Research Rubric Self-Assessment Thirty-two students at Manoa High School attempted the research project with English IV teacher Orlando Omega. Lesson Topic/issue selection Exceeds I chose a topic/issue that challenges me. It has personal meaning for me. It also has significance to issues in today’s world. Breakdown 8/32 = 25.00% Mentors consulted I communicated in an effective and courteous manner. I explained all my needs as clearly as possible to my mentor. I clearly stated how I used my mentor’s help in my research. Breakdown 12/32 = 37.50% Ethical use of information All my sources were accurately credited in the required format. Breakdown 21/32 = 65.63% Meets Does Not Meet I chose a topic/issue that challenges me. It has personal meaning for me. I chose a topic/issue just to get this paper done. 21/32 = 65.63% I communicated in a courteous manner. I explained most of my needs clearly to my mentor. I used some of the information/advice effectively in my research. 16/32 = 50.00% All sources were credited but a few were not in the required format. 7/32 = 21.87% Developed by The PEARL Project, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services 3/32 = 9.37% I was not always courteous in addressing my mentor. I had problems communicating appropriately with my mentor. I used very little of the information/advice in my research. 4/32 = 12.50% My sources were either not credited or credited in the wrong format. 4/32 = 12.50%