Abdominal Pelvic Regions Lesson w/ Anatomage Table:

Abdominal Pelvic Regions Lesson w/ Anatomage Table:
1. Setup the Anatomage table to project the Full body male on the overhead projector using the instructions
for connecting to the projector.
2. Open the Male Full Body Scans. Using the Eye select the split full body left/cross section view right. This will
put the full body on the left window. Make sure the projector is pulled in correctly to display this screen.
3. Use the pen feature to draw a region on the body using the landmarks of the skin.
4. Remove the integumentary system from view using the Eye feature and turn off integument.
5. Now the skeletal muscles will be visible. Turn on annotations (labels) using the label button (bottom left by
power button). Discuss which muscles are found in each region. (You can use the pen to adjust the gridlines
of the regions.)
(Rectus abdominus-epigastric, umbilical, hypogastric) (External/Internal obliques- Hypochondriac, lumbar,
iliac) (Diaphragm- forms upper boundary of hypochondriac/epigastric regions)
6. Remove the muscular system from view using the eye feature and select muscular system to turn it off.
7. Now the internal organs and skeletal system are visible. Discuss which bones of the skeleton are included in
each region. (You can use the pen to adjust the gridlines of the regions.)
(False ribs 7-12 in the hypochondriac regions….costal cartilage in epigastric)(Lumbar vertebraeepigastric,umbilical region)(Sacrum/coccyx-hypogastric)(pelvis- ilium in iliac)(pelvis-pubic in hypogastric
8. Remove the skeletal system from view using the eye feature. Select skeletal system to turn off.
9. Highlight the organs found in each region, note those that are included in multiple regions.
10. Discuss possible real-life situations for patients when region identification would be useful.
Student Worksheet Abdominal Pelvic Regions:
Part I: Label the regions in the diagram.
Part II: Indicate which region(s) would be important in each situation.
1. Umbilical cord _________________________
2. Stomach __________________________
3. Bladder ___________________________
4. Appendix __________________________
5. Ovaries (female) _____________________
6. Pancreatitis _________________________
7. Peptic ulcer _________________________
8. Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) __________________________
9. Ectopic pregnancy ____________________ ___________________________
10. Liver ___________________________
11. Kidney ________________________
12. Spleen __________________________
Student Worksheet Abdominal Pelvic Regions: ANSWERS
Part I: Label the regions in the diagram.
Part II: Indicate which region(s) would be important in each situation.
1. Umbilical cord ___Umbilical______________________
2. Stomach ___L hypochondriac_______________________
3. Bladder ___hypogastric________________________
4. Appendix ____R iliac ______________________
5. Ovaries (female) ____R iliac_________________
_____L iliac______________________
6. Pancreatitis ____Epigastric_____________________
7. Peptic ulcer _____Epigastric____________________
8. Myocardial Infarction (Heart attack) _____Epigastric_____________________
9. Ectopic pregnancy ___R iliac_________________ ________L iliac___________________
10. Liver ____R hypochondriac_______________________
11. Kidney ____R hypochondriac____________________
_____L hypochondriac______________________
__R lumbar____________________________
_____L lumbar______________________
12. Spleen ____L hypochondriac______________________