Detroit By Scot Augustson (Scoop and Flash stand, lost, on a street corner in Detroit. Scoop – she’s at least forty, could be older – consults a map. Flash, a guy who might be a hair younger, takes her picture.) SCOOP Hey, cut it out. FLASH I want some proof when we get home that you were lost. SCOOP I’m not lost, we are lost. FLASH You were leading. SCOOP Fuck off. FLASH I am freezing my balls off. Yeah, you and the SCOOP brass monkey you road in on. FLASH Let me see. (Takes map) Oh, hand drawn maps always inspire confidence. SCOOP Cab down in circulation drew it for me. He grew up in Detroit. FLASH I thought you knew this city. SCOOP What makes you think that? (Lights up on Eddie, he’s back in Seattle, a week ago.) EDDIE (Pointing a cigar at Scoop.) Hey, you know Detroit? 1 SCOOP Yeah, did my undergrad there. FLASH That’s why. SCOOP So, I lied. What, FLASH you wanted free tickets to the Super Bowl? SCOOP Naw, football bores me. FLASH Then, uh, why? SCOOP Oh, the usual, there’s shit going down at home. A week away sounded nice. You? FLASH Trying to earn enough brownie points for a Euro assignment. EDDIE Your tickets. FLASH (Looking at them) Hey, Eddie, these are for a week before the game. EDDIE Yeah, I want you to go and get a picture of the city. Local color. Maybe find me some janitor at the stadium who’s got a crippled kid or something. Or a blind guy. SCOOP A blind guy who’s gonna watch the game? EDDIE Or listen to it. It’s a big city, you’ll find something. FLASH 2 This doesn’t look football stadium. like the right neighborhood for a SCOOP Yeah. They tend to be big and hard to miss. But, it’s marked, with a little star. FLASH There’s a lot of stars on this map. SCOOP Yeah. Cab told me what they were. Some good restaurants, city hall. The stadium. FLASH Was the stadium built when he lived here? SCOOP Hell if I know. FLASH How are we gonna get pictures of people camping out in front of the stadium if we can’t find the stadium. SCOOP Photoshop? Isn’t that what you guys do these days? (A sign lights up, it reads “Horseflesh.”) FLASH Horseflesh? SCOOP Oh, excellent! I know where we are (looking at map) and it’s nowhere near the stadium. FLASH Horseflesh is one of Cab’s stars? SCOOP Yeah. FLASH And it is what I think it is? SCOOP 3 It is if you’re thinking tittie bar. (Scoop knocks. Pinto, a world weary woman in tight pants opens the door.) PINTO We don’t open for another couple hours. Read the fucking sign. SCOOP Are you Pinto? PINTO Who wants to know? SCOOP We spoke on phone? I was going to do an interview. PINTO Oh, yeah. Reporter from Seattle Times? SCOOP The PI actually. PINTO I thought you were gonna come tomorrow. SCOOP Yeah, so did I. We were gonna go out to the stadium today. Take pictures of people camping out in line. PINTO For the Super Bowl? FLASH There something else going on this week at the Stadium? PINTO Camping out? SCOOP Yeah. I figured big events, new Star Wars movies, Olivia Newton John Concerts, the Watergate hearing. People think they can get in. PINTO 4 People don’t tend to do that in Detroit, in January. FLASH That’s what I tried to tell her. EDDIE Maybe you can find an immigrant who is baffled by our love for football. People love a fish out of water story. You’ll probably find one driving a cab. SCOOP Thanks for the tip, boss. PINTO Well, shit. Come on in. But Camero and Volare are gonna be pissed. They were looking forward to being interviewed. EDDIE Ooh, work the wife beating angle! You know, husband gets drunk, team loses. SCOOP Yeah, Eddie, look, I checked the stats and it turns out to be an urban legend. Super Bowl Sunday is not the domestic violence festival we’ve be lead to believe. EDDIE I appreciate your slavish devotion to the truth. FLASH (Quietly to Scoop.) Why are we here? SCOOP The Super Bowl. FLASH I mean why are we at Horseflesh? EDDIE Find me an angle. SCOOP We are here because they are hiring and training some extra help for the big weekend. FLASH 5 Like the Bon at Christmas. SCOOP It’s Macy’s now, but yeah. FLASH Pinto, huh? PINTO That’s me. FLASH Your real name? Yeah, like I’d strip using PINTO my real name. SCOOP Pinto like the pony? PINTO Pinto like the car. Larry, the owner, he’s got this civic pride thing going. Likes all the dancers to have an automotive