
2015-2016 Course Syllabus for Sociology Term 2nd /4th
Teacher: DeBorah Holliday
E-mail: deborah.holliday@biloxischools.net
Teacher’s Web Site: http://www.biloxischools.schoolwire.net
As stated earlier, this course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of how
societies are developed and how they function at a relational level. As we learned last term, our
social environment helps to mold and shape who we are and our behavior. This term we will cover
topics, such as adulthood, deviance, social control, gender inequalities, social classes, social movements,
and the family. Once again, the key component of this course is to study ourselves and the society that
influences our behavior. Objectives to be covered this term are:
1) discuss the effects of nature versus nurture in shaping the individual
2) examine the lives of adolescents in American society
3) examine the various stages of adulthood from young adulthood to old age .
4) discuss the concept of deviance and how society discourages deviant behavior through social
5) describe gender roles, expectations, and inequalities
6) examine various social influences that can lead to immediate and long-term changes
7) examine the American family and how it has evolved
8) describe both traditional and emerging values contained in the American value system
Chapters Covered: 5-6, 11-12
Grading Scale
A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=65-69 F=below 64 I=Incomplete
Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools. A mid-term progress report and a report card
following the end of each term are issued. The student’s current grades are available via Internet IOD.
Tests: Chapter tests are given upon completion of each chapter and account for 55% of the term grade.
Dates for test can be found on my faculty webpage. It is also highly recommended that if you make below
a 75 on a chapter test that you consider retesting.
Retesting: You will be given the opportunity to retest within ten days of receiving your graded test.
1. You must sign up within three days after the graded test has been returned.
2. You must reread the chapter and handwrite detailed textbook notes.
3. You must attend a re-teaching session on the dates assigned by the teacher with detailed notes and
questions (for clarification) in hand. 4. You must take the test on the date assigned by the teacher.
Daily/Homework: Class work and homework are integral part of this class and accounts for 35% of your
term grade. You will be required to complete several Case Study Investigates (CSI). As stated last term,
you will be required to write a reflective response to particular situations/readings/films from a
sociological perspective.
Project: One major project-base assignment will be due this term as a result of a series of mini-project.
Course Requirements: You are expected to attend class, be on time, respectful, and an enthusiastic
participant. Attendance is very important since most assignments require class participation in groups or
a partner. Classwork is expected to be thoroughly and thoughtfully completed and on time. Late work is
unacceptable. WORK IS DUE ON THE ASSIGNED DATE!!!! If you are absent, it is your responsibility to
check the makeup file or contact me for missing work.
Term Exam: The term exam/project accounts for 10% of your grade.
Important Dates:
Midterm progress report: 04/15/15
Term exams: 05/18-22/15
Spring Break: 03/30- 4/6/15
Report card: Will be mailed
Days Available: Tuesday and Thursday after school (2:30 pm SHARP!!!!).
Additional Comments: It is easier to contact me by email. So, if you have any questions or concerns,
just drop me a line or two. I will get back with you as soon as possible.
COURSE SCHEDULE & DUE DATES: Dates and times may change due to unforeseen circumstances. You
will be notified of any changes. Otherwise, assignments are due on the assigned dates.
Week 1-2: Chapter 5 – Socializing the Individual – Class discussions and lectures will focus on
personality development, the social self, & agents of socialization.
Week 3-4: Chapter 6 – The Adolescent in Society – We will examine adolescents in American society
through class discussions such as teenage dating and other issues confronted by today’s teenagers.
Week 5-6: Chapter 11 – Gender, Age, and Health – Lecture and discussion will center on gender roles
and gender inequalities.
Week 7-8: Chapter 12 – The Family – Class discussions and lectures will focus on the family systems,
marriage and kinship functions of the family. We will examine courtship and marriage, family disruption,
and trends in America. Cumulative “Family Tree” Project
Week 9- Review & Term Exam
Cell Phone Policy- The teacher reserves the right to control cellphone usage within the classroom. Phones
must be silenced and put away in bookbag/purse before entering the classroom. No student has my
permission to record or videotape classroom activity or instruction to protect student and teacher privacy.