Institute can also attend any CCCAOE
breakout session at no extra cost. Don't miss this unique opportunity to network with other occupational education leaders from
around the state.
CCCAOE 2012 Spring Conference
March 21-23, 2012
Location: The Westin San Francisco Airport
For more information: http://www.cccaoe.org/conference/FConference.html
California Workforce Association (CWA) Spring Conference
April 4-6, 2012
Location: TBA
For more information: http://calworkforce.org/home
2012 Association for Career and Technical Education Region V Conference
April 11-14, 2012
Location: Snow King Resort Jackson, WY
The California chapter is part of Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Region V. ACTE is dedicated to the
advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers. For more information on the ACTE California chapter:
Call for Region V conference presentations: http://www.acteonline.org/content.aspx?id=16425
2012 National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Professional Development Institute
April 16-19, 2012
Location: Doubletree Crystal City, Arlington, VA.
For more information: http://www.napequity.org/page.php?336
Call for presentations (deadline Jan. 10, 2012):
2012 Workforce Leadership Institute Conference
April 18-19, 2012
Location: San Ramon, CA
For more information: www.laocrc.com
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Annual Conventions
April 21-24, 2012
April 20-23, 2013
Location: Marriott World Center
Location: Moscone Center
Orlando, FL
San Francisco, CA
National Association for Career and Technical Education Information (NACTEI)
May 14-18, 2012
Location: Benson Hotel [Portland, OR]
For more information: http://www.nactei.org/index.html
2012 Career Clusters Institute: Setting a New Standard
June 18-20, 2012
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C
For more information: http://blog.careertech.org/?cat=266
SkillsUSA 48th Annual National Leadership and Skills Conference (NLSC)
June 23-27, 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
For more information: http://www.skillsusa.org/events/nlsc.shtml
SkillsUSA Techspo
June 24-26, 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
For more Information: http://www.skillsusa.org/events/techspo.shtml