Anatomy of a Neuron Neurons typically have three main parts. There is the cell body, which is part of the neuron containing the metabolic machinery that keeps the cell alive and functional. Then there are the dendrites, which are a branched part of a neuron that receives impulses and conducts them toward the cell body. Thirdly, there is the axon, which is the part of the neuron that emerges from the cell body and travels for a distance where it transmits impulses to glands, muscles, or other neurons Prevalence of Schizophrenia The lifetime prevalence, or the proportion of the population found to have a condition, of schizophrenia is about 1% This is roughly the same prevalence as Signal Detection Hit Miss Psychologists are able to study complex perceptual processes using the signal detection procedure. To use this procedure, we would present a faint stimulus to people on some trials, and no stimulus on others. The participant’s task is then to decide if there is a stimulus present or not. This procedure allows us to record four possible types of outcomes Correct Rejection False Alarm