Linux Setup guide for ENP-XXXX 7/12/2016 Revision 1.0 1 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. CAVEATS 5 3. CONFIGURING ROM BASED COMPONENTS 6 3.1. Configuring the Rom based components on the ENP-2505/6 3.1.1. Boot Manager Configuration 3.1.2. Flashing Cygmon into the Flash 3.1.3. Configuring Cygmon to boot Linux from PCI 6 3.2. Configuring the Rom based components on the ENP-3511 3.2.1. Boot Manager Configuration 3.2.2. Flashing Cygmon into the Flash 3.2.3. Configuring Cygmon to boot Linux from the 82559 devices. 9 4. 6 6 8 9 9 9 CONFIGURING THE LINUX HOST 11 4.1. Boot/Install RedHat 7.2 from the CD-ROM 11 4.2. Upgrading the Host RedHat Linux Kernel 12 4.3. Configure TFTP 13 4.4. Configure DHCP 13 4.5. Linux Host NFS configuration 4.5.1. Configuring NFS for the ENP-2505/6 4.5.2. Configure NFS for the ENP-3511 5. 14 14 14 INSTALL THE INTEL IXA SDK 2.01 15 5.1. Installing the IXA SDK on the Linux Host 15 5.2. Installing IXA SDK on the Windows Development Workstation 15 6. ENP CONFIGURATION 17 6.1. ENP Software Installation 17 6.2. Rebuilding the ENP Linux kernel 17 6.3. Applying the IXA SDK patch 17 6.4. Rebuilding the pciDg driver module 18 6.5. Rebuilding the SDK 18 7. ENP2505/6 SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION 20 7.1. Installing the ENP-2505 and ENP-2506 IXP1200 PCI Board 20 7.2. Booting the ENP-2505/6 20 2 7.3. Changes specific to the ENP-2506 20 7.4. Verifying ENP-2505/6 Driver operation 21 7.5. ENP-2505 and ENP-2506 NFS Filesystem 21 7.6. Completing the Host networking configuration 22 8. ENP-3511 SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION 23 8.1. NFS issue on the C Stepping IXP1200 23 8.2. 21555 interrupt on the ENP-3511 23 8.3. Quick setup for the ENP-3511 23 9. RUNNING THE IXA SDK DEMO APPLICATIONS WITHOUT THE WORKBENCH 9.1. Simple Count Application 9.1.1. Compiling the microcode 9.1.2. Compiling the Core Component of the MicroACE 9.1.3. Starting the Count Application 9.1.4. Stopping the Count Application 24 9.2. 26 L3 Forwarding Application 24 24 24 25 26 10. DEVELOPING AND DEBUGGING MICROCODE USING THE DEVELOPER WORKBENCH 28 10.1. Simple Count Application 28 10.2. Starting the Count Application 28 10.3. Downloading the Microcode from the workbench 10.3.1. Stopping the Count Application 28 29 REFERENCES Document Title Document Source ENP-2505 Hardware Reference Manual ENP SDK Developers Guide IXA SDK 2.01 Installation and Setup Guide IXA SDK 2.01 ACE Programming Framework SDK 2.01 Tutorial GRUB Manual RadiSys Corporation RadiSys Corporation Intel Corporation. Intel Corporation. 3 1. Introduction This document describes how to boot embedded Linux on the various members of the RadiSys ENP Embedded Network Processor family. The supported embedded Linux version is 2.3.99 based on the kernel supplied by Intel in the IXA SDK 2.0.1 release. Two different configurations are available depending on which ENP board you have. The first configuration which supports the ENP-2505 and ENP-2506 the embedded Linux kernel and filesystem are loaded into ENP-2505 SDRAM over the PCI bus (through the 21555 non-transparent bridge) from the System Host. This host must be running RedHat Linux 7.2. This configuration requires a newer version of the Linux kernel than that supplied with RedHat Linux 7.2 release. Instructions are provide later in the guide to upgrade to this kernel. The second configuration supports the ENP-3511, where the embedded Linux kernel and filesystem are loaded over the 82559 network devices on the ENP-3511. 4 2. Caveats Please note the current known limitations below: This document describes a configuration for booting Linux on the RadiSys Corporation ENP2505/6 and ENP-3511 cards only. A problem appears to exist in the C stepping of the IXP1200 Network Processor in the PCI DMA engines, which prevents connection to a NFS Server. A workaround is provided while this issue is investigated further. This workaround is described later in the guide. On the ENP-3511 the 21555 non-transparent bridge generates an Interrupt after power-up, which if not handled causes the system to hang when the network is enabled. A workaround is provided and is described later in the guide. Deploying and debugging microcode using the Developer Workbench is not fully supported using the ENP-2506 card in this release. 5 3. Configuring Rom based components 3.1. Configuring the Rom based components on the ENP-2505/6 3.1.1. Boot Manager Configuration To boot embedded Linux OS, the BootManager must first be configured to boot Cygmon. Set the Enp board’s switches to the BootManager setting Refer to the ENP-2505/6 Hardware Reference Manual for more information about the available jumper settings. Set your COM port to: Baud rate Parity Data bits Stop bits Flow Control 38400 no parity 8 1 None Power on the ENP board. The BootManager starts and displays the follow message on the serial port: Press space bar to stop auto-boot... 10 Press the space bar before the countdown reaches 0 (zero). The BootManager prompt displays: [BootMgr] Print the List of available boot options by entering the command: p This list displays: OS list: 0 Flash