STUDENT SENATE SESSION XXXVII – MEETING 23 April 10th, 2016 – 6:00PM – Paul College Room 165 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. ROLL CALL III. COMMUNICATIONS A. Senators and Guests B. Graduate Student Senate C. Liaison to Administration D. Senate Executive Board Doug: you saw that we sent you officer applications you can put those in the speaker’s mailbox there are a lot of people in this room who would be excellent. Thursday 4/21 there will be a safe zones for student senate and I signed up us for that I will be giving more on that Amanda: Like Doug said there are officer applications out now. I highly recommend applying. I will not be here next year if you are interested in the admin side and not policy I think it is something that if you are interested in it. Go over the bylaws there are a lot of people I think would be good. At the last senate meeting we stick around and do superlatives. You can bring them to my mailbox. Don’t fill them out during the meeting. Public Relations Manager Emerson: I will not be reapplying for PRM. Lincoln: Mr. Scheinman has assumed the role of assistant chair nicely. So I would like to take a few moments to explain a little bit of a document that has been going around. So there how many people went to the emergency meeting we sent out an email about some tough decisions that were made. An incident happened in the SAFC office with bylaws and good judgment there was money that had been spent. So over winter break SAFC exec they can approve things when SAFC is not in session. They signed a contract that came to 90,000 with a 150,000 total event when SAFC was not in session. That is a lot of money with pen to paper if we want the event that is something that we have. Everything is subject to review in SAFC if they want to do something different. The committee needs to know what was going on. As of march 23rd the exec board has no intention of expressing this to the committee at all. The chair has an obligation to bring this up and they did not the CFOs have to make sure that the orgs are “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky following bylaws and laws and SPOs. Three months without telling the committee. This was something we could not talk about the confidentiality. We thought that this was a flagrant and multiple and no intent to review it was a violation. There is no way around that. We sat them down and get their story to see. There were similar understandings about what happened. We used a discretionary process to remove them for not telling them with no intent to bring to the floor. This is a terrible thing and no one wants to have to do that especially me. There is a petition going around saying that we did not go about this correctly. Lincoln: if you have questions about the petitions let us know and we can clarify them and go over it line by line. They aren’t true it’s consciously choosing cotton candy over broccoli. There is obviously some emotions involved and I think that this is a rise against attitude I would encourage you as members of hall council and community to try to offer factual info regardless of what you believe just try to give them a factual understanding Jake Adams: BM: Hello I will not be reapplying to business manager so anyone who wants to should apply email me. Really it’s a great job it is a great experience. CFO: I want to echo Gabe and Lincoln Ryan to Lincoln: how much money is left in the ORO? Lincoln: somewhere around 65,000 Ryan: what happens to that money if it doesn’t get used? Lincoln: it gets put into a bank account Ryan: would it be beneficial to reach out to put on events Lincoln: yes for quality events. Gabe: the ORO budget is for smaller orgs AA JP: Resolution for internships and there is another resolution about creating a committee on the feasibility on accepting students with mental disabilities that wouldn’t normally be able to come Danny: Friday 12:15 we are going to work on… We are trying to get as much done by the end of the year Christian: Tuesday at 5. I will be having a resolution about wifi in a couple of meetings “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Jon: thanks for applying for council chairs. Interviews will happen next week and then a decision will be made by the 23rd of April. We are looking at different house of reps and senators about giving money to colleges in NH. Jason R: I’m here to get to know you I am VP elect I look forward to working with all of you. Sam: The main thing I’m working on this with the student attorney if you are interested in that come talk to me. Emily: I hope you all are having a wonderful wonderful week. If you like food and have an opinion come talk to me about tomorrow. There is a capstone class on marketing for the campus rec big event new gym and that class is giving a presentation for all of the clients. If you want to give your opinion do so. If you have complaints about healthy UNH come see me. Anti-violence walk on Friday. Alison: sisters helping sisters event tomorrow to help people rm 158 MUB if you want to help come talk to me or Emily. Spread the word about the room 5 pm Wednesday is my meeting. E. Student Trustee: Lincoln: You missed this for SAFC: Please please please wish me luck as we move forward with the ORO budget. We will be asking SAFOs so orgs that have a budget to come up with running budgets and get that to us by the end of the week. I want to keep everyone informed. Trustee board meeting on Wednesday we will be talking about important things. Really cool stuff going on might take a while to implement changes