themed name. I said to once, if that’s the case, why don’t you change the name of this place to something like The Fan Belt. He laughed and said he liked it but he don’t wanna pay for new stationery. SCOOP You expecting Super Bowl Sunday to be any different for you guys? PINTO Busier. Better tips if the guy’s team has won. It’s still a Sunday, most of ‘em gotta work in the morning. FLASH You gonna show the game? PINTO Naw, we don’t shit for reception. But fuck, we could put in a tape of last years game and the morons wouldn’t know. We’ll get a post game crowd. (Sparky and Spare enter. Sparky is younger with some verve and energy. Spare is more house wifey.) 6 SPARKY You ready for us? PINTO This is Sparky and Spare. This is a news lady from Seattle and … what, your photographer? FLASH That’s me. SPARE I don’t want my face in the paper. If that’s OK, Pinto. PINTO I don’t really care. (To Flash and Scoop) You guys can sit down. (Scoop goes to sit down, Flash makes big “not there” gestures with his arm.) SCOOP What’s your problem? FLASH You do not want to sit there. SCOOP Why the fuck not? FLASH Those are…uh, special seats. SCOOP Too good for me? FLASH Can you trust me? SCOOP You’re being weird. FLASH Those are the chairs guys sit in for lap dances. SCOOP You mean (Makes the universal Jack-Off gesture.) 7 FLASH Yeah. SCOOP Thanks for the heads up. Although, later I’ll be asking how you knew that. PINTO OK, Spare. Show me your entrance and a couple moves. SPARE Yeah. (She starts to cross.) PINTO OK. Head still, jiggle the tits, shake the butt. Spare, stop. What the fuck are you doing? SPARE I’m doing just what you said. PINTO Can you give me a smile? Pretend you’re not miserable. Miserable isn’t sexy. (Spare plasters a smile on her face.) SPARE Better? PINTO Hey, you’re the one working for tips here. OK, sit. Sparky, what do you have? SPARKY Here it goes. (She starts across.) PINTO OK. OK. Girl, what are you doing with your ass? SPARKY Uh, shaking it? 8 PINTO You look like a dog wagging its tail. It’s (Points at Flash) Did you think that was sexy? not sexy. FLASH Uh. PINTO The answer is no. No it is not. I bet this reporter could do a better job. C’mon. SCOOP Me? PINTO Yeah. Why not. SCOOP Bar open yet? Can’t do it without booze. (Pinto hands Scoop a flask, she swigs. puts his camera on his knee and aims. cross.) Flash carefully Scoop starts to FLASH Yes. SCOOP Hey, (Pointing at Flash) Lens cap back on, buddy! FLASH Two more seconds and I’d have had you. EDDIE Maybe something domestic. A husband and wife getting a divorce because they support different teams. Ooh, ooh! I know. A pregnant lady who is due on the day of the game! Like she’s gonna have a caesarian on Saturday so as not to miss it! Or, you could hang out in the maternity ward and find a baby born at kick off time. No, I’m dreaming here. PINTO OK. Why don’t you show me your costumes. We can practice more dancing later. 9 (Sparky and Spare cross to Pinto. Sparky wardrobe bag, Spare has a brown paper sack.) has a nice SPARKY This was my mom’s! (Pinto takes Sparky’s costume and holds it up. It is an odd thing of gauze and sequins.) PINTO Fucking vintage this girl’s got. What about you? (Spare hands her the bag, Pinto pulls out some fabric.) white SPARE It’s all I had. PINTO Spare, honey. Is this your bathing suit? SPARE Yeah. Just your pilling. regular old PINTO bathing suit? Oh, jeeze. It’s SCOOP Pilling? FLASH When you get those little balls. Usually on the butt, but if girls have really big…uh, breasts, it can happen underneath. SCOOP Good to know. PINTO Honey. No. We are not that low yet. SPARE I won’t be wearing it for long. SPARKY My mom always said, first impressions are important. PINTO 10 That’s great, Sparky. Look, I think we can find something. Go to dressing room, the locker that says Slant Six, look through her stuff. She’s not gonna need it for a while. She’s doing six months in county for assaulting her gramma. Oh, but, uh, don’t put it on now. Take it home, wrap it and saran and stick it in the freezer over night. You’ll thank me. (To Sparky): Take five. SCOOP Hey, Sparky. Can we talk to you for a minute. EDDIE Find me someone whose life is gonna change because of this game! SPARKY This is a really good break for me. SCOOP Yeah? How so? SPARKY