"Cyber Threats and Cyber Security"

The Richman Center invites you to the Richman Public Lecture Series on
"Cyber Threats and Cyber Security"
Judith Germano, Chief of Economic Crimes, U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New
Jersey, Brendan Hannigan, General Manager, IBM Security Systems and Matthew Waxman,
Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Chair, Roger Hertog Program on Law and National Security
Moderated by Jesse Greene, Executive in Residence and Senior Fellow at the Richman Center
Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, has noted the significant risk of a cyber attack on our
systems and infrastructure. How big is this? How has the nature of this threat changed? Is
technology evolving to meet the challenge? What are the legal issues surrounding this threat?
What does this really mean for government policies and what can, and what is, our
government doing about this? What is the impact of all of this on your legal rights, such as
privacy? With the help of our experts we plan to learn about these issues, and more.
Join us to explore this fascinating and important topic of today. Learn what the risk means to
you and whether you can do anything to protect yourself.
Tuesday, February 19th
6:15PM – 7:45PM
Columbia Business School
Uris Hall 141
A light dinner will be served
Please register at: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/5467385096#