Utility 1 Monitor 2 Cygmon 3 VxWorks 4 OS-9 Default OS: 2 Countdown value: 10 Change the default OS to Cygmon by entering this command at the BootManager command prompt. C Set the default OS to “2”, or Cygmon before proceeding. Reboot the ENP-2505/6 and allow the BootManager to complete the countdown. The system should boot Cygmon and display the following prompt: Cygmon> 3.1.2. Flashing Cygmon into the Flash Prior to the release of the ENP SDK 2.01 the Cygmon linux loader was not integrated into the ROM’s for the ENP-2505/6. To flash this component in flash you should first refer to Appendix C of the ENP 6 SDK Manual and the Hardware Reference guide for the appropriate product before updating the flash contents. Set the Enp board’s switches to the BootManager setting Refer to the ENP-2505/6 Hardware Reference Manual for more information about the available jumper settings. Connect the supplied serial cable to the ENP board and start a terminal emulator program (like Hyperterm). Configure the Comport setting to be the following Baud rate Parity Data bits Stop bits Flow Control 38400 no parity 8 1 None Reboot the ENP board and you should see the BootManager countdown as shown. Init IXF440 MAC Addresses: succeeded. Press space bar to stop auto-boot... 10 Press the space bar before the countdown reaches 0 (zero). The BootManager prompt displays: [BootMgr] Type "b0" to enter the Flash update mode. [BootMgr]: b0 FlashUtil, Version 1.1.0 At this point disconnect the terminal emulator. Copy the attached two files to a new directory and 'cd' to that directory in a DOS window. Use the command futil -f enp_250x_cygmon.img.swap This Cygmon image is contained in ENP SDK 2.01. To update cygmon area the starting offset should be set to 80000 and the ending offset to C0000. When prompted say Yes to updating the Reserved or Cygmon area. D:\cygmon\enp2505>futil -f enp_250x_cygmon.img.swap Flash Utility, Version 1.1 Numeric parameters (other than the bank and comm port) should be entered as hexadecimal numbers without the leading '0x'. Enter a blank line to accept the default value. Enter a period ('.') to abort the program. Use Serial Port (Yes): Comm port (1): FlashUtil, Version 1.1.1 CPU Revision: 6901C123 Flash Width: 32 Flash Bank Size: 4096 KBytes Flash Type Bank[0]: 28F320C3-B Flash Type Bank[1]: 28F320C3-B Flash Type Bank[2]: 28F320C3-B Flash Type Bank[3]: 28F320C3-B Starting at bank 0 7 Filename (enp_250x_cygmon.img.swap): The first instruction is not a branch instruction. This does not appear to be a valid ARM file, do you want to continue (No): yes Starting offset in flash (000000): 80000 Ending offset in flash (1C0000): c0000 Starting offset in file (000000): Do you want to re-program the Reserved partition (Yes): yes Sending data to remote system... Percent complete: 100 Updating flash... Percent Complete: 100 done Re-connect the terminal emulator and reboot the ENP-2505/6 and again interrupt the BootManager countdown. Typing 'b2' will then boot to Cygmon. Refer to the ENP SDK Manual for other information concerning the BootManager parameters. 3.1.3. Configuring Cygmon to boot Linux from PCI When Cygmon first boots, you must set up some parameters to instruct the system to boot Linux from the PCI bus. List the boot options by entering this command at the Cygmon prompt: Cygmon> bo The current boot options display: [BootOptions]: 1 BOOTP/Manual (manual) 2 Local IP ( 3 Remote IP ( 4 Linux kernel file name (zImage) 5 Linux ramdisk file name (ramdisk_img.gz) 6 Linux kernel load offset (C4008000) 7 Linux boot command line string () 8 Countdown to auto-boot linux (1) 9 Starting SDRAM offset for host PCI access (0 MB) 10 SDRAM window size for host PCI access (256 MB) 11 Linux download mode [1] 0=FTP 1=HOST Enter option number (1 to 11), "q" to quit, "s" to [BootOptions]: save: Ensure that the following parameters values are set: 1 BOOTP/Manual Set this to manual for PCI download. 6 Linux kernel load offset Set this to C4008000 to boot the kernel at the correct location. 9 Starting SDRAM offset for host PCI access (0 MB) 10 SDRAM window size for host PCI access (256 MB) Set these to open the correct PCI window through the 2155 non-transparent bridge. Starting SDRAM offset must be 0 and the Window must be 256Mbytes at present. 11 Linux download mode Set this to host for PCI download. 8 Reboot the ENP-2505/6 and when Cygmon automatically boots the following message should be continuously printed to the serial port. Press space bar to abort host download mode.... Press space bar to abort host download mode.... Press space bar to abort host download mode.... 3.2. Configuring the Rom based components on the ENP-3511 3.2.1. Boot Manager Configuration Please set up the BootManager on the ENP-3511 by referring to the previous section describing ENP2505/6 BootManager configuration. 3.2.2. Flashing Cygmon into the Flash Please refer to the procedure for flashing the ENP2505 and ENP2506 earlier in this guide. This should be followed to update the ENP-3511, with the exception that the Cygmon image for the ENP-3511 is enp_3511_cygmon.img.swap This Cygmon image is contained in ENP SDK 2.01. 