to how we buy things. Did you know that for 2,000 people we have 3,000 p cards? We are looking at how we do business and be responsibilities it’s the student’s money. It’s going to save us money and go back into the buildings on campus. It’s containing costs and we are not intending to a loss. F. Student Body Vice President: Thurs 12:40-2 antiviolence walk you should come it’s gonna be a great time. Senate is sponsoring it. G. Student Body President: Heads up. We have 2 meetings left you have 6 days to get it to judiciary and if you want help with that come talk to us we will help you write them If anyone is around after this meeting I could help. H. Student Senate Speaker: I want to be very clear about the situation Lincoln and I talked about earlier. This is difficult and you will be seeing changes to this to make it clearer in the future. This was done because of broken rules not because of feelings toward others. I want to make it clear for those individuals who have not unreasonably wondered if they are being done for the right reasons I want to tell you if you have anything for me it was based on the “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky violations. Officer applications are out. If you have been apart for a semester you want to apply out till Tuesday they have been sent out by Doug let us know if you did not get those. We encourage you to apply Lincoln: you can’t apply for SAF chair because it is already filled. 3 students and 2 professional staff spent/gambled/bet $150,000 and didn’t tell anyone. Danny: why did you say gamble or bet? Lincoln: Because it has a chance not to make money back from the students Jake: what is happening to the staff? Gabe: nothing as of now Motion to move into the approval of senators and removal before we start. Jake Adams: We are going to roll call first? Cam: Yes Motion Passes IV. NEW BUSINESS A. XXXVII- 3.21- Removal of Senators B. XXXVII- 2.22- Approval of Senators C. XXXVII- R38- Establishing a Pet-Friendly Dormitory D. XXXVII- R39- Renovating Residence Halls E. XXXVII- R40- Approving Changes to the Office of Community Standards (OCS) V. OTHER BUSINESS The Student Speaker or their designee’s hall present any changes to the Student Senate Bylaws, Student Senate Operating Procedure, and student senate constitution that are directly relevant to the student activity committee in writing at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Danny: Shouldn’t they be aware anyway? Gabe: I don’t think having a responsibility to be aware contradicts what happens openly Jon: Can we put in or their designee? Gabe: I will read that in Ryan: is this appropriate since it goes away at the end of the year? Gabe: it would expire quickly that’s why it is done in this format Passes with one nay “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky VI. ADJOURNMENT Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 3.21 Removal of Senators Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Date: April 10th, 2016 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to remove the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of session XXXVII: Senate Action: No Action Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 2.22 Approval of Senators Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Date: April 10th, 2016 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of session XXXVII: Senate Action: No Action Speaker Verification: Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 38 Establishing a Pet-Friendly Dormitory Introduced by: Campus Structure Chairperson, Christian Merheb Date: April 10th, 2016 Whereas, the University of New Hampshire student body has, for many years, shown support for the establishment of a “pet-friendly” dormitory space, and Whereas, universities such as: Stetson University, University of Northern Colorado, University of Idaho, Johnson and Wales University (Providence), University of Washington, University of Illinois, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Middlebury College, University of Florida, SUNY Canton, Harvey-Mudd College, Ohio Wesleyan University, and Reed College have already established some form of pet-friendly housing with favorable results, and Whereas, studies have shown that living with a pet not only increases students resistance to disease, but promotes greater emotional stability and an increase in overall happiness, therefore “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to recommend that the University of New Hampshire take appropriate actions to establish at a minimum of one pet-friendly dormitory on campus wherever it is most feasible, and Be it further resolved that the University of New Hampshire Housing look to select and implement such dormitory space by the start of the Fall of 2017, and Be it further resolved that the University of New Hampshire, in order to ensure fairness to students and decrease conflict, should examine implementing this change in a dormitory predominately made up of singles, such as Hall House, as it already boasts an outdoor experiential education environment and its proximity to the University of New Hampshire’s College Woods. Christian: The establishment of this is a goal set by Cam and Ryan’s student plan and Kathy said she would be okay with this if it was done properly. After briefly studying dorms hall house seems like a good fit it is no way saying it’s mandatory. Danny: do have any numbers on what the student’s wanting a pet friendly dorms Ryan: I don’t have exact numbers but a handful came to talk to me they were friendly with the idea