Well, it’s not always easy to get a job dancing. And it’s not gonna be just this dancing. I’m going into the entertainment industry. Or modeling. But this is a good start. And I know they said it was just for this busy weekend, but I just know they’ll keep me on. Right? SCOOP Sure. SPARKY I sing too. I mean, they aren’t going to want me to sing here. Probably. It’s not that kind of place. What do you think? Think they’ll let me sing? Like maybe on a Tuesday? My mom always said Tuesday were bad days for dancers. So do you think they’ll go for it? SCOOP I really don’t know. You said your mom was a stripper. SPARKY Dancer. Yeah. She taught me some stuff. SCOOP Like tassel twirling? 11 SPARKY Yeah grandma! Jeeze, you’re kidding right? Nobody does that anymore. FLASH Yeah, grandma. SPARKY My mom says that the big change is the amount of time from all your clothes to none of ‘em. It used to be like, twelve minutes. Now you’ve got like one and a half to show a boob and you better be stark by five. SCOOP I blame the internet. SPARKY Hey! That’s what my mom said! (Phone rings, Sparky looks at it.) It’s my boyfriend, I gotta take this. FLASH So, Pinto. No pole? PINTO Naw. It was getting to be a liability. Lot of our dancers are getting older. They were just kind of leaning on it. And Larry, bless his fucking heart doesn’t like to fire people. Well, that’s not true. He got sued once by a girl in a wheelchair, now he’s scared shitless to can anybody. This used to be a good place to work. I tell you, we have slid. We are one step above a jack shack. (Spare re-enters) SPARE I found a leopardy thing. That OK? PINTO Is it gonna be tight on you? SPARE I think so. PINTO You do have heels, don’t you? SPARE 12 Yeah. PINTO Hang loose while I pee, will you? I had some surgery down there over Christmas and now I gotta take a whiz every five minutes. (Pinto walks off.) SCOOP Hey. Can I ask a couple questions? SPARE Free country. EDDIE Someone whose whole fucking life is because of this god damn football game! gonna turn around SCOOP What made you decide to become a dancer? SPARE Oh, I’m not a dancer. Friend of mine – Shirley?—Oh, I guess they call her Speed Trap here. She told me about this. And what made it SCOOP sound good? SPARE Well, it’s eighteen bucks an hour plus tips. That’s good, right? See, my husband – Gary? – he’s over at GM on the line. I bring in extra money sometimes, just cause. You know how it is, kids always need something. Sneakers or backpacks or cough medicine. And Gary’s so good to ‘em, but they’re not his, so for the extra stuff, I like to pay for it myself. Oh, and those pudding cups. The kids love those pudding cups. SCOOP And you’ve never done this before? SPARE Nope. But I figured it’s gonna be mostly guys from out of town. So it’ll be all right. Anymore questions? ‘Cause I’d like to grab a smoke before Pinto gets back. SCOOP 13 Don’t let me keep you. SPARE Thanks. (Scoop and Flash are quiet for a minute.) SCOOP You’re not taking any pictures. FLASH Like they’d print ‘em? SCOOP You never know. There enough light in here? FLASH (Checking out a stain) Too much. SCOOP Hmm. You know anything about scratch and sniff technology? You think they’d spring for it for this story? FLASH Oh, yeah, that delightful Pinesol and Spooge blend. Just what people want with their coffee. SCOOP Hey, if the JOA fails, this may be my future. FLASH Maybe for both of us. SCOOP You really should get some shots. Oh, or are you waiting for the action to heat up? FLASH Oh, yeah. SCOOP Just no faces, remember? FLASH Just the beaver. 14 SCOOP And only the beaver. FLASH Oh, god. Wouldn’t that be something? Front page, above the fold, right under the flag. A big old snatch sandwiched between an article about the state budget and a blurb about gardening tips in section B. SCOOP OK, for the record, never again use the words “snatch” and “sandwiched” in the same sentence. (They both laugh. Scoop pulls out a bottle of hooch she has with her. Drinks and passes it to Flash.) FLASH We are getting old. SCOOP Mighty old. FLASH Too old to be doing this much longer. SCOOP Good thing the PI has the best retirement policy in town. FLASH Really? SCOOP Yeah, when it’s time, they take you out back and shoot you. (Scoop and Flash continue to drink.) 15