3.2.3. Configuring Cygmon to boot Linux from the 82559 devices. When Cygmon first boots, you must set up some parameters to instruct the system to boot Linux from the network. List the boot options by entering this command at the Cygmon prompt: Cygmon> bo The current boot options display: [BootOptions]: 1 BOOTP/Manual (manual) 2 Local IP ( 3 Remote IP ( 4 Linux kernel file name (zImage) 5 Linux ramdisk file name (ramdisk_img.gz) 6 Linux kernel load offset (C4008000) 7 Linux boot command line string () 8 Countdown to auto-boot linux (1) 9 Starting SDRAM offset for host PCI access (0 MB) 10 SDRAM window size for host PCI access (256 MB) 11 Linux download mode [0] 0=FTP 1=HOST Enter option number (1 to 11), "q" to quit, "s" to save: [BootOptions]: Ensure that the following parameters values are set: 1 BOOTP/Manual Set this to manual for Network downloads. Local IP address Set this to a unique IP address for your network. Remote IP address Set this to the IP address of your Host Linux fileserver. 9 Linux kernel file name Set this to /tftpboot/zImage Linux ramdisk filename Set this to /tftpboot/ramdisk_img_bv.gz 6 Linux kernel load offset (C4008000) Set this to C4008000 to boot the kernel at the correct location. 11 Linux download mode [1] 0=FTP 1=HOST Set this to FTP for Network downloads. Reboot the ENP-3511 and use the command to boot the Linux kernel: gl The Following should be observed: TFTPing /tftpboot/zImage... file transfer complete - total 487596 bytes TFTPing /tftpboot/ramdisk_img_bv.gz... file transfer complete - total 2184723 bytes 10 4. Configuring the Linux Host 4.1. Boot/Install RedHat 7.2 from the CD-ROM When installing RedHat 7.2 on the host system, you can accept most installation defaults with the exception of the following: Installation Type: Custom Disk Partitioning Setup: Manually partition with Disk Druid Disk Setup. While this can be setup as the user desires, the configuration will affect the setup of /etc/grub.conf when configuring the system to use a later kernel. Our configuration is setup on a formatted drive as follows: 1. Delete /dev/hdb1 partition to make room to install Linux. 2. Click New to create first of three partitions: Mount Point: /boot Filesystem Type: ext2 Size (MB): 128 Additional Size Options: “Fixed size” 3. Create second partition: Mount Point: <Not Applicable> Filesystem Type: swap Size (MB): 512 (should equal RAM size on the host) Additional Size Options: “Fixed size” 4. Create third partition: Mount Point: / Filesystem Type: ext2 Additional Size Options: “Fill to maximum allowable size” Boot Loader Configuration Use GRUB as the boot loader Install Boot Loader record on: /dev/hda Master Boot Record (MBR) Firewall Configuration No firewall Account Configuration Set root password Add ixa user account. 11 Package Selection. Keep defaults, except for the following groups listed below. NFS File Server Software Development Kernel Development Windows Compatibility / Interoperability Boot Disk Creation NOTE: It is strongly recommended that a boot disk should be created for recovery purposes. 4.2. Upgrading the Host RedHat Linux Kernel NOTE: This step can safely be ignored if you are using an ENP-3511 as your target hardware and you are booting through the on-board 82559 Ethernet devices. The ENP-2505/6 PCI drivers require a newer version of the Linux kernel and header files than those supplied with the RedHat Linux 7.2 distribution. Use the file linux-2.4-17.src.rpm provided on the RadiSys ENP SDK 2.01 CD-ROM to install the newer kernel and header files for Linux. 1. Log into Linux as root. 2. Mount and Change to /ENP_LINUX_SDK/Host_Linux_upgrade directory on RadiSys ENP SDK 2.01 CD-ROM. 3. Use the following command to update the kernel installed on the system. rpm –recompile linux-2.4-17.src.rpm Ensure that this step completes error free. It make be necessary to modify the environment variable $PATH to include /sbin if not already present. 4. Modify /etc/grub.conf to add an additional boot option for the 2.4-17 kernel. Sample Configuration Your system’s configuration may not match this sample. Refer to the Grub manual for the correct configuration for your system. NOTE: The updated kernel may display a warning message related to system audio devices if these are present on your system. These messages may appear as Kudzu message or a startup warning. These can be safely ignored. default=1 timeout=10 splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gz title Red Hat Linux (2.4.7) root (hd0,0) kernel vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hda3 initrd /initrd-2.4.7-10.img title Red Hat Linux (2.4.17) root (hd0,0) kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.17 ro root=/dev/hda3 initrd /initrd-2.4.7-10.img 5. Reboot system and verify that the Grub setup screen includes Linux Kernel 2.4.17 and the original Linux kernel Linux boot options. 6. Boot the updated Linux kernel to verify the kernel upgrade was successful. 