because of the student master plan because it would be make plausible JP: is it the minis? Christian yeah Aaron: how much are willing to pay the premium it would cost? Ryan: There are going to be some limitations, they are going to be under a certain size. If you have a small dog and they pee on the floor you are going to be responsible for it. The students we talked to about this had no issue with that. Aaron: Were there a sufficient amount of students? Ryan: This is not something we are definitely going to do this is more like we are going to look into this. The rules right now are that it has to be under water 95% of the time. Peter – Point of info – hall is only 48 people, it’s not huge. Gabe – Can I friendly amend to minimum one, not of one? Aaron: Allison, a typical single is 10 feet by 9 feet, how big of an animal can you support in a room that small? Allison: At the shelters that we have, they live in places from like Sam to Danny to wear you are. So that’s how they are at the shelters. Gabe: Can you compare that to a single? Lincoln: Having living in one of those singles, I will tell you it’s smaller. Allison: It depends on the size of the animal. If you have a small dog they would be fine. “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Lincoln: Have we looked into whether or not this is fair to pets. Ryan: I don’t like that this was from the exec officer because she shouldn’t have an opinion but we are looking into the size of the room that is something that is being worked out. Danny: What accommodations are made with service dogs? Gabe: A woman has a service dog in Engelhardt. Mike: I have someone in stoke with a service dog, a Chihuahua Gabe there are some accommodations through DSS Brennan: at hall council the welfare of the animals Williamson does not support this Allison: Just to talk about the welfare of the animal. It would be fine for certain animals. As for the larger animals it is being discussed Jake Adams: I don’t have but I would urge people to remember that this takes into considerations of smaller pets. Please try to weigh that. Ryan: Yeah I would like to echo a lot of things people have said this is examining if this could happen we are going to look at all different sizes and whether or not it is a good idea it is allowing us to look at things. Guinee pigs or whatever and we can slowly start changing the rules. I would encourage you to pass this. A lot of people have small animals at home. Christian: this lies heavily on admin this is something the students should have a say in Jon: in the next admin. Me and Jason will give it to the right people PJ: not having a pet might hinder them in some way Hubbard is in support Lincoln: I like this I would like to bring a cat to walk. I would be concerned that someone would be bringing a giant German Sheppard into a small space. The UNH does not have a great track record with animals. Danny: this students have voiced they want this so it is our job to do so. Alexander: I rep Fairchild the intl dorm. The students from my hall would like to echo from Hubbard. They come from far away they can acclimate here. They suspected that rules would be in place for smaller animals. Peter: First of all. As someone who grew up with German Sheppard as long as the owner takes them out and gives them exercise. My only real concern is making sure that enough “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky resources are put into place to make sure the dorm is ready for pets. As for going forward it is something the minis would appreciate Christian: Read in: Be it further resolved that a committee be formed with housing, students, and other key stake holders to work on these ideas of implementation, policies and regulations. Shannon: I brought up the idea to Hetzel, they were enthusiastic about it they were concerned about the restrictions and pets getting out and chaos from other animals. Lost pet signs being more depressing than no pet at all. JP: Call to question Call to question passes. Senate Action: Passes with 5 nays Speaker Verification: Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 39 Renovating Residence Halls Introduced by: Campus Structure Chairperson, Christian Merheb Date: April 10th, 2016 Whereas, the University of New Hampshire student body has, for many years, requested renovations, updates, and more rooms in order to be in accordance with the original plans and building room designations, and Whereas, the University of New Hampshire, in its 2004 Campus Master Plan focused on the expansion 1 of graduate apartments into the Woodside undergraduate apartments because there was no assessed undergraduate housing need, and Whereas, in addition, it expressed two other options for graduate students who are single or married/partnered without children: the first was a gradual replacement of Babcock Hall, while the second was the reuse of Adams Tower East, and Whereas, both halls could be adapted into having 8 single rooms per floor (total of 56 rooms with private baths) which share a common living room and kitchenette, and Whereas, the University of New Hampshire, in its 2004 Campus Master Plan presented 11 campus buildings as potential surplus and this is representative of the campus buildings that can be considered near or even past their useful life, and would be eliminated or reassigned if the University assesses a need for space, new construction, and/or alternate use (instructional, research based, administrative, residential, and support service centered), and “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Whereas, of