2015-2016 Course Syllabus for Sociology Term 1 /3 Teacher: DeBorah Holliday E-mail: Deborah.holliday@biloxischools.net Teacher’s Web Site: http://www.biloxischools.schoolwire.net ( Deborah.holliday) Objectives: The objective of this semester elective course is to provide students with a basic understanding of how societies are developed and how they function at a relational level. Throughout this semester course, students will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge of how individual behavior is affected by group relationships – either through personal contacts or through the impersonal influences of social institutions. The course is designed as a project-base, hands-on concept to introduce students to sociological concepts through personal experiences and simulated activities. This term students are expected to master the following objectives: 1) identify historic backgrounds of modern-day sociology. 2) identify and analyze various schools of sociological perspectives. 3) describe how sociology affects every aspect of society. 4) examine the nature of culture and analyze conformity with and deviance from cultural mores. 5) describe social roles, their development, and their relationships among social groups. 6) describe relationships between social groups. 7) explain ways groups resist and accommodate change. 8) relate the study of sociology at a personal level to the development and responsible behavior in a democratic society . Chapters: 1-4 Class Supply List: 1 box of Kleenex, 1pkg. blue/black pens, 1 pkg. #2 pencils, and paper in class daily. Tests and Grades Grading: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=65-69 F=below 65 Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools. A mid-term progress report and a report card following the end of each term are issued. Tests: Chapter tests account for 55% of your term grade. Dates for test can be found on my faculty webpage and are posted on the board. It is highly recommended that if you make below a 75 on a chapter test that you consider retesting. Retesting: You will be given the opportunity to retest within ten days of receiving your graded test. The highest test grade will be taken. However, before you can retest, you must meet the following stipulations: 1. You must sign up within three days after the graded test has been returned. 2. All re-teaching assignments must be completed prior to attending the re-teaching session a. ALL classwork/homework completed and turned in on time b. Chapter Review & detailed textbook notes 3. You must attend a re-teaching session on the date assigned by the teacher with required assignment and questions (for clarification) in hand. 4. You must take the test on the date(s) assigned by the teacher. Homework/Assignments/Projects: Class work and homework are an integral part of this class and accounts for 35% of your term grade. You will be required to complete several Case Study Investigations which involves you reflecting upon sociological concepts discussed in class . You will be required to write a reflective response to particular situations and readings giving your thoughts and reactions from a sociological perspective. Each CSI will be done in an essay format. Identifications (IDS) are also essential and expected to be completed. Project: One major project-based assignment is due each term and is usually a culmination of a series of smaller projects. You will receive information concerning the project several weeks prior to the due date. Course Requirements: 1) You are expected to attend class, be on time, respectful, and an enthusiastic participant. Attendance is very important since most assignments require class participation in groups or with a partner in understanding the sociological concepts. 2) Class work is expected to be thoroughly and thoughtfully completed and on time. 3) WORK IS DUE ON THE ASSIGNED DATE!!!! If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the makeup file or contact me for missing work. Important Dates: Open House: 8/13/15 Midterm progress report: 9/11/15 Report Card: 10/19/15 Term Exam: The term exam accounts for 10% of your grade and covers the material discussed during the term. Days Available: Tuesdays and Thursday after school (2:30 pm SHARP!!!!) Additional Comments: It is easier to contact me by email. So, if you have any questions or concerns, just drop me a line or two. I will get back with you as soon as possible. COURSE SCHEDULE & DUE DATES: Dates and times may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Week 1 - School and class rules will be discussed. Books and syllabus will be issued this week. Week 2 - Chapter 1 – The Sociological Point of View – Discussion will center on sociological perspectives and the three most common theoretical perspectives. Week 3 - Chapter 2 - Cultural Diversity – Discussion will focus on the definition of culture and cultural variations. Week 4 & 5 - Chapter 3 – Cultural Conformity & Adaptation– Discussion and lecture will focus on norms and values and how they are enforced within a society as well as how societies change due to a change in values, beliefs, technology, etc. Week 6 & 7 - Chapter 4 – Social Structure – Lecture and discussion will center on fundamental building blocks of social structure, the structure of groups and societies, as well as, various types of social interaction & the structure of formal organizations. Week 8 – Term Project Due Week 9 – Review & Term Exam Cell Phone Policy- The teacher reserves the right to control cellphone usage within the classroom. Phones must be silenced and put away before entering the classroom. No student has my permission to record or videotape classroom activity or instruction to protect student and teacher privacy.