7. The default boot option can be set to always boot the desired kernel. As an example in the validation system the following applies: Default = 0 will boot vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 Default = 1 will boot vmlinuz-2.4.17 12 NOTE: This configuration is optimized for a Pentium 4 based Host Linux system. If another Host Linux system type is used, the .config file supplied in the RPM file may have to be modified. List the files contained in the RPM rpm2cpio linux-2.4-17.src.rpm | cpio –t Extract the files contained in the RPM rpm2cpio linux-2.4-17.src.rpm | cpio –ivd config.tar rpm2cpio linux-2.4-17.src.rpm | cpio –ivd linux-2.4.17.tar.gz rpm2cpio linux-2.4-17.src.rpm | cpio –ivd linux.spec Copy the RPM files to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES Rebuild the RPM file using the command: rpm –ba linux.spec Then rebuild the kernel using the command rpm –recompile linux-2.4-17.src.rpm 4.3. Configure TFTP The Linux Host must be configured to allow the ENP boards to boot the Linux kernel and filesystem using the TFTP protocol. For the RedHat 7.2 configure the file /etc/xinetd.d/tftp as follows. service tftp { socket_type protocol wait user log_on_success log_on_failure server server_args disabled } = dgram = udp = yes = nobody += USERID += USERID = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd = /tftpboot -l = no NOTE: The latest version of tftp-0.28-2.i386.rpm appears to already assume a path of /tftpboot. Therefore the Cygmon boot Options need to be modified to remove this path. If this is the case for your setup, set the kernel filename and ramdisk filename as follows: 4 Linux kernel file name (zImage) 5 Linux ramdisk file name (ramdisk_img.gz) 4.4. Configure DHCP The DHCP protocol should be configured to supply an IP address to the ENP system using the BOOTP protocol. 1. Edit or create the configuration file /etc/dhcpd.conf adding Set a.b.c.d to your subnet address 13 Set e.f.g.h to your subnet mask Set i.j.k.l to your gateway address Set m.n.o.p to your target IP address Set xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx to your ENP MAC address. allow bootp; subnet a.b.c.d netmask e.f.g.h { default-lease-time 1209600; max-lease-time 31557600; option routers i.j.k.l; group { host { hardware ethernet xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx; fixed-address m.n.o.p; } } } 2. Create the file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases with the following command: touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases 3. Restart dhcpd using the command /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd restart 4. To configure DHCP to startup at boot time use the command /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on 4.5. Linux Host NFS configuration The NFS (Network Filesystem) is used to connect to the IXA SDK filesystem already installed on the Host Linux system. 4.5.1. Configuring NFS for the ENP-2505/6 When using the ENP-2505/6 NFS is automatically started by the script ./bootixp No further configuration is required. 4.5.2. Configure NFS for the ENP-3511 When using the ENP-3511 you must configure your host to allow the ENP-3511 to connect to a filesystem using NFS. Add the following entry into /etc/exports /opt *(rw) Restart the NFS daemon using the command /etc/rc.d.init.d/nfs restart To configure NFS to startup at boot time use the command /sbin/chkconfig nfs on Synchronize the NFS server using the command /usr/sbin/exportfs –ra 14 5. Install the Intel IXA SDK 2.01 Before starting the Intel IXA SDK installation it is recommended that the user first read the IXA SDK 2.01 Installation and Setup Guide. The Chapter entitled “Installing and Configuring the IXA SDK for a Linux Development Environment” is particularly appropriate to this configuration. If your target is the ENP-2505/6 PCI card, the supported configuration is very different to those configurations described in the IXA SDK Installation and Setup Guide. However If you plan to develop on the ENP-3511 then this IXA document and the other Intel IXA SDK documentation will be you primary reference. Installation of Intel’s IXA SDK 2.01 will be completed in two sections Windows Development Workstation Use the Windows NT workstation to develop and deploy microcode applications targeted for the IXP1200 microengines Linux Host system. Use the Linux Host to develop software for the StrongARM core (core components). NOTE: You will not be installing the ENP-2505/6 PCI card during the setup of the IXA SDK software. The setup of the ENP-2505/6 board will come in a later section. 5.1. Installing the IXA SDK on the Linux Host To install the IXA SDK on your development workstation: 1. Log in as root on your Linux host system. 2. Mount the IXA SDK CD-ROM titled “IXA SDK VOLII CD 1” with the following command: cd /mnt/cdrom/rpms 3. Use the RPM utility to install the IXA SDK packages: rpm -i –v ixa.sdk-2.01.D-fcs.i386.rpm rpm -i –v ixa.executive-2.01.D-fcs.i386.rpm rpm -i –v armbe-v4b-fcs.i386.rpm rpm -i –v ixa.binaries-2.01.D-fcs.i386.rpm NOTE: The installation directory is /opt/ixasdk and is fixed. 