Turning Heart Failure into Success David A. Kass, M.D. Abraham and Virginia Weiss Professor of Cardiology Professor of Medicine, Professor of Biomedical Engineering Director, Institute of CardioScience Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD The Problem 6 Million 620 Thousand 25 Million 39 Billion 50% 53% “Tonight, we’re going to let the statistics speak for themselves.” What is Heart “Failure” and how do we treat it? Normal Heart Contraction Ischemia Hypertension Genetics Toxins Valve Disease Blah blah blah Heart Failure ↑ Filling Pressures ↑ Cardiac Volumes ↓Cardiac Output Fluid Work Load ↑ RAAS ↑ Na and H2O Retention Vasoconstriction ↑ RAAS ↑ Sympathetic Vasoconstriction Three Postcards – What we are working on to fix Heart Failure Oxidative Stress and the Heart Antioxidants ROS Antioxidants It’s all about the location and where it’s coming from So what stimulates Oxidative Stress in the Heart? ? Adrenaline Renin-Angiotensin Cytokines Mechanical Stress Protein Kinase G: A masterful anti-stress Brake TRPC TGFb R2 R1 RGS2/4 Smads MKK(K)s PGC1a Mudd and Kass Nature 2008 MKKs What happens if you oxidize a critical anti-stress heart-Brake Sham Pressure-Overload WT KI Left Ventricular Mass (mg) 200 *§ † 100 0 (Wk) Burgoyne et al. Science 2007 0 1 2 3 Nakamura et al JCI 2015: in press When PKG is oxidized, it moves away from the outer membrane leaving key disease-causing proteins unblocked Nakamura et al JCI 2015: in press Baseline H2O2 CON 3wk TAC ET1 PKG1aWT Rcan1/Gapdh 4 * * P<0.01 * 3 PKG1aC42S 2 1 0 TRPC6mut - WT + - C42S + What can PKG do better at the outer membrane when it’s not oxidized? It blocks an ion channel called – TRPC6 So why should we care? • TRPC6 is major regulator of fibrosis and muscle growth in the heart. • TRPC6 is a key factor in the abnormal heart muscle response to stress in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy • PKG activation looks like a potent way to suppress it, as in vivo drugs against TRPC6 remain elusive. Three Postcards – What we are working on to fix Heart Failure Basic Science Clinical Therapy Cardiac Resynchronization Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) Pacemaker RV Lead LV Lead Neubauer and Redwood, NEJM, 2014; 370:1164-66 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy increases the heart motor-protein’s sensitivity to calcium Kirk et al. (J Clin Invest, 2014 ;124:129-38). When is the therapy you want to achieve actually the opposite of what it seems that you are doing to achieve it? Neurostimulation for Pain Control Vaccination to induce immunity Transient Heart Ischemia to induce Pre-conditioning Pacemaker Induced Transient Asynchrony How is it done? Pace the Right Ventricle from midnight to 6 AM Pace the Atrium the rest of the day I t Why do we care? • ~60% of heart failure patients do not have the type of heart failure that can be treated with cardiac resynchronization therapy. • Now we might have a new treatment that is rather easy to implement – bit of new software will do it (light switch timer). • This may open up a major new therapy for heart failure. Three Postcards – What we are working on to fix Heart Failure Viagra’s Cousin Natriuretic Peptide Receptor Nitric Oxide Synthase NOS sGC rGC cGMP PKG PDE? Do Stuff cGMP PKG PDE5A Putting out a Casting Call Natriuretic Peptide Receptor Nitric Oxide Synthase NOS rGC cGMP PKG ROS sGC PDE9 PDE? cGMP Do Joint Stuff PKG PDE5A PDE9a KO mice are protected against Sustained Pressure-overload (Trans-aortic constriction – TAC) a b PDE9A-/- WT Sham TAC Sham TAC Sham (7) TAC-WT (12) Sham PDE9A-/- (9) FS (%) LV-ESD (mm) 80 60 * 40 20 4 250 3 200 * 50 7 14 21 0 0 Days c Sham -WT TAC -WT 100 0 0 Sham PDE9A-/- * 150 2 1 0 TAC-PDE9A-/- (18) LV mass (mg) 7 14 21 0 7 Days TAC PDE9A-/- Days Interstitial fibrosis (%) 10 * 8 # 6 MT 14 4 2 0 400 Myocyte CSA (mM2) 300 WGA * # 200 100 0 n= 5 Lee et al, Nature 2015: 519, 472–476 6 5 6 21 Are Inonly Vivomuch effectsifworks ofNOS-cGMP PDE5ifinhibition the same with PDE9 inhibition? are available ButPretty PDE9 NOS sources function isassuppressed Fractional Shortening (%) 70 Treatment Started 60 50 Control Control + TAC 40 Control + TAC + PDE9A Control + TAC + SIL 30 20 0 7 14 21 28 35 Days Fractional Shortening (%) 70 60 Control L-Name 50 L-Name + TAC 40 L-Name + TAC + PDE9A L-Name + TAC + SIL 30 20 0 7 Lee et al, Nature 2015: 519, 472–476 14 21 Days 28 35 PDE9A Protein Expression is increased in Human DCM and particularly HFpEF NF DCM PDE9A n=10 n=10 3 † * PDE9A activity/mg prot. PDE9A/GAPDH GAPDH 2 1 NF DCM 10 PDE9A/actin NF NF AS NF NF 8 AS AS HFPEF HFPEF NF HFPEF NF NF NF HFPEF HFPEF Actin NF DCM n= PDE9A 10 0 0 NF 20 DCM 12 8 * ‡ 6 * 4 2 0 NF Lee et al, Nature 2015: 519, 472–476 HFPEF AS Why are we excited? • HF-preserved ejection fraction is ½ of all heart failure, no current effective therapy other than diuretics and treat HTN. • Post-menopausal women and others where estrogen declines may benefit as the NO signaling pathway is less active. • Opens up an entirely new pathway with a clinical drug that is already tested in humans.