Teacher Feedback by students

Teacher Feedback
by students
Teacher: __________________________ Student: ______________________________________
Subject: __________________________ Class period: __________ School Year _______________
Directions: Answer each question truthfully and to the best of your knowledge about the teacher you are
evaluating by circling “always” “sometimes” “rarely” or “not observed.” One answer per question please.
You will also have a chance to write down any other comments at the end of this evaluation.
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
(always, sometimes, rarely, not observed)
1. My teacher comes to work often and does not miss school much.
2. My teacher knows the subject content.
3. My teacher uses technology in the classroom to teach us.
4. My teacher is friendly or nice.
5. My teacher makes me learn.
6. My teacher cares about me as an individual.
7. My teacher keeps me informed of my progress in class.
8. My teacher corrects any unwanted behavior in class.
9. My teacher is professional in communicating with students.
10. My teacher respects me as an individual.
11. My teacher makes me feel important.
12. My teacher’s classroom is a comfortable learning environment.
13. My teacher is always available for reteach or re test.
14. My teacher has a sense of humor.
15. My teacher communicates with parents often.
16. My teacher is easy to approach if I have a problem or concern.
17. My teacher is organized and is always prepared for class.
18. My teacher is consistent and fair to all students.
19. My teacher provides feedback on tests in a timely manner.
20. My teacher helps me when I don’t understand something.
21. (optional) If you wish, please write any feedback or comments below about the teacher on this evaluation.
Your input is valuable to us as we will take in consideration any and all feedback to better our instruction.
Thank you for your time in this matter. Sincerely!