4. To make necessary environment variables permanent, modify the file /etc/profile # IXA SDK path settings if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/usr/local/armbe/bin" ; then PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/armbe/bin" fi if ! echo $PATH | /bin/grep -q "/opt/ixasdk/bin" ; then PATH="$PATH:/opt/ixasdk/bin" fi IXROOT="/opt/ixasdk" CONFIG="ARM_BE" export PATH USER LOGNAME MAIL HOSTNAME HISTSIZE INPUTRC IXROOT CONFIG 5.2. Installing IXA SDK on the Windows Development Workstation To compile and deploy IXP1200 microcode, you must install the IXA Developers Workbench on a Windows NT system. NOTE: Windows 2000 is also supported by Intel Developer’s Workbench although this has not been validated for this particular setup. 1. Run SETUP.EXE from Workbench directory located on IXA SDK CD1. 15 2. 3. Ensure that you do the following when prompted: Install IXP1200 Portmapper service Enter the Micro C compiler license Key. (If you don’t have one, a 60-day trail version is available.) Install Cygwin, selecting the following when prompted: Install from Local Directory Accept default install directory Default Text File Type = Unix Install for = All 4. Click fcs to skip the following packages: IXA_SDK IXA_ambe_toolchain IXA_bincomps IXA_executive 5. 6. Complete rest of installation as instructed by the setup program. Complete these post-installation tasks: Install Adobe Acrobat Install the IXA SDK 2.01 update patch The patch is located on the IXA EDU Workstation CD-Rom in the IXA_SDK_updates directory. Refer to the readme file in that directory for installation instructions. Update cygwin.bat file. Cygwin.bat is located on the IXA EDU Workstation CD-Rom in the IXA_SDK_updates directory. Copy it into the C:\eLinuxIDE-IXP1200\cygwin directory. 16 6. ENP Configuration 6.1. ENP Software Installation The following steps will setup the drivers for the ENP boards under Linux. This package contains the drivers needed to boot Linux on the ENP-2505 and ENP-2506 and communicate with the board once booted. NOTE: The supported configuration for the ENP-3511 differs from the ENP-2505 and ENP-2506. The ENP-3511 has two onboard 82559 Ethernet devices and the Linux kernel is booted over the network through these devices. Although it is possible to also boot Linux through the 21555 non-transparent PCI Bridge, this is not yet a supported configuration on the ENP-3511. This step should not however be skipped as the IXP kernel sources are unpacked and rebuilt during this step. Change to the /ENP_LINUX_SDK/ENP_2505_Driver directory on the RadiSys ENP SDK 2.01 CD. To install the ENP-2505 card driver package use the following commands: cd /mnt/cdrom/ENP_LINUX_SDK/ENP_2505_Driver rpm –recompile boot_drv-2.0-1.src.rpm This package will install the ENP-2505/6 drivers, embedded Linux (2.3.99) for the ENP, boot scripts and the source for each of these components in the directory /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505 Reboot the Linux Host and preparation for installing the ENP-2505/6 into your Host system. 6.2. Rebuilding the ENP Linux kernel The 2.3.99 Linux kernel contains an API in the Linux kernel designed to provide information about the system. In order to pass the correct configuration to various drivers and modules, the Linux kernel must be rebuilt for the particular ENP board at hand. The ENP Linux kernel is contained at: /opt/ixasdk/enp2505/src/linuxIXAedu To rebuild the kernel for the appropriate target cd /opt/ixasdk/enp2505/src/linuxIXAedu make xconfig Select “system and Processor types” Under “IXP Board type” select the appropriate ENP hardware type. Select “Save and exit” To rebuild type the command make dep; make clean; make zImage NOTE: This procedure will copy the zImage kernel into the required location for the PCI download scripts. 6.3. Applying the IXA SDK patch The Intel IXA SDK supports the Spectacle Island system only. Some changes are required in order to support the various ENP platforms. These changes are supplied in the form of a patch file on the ENPSDK 2.01 CD and is called: /ENP_LINUX_SDK/ENP_UPDATES_FOR_IXA_SDK/enp_changes_ixa_sdk.patc h 17 To apply this patch, follow the following instructions. cd /opt tar cvzf ixasdk.tgz ixasdk cp <CD>/ENP_UPDATES_FOR_IXA_SDK/enp_changes_ixa_sdk.patch /opt cd /opt/ixasdk cat ../enp_changes_ixa_sdk.patch | patch -p1 You should observe the following listing: [root@skellig ixasdk]# cat ../enp_changes_ixa_sdk.patch | patch -p1 patching file src/Makefile.rules patching file src/arch.incl patching file src/microace/aces/interface_ace/include/ixbus.h patching file src/microace/aces/interface_ace/source/driver/gigadrv/ixf1002.h patching file src/microace/aces/interface_ace/source/driver/octdrv/octmac.c patching file src/microace/aces/interface_ace/source/driver/octdrv/octmac.h patching file src/microace/aces/interface_ace/source/ingress/ingress_ace.cpp patching file src/microace/aces/tutorial2/packet_monitor/source/init.c patching file src/microace/apps/ixconfig/main.c patching file src/microace/common/resource_manager/driver/microengine.c patching file src/microace/common/wbench/BoardSupport/linux/IXP1200EB/sysLib.c patching file src/microace/common/wbench/Include/config_1200.h patching file src/microace/common/wbench/Makefile patching file src/microace/common/wbench/SA1_CoreLibs/app_1200/config_1200.cpp