these buildings, the Minis are the only residence halls placed on the list, and Whereas, as expressed in the 2012 Campus Master Plan, the immediate housing priority was to 3 renovate Hetzel Hall, and Whereas, the 2012 Campus Master Plan also underscores the renovation of Stoke Hall as a real4 need that is not critical, but appropriate, and Whereas, as expressed in the 2012 Campus Master Plan, the future plan is to eventually expand the 5 SERCS to four buildings, and Whereas, the University of New Hampshire has been in discussion with independent hotel chains with the intent to have Hetzel and Alexander Halls renovated and converted into a hotel. Such a change would cause a loss of 300 beds, which would need to be replaced, and Whereas, the cost to build a new residence hall with 350 beds would be roughly $2 million and would lead to an approximate 5% increase in any year to the housing rates in order to pay off the debt, and Whereas, the Town of Durham has over the years increased its number of available beds. Since the year 2010, the number of available beds has increased by more than 2,000 due to the establishment of new housing communities, and 6 Whereas, a major initiative of the 2004 Campus Master Plan was to increase the amount of on-campus 7 undergraduate housing, so that 60% of students can reside on campus. Increases in enrollment have allowed for 55% of the full time undergraduate students to live on campus (as of 2012). This is bearing in mind that the current design capacity is 6,800 beds. Each fall, UNH housing houses an additional 300-500 students in “built-up” units, and Whereas, there is uncertainty regarding the demand for additional campus housing in the future, as there are estimates that enrollment will decrease over the coming years. See figure 1, and 8 Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to recommend that the University of New Hampshire take no immediate action on building any residence halls within the next two years until better approximations on future student enrollment can be assessed to warrant the need for an increase in student housing costs, and Be it further resolved that the University, through strategic funding and budget management, attempt over the next 35 years to renovate the following residence halls in an effort to maintain quality housing for students: 1. Adams Tower 2. Stoke Hall “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky 3. Hetzel Hall if there is no hotel built over the property Christian: it was the goal of this admin to go over res halls I think this resolution embodies the best course of action in housing costs and a lot of students and housing. Jake Adams: Can we see figure one? Doug: yeah SEE FIG 1 Christin: what this is showing is that more or less there will be a 5% or more graduates in high school they chose 2022 to 2023’ Jake; point of information: that may not be taking into account people from other places internationally is that just nationwide? Christian: it is showing fluctuations in more or less the northern states there will be an increase in grad rates this is something they have been thinking about they have seen an increase of people coming in. Alexander: do we know how much this would cost? Christian” it would vary per dorm and I don’t know it wouldn’t cause an increase it would be from saved money Alex; so there wouldn’t be a tuition increase Christian: yes Aaron: how likely would it be that the hotel gets built? Christian: admin could not come to an agreement they are not moving forward they couldn’t come to a conclusion but it’s not off the table. Jake: how do you look at this with the record breaking freshman class? Christian: they do see a decrease where it will even out. This res says that nothing needs to be built you’re gonna have this as an increase in cost to students. Silas: do you know if UNH is still actively trying to increase undergrad totals Cam: The meet the person who oversees this. Its not to increase its to stabilize them the goal is to keep it around that. Ryan: I believe you have had meetings about incoming intl students and problems in the future Cam: yes over how countries are doing. We have a lot of students from china where the economy is not doing well and so we may see a decrease in those students. The interim provost thinks that they will come and go Ryan: to cam: Is it true that even though we have other colleges around us that are having decreases and we are increasing will that change ? Cam: there are concerns about this and yes Peter: Anything you could add about Hetzel being converted to a hotel? Cam: there isn’t anything to change we have a disclaimer because we don’t know how that would go down Aaron: is the hotel something that should be something that should be prioritized “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Cam: it is mixed with student’s lot of admin for it. There are a lot of things for that. It depends on who you’re talking to. Aaron: what is your stance? Cam: A hotel would be something worth pursuing an improved hospitality program Alexander: do you have a spitball estimation about how many they can house? Christian: 6800- to 300-500 with build ups Alex: what is the current use of Adams tower East Jon: it was shut down due to asbestos and it is still be renovating Brennan: I appreciate the clarification. In speaking to my hall director she had comments about intl students about asking in 500 Brazilian students in the next years Jake: I was skeptical. I think it is a good course of action you all should support it. Shannon: I live in Hetzel