patching file src/microace/common/wbench/SA1_CoreLibs/ue/Makefile patching file src/microace/common/wbench/SA1_CoreLibs/uelib/Makefile patching file src/microace/common/wbench/Share/rs_udebug/Makefile patching file src/microace/common/wbench/Utils/Makefile patching file src/microace/projects/Count_8_1/ixsys_count_8_1.config [root@skellig ixasdk]# Note: Please ensure all patches are applied 6.4. before continuing. Rebuilding the pciDg driver module The pciDg driver modules are supplied prebuilt for the IXP and the X86 side of the 21555 bridge. If these need to be rebuilt, edit the following file: /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505/src/pciDg/ Set the following variables to match your setup. ARM-TOOLS = /usr/local/armbe/bin/armv4b-unknown-linuxARM-KERNEL-INCLUDES = $(PWD)/../linux/include X86-KERNEL-INCLUDES = Or create a symbolic link to the IXP1200 Linux header files with the command: ln –s /opt/ixasdk/src/linuxIXAedu /opt/ixasdk/src/linux Rebuild the module using the command: make clean; make 6.5. Rebuilding the SDK Before using with the various ENP platforms, the SDK needs to be re-built. Follow these steps: 1. Set up the environment variable IX_TARGET_TYPE in the file: 18 /opt/ixasdk/src/arch.incl Current supported targets are ENP2505 ENP2506 ENP3511 SPECTACLE_ISLAND 2. Rebuild the MicroAce framework using the commands: cd /opt/ixasdk/src/microace make clean; make The IXA SDK is now ready to use with the ENP boards. 19 7. ENP2505/6 Specific Configuration 7.1. Installing the ENP-2505 and ENP-2506 IXP1200 PCI Board To install the ENP-2505/6: 1. Open the Host Linux PC. 2. Remove two expansion slot plate covers to accommodate the installation of the ENP-2505/6 and the serial connection of the ENP-2505/6 back to the Host Linux COM1 port. 3. Install the Serial cable: 4. 7.2. Pass the 3-pin portion of the Serial Cable through one of the expansion slot openings from the back of the PC. Connect the Serial Cable to the ENP-2505/6 card at header marked serial. Connect the DB-9 end of the serial cable to the Com1 serial interface of the Host Linux system. Install ENP-2505/6 board into an available 32 or 64-pin PCI slot, as described in Chapter 2, Installation and Configuration in the RadiSys ENP-2505/6 Hardware Reference guide. Booting the ENP-2505/6 The ENP2505/6 will automatically boot Cygmon each time you reboot the Host Linux system. It will not however automatically boot embedded Linux. This step must be executed manually each time Host Linux system is rebooted. The user booting the card must have root privileges to use the supplied boot script. Prior to booting Linux on the ENP-2505/6 for the first time, use minicom on the Linux Host to verify that the ENP-2505/6 has indeed booted Cygmon and is displaying the following message on COM1. Press space bar to abort host download mode.... Press space bar to abort host download mode.... Press space bar to abort host download mode.... If this message is not received please ensure that Cygmon and the BootManager are boot configured correctly for this configuration. If you do see this message you are ready to run the Linux booting script. Execute the following script command from the /opt/ixasdk/enp-2505/bootixp directory at the Linux shell prompt: ./bootixp NOTE: Each time Cygmon boots, the 256Mbytes of SDRAM on the ENP-2505/6 are mapped into the secondary side of the 21555 non-transparent bridge. This allows this memory to be accessed from the Primary side of the 21555 Bridge, which is the Linux Host. When the booting script is executed, the Linux Host copies the ENP-2505/6 Linux kernel and Filesystem through the bridge into the ENP-2505/6 SDRAM. When this is complete, Cygmon is instructed to boot this image. 7.3. Changes specific to the ENP-2506 The configuration files in the IXA SDK are setup for the Spectacle Island. In order to use with the ENP2506 you must modify the script: 20 /opt/ixasdk/bin/arm-be/ixlibace Make the following changes. These changes are required as the ENP-2506 has 2 x Gigabit Ethernet ports only. libace_mk() { libace_rm mknod mknod mknod mknod -m -m -m -m 666 666 666 666 /dev/ue0 c 10 240 /dev/if0 c 253 0 /dev/if1 c 253 1 /dev/rm c 10 88 } NOTE: The original script works fine with all other ENP products. 7.4. 1. Verifying ENP-2505/6 Driver operation Once the bootixp script has successfully completed the following message will be displayed: ** Finished ENP-2505 driver install ** 2. At this point you should verify that the modules have loaded with the command: lsmod The following display is expected from the ENP-2505/6: Module pciDgNet-arm pciDg-arm Size 2668 7544 Used by 1 0 [pciDgNet-arm] The following display is expected from the Host Linux system: Module pciDgNet pciDg Size 1920 5568 Used by 1 0 [pciDgNet] 3. Ping the Host operating system from the ENP-2505/6 system. Ping the Host operating system by entering the command from the ENP-2505/6: ping Ping the Target from the Host Linux system with the command: ping NOTE: The various IP addresses are set up by the bootixp script and can be changed by editing the following file: /opt/src/bootixp/create_environment.rc 7.5. ENP-2505 and ENP-2506 NFS Filesystem Running the bootixp script will automatically setup up an NFS mount between the Target and the Host. No further configuration is required. The script mounts the NFS share to 21 /nfs 7.6. Completing the Host networking configuration The final networking configuration task required is to enable IP forwarding on the Linux host. This can be accomplished at run time with the following command: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward To make this change persistent across reboot edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and set the variable net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1. This configuration change will allow the Developer workbench running on Windows NT to communicate with the Target operating system on the ENP-2505. Figure 1 – ENP-2505/6 Embedded Linux Setup 22 8. ENP-3511 Specific Configuration The ENP-3511 target configuration boots the Linux kernel from the onboard 82559 devices. Therefore there is no requirement to boot through the 21555 non-transparent PCI Bridge. This makes the system initialization much easier. This setup is very similar to the default configuration of the Spectacle Island. Therefore please refer to the IXA SDK 2.01 Installation and Setup guide for further information. 8.1. NFS issue on the C Stepping IXP1200 The ENP3511 is currently shipping with a C Stepping IXP1200 processor. We have observed a DMA anomaly, which results in an NFS connection error when attempting to connect to a NFS server. We are working with Intel to develop an acceptable workaround for this issue. In the interim please perform the following to avoid seeing this issue. Interrupt the Cygmon booting process by pressing the space bar From the Cygmon> prompt type the following command fill ff000008 18 Boot Linux with the command gl 8.2. 21555 interrupt on the ENP-3511 When booting the ENP-3511 system the 21555, appears to power up with an interrupt pending. It is necessary to clear this interrupt prior to enabling Networking. Type the following command: insmod /lib/modules/pciDg-arm 8.3. Quick setup for the ENP-3511 1. Log in as root with ixp1200 as password. 2. insmod /lib/modules/pciDg-arm 3. ifup <ip-address> <subnet-mask> <broadcast> <default-ip-address> 4. mount <host-ip-address>:/opt /nfs –t nfs 23 9. Running the IXA SDK Demo Applications without the Workbench The Intel IXA SDK 2.01 contains several demo applications as an introduction to developing network application of the IXP1200 using the active computing element (ACE) programming framework. These Whereas these Demos were designed to be run on the Intel Spectacle Island Development Environment. They can for the most part be easily modified to operate on the various ENP platforms. Please refer to the Intel SDK ACE Programming Framework Tutorial Manual for detailed information about each of these demos. 9.1. Simple Count Application The first step is to compile the microcode source files, which make up a part of the Count application. All these microcode source files need to be compiled on the Windows NT development system. In this current configuration the results of this compilation then need to be copied to the Host Linux system, using FTP. Follow the following steps from the IXA SDK tutorial chapter titled “Compiling and Running the Simple Count Application” 9.1.1. Compiling the microcode Use the following steps to rebuild the microcode required for the simple Count Application. Open a Cygwin Bash shell window on your Windows NT development system. Ensure the following environment variables are setup. echo $IXROOT should be set to /opt/ixasdk echo $CONFIG should be set to ARM_BE If not setup correctly type the following Export IXROOT=/opt/ixasdk export CONFIG=ARM_BE change to the required tutorial directory cd $IXROOT/src/microace/aces/tutorial1/ucbuild Compile the microcode sources to generate all the required *.uof files make –f Use FTP to copy the *.uof files from your NT Workstation to your Linux Host. ftp <ip-address of the Linux Host> cd /opt/ixasdk/bin/arm-be bin mput *.uof bye 9.1.2. Compiling the Core Component of the MicroACE Follow the following steps to rebuild the Core Component of the Count Application MicroACE: Ensure the following environment variables are setup. echo $IXROOT should be set to /opt/ixasdk echo $CONFIG should be set to ARM_BE If not setup correctly type the following export IXROOT=/opt/ixasdk export CONFIG=ARM_BE Compile and link the Core Component with the command: make 24 As we are not downloading the code using the Develop Workbench we must edit a mode setting in the file $IXROOT/src/microace/projects/Count_8_1/ixsys_Coint_8_1.config # Values for mode are # # 0x0 No workbench. # 0x1 Download and debug via workbench mode 0 #mode 1 The IXA SDK demo Applications were designed for the Spectacle Island Which has the following configuration: Port 0-15 10/100 Port 16-17 1000 This configuration file must also be setup to match your target ENP system. interface 0 00:01:02:03:04:05 1 interface 1 00:01:02:03:04:06 1 interface 2 00:01:02:03:04:07 1 interface 3 00:01:02:03:04:08 1 #interface 