its old and it needs to be repurposed for either. I think it’s a great idea to do. Senate Action: Passes with abstention Speaker Verification: Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 40 Approving Changes to the Students Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities Introduced by: Judicial Affairs Chairperson, Samuel Paris, Student Body President, Cameron Cook Date: April 10th, 2016 Whereas, this academic year the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities was reviewed and revised extensively by a committee comprised of representatives from University of New Hampshire (University) Counsel, the Office of Student Life, Faculty members, and Student Senate, and Whereas, the changes have been reviewed and approved by many other stakeholders at the University, and Whereas, these changes were demanded last year by a universal frustration shared by Students, Faculty, University Administration, and the Office of Community Standards (OCS) with OCS policy and practice, and Whereas, these changes have been discussed, debated, challenged, and vetted many times over by Student Senate and the committee over the last six months of work, and Whereas, these changes have a positive effect on students by expediting the OCS process, adding student representation to Hearing Panels, changing definitions to be more clear and easily understood, etc., therefore “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve and ratify the attached changes and documents to the Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities. Dean Kirkpatrick: Thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to come speak. This was the work over mny months of time. A lot of our changes happened over time. We wanted this to be a speedy and transparent. Those were the goals we focused on. What we have here is a document that is more understood by students. Bill Gareity will be putting this online. I think we are ready to go. Personally I think this is a huge improvement on what we had. You wanted it done and I think we did that. Sam you have the latest one? Sam: Yes Doug sent out the new one. Gabe: The original was sent out how many weeks? Sam: 2 and a half I think Gabe: If you have any questions ask them now. Sam can you go over the topics that people haven’t understood yet? Sam: One of the more recent ones is that we changed is the definition of hosting. If you wanted more students in a particular room it was hosting. Now it says two or more. In my opinion was that students couldn’t have more than one Dean: In the end res life agreed reluctantly but they did Sam: Really the last 5 pages are the most controversial that we added do you wanna speak on the 3 strike rule/ Dean: We have students suffering from things beyond their control. Academic deans were looking at concerns at police records. We began to meet with students after the first offense and that’s not to wag fingers it’s to let them know it might affect them getting a job. A good 3 quarters of what we see are multiple run ins with the police and OCS. Anytime you had 3 strikes you would go through OCS and suspend them to have them figure out their problems. Nobody should be held to rules that they don’t know about. Another thing that took us a long time was the title 9 stuff we wanted a quick outcome from students. Every student needs something done. I think SHARPP was very happy with this and we were clear on how we needed to do it. We rearranged the SRRR. There was a lit in there by different voices and we wrote it un a single narrative voice. You’ll be able to lick in something to get a definition. We are making changes in the structure of OCS to help students. Sam: The type of thing I worked out with JP when he had a questions about victims and if they may be re-victimized. And we addressed those “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky JP: can you go to letter B number 2 in section C: Could you in ensuring the privacy oof the survivor? Dean: We would have to include others in the process to that. They needed medical services or dean assistance. Tittle 9 makes sure that we aren’t spreading that info we have to comply with a federal mandate to make sure universities aren’t throwing things under the rug. That’s not to say we haven’t always handle these things the way we should. There were cases where it was sad for everyone involved Alex Work: Who authorizes this? Dean: The private investigator gives the report to Charlie and he gives it to Donna and me to make the decision and then we decide how to go forward. Alex: Is there any situation where the victim doesn’t want anyone there Dean: Yes. If the victim says please don’t we aren’t going to do that. That’s one of the tough thing about sexual violence. When someone says don’t do anything about him or her we ask them privately about it. Ryan: I have concerns that other admin they are so vague that when SHARPP is called that they won’t be. I have concerns about not listing those other officers Dean: It varies by the case. We might have to deal with the police or the press. If it gets out it changes things for the victim. If there is no threat than those people won’t be notified. If it happened with a Paul student Donna and I would make a decision to bring the dean in. we may not. It’s a very tight circle what I don’t want is for this to be clearly specified. I want to make sure we are tightening that up with Donna. Sam: One of the other things the admin line is open because of part three. Dean: they would absolutely have to do that. In an aggravated case the institutions can be the complainant. And the student can be that. So that was one of the problems with OCS there was no discipline with it. We have to have counsel for both sides Ryan: E number 3 can you talk about that? Dean: I’m gonna try to do this Ryan without revealing details about cases. What you may see as a threat. I had this with a faculty member and they had a threatening email to another. When people are being a jerk. When you move student to student I might have to restrict somebodies freedom on this campus. We need to have a due process and a thoughtful one and while that is working I might have to protect the safety of them I have to enact some restrictions. In the outcome they may do it permanently. It’s a very careful balance and we all have responsibilities to protect the case of everyone involved. And it would be prudent to restrict people in a building with the alleged victim. And that will vary from case to case. Was it physical? Was it criminal? What’s the history? Was “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky anything done before? What degree can they go on social media? I can advise them not to go on social media Jon: What thought to how we are picking the student for the hearing board? Dean: That is something Sam insisted on. Sam: I am actually working with Charlie on that. The first thought was to have the president’s office to pick. But we decided not to. The person will be chosen from ocs by drawing people from recommendations and justice studies it’s in the beginning stages Dean I think any students that want to apply just like senate it is an obligation you cant just dabble in it. The only reason it took me a while to accept that. It can be marginalizing if you are dealing with the student and accused. If you see that person in the dining hall I worried about that. That’s how courts work. You have a peer. JP: Page 20 number 2 letter B: Ted I would love to see SHARPP between the other administration. Formal amendment Ryan: I agree with this. SHARPP is always going to be at the table in every case. Amendment: Passes Unanimously Resolution: Lincoln: Page 13 F and G: I have gone back and forth with this and sand I have always wanted active assisted counsel and I know it’s a losing battle. But I want to have a nonactive attorney in the room. I want that to have that comfort if they have criminal cases. I don’t think these things are as serious as a court. JP: can you go to pg 214c: is this the final draft? Dean: I think we have gone over this draft many many times. It is carefully parsed out to meet mandates and all of the Sam: there will be minor changes to fix grammar and it hasn’t been revised to fix those things. It needs to be gone over again but the content here is as final as it is going to get. There will be changes made to that. For now ignore it Lincoln: thoughts on my previous comment: Dean: the presence of outside counsel I was adamantly against that. Charlie would not bar them in interest of the client. When we say participate it means they cannot speak. In a criminal case they can. We had a case in the fall where I think it compromised the institution let alone the victim. Counsel can be present in title 9 cases. If we say that were “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky in trouble. We are aware of the right to counsel. This is a due process it is not a legal institution. Afterward you can sue the institution. Sam: There was also concerns about attorneys there. Its socioeconomic problem not everyone can do that. It’s not a fair system for students who can’t afford. You can even not be in it. It has to work for every student Jon: So I raised this concern last time we talked about it. This is not uncommon for administrative hearings when this gets put in place and if students feel they are getting a raw deal they would review it. This is not different than normal admin hearings. Cam: So anyone who has been in senate this has been going on for years. So for me and I know from other students and I think it’s good we have been working toward this Alex: I am looking at 21 number 7: Individual vs. complainant? Dean: you can be an individual and not be a complainant. They may choose to be the complainant. Alex: so the victim doesn’t need to be a community member? Dean: no but the university would be the complainant. The institution would assume the role. There was an active case last year. They are obligated to protect the university. Say it was a different person on a different campus we have to make a choice. Ryan: Point of parliamentary procedure: when we vote on this and then still have comments Gabe: you can make a motion on how you vote? Ryan: I want to motion that we approve pending grammar and spelling. Motion: Pending revisions to the grammar and spelling Aaron: can we add with the unsderstandin that no substantive changes with will occur. Do these become regular amendments Gabe if they aree rejected yes Aaron: I WITHDRAW Motion Passes Resolution: “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky Sam: So I think that this is great change we made here there was a lot of talk and conversations. The other thing I want to say it’s not perfect it doesn’t need to be we have the right to review it every year the next person will have the ability to change it. It doesn’t have to be perfect. We can see how it plays we can always take steps to change it. We can make changes that we need to. I think this is the best system we have had in a long time I would say vote in favor of it. Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” -Noam Chomsky