4 00:01:02:03:04:09 1 #interface 5 00:01:02:03:04:10 1 #interface 6 00:01:02:03:04:11 1 #interface 7 00:01:02:03:04:12 1 #interface 8 00:01:02:03:04:13 1 #interface 9 00:01:02:03:04:14 1 #interface 10 00:01:02:03:04:15 1 #interface 11 00:01:02:03:04:16 1 #interface 12 00:01:02:03:04:17 1 #interface 13 00:01:02:03:04:18 1 #interface 14 00:01:02:03:04:19 1 #interface 15 00:01:02:03:04:20 1 #interface 16 00:01:02:03:04:21 1 #interface 17 00:01:02:03:04:22 1 NOTE: This configuration will depend on the ENP system you are using. The following are the supported ports for each of the ENP systems. ENP-3511 Port 0-7 10/100 ENP-2505 Port 0-3 10/100 ENP-2506 Port 0-1 1000 Export the configuration file ixsys_count_8_1.config to the directory $IXROOT/bin/arm_be where it will be picked up by the application startup script by typing the command: make 9.1.3. Starting the Count Application Now all that remains is to start the application. From the minicom serial connection to the ENP system type the following commands: cd /nfs/ixasdk/bin/arm-be ./ixstart ixsys_count_8_1.config 25 After 60 seconds the Application will start to display a count for the system ports. NOTE: 16 ports are displayed even though the ENP systems are not configured for this number of ports. Only the genuine ports will display a count other than 0. Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Total for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port for port count of 0 = 0 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 14 = 0 15 = 0 packets=0 Use a packet generator (i.e. SmartBits) to generate packets and the count should start to increase for the connected ports. 9.1.4. Stopping the Count Application To stop the application, type the following command: ./ixstop 9.2. L3 Forwarding Application Before starting the L3 Forwarding application enter the correct port configuration in the file: ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr NOTE: This configuration will depend on the ENP system you are using. The following are the supported ports for each of the ENP systems. ENP-3511 Port 0-7 10/100 ENP-2505 Port 0-3 10/100 ENP-2506 Port 0-1 1000 Start the Application using the following command ./ixstart ixsys.config-sys-l3fwdr As a test of whether the L3 forwarder is active type the command: ifconfig This command should recognize the addition Ethernet devices present in the linux TCPIP stack. It is also possibly to generate packets using packet generator, to demonstrate that the forwarder is working as designed. eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr AA:00:00:00:00:01 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:2731 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 26 TX packets:991 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:02:03:04:05 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:02:03:04:06 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 eth3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:02:03:04:07 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 eth4 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:02:03:04:08 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:3924 Metric:1 RX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 27 10. Developing and Debugging microcode using the Developer Workbench 10.1. Simple Count Application In this configuration the microcode is deployed directly by the Developer Workbench. As we are downloading the code using the Develop Workbench we must edit a mode setting in the file: $IXROOT/src/microace/projects/Count_8_1/ixsys_Coint_8_1.config # # 0x0 0x1 No workbench. Download and debug via workbench #mode 0 mode 1 10.2. Starting the Count Application Now all that remains is to start the application. From the minicom serial connection to the ENP type the following commands. Ensure the following startup messages are displayed. cd /nfs/ixasdk/bin/arm-be ./ixstart ixsys_count_8_1.config After 60 seconds the Application will start to display a count for the system ports. Note that at present 16 ports are displayed even though the system is not configured for this number of ports. Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count for for for for for for for for for for for for for for port port port port port port port port port port port port port port 0 = 0 1 = 0 2 = 0 3 = 0 4 = 0 5 = 0 6 = 0 7 = 0 8 = 0 9 = 0 10 = 0 11 = 0 12 = 0 13 = 0 These counters will remain at zero even if packets are generated. 10.3. Downloading the Microcode from the workbench On the Windows NT development system invoke the Developer Workbench. Open the Simple Count project: C:\eLinuxIDE-IXP1200\cygwin\opt\ixasdk\src\microace\projects\Count_8_1_2\Count_8_1_2.dwp Rebuild the project to rebuild all the Microcode files. Configure hardware options to select a connection via Ethernet and setup the appropriate IP address of the ENP system. Start debugging Start the Microcode The count application will start to count. 28 10.3.1. Stopping the Count Application To stop the application From the Developer’s Workbench stop the Workbench debugger first and then From the ENP Linux system type ./ixstop 29